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Maria rides her bike to work every day.

She has an electric bicycle.

An electric bike is also called an “e-bike”.

The “e” means “electric”!

She leaves her apartment every morning at around 7:30 am. 

She arrives at work at about 7:45 am.

It takes her about 15 minutes to get to work.

Maria is very concerned about her safety.

So, she always wears a helmet to protect her head.

She also wears a reflective jacket.

The jacket is bright orange and yellow.

People can see her clearly when she rides her bike.

When she arrives at work, she uses her bike lock to lock her bike.

No one can steal her bike when it is locked.

Her e-bike is very expensive!

At the end of the day, she leaves work and rides her e-bike home. 

It normally takes her about 15 minutes to get home.

After she gets home, she needs to recharge the battery.

She recharges the battery every night so the e-bike will function properly the next day.

She does not want to be late to work!!!