THE HOBBIT Chapter 10 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


The Secret Door

The day became clear and warm as Bilbo and the Dwarves arrived at Laketown in and on their barrels. And there, in the distance, Bilbo finally saw it: Lonely Mountain. The very top of the mountain was visible above the clouds. Bilbo had come very far and he had survived many adventures to see the mountain. And now he did not like to see it at all.

Boats came out from Laketown to pull the barrels towards the town. Soon, men were pulling the barrels from the water. Some men complained about the weight of the barrels. “I thought these barrels were supposed to be empty!” said one Lakeman. After he pulled it onto the pier, he opened it. To his tremendous surprise, out fell a very unhappy Dwarf. He was wet and bruised and there were sardines in his beard. It was Thorin.

There was a great commotion in the town that day! “Who are you and what are you doing here?” the Lakemen asked, after all the Dwarves were removed from their barrels. Bilbo was still wearing his ring. He found a safe place to watch as the townspeople came to see what the excitement was.

“I am Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain!” said the Dwarf in a loud voice. “I have come back. I demand to see the Master of your town!” Then there was great excitement in the town. Some townspeople looked at the mountain, expecting it to turn to gold!

Thorin and the Dwarves were taken to the Master of Laketown. The Master and all the important people of Laketown were at a feast in the Great Hall. When the Dwarves appeared before the Master and his people, they all jumped from their chairs in surprise. But no one was more surprised than the Elves who were sitting at the Master’s table. Those Elves had helped push the barrels down the river to Laketown.

“These Dwarves are prisoners of our king! They must have escaped!” cried the Elves. “Is this true?” asked the Master. The Master did not really believe the Dwarves to begin with. “It is true that we were prisoners of the Elf king,” answered Thorin. “But he had no right to put us in prison.” The Master understood the power of the Elf king, and he did not want to be the Elf king’s enemy.

But the people at the feast, and the people in the town were very happy to see the return of the King Under the Mountain. The Master of Laketown was an intelligent man, and he did not want his townspeople to be angry with him. They were already singing old songs about the return of the King. When the forest Elves heard the happy singing, they began to wonder if their Elf king did not make the wrong decision to put the Dwarves in prison!

Thorin explained his objective to the Master of Laketown. The Master of Laketown and its people were ready to help Thorin and his party. After the feast, the forest Elves returned to the King’s palace. I do not know what happened to the Elf guard who lost his keys to Bilbo, but soon the Elf king knew about Thorin and his efforts to capture the treasure in Lonely Mountain. “We will see what happens if the Dwarves try to return this way with their treasure!” said the Elf king.

At the end of two weeks, Thorin was ready to begin his final journey to Lonely Mountain. For the first time, the Master was surprised and a little frightened. Maybe Thorin was the real, true King Under the Mountain! But the Master was not unhappy to see them leave. These unexpected guests were very expensive. They had eaten a considerable amount of food and they had drunk a considerable amount of beer while they were staying in Laketown.

So, one day, with a cold wind blowing from the north, the party took some boats to the north shore of Long Lake. There they met the horses and ponies the Master had given them. The Master had also given them supplies of food and tools for the rest of their journey. The Dwarves were very happy and excited to begin the final part of the adventure. The only person who was unhappy was Bilbo.

It was a long and difficult journey to Lonely Mountain. It was cold, and the land around the Mountain was empty. They did not talk and they did not laugh. They all thought about the dragon who was still inside the Mountain. Autumn was almost over, but here, close to the mountain, there were no leaves on the trees. There was no life at all. They had come to the Desolation of Smaug. 

As the party approached Lonely Mountain, they passed the ruined city of Dale. Dale was a prosperous town of men. They were allies of the Dwarves before the dragon came. Now the city was empty. They continued north, following the Running River that flowed out of the mountain. But they did not want to go too close to the front gates.

From behind a rock, they could see the dark opening to the Mountain. The front gates. Out of the opening came the River Running. And out of the gates came steam and dark smoke, and a horrible odor. “The dragon is still alive and in the halls under the Mountain. Or I imagine from the smoke,” said the Hobbit. 

The Dwarves and Bilbo were truly scared now. They were alone in this dangerous place. No help was coming. None of them had much spirit left to continue the journey. But Bilbo did not have the same feeling as the Dwarves. He often looked at Thorin’s map. And he often read the message of the moon-letters Elrond had read. It was Bilbo that made the Dwarves begin the dangerous search for the secret door on the western side of the Mountain.

For many days they searched. They climbed up and down the steep side of the Mountain, but they did not find any secret door, or any door at all! But at last, as you can imagine, it was Bilbo who found what they were looking for. As he was walking with Fili and Kili further to the south of the Mountain, they saw a large stone that looked like a pillar. Behind it, Bilbo saw steps, steps going up a path hidden by the rocks.

They went up the steps excitedly. In some places the path disappeared! In other places, they rediscovered the path. After a long and dangerous climb, they arrived at an open space on the right side of the path. It was a secluded area, with grass on the ground. To their left there was nothing - only open air and a long fall. They looked down. Far below, they could see their camp.

The space they were in was not a cave. It was open to the sky above. At the far side of the space, there was a high, flat wall. Near the ground, the wall was perfectly smooth. Only Dwarves could have made the wall so smooth and perfect. But there were no signs of a door post. There were no signs of a doorknob. There were no signs of a keyhole. But they were certain they had found the secret door!

They hit the door with their hands. They kicked the door with their strong boots (Bilbo did not kick the door - Hobbits, you remember, do not wear shoes!). They pushed at the door. They implored the door to open. They spoke fragments of magic spells to try to open the door. Nothing worked. Finally they were tired. They rested on the grass near the wall. Soon it began to get dark. They began the long and dangerous climb down the path to tell the other Dwarves.

There was excitement in the camp that night. The next day, they prepared to move all their equipment and supplies up the dangerous path to the secret door. But Bombur refused to climb the path. “I am too fat to climb the path!” he said. “I am not a mountain goat! I am sure I would fall, and then you would be thirteen again.” So, Bombur stayed at the camp with the horses and ponies.

The Dwarves had brought tools with them - picks and hammers. They used their picks and hammers, banging against the wall. But their tools broke! And their hands were hurt badly! And they were terrified of the loud noises they were making. Bilbo could do nothing to help the Dwarves and the Dwarves were not able to discover the secrets of the door. So Bilbo did nothing. He sat on the grass and he thought. Then he heard the Dwarves talking. 

“The last week of autumn begins tomorrow.” said Thorin. “What is our burglar doing for us? Since he has an invisible ring, I think he should use it and go through the front gates to discover what is going on.” “You said sitting on the doorstep and thinking would be my job,” said Bilbo. “Not to mention getting inside, so I am sitting and thinking.” But I am afraid Bilbo was not thinking much of the job. He was thinking about his comfortable Hobbit hole, far in the distance.

As Bilbo sat and thought, he stared at a large gray stone in the center of the grass. There were large snails on the stone. They crawled slowly along the surface of the rock. The sun was going down and the new moon was coming up. At that very moment he heard a sharp CRACK! There on the gray stone was an enormous bird - a thrush. It was almost black, with a yellow breast with dark spots. Crack! It had caught a snail and was knocking it on the stone. Crack! Crack!

Suddenly Bilbo understood. Quickly Bilbo explained to the Dwarves. He reminded them about the message on the map: “stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the last light of the setting sun on Durin’s Day will shine on the keyhole.” The sun went lower and lower, and their hopes fell. The sun sank behind a cloud and then disappeared. The Dwarves could not control their sadness.

“We have run out of time!” cried Thorin. Then suddenly, when they had lost all hope, a ray of sunlight passed through the cloud. A finger of red light shined into the secluded area and touched the smooth rock wall. The old thrush who was watching from the stone made an excited tweet. Then there was a loud crack! A piece of wall cracked from the wall and fell. A hole appeared suddenly about one meter from the ground.

Quickly, the Dwarves ran to the rock and pushed with all their strength. Nothing happened. “The key! The key!” cried Bilbo. “Where’s Thorin?” Thorin came quickly. “The key!” shouted Bilbo. “The key that went with the map! Try it now while there is still time!”

Then Thorin approached the wall. He took the key from around his neck. He put it in the hole. It fit! He turned it! Snap! The ray of sunlight disappeared. The sun sank, the moon was gone, and the sky was dark.

Now they all pushed together. Slowly, a part of the rock wall began to move inward. And suddenly, where a few moments before there was no sign of a door, now a door one and half meters high and one meter wide was visible in the rock wall. With one more push, the door swung inwards silently. There was a deep, dark hole in the side of the mountain, like an open mouth.

Chapter 10
Capítulo 10

The Secret Door
A Porta Secreta

The day became clear and warm as Bilbo and the Dwarves arrived at Laketown in and on their barrels.
O dia ficou claro e quente quando Bilbo e os anões chegaram a Laketown dentro e em cima de seus barris.

And there, in the distance, Bilbo finally saw it: Lonely Mountain.
E ali, ao longe, Bilbo finalmente a viu: a Montanha Solitária.

The very top of the mountain was visible above the clouds.
O topo da montanha era visível acima das nuvens.

Bilbo had come very far and he had survived many adventures to see the mountain.
Bilbo tinha ido muito longe e tinha sobrevivido a muitas aventuras para ver a montanha.

And now he did not like to see it at all.
E agora ele não gostava de vê-lo.

Boats came out from Laketown to pull the barrels towards the town.
Barcos saíram de Laketown para puxar os barris em direção à cidade.

Soon, men were pulling the barrels from the water.
Logo, os homens estavam puxando os barris da água.

Some men complained about the weight of the barrels.
Alguns homens reclamavam do peso dos barris.

“I thought these barrels were supposed to be empty!” said one Lakeman.
“Achei que esses barris deveriam estar vazios!” disse um Lakeman.

After he pulled it onto the pier, he opened it.
Depois que ele puxou para o cais, ele o abriu.

To his tremendous surprise, out fell a very unhappy Dwarf.
Para sua tremenda surpresa, caiu um anão muito infeliz.

He was wet and bruised and there were sardines in his beard. It was Thorin.
Ele estava molhado e machucado e havia sardinhas em sua barba. Era Thorin.

There was a great commotion in the town that day!
Houve uma grande comoção na cidade naquele dia!

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” the Lakemen asked, after all the Dwarves were removed from their barrels.
“Quem são vocês e o que estão fazendo aqui?” os homens do lago perguntaram, depois que todos os anões foram removidos de seus barris.

Bilbo was still wearing his ring.
Bilbo ainda estava usando seu anel.

He found a safe place to watch as the townspeople came to see what the excitement was.
Ele encontrou um lugar seguro para assistir enquanto as pessoas da cidade vinham ver qual era a comoção.

“I am Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain!” said the Dwarf in a loud voice.
“Eu sou Thorin, filho de Thrain, filho de Thror, Rei Sob a Montanha!” disse o anão em voz alta.

“I have come back.
"Eu voltei.

I demand to see the Master of your town!”
Exijo ver o Mestre de sua cidade!”

Then there was great excitement in the town.
Então, houve uma grande agitação na cidade.

Some townspeople looked at the mountain, expecting it to turn to gold!
Algumas pessoas da cidade olharam para a montanha, esperando que ela se transformasse em ouro!

Thorin and the Dwarves were taken to the Master of Laketown.
Thorin e os anões foram levados ao Mestre de Laketown.

The Master and all the important people of Laketown were at a feast in the Great Hall.
O Mestre e todas as pessoas importantes de Laketown estavam em um banquete no Grande Salão.

When the Dwarves appeared before the Master and his people, they all jumped from their chairs in surprise.
Quando os anões apareceram diante do Mestre e seu povo, todos pularam de suas cadeiras surpresos.

But no one was more surprised than the Elves who were sitting at the Master’s table.
Mas ninguém ficou mais surpreso do que os elfos que estavam sentados à mesa do Mestre.

Those Elves had helped push the barrels down the river to Laketown.
Aqueles Elfos ajudaram a empurrar os barris rio abaixo até Laketown.

“These Dwarves are prisoners of our king!
“Esses anões são prisioneiros do nosso rei!

They must have escaped!” cried the Elves.
Eles devem ter escapado!” gritaram os elfos.

“Is this true?” asked the Master.
"Isso é verdade?" perguntou o Mestre.

The Master did not really believe the Dwarves to begin with.
O Mestre não acreditava realmente nos anões para começar.

“It is true that we were prisoners of the Elf king,” answered Thorin.
“É verdade que éramos prisioneiros do rei elfo”, respondeu Thorin.

“But he had no right to put us in prison.”
“Mas ele não tinha o direito de nos colocar na prisão.”

The Master understood the power of the Elf king, and he did not want to be the Elf king’s enemy.
O Mestre entendia o poder do rei elfo e não queria ser inimigo do rei elfo.

But the people at the feast, and the people in the town were very happy to see the return of the King Under the Mountain.
Mas as pessoas na festa e o povo na cidade ficaram muito felizes em ver o retorno do Rei Sob a Montanha.

The Master of Laketown was an intelligent man, and he did not want his townspeople to be angry with him.
O Mestre de Laketown era um homem inteligente e não queria que seus habitantes ficassem zangados com ele.

They were already singing old songs about the return of the King.
Já cantavam velhas canções sobre a volta do Rei.

When the forest Elves heard the happy singing, they began to wonder if their Elf king did not make the wrong decision to put the Dwarves in prison!
Quando os elfos da floresta ouviram o canto feliz, eles começaram a se perguntar se seu rei elfo não tomou a decisão errada de colocar os anões na prisão!

Thorin explained his objective to the Master of Laketown.
Thorin explicou seu objetivo ao Mestre de Laketown.

The Master of Laketown and its people were ready to help Thorin and his party.
O Mestre de Laketown e seu povo estavam prontos para ajudar Thorin e seu grupo.

After the feast, the forest Elves returned to the King’s palace.
Após o banquete, os elfos da floresta retornaram ao palácio do rei.

I do not know what happened to the Elf guard who lost his keys to Bilbo, but soon the Elf king knew about Thorin and his efforts to capture the treasure in Lonely Mountain.
Eu não sei o que aconteceu com o guarda elfo que perdeu suas chaves para Bilbo, mas logo o rei elfo soube sobre Thorin e seus esforços para capturar o tesouro na Montanha Solitária.

“We will see what happens if the Dwarves try to return this way with their treasure!” said the Elf king.
“Vamos ver o que acontece se os anões tentarem voltar por aqui com seu tesouro!” disse o rei elfo.

At the end of two weeks, Thorin was ready to begin his final journey to Lonely Mountain.
Ao final de duas semanas, Thorin estava pronto para começar sua jornada final para a Montanha Solitária.

For the first time, the Master was surprised and a little frightened.
Pela primeira vez, o Mestre ficou surpreso e um pouco assustado.

Maybe Thorin was the real, true King Under the Mountain!
Talvez Thorin fosse o real e verdadeiro Rei Sob a Montanha!

But the Master was not unhappy to see them leave.
Mas o Mestre não ficou triste ao vê-los partir.

These unexpected guests were very expensive.
Esses convidados inesperados eram muito caros.

They had eaten a considerable amount of food and they had drunk a considerable amount of beer while they were staying in Laketown.
Eles comeram uma quantidade considerável de comida e beberam uma quantidade considerável de cerveja enquanto estavam em Laketown.

So, one day, with a cold wind blowing from the north, the party took some boats to the north shore of Long Lake.
Então, um dia, com um vento frio soprando do norte, o grupo levou alguns barcos para a margem norte de Long Lake.

There they met the horses and ponies the Master had given them.
Lá eles encontraram os cavalos e pôneis que o Mestre lhes deu.

The Master had also given them supplies of food and tools for the rest of their journey.
O Mestre também lhes deu suprimentos de comida e ferramentas para o resto da jornada.

The Dwarves were very happy and excited to begin the final part of the adventure.
Os anões estavam muito felizes e animados para começar a parte final da aventura.

The only person who was unhappy was Bilbo.
A única pessoa que estava infeliz era Bilbo.

It was a long and difficult journey to Lonely Mountain.
Foi uma longa e difícil jornada até a Montanha Solitária.

It was cold, and the land around the Mountain was empty.
Estava frio, e a terra ao redor da Montanha estava vazia.

They did not talk and they did not laugh.
Eles não falaram e não riram.

They all thought about the dragon who was still inside the Mountain.
Todos pensaram no dragão que ainda estava dentro da Montanha.

Autumn was almost over, but here, close to the mountain, there were no leaves on the trees.
O outono estava quase no fim, mas aqui, perto da montanha, não havia folhas nas árvores.

There was no life at all.
Não havia vida nenhuma.

They had come to the Desolation of Smaug.
Eles haviam chegado à Desolação de Smaug.

As the party approached Lonely Mountain, they passed the ruined city of Dale.
Quando o grupo se aproximou da Montanha Solitária, eles passaram pela cidade em ruínas de Dale.

Dale was a prosperous town of men.
Dale era uma próspera cidade de homens.

They were allies of the Dwarves before the dragon came.
Eles eram aliados dos anões antes do dragão chegar.

Now the city was empty.
Agora a cidade estava vazia.

They continued north, following the Running River that flowed out of the mountain.
Eles continuaram para o norte, seguindo o Rio Corrente que saía da montanha.

But they did not want to go too close to the front gates.
Mas eles não queriam chegar muito perto dos portões da frente.

From behind a rock, they could see the dark opening to the Mountain.
De trás de uma rocha, eles podiam ver a abertura escura para a Montanha.

The front gates.
Os portões da frente.

Out of the opening came the River Running.
Fora da abertura veio o Rio Corrente.

And out of the gates came steam and dark smoke, and a horrible odor.
E dos portões vinham um vapor e uma fumaça escura, e um odor horrível.

“The dragon is still alive and in the halls under the Mountain.
“O dragão ainda está vivo e nos corredores sob a Montanha.

Or I imagine from the smoke,” said the Hobbit.
Ou imagino pela fumaça”, disse o Hobbit.

The Dwarves and Bilbo were truly scared now.
Os anões e Bilbo estavam realmente assustados agora.

They were alone in this dangerous place.
Eles estavam sozinhos neste lugar perigoso.

No help was coming.
Nenhuma ajuda estava vindo.

None of them had much spirit left to continue the journey.
Nenhum deles tinha muito ânimo para continuar a jornada.

But Bilbo did not have the same feeling as the Dwarves.
Mas Bilbo não tinha o mesmo sentimento que os anões.

He often looked at Thorin’s map.
Ele frequentemente olhava para o mapa de Thorin.

And he often read the message of the moon-letters Elrond had read.
E ele frequentemente lia a mensagem das letras lunares que Elrond havia lido.

It was Bilbo that made the Dwarves begin the dangerous search for the secret door on the western side of the Mountain.
Foi Bilbo que fez os anões começarem a perigosa busca pela porta secreta no lado oeste da Montanha.

For many days they searched.
Por muitos dias eles procuraram.

They climbed up and down the steep side of the Mountain, but they did not find any secret door, or any door at all!
Subiram e desceram a encosta íngreme da Montanha, mas não encontraram nenhuma porta secreta, ou nenhuma espécie de porta!

But at last, as you can imagine, it was Bilbo who found what they were looking for.
Mas finalmente, como você pode imaginar, foi Bilbo quem encontrou o que procuravam.

As he was walking with Fili and Kili further to the south of the Mountain, they saw a large stone that looked like a pillar.
Enquanto caminhava com Fili e Kili mais ao sul da Montanha, eles viram uma grande pedra que parecia um pilar.

Behind it, Bilbo saw steps, steps going up a path hidden by the rocks.
Atrás dela, Bilbo viu degraus, degraus subindo um caminho escondido pelas rochas.

They went up the steps excitedly.
Eles subiram os degraus animados.

In some places the path disappeared!
Em alguns lugares o caminho desapareceu!

In other places, they rediscovered the path.
Em outros lugares, redescobriram o caminho.

After a long and dangerous climb, they arrived at an open space on the right side of the path.
Depois de uma longa e perigosa subida, chegaram a um espaço aberto do lado direito do caminho.

It was a secluded area, with grass on the ground.
Era uma área isolada, com grama no chão.

To their left there was nothing - only open air and a long fall.
À esquerda não havia nada - apenas ar livre e uma longa queda.

They looked down.
Eles olharam para baixo.

Far below, they could see their camp.
Lá embaixo, eles podiam ver seu acampamento.

The space they were in was not a cave.
O espaço em que estavam não era uma caverna.

It was open to the sky above.
Estava aberto para o céu acima.

At the far side of the space, there was a high, flat wall.
Do outro lado do espaço, havia uma parede alta e plana.

Near the ground, the wall was perfectly smooth.
Perto do chão, a parede era perfeitamente lisa.

Only Dwarves could have made the wall so smooth and perfect.
Apenas anões poderiam ter feito a parede tão lisa e perfeita.

But there were no signs of a door post.
Mas não havia sinais de um batente de porta.

There were no signs of a doorknob.
Não havia sinais de maçaneta.

There were no signs of a keyhole.
Não havia sinais de um buraco de fechadura.

But they were certain they had found the secret door!
Mas eles estavam certos de que haviam encontrado a porta secreta!

They hit the door with their hands.
Eles bateram na porta com as mãos.

They kicked the door with their strong boots
Eles chutaram a porta com suas botas fortes

(Bilbo did not kick the door - Hobbits, you remember, do not wear shoes!).
(Bilbo não chutou a porta - Hobbits, lembre-se, não use sapatos!).

They pushed at the door.
Empurraram a porta.

They implored the door to open.
Imploraram que a porta se abrisse.

They spoke fragments of magic spells to try to open the door.
Eles falaram fragmentos de feitiços mágicos para tentar abrir a porta.

Nothing worked.
Nada funcionou.

Finally they were tired.
Finalmente eles estavam cansados.

They rested on the grass near the wall.
Eles descansaram na grama perto da parede.

Soon it began to get dark.
Logo começou a escurecer.

They began the long and dangerous climb down the path to tell the other Dwarves.
Eles começaram a longa e perigosa descida pelo caminho para contar aos outros anões.
There was excitement in the camp that night.
Havia agitação no acampamento naquela noite.

The next day, they prepared to move all their equipment and supplies up the dangerous path to the secret door.
No dia seguinte, eles se prepararam para transportar todos os seus equipamentos e suprimentos pelo perigoso caminho até a porta secreta.

But Bombur refused to climb the path.
Mas Bombur se recusou a escalar o caminho.

“I am too fat to climb the path!” he said.
“Sou gordo demais para escalar o caminho!” ele disse.

“I am not a mountain goat!
“Eu não sou uma cabra da montanha!

I am sure I would fall, and then you would be thirteen again.”
Tenho certeza de que eu cairia, e então vocês voltariam a ser treze novamente.”

So, Bombur stayed at the camp with the horses and ponies.
Então, Bombur ficou no acampamento com os cavalos e pôneis.

The Dwarves had brought tools with them - picks and hammers.
Os anões trouxeram ferramentas com eles - picaretas e martelos.

They used their picks and hammers, banging against the wall.
Eles usaram suas picaretas e martelos, batendo contra a parede.

But their tools broke!
Mas suas ferramentas quebraram!

And their hands were hurt badly!
E suas mãos estavam muito machucadas!

And they were terrified of the loud noises they were making.
E eles estavam apavorados com os barulhos altos que estavam fazendo.

Bilbo could do nothing to help the Dwarves and the Dwarves were not able to discover the secrets of the door.
Bilbo não pôde fazer nada para ajudar os anões e os anões não conseguiram descobrir os segredos da porta.

So Bilbo did nothing.
Então Bilbo não fez nada.

He sat on the grass and he thought.
Sentou-se na grama e pensou.

Then he heard the Dwarves talking.
Então ele ouviu os anões falando.

“The last week of autumn begins tomorrow.” said Thorin.
“A última semana do outono começa amanhã.” disse Thorin.

“What is our burglar doing for us?
“O que nosso ladrão está fazendo por nós?

Since he has an invisible ring, I think he should use it and go through the front gates to discover what is going on.”
Como ele tem um anel invisível, acho que ele deveria usá-lo e passar pelos portões da frente para descobrir o que está acontecendo.”

“You said sitting on the doorstep and thinking would be my job,” said Bilbo.
“Você disse que sentar na porta e pensar seria meu trabalho”, disse Bilbo.

“Not to mention getting inside, so I am sitting and thinking.”
“Sem mencionar entrar, então estou sentando e pensando.”

But I am afraid Bilbo was not thinking much of the job.
Mas receio que Bilbo não estivesse pensando muito no trabalho.

He was thinking about his comfortable Hobbit hole, far in the distance.
Ele estava pensando em sua confortável toca de Hobbit, bem distante.

As Bilbo sat and thought, he stared at a large gray stone in the center of the grass.
Enquanto Bilbo se sentava e pensava, ele olhava para uma grande pedra cinza no centro da grama.

There were large snails on the stone.
Havia grandes caracóis na pedra.

They crawled slowly along the surface of the rock.
Eles rastejaram lentamente ao longo da superfície da pedra.

The sun was going down and the new moon was coming up.
O sol estava se pondo e a lua nova estava nascendo.

At that very moment he heard a sharp CRACK!
Naquele exato momento, ele ouviu um CRAQUE agudo!

There on the gray stone was an enormous bird - a thrush.
Ali na pedra cinzenta havia um pássaro enorme - um tordo.

It was almost black, with a yellow breast with dark spots.
Era quase preto, com o peito amarelo com manchas escuras.

Crack! It had caught a snail and was knocking it on the stone. Crack! Crack!
Craque! Capturou um caracol e o batia na pedra. Craque! Craque! 

Suddenly Bilbo understood.
De repente, Bilbo entendeu.

Quickly Bilbo explained to the Dwarves.
Rapidamente Bilbo explicou aos anões.

He reminded them about the message on the map:
Ele os lembrou da mensagem no mapa:

“stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the last light of the setting sun on Durin’s Day will shine on the keyhole.”
“fique ao lado da pedra cinzenta quando o tordo bater, e a última luz do sol poente no dia de Durin brilhará no buraco da fechadura”.

The sun went lower and lower, and their hopes fell.
O sol foi cada vez mais baixo, e suas esperanças caíram.

The sun sank behind a cloud and then disappeared.
O sol desceu atrás de uma nuvem e depois desapareceu.

The Dwarves could not control their sadness.
Os anões não conseguiam controlar sua tristeza.

“We have run out of time!” cried Thorin.
“Estamos sem tempo!” gritou Thorin.

Then suddenly, when they had lost all hope, a ray of sunlight passed through the cloud.
Então, de repente, quando perderam toda a esperança, um raio de sol atravessou a nuvem.

A finger of red light shined into the secluded area and touched the smooth rock wall.
Um dedo de luz vermelha brilhou na área isolada e tocou a parede de pedra lisa.

The old thrush who was watching from the stone made an excited tweet.
O velho tordo que observava da pedra fez um pio animado.

Then there was a loud crack!
Então houve um estalo alto!

A piece of wall cracked from the wall and fell.
Um pedaço de parede rachou da parede e caiu.

A hole appeared suddenly about one meter from the ground.
Um buraco apareceu de repente a cerca de um metro do chão.

Quickly, the Dwarves ran to the rock and pushed with all their strength.
Rapidamente, os anões correram para a rocha e empurraram com toda a força.

Nothing happened.
Nada aconteceu.

“The key! The key!” cried Bilbo.
"A chave! A chave!" gritou Bilbo.

“Where’s Thorin?” Thorin came quickly.
“Onde está Thorin?” Thorin veio rapidamente.

“The key!” shouted Bilbo.
"A chave!" gritou Bilbo.

“The key that went with the map!
“A chave que acompanha o mapa!

Try it now while there is still time!”
Use-a agora enquanto ainda há tempo!”

Then Thorin approached the wall.
Então Thorin se aproximou da parede.

He took the key from around his neck.
Ele tirou a chave do pescoço.

He put it in the hole.
Ele colocou no buraco.

It fit!
Ele se encaixou!

He turned it! Snap!
Ele a girou! Clique!

The ray of sunlight disappeared.
O raio de sol desapareceu.

The sun sank, the moon was gone, and the sky was dark.
O sol afundou, a lua se foi e o céu estava escuro.

Now they all pushed together.
Agora todos eles empurraram juntos.

Slowly, a part of the rock wall began to move inward.
Lentamente, uma parte da parede de pedra começou a se mover para dentro.

And suddenly, where a few moments before there was no sign of a door, now a door one and half meters high and one meter wide was visible in the rock wall.
E de repente, onde alguns momentos antes não havia sinal de porta, agora uma porta de um metro e meio de altura e um metro de largura era visível na parede de pedra.

With one more push, the door swung inwards silently.
Com mais um empurrão, a porta se abriu silenciosamente.

There was a deep, dark hole in the side of the mountain, like an open mouth.
Havia um buraco profundo e escuro na encosta da montanha, como uma boca aberta.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 11 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 9 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)