THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading

Specially edited for beginner learners!

Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Roast Mutton
Carneiro Assado

Bilbo woke up suddenly. 

Bilbo acordou de repente.

As he walked to the kitchen, he realized that his nightmares from the night before were not bad dreams at all! 

Enquanto ia para a cozinha, ele percebeu que seus pesadelos da noite anterior não eram pesadelos! 

What a terrible mess there was in the kitchen! 

Que bagunça terrível havia na cozinha! 

Not only had the Dwarves left without waking Bilbo up, they had used every bowl and plate and cup and glass for breakfast, and they did not wash anything! 

Os Anões não só foram embora sem acordar Bilbo, como usaram todas as tigelas, pratos, xícaras e copos para o café da manhã, e não lavaram nada! 

He was relieved that they were gone, but he also felt a little disappointed.

Ele ficou aliviado por eles terem ido embora, mas também se sentiu um pouco desapontado.

“Don’t be silly, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself. 

“Não seja bobo, Bilbo Baggins!” ele falou pra si mesmo. 

“Just imagine, you climbing mountains and fighting dragons! 

“Imagine, você escalando montanhas e lutando contra dragões! 

And at your age!” 

E na sua idade!” 

He began to eat some cake, which helped him forget the adventures from the night before. 

Começou a comer um bolo, o que o ajudou a esquecer as aventuras da noite anterior.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 4 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading


THE HOBBIT Chapter 2- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading