THE HOBBIT Chapter 9 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Barrel Rider

Poor Mr. Baggins! He lived for a very long time in those caves. He was all alone, and he was always hiding. He did not take off his ring, not for a single moment. He slept in remote corners of the caves so the Elves would not find him. He was lonely and miserable.

Sometimes the Elves would leave the palace to hunt in the forest. Bilbo followed them from time to time, but it was a dangerous thing to do. When he was outside the gates, he realized there was nothing he could do! He did not know where he was, and he did not want to get lost in the forest. Most of all, he did not want to abandon the Dwarves. So he stayed in the Elf caves. 

He was hungry most of the time. He was invisible, so he was able to steal food and drink when possible. But he was afraid the Elves would discover him. “I am like a burglar who can’t escape. I am forced to burgle the same house day after day,” he thought. “This is the most tedious part of this uncomfortable adventure!”

Bilbo was alone and scared, but he did not spend his time in the caves doing nothing. He was diligent, and soon he knew his way around the caves very well! He watched the guards, and he watched their movements. And finally, after about two weeks, Bilbo managed to discover where each of the Dwarves was kept. He found all of their cells in different parts of the palace.

Thorin was the last Dwarf Bilbo found. He was in a cell deep under the ground. When Bilbo found him, Thorin was desperate. He had lost all hope, and he was going to tell the Elf king everything about their journey. Until he heard Bilbo’s little voice in the keyhole! “Thorin! At last, I have found you!”

They talked for a long time. And soon, Thorin decided not to reveal anything to the Elf king. “I will never share my treasure with these Elves!“ said Thorin angrily. “Tell the other Dwarves, my dear Burglar Baggins, that they should not lose hope. I am sure you will find a way to break us out of these Elvish prison cells!”

Bilbo did what he was told - he talked to all of the Dwarves about Thorin’s decision. They agreed with Thorin about two things: one, that they would never share their portions of the treasure with any Elf! And two, that Bilbo would certainly find a way for all of them to escape. But Bilbo himself was not so sure! 

So Bilbo sat and thought and thought, until his head was hurting. But he could not think of any great ideas. He had one invisible ring for himself, which was a wonderful thing. But it was not helpful for all fourteen of them. But of course, as you can imagine, Bilbo did rescue his friends in the end. And this is how it happened:

One day, while he was wandering through the caves, Bilbo discovered that the front gates were not the only entrance to the caves. There was a stream that flowed in the deepest part of the palace. The stream left the palace, and before it flowed into the principal Forest River, there was a watergate!

The gate was often open, because there was a lot of traffic and trade that went in and out through the watergate. The Elf king’s cellars were above the watergate. There the Elf king kept all his food and drink. Especially - wine! Barrels and barrels full of wine, food, fish and other supplies from Laketown, the town of men on the Long Lake near the eastern border of Mirkwood.

Laketown was a town that was built on bridges and piers on top of the water on Long Lake. It was built over the water to protect the men from all types of enemies - especially against the dragon of the Lonely Mountain. 

The barrels from Laketown were tied together like big rafts and pushed up the river to the Elf king’s palace. When the barrels were empty, the Elves pushed them through trap-doors in the floor of the cellar. The barrels would fall into the stream. The Elves would then open the watergate and the empty barrels would flow along the river back to Laketown. Bilbo thought a lot about the watergate. And he thought a lot about the barrels. And soon, he had the beginning of a desperate plan!

One day, Bilbo discovered something important! The Elf guards were talking about a feast that the Elf king was going to have that night in the palace. “Come with me,” said one guard to another, “I will show you the new barrels of fine wine and delicious food that have arrived from Laketown. We can try some before the king drinks all the wine during the feast.”

An unusual kind of luck was with Bilbo that night. The guards went down into the cellars, with Bilbo close behind them. There, stacked one on top of the other, were dozens and dozens of barrels, full of food and wine for the feast. The Elf king’s guards were not supposed to drink this fine wine, but these guards were friends with the cellar guard. And soon they were all very drunk from the king’s fine wine!

Before long, both the king’s guards and the cellar guard were sleeping at the table. The king’s wine was really a very good, strong wine! This was Bilbo’s chance! In perfect Hobbit silence, Bilbo approached the sleeping guard, and soon he was without his prison keys! What an amazing display of Hobbit burglary!

One by one, Bilbo unlocked all the Dwarves from their prison cells. The last to be freed was Thorin. “Gandalf was right, after all!” cried Thorin. “There is no better burglar in all of Middle Earth! But what do we do now?” Bilbo saw that now was the time to explain his desperate plan. The Dwarves did not like his plan at all. They grumbled and complained, even though there was no other hope for them.

“We will be hurt!” cried some of the Dwarves. “We will all drown in the river!” cried others. Bilbo was very frustrated. “If that is how you will thank me, then come with me,” he said, “and I will return you to your cells in the Elf king’s dungeon!” The Dwarves calmed down considerably after Bilbo said those words to them. They were ready to listen now.

Bilbo and the Dwarves had to act quickly, before the king’s men came to get the food and wine. Bilbo led the Dwarves down to the cellars. And there, still snoring at the table, were the Elf guards. “No time now, my good Dwarves!” said Bilbo. “Into the barrels, as fast as you can!”

Bilbo really was a good Hobbit. Before he put the Dwarves into the barrels, he returned the prison keys back to the prison guard. “That will protect him from some of the trouble he will be in tomorrow,” thought Mr. Baggins. “That guard was a good Elf, after all. And he was very decent to my friends, the Dwarves.”

One by one, Bilbo helped the Dwarves climb into the barrels. These barrels were the ones to be returned that night to Laketown. Finally, after some complaining and grumbling, all the Dwarves were packed into barrels like sardines at the market. Thorin, of course, complained the most - his barrel was, in fact, a barrel full of sardines! Oh, the smell!!!

Only a moment after the last Dwarf was in his barrel, the king’s men came to the cellar to push the barrels into the stream, and off to Laketown. They saw the sleeping Elves and laughed at them. “Here they are!” they yelled. “This is why we did not see them at the feast! Come on, wake up! Help us push the barrels into the stream!”

They all laughed and drank one more cup of the king’s fine wine. Then they opened the trap-door and started rolling the barrels down into the cold water below. It was at that moment that Bilbo realized the weak point in his plan. Of course, he was not in a barrel himself!

Soon there would not be any barrels left! The Elves were rolling them through the trap-door and down into the stream. Now the very last barrel was being rolled through the trap-doors! In a desperate move, and not knowing what else to do, poor little Bilbo grabbed the barrel just as it was being pushed through the trap-door! Splash! Bilbo fell into the cold stream below, with the barrel on top of him!

Bilbo did not know how to swim - in fact, most Hobbits do not know how to swim. They do not love the water. But Bilbo did not let go of the barrel! He tried to climb up onto the barrel, but every time he tried, the barrel rolled over and pushed him back into the water. His mouth was full of water, his eyes were full of water and his ears were full of water.

Then suddenly, it became very dark. The Elves had closed the trap-doors! Bilbo was holding on desperately to his barrel in the icy water, all alone. He was all alone because you cannot count thirteen Dwarves packed in barrels as your friends in times like these. Soon, he heard the watergate open and he could see the light of day, and the light of freedom.

One by one, the barrels passed through the watergate and into the Forest River. Bilbo and the Dwarves were free! Once again, luck was with our Mr. Baggins. The barrels began to collect in a curve of the river. There, men from Long Lake were waiting. They tied the barrels together, like large rafts, and began pushing them down the river again. Bilbo was able to climb onto the top of his barrel. The wind was cold, but he preferred the cold wind to the icy water.

Finally,  as night came, after many hours of bobbing and rolling and swaying on top of the raft of barrels, Bilbo and the Dwarves arrived at Long Lake. There the men of Laketown pushed the barrels to the shore. The next day they would bring them to the town and empty them, then fill them up again and return them to the Elf king’s palace.

Bilbo, wet and cold, managed to climb off the raft of barrels and find a safe place to sleep for the night. His magic ring made him invisible, but the lake men could easily see his wet footprints! He began to sneeze in loud Hobbit sneezes! Soon, the men protecting the barrels were in a great commotion! But he was able to escape into the woods and sleep behind a tree for the night.

He woke up with the gray morning, and a loud sneeze! He walked silently towards the lake. He was just in time! The lake men were pushing the barrels - with the Dwarves still inside - into the river. At the last moment, Bilbo ran and jumped onto the barrel raft! He had escaped! Scared and anxious for his friends, Bilbo rode the barrels towards Laketown.

Chapter 9
Capítulo 9

Barril Rider
Cavalheiro do Barril

Poor Mr. Baggins!
Pobre Sr. Bolseiro!

He lived for a very long time in those caves.
Ele viveu por muito tempo naquelas cavernas.

He was all alone, and he was always hiding.
Ele estava sozinho, e ele estava sempre se escondendo.

He did not take off his ring, not for a single moment.
Ele não tirou o anel, nem por um único momento.

He slept in remote corners of the caves so the Elves would not find him.
Ele dormia em cantos remotos das cavernas para que os Elfos não o encontrassem.

He was lonely and miserable.
Ele era solitário e miserável.

Sometimes the Elves would leave the palace to hunt in the forest.
Às vezes os elfos saíam do palácio para caçar na floresta.

Bilbo followed them from time to time, but it was a dangerous thing to do.
Bilbo os seguia de vez em quando, mas era uma coisa perigosa de se fazer.

When he was outside the gates, he realized there was nothing he could do!
Quando ele estava fora dos portões, ele percebeu que não havia nada que pudesse fazer!

He did not know where he was, and he did not want to get lost in the forest.
Ele não sabia onde estava e não queria se perder na floresta.

Most of all, he did not want to abandon the Dwarves.
Acima de tudo, ele não queria abandonar os Anões.

So he stayed in the Elf caves.
Então ele ficou nas cavernas dos Elfos.

He was hungry most of the time.
Ele estava com fome a maior parte do tempo.

He was invisible, so he was able to steal food and drink when possible.
Ele era invisível, então ele era capaz de roubar comida e bebida quando possível.

But he was afraid the Elves would discover him.
Mas ele tinha medo que os Elfos o descobrissem.

“I am like a burglar who can’t escape.
“Sou como um ladrão que não pode escapar.

I am forced to burgle the same house day after day,” he thought.
Sou obrigado a assaltar a mesma casa dia após dia”, pensou.

“This is the most tedious part of this uncomfortable adventure!”
“Esta é a parte mais tediosa desta aventura desconfortável!”

Bilbo was alone and scared, but he did not spend his time in the caves doing nothing.
Bilbo estava sozinho e assustado, mas não passava o tempo nas cavernas sem fazer nada.

He was diligent, and soon he knew his way around the caves very well!
Ele era diligente e logo conhecia muito bem o caminho pelas cavernas!

He watched the guards, and he watched their movements.
Ele observava os guardas e observava seus movimentos.

And finally, after about two weeks, Bilbo managed to discover where each of the Dwarves was kept.
E finalmente, depois de cerca de duas semanas, Bilbo conseguiu descobrir onde cada um dos anões foi mantido.

He found all of their cells in different parts of the palace.
Ele encontrou todas as suas celas em diferentes partes do palácio.

Thorin was the last Dwarf Bilbo found.
Thorin foi o último anão que Bilbo descobriu.

He was in a cell deep under the ground.
Ele estava em uma cela profundamente sob o solo.

When Bilbo found him, Thorin was desperate.
Quando Bilbo o encontrou, Thorin estava desesperado.

He had lost all hope, and he was going to tell the Elf king everything about their journey.
Ele havia perdido toda a esperança e ia contar ao rei elfo tudo sobre sua jornada.

Until he heard Bilbo’s little voice in the keyhole!
Até que ouviu a vozinha de Bilbo no buraco da fechadura!

“Thorin! At last, I have found you!”
“Torino! Finalmente, encontrei você!”

They talked for a long time.
Eles conversaram por um longo tempo.

And soon, Thorin decided not to reveal anything to the Elf king.
E logo, Thorin decidiu não revelar nada ao rei elfo.

“I will never share my treasure with these Elves!“ said Thorin angrily.
“Eu nunca vou compartilhar meu tesouro com esses Elfos!” disse Thorin com raiva.

“Tell the other Dwarves, my dear Burglar Baggins, that they should not lose hope.
“Diga aos outros anões, meu caro Ladrão Baggins, que eles não devem perder a esperança.

I am sure you will find a way to break us out of these Elvish prison cells!”
Tenho certeza de que você encontrará uma maneira de nos tirar dessas celas de prisão élfica!

Bilbo did what he was told - he talked to all of the Dwarves about Thorin’s decision.
Bilbo fez o que lhe foi dito - ele conversou com todos os anões sobre a decisão de Thorin.

They agreed with Thorin about two things:
Eles concordaram com Thorin sobre duas coisas:

one, that they would never share their portions of the treasure with any Elf!
uma, que eles nunca compartilhariam suas porções do tesouro com nenhum elfo!

And two, that Bilbo would certainly find a way for all of them to escape.
E dois, que Bilbo certamente encontraria uma maneira de todos eles escaparem.

But Bilbo himself was not so sure!
Mas o próprio Bilbo não tinha tanta certeza!

So Bilbo sat and thought and thought, until his head was hurting.
Então Bilbo sentou e pensou e pensou, até sua cabeça doer.

But he could not think of any great ideas.
Mas ele não conseguia pensar em nenhuma grande ideia.

He had one invisible ring for himself, which was a wonderful thing.
Ele tinha um anel invisível para si mesmo, o que era uma coisa maravilhosa.

But it was not helpful for all fourteen of them.
Mas não foi útil para todos os quatorze deles.

But of course, as you can imagine, Bilbo did rescue his friends in the end.
Mas é claro, como você pode imaginar, Bilbo resgatou seus amigos no final.

And this is how it happened:
E foi assim que aconteceu:

One day, while he was wandering through the caves, Bilbo discovered that the front gates were not the only entrance to the caves.
Um dia, enquanto vagava pelas cavernas, Bilbo descobriu que os portões da frente não eram a única entrada para as cavernas.

There was a stream that flowed in the deepest part of the palace.
Havia um riacho que corria na parte mais profunda do palácio.

The stream left the palace, and before it flowed into the principal Forest River, there was a watergate!
O riacho saiu do palácio e, antes de desaguar no principal Rio da Floresta, havia uma comporta!

The gate was often open, because there was a lot of traffic and trade that went in and out through the watergate.
O portão estava frequentemente aberto, porque havia muito tráfego e comércio que entrava e saía pela comporta.

The Elf king’s cellars were above the watergate.
As adegas do rei elfo ficavam acima da comporta.

There the Elf king kept all his food and drink.
Lá o rei elfo mantinha toda a sua comida e bebida.

Especially - wine!
Especialmente - vinho!

Barrels and barrels full of wine, food, fish and other supplies from Laketown, the town of men on the Long Lake near the eastern border of Mirkwood.
Barris e barris cheios de vinho, comida, peixe e outros suprimentos de Laketown, a cidade dos homens no Long Lake, perto da fronteira leste de Mirkwood.

Laketown was a town that was built on bridges and piers on top of the water on Long Lake.
Laketown era uma cidade que foi construída sobre pontes e píeres em cima da água em Long Lake.

It was built over the water to protect the men from all types of enemies -
Foi construído sobre a água para proteger os homens de todos os tipos de inimigos -

especially against the dragon of the Lonely Mountain.
especialmente contra o dragão da Montanha Solitária.

The barrels from Laketown were tied together like big rafts and pushed up the river to the Elf king’s palace.
Os barris de Laketown foram amarrados como grandes jangadas e empurrados rio acima até o palácio do rei elfo.

When the barrels were empty, the Elves pushed them through trap-doors in the floor of the cellar.
Quando os barris ficaram vazios, os Elfos os empurraram através de alçapões no chão do porão.

The barrels would fall into the stream.
Os barris cairiam no riacho.

The Elves would then open the watergate and the empty barrels would flow along the river back to Laketown.
Os Elfos então abririam a comporta e os barris vazios fluiriam ao longo do rio de volta para Laketown.

Bilbo thought a lot about the watergate.
Bilbo pensou muito na comporta.

And he thought a lot about the barrels.
E ele pensou muito sobre os barris.

And soon, he had the beginning of a desperate plan!
E logo, ele teve o início de um plano desesperado!

One day, Bilbo discovered something important!
Um dia, Bilbo descobriu algo importante!

The Elf guards were talking about a feast that the Elf king was going to have that night in the palace.
Os guardas elfos estavam falando sobre um banquete que o rei dos elfos faria naquela noite no palácio.

“Come with me,” said one guard to another, “I will show you the new barrels of fine wine and delicious food that have arrived from Laketown.
“Venha comigo”, disse um guarda a outro, “vou lhe mostrar os novos barris de vinho fino e comida deliciosa que chegaram de Laketown.

We can try some before the king drinks all the wine during the feast.”
Podemos provar um pouco antes que o rei beba todo o vinho durante o banquete.”

An unusual kind of luck was with Bilbo that night.
Uma sorte incomum estava com Bilbo naquela noite.

The guards went down into the cellars, with Bilbo close behind them.
Os guardas desceram aos porões, com Bilbo logo atrás deles.

There, stacked one on top of the other, were dozens and dozens of barrels, full of food and wine for the feast.
Ali, empilhados uns sobre os outros, estavam dezenas e dezenas de barris, cheios de comida e vinho para a festa.

The Elf king’s guards were not supposed to drink this fine wine, but these guards were friends with the cellar guard.
Os guardas do rei elfo não deveriam beber esse vinho fino, mas esses guardas eram amigos do guarda da adega.

And soon they were all very drunk from the king’s fine wine!
E logo estavam todos muito bêbados com o bom vinho do rei!

Before long, both the king’s guards and the cellar guard were sleeping at the table.
Em pouco tempo, tanto os guardas do rei quanto o guarda da adega estavam dormindo à mesa.

The king’s wine was really a very good, strong wine!
O vinho do rei era realmente um vinho muito bom e forte!

This was Bilbo’s chance!
Essa era a chance de Bilbo!

In perfect Hobbit silence, Bilbo approached the sleeping guard, and soon he was without his prison keys!
Em perfeito silêncio Hobbit, Bilbo se aproximou do guarda adormecido, e logo ele estava sem as chaves da prisão!

What an amazing display of Hobbit burglary!
Que exibição incrível do roubo do Hobbit!

One by one, Bilbo unlocked all the Dwarves from their prison cells.
Um por um, Bilbo destrancou todos os anões de suas celas de prisão.

The last to be freed was Thorin.
O último a ser libertado foi Thorin.

“Gandalf was right, after all!” cried Thorin.
“Gandalf estava certo, afinal!” gritou Thorin.

“There is no better burglar in all of Middle Earth!
“Não há ladrão melhor em toda a Terra Média!

But what do we do now?”
Mas o que fazemos agora?”

Bilbo saw that now was the time to explain his desperate plan.
Bilbo viu que agora era a hora de explicar seu plano desesperado.

The Dwarves did not like his plan at all.
Os anões não gostaram nada do plano dele.

They grumbled and complained, even though there was no other hope for them.
Eles resmungaram e reclamaram, embora não houvesse outra esperança para eles.

“We will be hurt!” cried some of the Dwarves.
“Nós seremos feridos!” gritaram alguns dos anões.

“We will all drown in the river!” cried others.
“Vamos todos nos afogar no rio!” gritaram outros.

Bilbo was very frustrated.
Bilbo estava muito frustrado.

“If that is how you will thank me, then come with me,” he said,
"Se é assim que você vai me agradecer, então venha comigo", disse ele,

“and I will return you to your cells in the Elf king’s dungeon!”
"e eu vou devolvê-lo às suas celas na masmorra do rei elfo!"

The Dwarves calmed down considerably after Bilbo said those words to them.
Os anões se acalmaram consideravelmente depois que Bilbo disse aquelas palavras para eles.

They were ready to listen now.
Eles estavam prontos para ouvir agora.

Bilbo and the Dwarves had to act quickly, before the king’s men came to get the food and wine.
Bilbo e os anões tiveram que agir rapidamente, antes que os homens do rei viessem buscar a comida e vinho.

Bilbo led the Dwarves down to the cellars.
Bilbo conduziu os anões até os porões.

And there, still snoring at the table, were the Elf guards.
E lá, ainda roncando na mesa, estavam os guardas elfos.

“No time now, my good Dwarves!” said Bilbo.
“Não há tempo agora, meus bons anões!” disse Bilbo.

“Into the barrels, as fast as you can!”
“Para os barris, o mais rápido que puder!”

Bilbo really was a good Hobbit.
Bilbo realmente era um bom Hobbit.

Before he put the Dwarves into the barrels, he returned the prison keys back to the prison guard.
Antes de colocar os anões nos barris, ele devolveu as chaves da prisão ao guarda da prisão.

“That will protect him from some of the trouble he will be in tomorrow,” thought Mr. Baggins.
“Isso o protegerá de alguns dos problemas que ele terá amanhã”, pensou o Sr. Baggins.

“That guard was a good Elf, after all.
“Aquele guarda era um bom elfo, afinal.

And he was very decent to my friends, the Dwarves.”
E ele foi muito decente com meus amigos, os anões.”

One by one, Bilbo helped the Dwarves climb into the barrels.
Um por um, Bilbo ajudou os anões a entrar nos barris.

These barrels were the ones to be returned that night to Laketown.
Esses barris foram os a serem devolvidos naquela noite para Laketown.

Finally, after some complaining and grumbling, all the Dwarves were packed into barrels like sardines at the market.
Finalmente, depois de algumas reclamações e resmungos, todos os anões foram embalados em barris como sardinhas no mercado.

Thorin, of course, complained the most -
Thorin, é claro, foi o que mais reclamou -

his barrel was, in fact, a barrel full of sardines!
seu barril era, na verdade, um barril cheio de sardinhas!

Oh, the smell!!!
Ah, que cheiro!!!

Only a moment after the last Dwarf was in his barrel, the king’s men came to the cellar to push the barrels into the stream, and off to Laketown.
Apenas um momento depois que o último anão estava em seu barril, os homens do rei vieram ao porão para empurrar os barris para o riacho e para Laketown.

They saw the sleeping Elves and laughed at them.
Eles viram os elfos adormecidos e riram deles.

“Here they are!” they yelled.
"Aqui estão eles!" gritaram.

“This is why we did not see them at the feast!
“É por isso que não os vimos na festa!

Come on, wake up!
Vamos, acordem!

Help us push the barrels into the stream!”
Ajude-nos a empurrar os barris para o riacho!”

They all laughed and drank one more cup of the king’s fine wine.
Todos riram e beberam mais uma taça do bom vinho do rei.

Then they opened the trap-door and started rolling the barrels down into the cold water below.
Então eles abriram o alçapão e começaram a rolar os barris para a água fria abaixo.

It was at that moment that Bilbo realized the weak point in his plan.
Foi nesse momento que Bilbo percebeu o ponto fraco de seu plano.

Of course, he was not in a barrel himself!
Claro, ele não estava em um barril!

Soon there would not be any barrels left!
Em breve não haveria mais barris!

The Elves were rolling them through the trap-door and down into the stream.
Os elfos os empurravam pelo alçapão e para o riacho abaixo.

Now the very last barrel was being rolled through the trap-doors!
Agora o último barril estava sendo rolado pelos alçapões!

In a desperate move, and not knowing what else to do, poor little Bilbo grabbed the barrel just as it was being pushed through the trap-door!
Numa ação desesperada, e sem saber mais o que fazer, o pobre pequeno Bilbo agarrou o barril no momento em que ele estava sendo empurrado pelo alçapão!

Splash! Bilbo fell into the cold stream below, with the barrel on top of him!
Splash! Bilbo caiu no riacho frio abaixo, com o barril em cima dele!

Bilbo did not know how to swim - in fact, most Hobbits do not know how to swim.
Bilbo não sabia nadar - na verdade, a maioria dos Hobbits não sabe nadar.

They do not love the water.
Eles não amam a água.

But Bilbo did not let go of the barrel!
Mas Bilbo não largou o barril!

He tried to climb up onto the barrel, but every time he tried, the barrel rolled over and pushed him back into the water.
Ele tentou subir no barril, mas toda vez que tentou, o barril rolou e o empurrou de volta para a água.

His mouth was full of water,
Sua boca estava cheia de água,

his eyes were full of water
seus olhos estavam cheios de água

and his ears were full of water.
e seus ouvidos estavam cheios de água.

Then suddenly, it became very dark.
Então, de repente, ficou muito escuro.

The Elves had closed the trap-doors!
Os elfos tinham fechado os alçapões!

Bilbo was holding on desperately to his barrel in the icy water, all alone.
Bilbo estava segurando desesperadamente seu barril na água gelada, sozinho.

He was all alone because you cannot count thirteen Dwarves packed in barrels as your friends in times like these.
Ele estava todo sozinho porque você não pode contar treze anões embalados em barris como seus amigos em tempos como estes.

Soon, he heard the watergate open and he could see the light of day, and the light of freedom.
Logo, ele ouviu a comporta se abrir e pôde ver a luz do dia e a luz da liberdade.

One by one, the barrels passed through the watergate and into the Forest River.
Um a um, os barris passaram pela comporta e para o Rio da Floresta.

Bilbo and the Dwarves were free!
Bilbo e os anões estavam livres!

Once again, luck was with our Mr. Baggins.
Mais uma vez, a sorte estava com nosso Sr. Baggins.

The barrels began to collect in a curve of the river.
Os barris começaram a se acumular em uma curva do rio.

There, men from Long Lake were waiting.
Lá, homens de Long Lake estavam esperando.

They tied the barrels together, like large rafts, and began pushing them down the river again.
Eles amarraram os barris juntos, como grandes jangadas, e começaram a empurrá-los rio abaixo novamente.

Bilbo was able to climb onto the top of his barrel.
Bilbo conseguiu subir no topo de seu barril.

The wind was cold, but he preferred the cold wind to the icy water.
O vento estava frio, mas ele preferia o vento frio à água gelada.

Finally,  as night came, after many hours of bobbing and rolling and swaying on top of the raft of barrels, Bilbo and the Dwarves arrived at Long Lake.
Finalmente, quando a noite chegou, depois de muitas horas balançando, rolando e sacudindo em cima da balsa de barris, Bilbo e os anões chegaram a Long Lake.

There the men of Laketown pushed the barrels to the shore.
Lá os homens de Laketown empurraram os barris para a margem.

The next day they would bring them to the town and empty them, then fill them up again and return them to the Elf king’s palace.
No dia seguinte, eles os levariam para a cidade e os esvaziariam, depois os encheriam novamente e os devolveriam ao palácio do rei elfo.

Bilbo, wet and cold, managed to climb off the raft of barrels and find a safe place to sleep for the night.
Bilbo, molhado e com frio, conseguiu descer da balsa de barris e encontrar um lugar seguro para passar a noite.

His magic ring made him invisible, but the lake men could easily see his wet footprints!
Seu anel mágico o tornou invisível, mas os homens do lago podiam facilmente ver suas pegadas molhadas!

He began to sneeze in loud Hobbit sneezes!
Ele começou a espirrar em altos espirros de Hobbit!

Soon, the men protecting the barrels were in a great commotion!
Logo, os homens que protegiam os barris estavam em grande comoção!

But he was able to escape into the woods and sleep behind a tree for the night.
Mas ele conseguiu escapar para a floresta e dormir atrás de uma árvore durante a noite.

He woke up with the gray morning, and a loud sneeze!
Ele acordou com a manhã cinzenta, e um espirro alto!

He walked silently towards the lake.
Ele caminhou silenciosamente em direção ao lago.

He was just in time!
Ele chegou bem na hora!

The lake men were pushing the barrels - with the Dwarves still inside - into the river.
Os homens do lago estavam empurrando os barris - com os anões ainda dentro - no rio.

At the last moment, Bilbo ran and jumped onto the barrel raft!
No último momento, Bilbo correu e pulou na balsa!

He had escaped!
Ele havia escapado!

Scared and anxious for his friends, Bilbo rode the barrels towards Laketown.
Assustado e ansioso por seus amigos, Bilbo montou os barris em direção a Laketown.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 10 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 8 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)