THE HOBBIT Chapter 2- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading

Specially edited for beginner learners!

Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


An Unexpected Party
Uma Festa Inesperada

The next day Bilbo forgot completely about Gandalf. 

No dia seguinte, Bilbo se esqueceu completamente de Gandalf.

Just before tea-time, there was a very loud ring on his front door bell, and then he remembered! Gandalf! 

Pouco antes da hora do chá, houve um toque muito alto na campainha da porta da frente, e então ele se lembrou! Gandalf!

He quickly prepared some tea and cake, and ran to the door.

Ele rapidamente preparou um pouco de chá e bolo e correu para a porta.

“I am so sorry to keep you waiting!” is what he was going to say, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was not Gandalf at all. 

"Sinto muito por deixá-lo esperar!" é o que ele ia dizer, mas quando abriu a porta, viu que não era Gandalf.

It was a Dwarf with a long, blue beard, and very bright eyes. 

Era um Anão com uma longa barba azul e olhos muito brilhantes.

On his head was a dark green hood. 

Em sua cabeça havia um capuz verde escuro.

As soon as Bilbo opened the door, the Dwarf came inside, as if he had been invited.

Assim que Bilbo abriu a porta, o Anão entrou, como se tivesse sido convidado.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading


The Hobbit - English Reading for Beginners