My course “Learn English with Stories” is designed for BEGINNER English learners like yourself.
It uses short stories to introduce you to English in a simple, natural and enjoyable way.
The methodology of my course is based on a theory by linguist Stephen Krashen. His theory is called Comprehensible Input. His theory states that when you understand the language that you are reading or listening to (input), you will naturally acquire that language. You will develop the basic understanding of grammar and vocabulary in a natural way. You will use this natural acquisition later when you speak in English.
The stories are developed based on Paul Nation's New General Service List. This list is a foundation of vocabulary. These are the words that native speakers use the most. When you know these words, then you will know about 90% of the words that native speakers use on a normal basis. These are very powerful words that you should know.
Each story is divided into Four Parts
Part A is an introduction to the story. It is the first version of the story you will read and listen to.
Part B is an alternate version of the same story: it is the same story in a different verb tense (past, future, etc.), or the same story from another person’s perspective (1st person “I am” to 3rd person “she is” or “we are”).
Part C presents questions about the story you have just read. This portion of the lesson not only presents Question Forms of English, but also allows you to check your comprehension of the story.
The final part is a Review of the three texts you just saw. All the texts are presented in full with an accompanying audio.
Watch the video
The video presents the full text of Part A of the story, both the audio and the written text. Simple images are used to help establish context and create better associations between text and meaning. There are subtitles available in many languages to help you with comprehension. Try not to use them unless you absolutely feel you have to to understand completely.
Read each portion of the text until you are comfortable with the meaning of most or all of the words. Remember, you do not need to know every single word to understand the meaning of the text. Many words you can guess from context. The words you are not sure of, you can easily find a translation or definition for online.
Read the text
Listen to the audio
You can listen to the audio of each portion of the text as many times as you want. You can use the audio to practice your listening comprehension skills. You can also listen and try to repeat what you hear. That way you can practice your pronunciation skills as well.
Move on to the next story
When you are comfortable with Part A, B, C and the Review of each story, feel free to move on to the next story, and begin the process again. There is no fixed order for these stories. You can move forward or backward in the list and re-read any story you want. This process ensures that you will be exposed to the most frequently used words in the English language. You will also be engaging with the language in a fun and meaningful way.
By following the steps, you will build a strong foundational vocabulary and develop confidence in using English naturally.