THE HOBBIT Chapter 4 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!

Capítulo 4

A Short Rest
Um breve descanso

The journey continued for many days, and they began to feel the danger that was all around them.

A viagem continuou por muitos dias, e eles começaram a sentir o perigo que os cercava.

There was very little food in the bags, and at night, their ponies ate better than they did.

Havia muito pouca comida nas sacolas e, à noite, seus pôneis comiam melhor do que eles.

One morning they crossed a river that was wide and shallow. 

Certa manhã, atravessaram um rio largo e raso.

The water made a pleasant sound as it flowed over the rocks. 

A água fazia um som agradável enquanto corria sobre as rochas.  

Bilbo could not identify exactly what he was feeling, but he sensed a magic that was in the river as they crossed to the other side.

Bilbo não conseguia identificar exatamente o que estava sentindo, mas sentiu uma magia que estava no rio enquanto eles cruzavam para o outro lado.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 6 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading


THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading