THE HOBBIT Chapter 8 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Flies and Spiders

After sleeping most of the morning, Bilbo and the Dwarves woke up to realize where in the world they were. The Eagles had taken them far to the north. They were right on the border of Mirkwood Forest! Gandalf explained to the party that they would have to cross the forest if they wanted to get close to the Lonely Mountain.

There was no other way around, he said. To the north were the Iron Hills. They were full of goblins. To the south was the Necromancer - a creature too powerful even for Gandalf! There was no other way to go but through! It was a journey of many days. And the party did not have a lot of food and their ponies were lost in the goblin caves in the Misty Mountains.

“Gandalf, why do you keep talking about going into Mirkwood Forest as if you were not coming with us?” asked Thorin. “Because I am not coming with you, my good Dwarf!” answered Gandalf. “I have important business to the south. The Necromancer has been causing problems. I must see if I can help.”

“You are leaving us?” cried Bilbo. “How will we survive without you?” Gandalf looked at Bilbo and smiled. “I am trusting you to take care of the Dwarves now, my dear Burglar Baggins. I think you will be very useful to them. If I can, I will join you on the other side. But this is your adventure now - yours and the Dwarves’. I am confident you will be just fine.”

The Dwarves grumbled and complained. But Gandalf told them to stop acting like little Dwarflings. “Listen to me now. You must follow the trail through Mirkwood. Whatever you do, do not leave the trail! The forest is full of danger. Good-bye and good luck to you!” Gandalf turned and began walking south. “And remember, do not leave the trail!” Those were his final words. 

The entrance to the trail was an arch made by two large trees. Their branches connected over the path. The path was dark. It was also very narrow - they had to walk in a single-file line under the branches. After a while, they looked back. They could not see the entrance. They could only see the dark trees and dark shadows.

There were strange noises in the forest. On both sides of the path, they could hear things moving in the leaves. They could hear branches cracking in dark places off the track. But the worst things they saw were the spider webs. The threads were very thick, like rope. They were in the trees on either side of the path. Bilbo could only imagine what kind of creature made them.

Very quickly they began to hate the forest. They hated it as much as they hated the dark tunnels of the goblins. They could not see the sky, and there was no wind under the branches. The forest was still and dark. It bothered the Dwarves and the Hobbit very much, and they were used to tunneling under the ground!

The nights were the worst part about the forest. They were so black that you could not see your hand in front of your nose! They could see nothing! Well, that is not exactly true: they could see the eyes. When it was Bilbo’s turn to watch at night, he could see the eyes shining in the darkness all around them. 

Sometimes he could see pairs of yellow or red eyes. They would look at him from a little distance, and then disappear. “Insect eyes,” he thought, “they are too big to be animal eyes.”

The days and nights passed with no end in sight. They did not have much food left, and they did not know how much longer they would survive. One night, with their stomachs growling in hunger, Balin, who was leading the party along the path, called out: “What was that? I thought I saw a light shining in the forest.”

A long distance off the path they saw a red glow in the dark. Another point of light appeared, then another next to it. It seemed clear to them that the lights were torches and fires burning under the trees. Then they could smell the delicious smell of cooking meat! The Dwarves wanted to run off the path into the forest, but Bilbo reminded them about the warning Gandalf gave them: “Whatever you do, do not leave the trail!”

They argued for a moment. Then Thorin said, “A feast would be no good, if we did not return from it alive. But without food, we will not survive much longer!” Hunger decided it for them. They all left the path and walked into the dark forest together, towards the distant lights.

They crawled for a long time through the dark. Finally they came close to an open space in the trees - a clearing. They heard voices and laughter. There were many people in the clearing. Elves! There were forest Elves having a feast! Full of hunger, the party ran forward into the ring of light. Suddenly, the lights went out and the forest was black as black. The Elves were gone, and Bilbo and the Dwarves were lost in the black night. They could not even find each other, it was so dark!

Bilbo ran around in the dark calling out the names of the Dwarves! “Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Dwalin, Balin, Thorin Oakenshield!” The others were also calling out, but their cries began to move further and further away. And soon their cries for their friends turned into cries for help and cries of fear! Soon, all their cries disappeared into the distance. Bilbo was left alone in complete silence and in complete darkness.

That was one of Bilbo’s most miserable moments. He decided there was nothing to do but wait until the morning to look for his friends. So he sat down in the dark with his back against a tree and fell asleep. Soon, and not for the last time, he started to dream about his little Hobbit hole far, far away. In his hunger he began to dream of delicious eggs and toast and butter. Suddenly, he felt something touch him!

Something like a strong sticky string was against his hand. He tried to move, but his legs were already covered in the same stuff. So when he stood up, he fell over! Then the giant spider, that had been tying him up in its web, came from behind a tree. It jumped at Bilbo! He could only see the creature’s eyes, but he could feel its strong legs trying to wrap the horrible sticky threads round and round him.

He was lucky that he woke up at that moment. Soon he would have been covered with the sticky thread. But Bilbo was ready to fight! He used his hands to beat the creature away - it was trying to poison him, like small spiders poison flies before they eat them. Then Bilbo remembered his little sword. He drew it out and the spider jumped back!

Bilbo had time to cut his legs free. Now it was his turn to attack! He came at the massive spider and struck it with his sword right in the eyes. The spider made a terrible sound. It jumped and danced and threw its legs in horrible movements. Bilbo struck it again with the point of his sword. It fell dead, its legs in the air. His sword was covered in black blood.

Bilbo was alone. No Dwarves. No wizard. No help from anyone else. That was very important to Mr. Baggins. He felt like a different person. He felt much stronger. He felt much more courageous, even with an empty stomach.  He looked at his little sword. “I will give you a name,” he said to it, “and I will call you Sting!” He wiped the blood from the sword on the grass and put it back in its scabbard.

“Now,” he said to himself, “I must find the Dwarves!” He did not know where they were exactly, but he guessed. Bilbo put on his ring and went into the dark forest to look for them. He imagined his friends were more or less in the same situation as he had been - caught by spiders! So, he followed the spider webs where they were the thickest and darkest. His guess was a good one! 

After walking a long distance, he came to a place in the forest that was darker than dark - the spider webs were so thick that they obscured the light! Suddenly, he saw that there were huge and horrible spiders in the trees above him. Even with the ring on, he was afraid they would discover him. Then, he saw them - the Dwarves! They were hanging from the branches above him like white bags. They were covered in the sticky spider threads, but he could see parts of their hoods and the tips of their noses. They were motionless.

He heard the spiders making a terrible noise, as if they were talking to each other. And to his amazement, he could understand them! They were talking about the Dwarves! “It was a difficult fight, but it was worth it,” said one spider. “They have nasty thick skins, but I imagine they have good juices inside.” “Yes, they will taste delicious, especially after they hang for a while,” said another spider.

“Kill ‘em, I say,” hissed a third spider, “kill ‘em now and hang ‘em dead for a while.” “I think they are already dead,” said the first spider. “That they are not. I saw one moving just now. They are waking up again from their beautiful spider sleep. Come, I’ll show you.” Then the fat spider ran along a thick spider thread over to the Dwarves. Bilbo was horrified!

The spiders began to prick the hanging dwarves with their hairy legs. The fattest hanging bag - it must have been Bombur - kicked the spider hard. It fell from the branch. “You were right,” laughed one spider, “they are still alive and kicking!” “I’ll put an end to that,” hissed the spider that fell. It climbed back up the tree and was ready to bite!

Bilbo saw that he must do something. He could not climb the trees like a spider, and he did not have anything to shoot with. But he saw that all around him on the ground there were many stones. As a young Hobbit boy, Bilbo was known in the Shire as a good shot throwing stones. As an older Hobbit, he was also quite good at bowling and darts and other throwing games.

So he picked up one of the stones, a nice round stone that fit nicely in his hand. Then, Bilbo threw the stone! It hit the spider right on the head! It fell unconscious off the branch and hit the ground on its back - its legs curled into its fat body.

The next stone went flying through a big spider web, breaking its thick threads. The spider that was in the middle fell from the tree and hit the ground, dead. These attacks caused a lot of commotion in the spider colony. The spiders forgot the Dwarves for a moment and they went to look for whoever was throwing the stones.

They came down from the trees as quick as lightning, crawling and swinging. They could not see Bilbo, but they threw out long threads of sticky rope in his direction. They tried to capture him in their webs! Bilbo moved quickly and quietly to a different place. Then he had an idea: he would lead the angry spiders further and further away from the Dwarves.

He began to call the spiders names to infuriate them, and so the Dwarves could hear his voice. “Attercop! Attercop! You old fat spiders! Stop spinning your webs and come get me! You’ll never catch me!” he called out. It wasn’t very good, but the spiders were furious! As he ran away, he threw more stones at the spiders. There were dozens and dozens of them in the trees, following him from above.

Bilbo moved quickly from one place to another to try to attract the spiders. But other spiders were using their webs to make a fence all around to trap the annoying thing calling them names. Soon, Bilbo would not be able to escape. He saw this and began to cry, “Lazy lob and crazy cob, come catch the invisible fly! You cannot trap me, you lazy bees!” He took out his little sword and cut the last web that would catch him, and he ran deeper into the forest.

Bilbo ran as far away into the forest as he could. The angry spiders followed him. He had very little time now before the spiders would go back to the Dwarves. He ran back silently to where he saw the Dwarves hanging from the trees. It was quite difficult to climb up the tall tree to rescue them. But he used a thick spider thread like a rope to climb up. It stuck to him and it hurt him, but he succeeded!

Bilbo’s next job was to free the Dwarves. What could he do? They were very high off the ground. If he cut a Dwarf down, they would fall and surely be hurt. “No time!” he thought. He took his little blade and cut the threads that covered the closest Dwarf. Out fell Kili! Bilbo and the Dwarves were lucky. The floor of the forest was covered with a thick layer of dead leaves. Kili fell hard, but he was not injured!

Bilbo worked quickly, and soon there was a pile of spider-poisoned Dwarves lying on the forest floor. Bilbo climbed quickly down the same spider thread and tried to help the Dwarves. “Quickly now,” he said, “there is no time for questions. Here come the spiders. We must fight to escape!”

Then the battle began. The Dwarves were exhausted and sick with poison, but some had knives and some had sticks, and all of them could find stones to throw. And Bilbo had Sting! But there were simply too many spiders! The party was getting tired. In the end, Bilbo could not think of anything. He had only one choice - he must let the Dwarves know about his magic ring.

He was sorry about that, but there was nothing else to do. “I am going to disappear,” he said. “I will lead the spiders away from you. You Dwarves keep together and go in that direction towards the Elf fires from last night.” They did not understand, but Bilbo could not wait any more. He put the ring on his finger and disappeared!

Soon the Dwarves could hear Bilbo in the distance calling out to the spiders - calling them fat and calling them lazy. This made the spiders so angry that they abandoned the Dwarves - who had stones and knives and sticks - and they ran after the voice in the distance. The Dwarves did not have any option. They began to move away from Bilbo’s voice and towards where the Elves had been the night before.

But the Dwarves were not fast enough. Soon they were almost surrounded by several spiders that followed them instead of the voice. The Dwarves had to run for a little and then turn to fight for their lives. They repeated this many times, and they were becoming exhausted. They could not continue for much longer.

Suddenly, Bilbo appeared and cut down many of the spiders. The spiders were scared of the bright blade. They did not follow after the surprising attack. The Dwarves and Bilbo escaped, and they found their way back to the Elf clearing. There was good magic there, and the spiders did not follow them.

But the adventurers' luck was about to run out. Suddenly, out from the trees came a whole company of Elves, armed with swords and shields and spears and bows and arrows. All the commotion caused by the Dwarves the night before had attracted the spiders, and the Elves had come to discover what was going on. Bilbo quickly put on his ring and disappeared. But the Dwarves were very visible, and now they were prisoners of the Elves of Mirkwood.

Elves do not love Dwarves. They pushed and dragged the Dwarves back to their fortress in the forest. The Elves of Mirkwood lived in caves and caverns under the ground. The caves were like the Dwarven caves, but brighter and not as deep. Bilbo followed them carefully, trying not to be heard.

In the enormous cave, close to the edge of Mirkwood on the eastern side, lived the forest Elves’ greatest king. The king’s cave was his palace. It was also his dungeon. That is where the Elves were taking the poor, exhausted Dwarves. Bilbo was almost left behind again, as the Elves brought the Dwarves into the caves, and the front gate closed behind them. 

And it is there that the Elf king questioned the Dwarves about their journey. As I said before, the Elves did not love the Dwarves. Far in the past they were enemies. They went to war against each other because of gold and treasure. Now, this Elf king of Mirkwood loved treasure more than anything. So when he questioned Thorin and the Dwarves about their journey, they refused to answer the Elf king.

“If you will not answer my questions, Dwarf, I will let you sit in the dark until you think of an answer,” said the Elf king. “Take them away! Keep them safe until they are ready to talk.” Then the Elf guards put iron chains on the Dwarves and took them deep into the caves. They gave the Dwarves food and drink. Forest Elves are not goblins, after all.

There, in the dungeons below Mirkwood forest, the Dwarves became prisoners of the forest Elves. Bilbo was alone and scared inside the caves. He was not a prisoner, but he also could not leave! He had his ring on, but the Elves other senses than their eyesight. He found a dark corner to hide, and to think, and finally to sleep. He dreamed, not for the last time, of his comfortable Hobbit home a long, long, long way away to the west.

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Chapter 8
Capítulo 8

Flies and Spiders
Moscas e Aranhas

After sleeping most of the morning, Bilbo and the Dwarves woke up to realize where in the world they were.
Depois de dormir a maior parte da manhã, Bilbo e os anões acordaram e perceberam onde no mundo estavam.

The Eagles had taken them far to the north.
As Águias os tinham levado longe para o norte.

They were right on the border of Mirkwood Forest!
Eles estavam bem na fronteira da Floresta das Trevas!

Gandalf explained to the party that they would have to cross the forest if they wanted to get close to the Lonely Mountain.
Gandalf explicou ao grupo que eles teriam que atravessar a floresta se quisessem chegar perto da Montanha Solitária.

There was no other way around, he said.
Não havia outro jeito, disse ele.

To the north were the Iron Hills.
Ao norte ficavam as Colinas de Ferro.

They were full of goblins.
Elas estavam cheias de goblins.

To the south was the Necromancer - a creature too powerful even for Gandalf!
Ao sul estava o Necromante - uma criatura poderosa demais até mesmo para Gandalf!

There was no other way to go but through!
Não havia outro caminho a não ser através!

It was a journey of many days.
Foi uma viagem de muitos dias.

And the party did not have a lot of food and their ponies were lost in the goblin caves in the Misty Mountains.
E o grupo não tinha muita comida e seus pôneis estavam perdidos nas cavernas dos goblins nas Montanhas Nebulosas.

“Gandalf, why do you keep talking about going into Mirkwood Forest as if you were not coming with us?” asked Thorin.
“Gandalf, por que você continua falando sobre entrar na Floresta das Trevas como se você não estivesse vindo conosco?” perguntou Thorin.

“Because I am not coming with you, my good Dwarf!” answered Gandalf.
“Porque eu não vou com vocês, meu bom anão!” respondeu Gandalf.

“I have important business to the south.
“Tenho negócios importantes no sul.

The Necromancer has been causing problems. I must see if I can help.”
O Necromante tem causado problemas. Preciso ver se posso ajudar.”

“You are leaving us?” cried Bilbo.
"Você está nos deixando?" gritou Bilbo.

“How will we survive without you?”
“Como sobreviveremos sem você?”

Gandalf looked at Bilbo and smiled.
Gandalf olhou para Bilbo e sorriu.

“I am trusting you to take care of the Dwarves now, my dear Burglar Baggins.
“Estou confiando em você para cuidar dos Anões agora, meu querido Ladrão Baggins.

I think you will be very useful to them.
Acho que você será muito útil para eles.

If I can, I will join you on the other side.
Se eu puder, me juntarei a vocês do outro lado.

But this is your adventure now - yours and the Dwarves’.
Mas esta é a sua aventura agora - sua e dos Anões.

I am confident you will be just fine.”
Estou confiante de que você vai ficar bem.”

The Dwarves grumbled and complained.
Os Anões resmungaram e reclamaram.

But Gandalf told them to stop acting like little Dwarflings.
Mas Gandalf disse para eles pararem de agir como anõzinhos.

“Listen to me now. You must follow the trail through Mirkwood.
"Me escutem agora. Vocês devem seguir a trilha pela Floresta das Trevas.

Whatever you do, do not leave the trail!
Façam o que fizerem, não deixem a trilha!

The forest is full of danger.
A floresta está cheia de perigos.

Good-bye and good luck to you!”
Adeus e boa sorte para você!”

Gandalf turned and began walking south.
Gandalf virou-se e começou a caminhar para o sul.

“And remember, do not leave the trail!”
“E lembrem-se, não saiam da trilha!”

Those were his final words. 
Essas foram suas palavras finais.

The entrance to the trail was an arch made by two large trees.
A entrada para a trilha era um arco feito por duas grandes árvores.

Their branches connected over the path.
Seus galhos se conectavam por cima do caminho.

The path was dark.
A trilha estava escura.

It was also very narrow - they had to walk in a single-file line under the branches.
Também era muito estreita - eles tinham que andar em fila indiana sob os galhos.

After a while, they looked back.
Depois de um tempo, eles olharam para trás.

They could not see the entrance.
Eles não conseguiam ver a entrada.

They could only see the dark trees and dark shadows.
Eles só podiam ver as árvores escuras e as sombras escuras.

There were strange noises in the forest.
Havia barulhos estranhos na floresta.

On both sides of the path, they could hear things moving in the leaves.
Em ambos os lados da trilha, eles podiam ouvir coisas se movendo nas folhas.

They could hear branches cracking in dark places off the track.
Eles podiam ouvir galhos quebrando em lugares escuros fora da trilha.

But the worst things they saw were the spider webs.
Mas as piores coisas que viram foram as teias de aranha.

The threads were very thick, like rope.
Os fios eram muito grossos, como corda.

They were in the trees on either side of the path.
Eles estavam nas árvores de cada lado da trilha.

Bilbo could only imagine what kind of creature made them.
Bilbo só podia imaginar que tipo de criatura as fazia.

Very quickly they began to hate the forest.
Muito rapidamente eles começaram a odiar a floresta.

They hated it as much as they hated the dark tunnels of the goblins.
Eles odiavam tanto quanto odiavam os túneis escuros dos goblins.

They could not see the sky, and there was no wind under the branches.
Eles não podiam ver o céu e não havia vento sob os galhos.

The forest was still and dark.
A floresta estava quieta e escura.

It bothered the Dwarves and the Hobbit very much, and they were used to tunneling under the ground!
Isso incomodava muito os anões e o Hobbit, e eles estavam acostumados a cavar túneis sob a terra!

The nights were the worst part about the forest.
As noites eram a pior parte da floresta.

They were so black that you could not see your hand in front of your nose!
Elas eram tão pretas que você não podia ver sua mão na frente do nariz!

They could see nothing!
Eles não podiam ver nada!

Well, that is not exactly true: they could see the eyes.
Bem, isso não é exatamente verdade: eles podiam ver os olhos.

When it was Bilbo’s turn to watch at night, he could see the eyes shining in the darkness all around them.
Quando era a vez de Bilbo vigiar à noite, ele podia ver os olhos brilhando na escuridão ao redor deles.

Sometimes he could see pairs of yellow or red eyes.
Às vezes ele podia ver pares de olhos amarelos ou vermelhos.

They would look at him from a little distance, and then disappear.
Eles olhavam para ele de uma pequena distância e depois desapareciam.

“Insect eyes,” he thought, “they are too big to be animal eyes.”
“Olhos de inseto”, pensou ele, “são grandes demais para serem olhos de animais”.

The days and nights passed with no end in sight.
Os dias e as noites passavam sem fim à vista.

They did not have much food left, and they did not know how much longer they would survive.
Eles não tinham muita comida e não sabiam quanto tempo mais iriam sobreviver.

One night, with their stomachs growling in hunger, Balin, who was leading the party along the path, called out:
Uma noite, com os estômagos roncando de fome, Balin, que conduzia o grupo pela trilha, gritou:

“What was that?
“O que foi isso?

I thought I saw a light shining in the forest.”
Eu pensei ter visto uma luz brilhando na floresta.”

A long distance off the path they saw a red glow in the dark.
A uma longa distância do caminho eles viram um brilho vermelho no escuro.

Another point of light appeared, then another next to it.
Outro ponto de luz apareceu, depois outro próximo a ele.

It seemed clear to them that the lights were torches and fires burning under the trees.
Parecia claro para eles que as luzes eram tochas e fogueiras queimando sob as árvores.

Then they could smell the delicious smell of cooking meat!
Então eles sentiram o cheiro delicioso de carne cozinhando!

The Dwarves wanted to run off the path into the forest, but Bilbo reminded them about the warning Gandalf gave them:
Os anões queriam fugir da trilha para a floresta, mas Bilbo os lembrou do aviso que Gandalf lhes deu:

“Whatever you do, do not leave the trail!”
“Façam o que fizerem, não saiam da trilha!”

They argued for a moment.
Eles discutiram por um momento.

Then Thorin said, “A feast would be no good, if we did not return from it alive.
Então Thorin disse: “Um banquete não seria bom, se não voltássemos vivos.

But without food, we will not survive much longer!”
Mas sem comida, não sobreviveremos por muito mais tempo!”

Hunger decided it for them.
A fome decidiu por eles.

They all left the path and walked into the dark forest together, towards the distant lights.
Todos deixaram a trilha e caminharam juntos pela floresta escura, em direção às luzes distantes.

They crawled for a long time through the dark.
Eles rastejaram por um longo tempo no escuro.

Finally they came close to an open space in the trees - a clearing.
Finalmente eles chegaram perto de um espaço aberto nas árvores - uma clareira.

They heard voices and laughter.
Ouviram vozes e risos.

There were many people in the clearing.
Havia muitas pessoas na clareira.

Elves! There were forest Elves having a feast!
Elfos! Havia elfos da floresta fazendo um banquete!

Full of hunger, the party ran forward into the ring of light.
Cheio de fome, o grupo correu para o círculo de luz.

Suddenly, the lights went out and the forest was black as black.
De repente, as luzes se apagaram e a floresta ficou preta como preta.

The Elves were gone, and Bilbo and the Dwarves were lost in the black night.
Os Elfos se foram, e Bilbo e os anões se perderam na noite escura.

They could not even find each other, it was so dark!
Eles nem conseguiam se encontrar, estava tão escuro!

Bilbo ran around in the dark calling out the names of the Dwarves!
Bilbo correu no escuro chamando os nomes dos anões!

“Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Dwalin, Balin, Thorin Oakenshield!”
“Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Fili, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Dwalin, Balin, Thorin Escudo de Carvalho!”

The others were also calling out, but their cries began to move further and further away.
Os outros também estavam chamando, mas seus gritos começaram a se afastar cada vez mais.

And soon their cries for their friends turned into cries for help and cries of fear!
E logo seus gritos por seus amigos se transformaram em gritos de socorro e gritos de medo!

Soon, all their cries disappeared into the distance.
Logo, todos os seus gritos desapareceram na distância.

Bilbo was left alone in complete silence and in complete darkness.
Bilbo foi deixado sozinho em completo silêncio e em completa escuridão.

That was one of Bilbo’s most miserable moments.
Esse foi um dos momentos mais miseráveis do Bilbo.

He decided there was nothing to do but wait until the morning to look for his friends.
Ele decidiu que não havia nada a fazer a não ser esperar até a manhã para procurar seus amigos.

So he sat down in the dark with his back against a tree and fell asleep.
Então ele se sentou no escuro com as costas contra uma árvore e adormeceu.

Soon, and not for the last time, he started to dream about his little Hobbit hole far, far away.
Logo, e não pela última vez, ele começou a sonhar com sua pequena toca de Hobbit muito, muito distante.

In his hunger he began to dream of delicious eggs and toast and butter.
Em sua fome, começou a sonhar com deliciosos ovos, torradas e manteiga.

Suddenly, he felt something touch him!
De repente, ele sentiu algo tocá-lo!

Something like a strong sticky string was against his hand.
Algo como uma corda forte e pegajosa estava contra sua mão.

He tried to move, but his legs were already covered in the same stuff.
Ele tentou se mover, mas suas pernas já estavam cobertas com a mesma coisa.

So when he stood up, he fell over!
Então, quando ele se levantou, ele caiu!

Then the giant spider, that had been tying him up in its web, came from behind a tree.
Então a aranha gigante, que o estava amarrando em sua teia, veio de trás de uma árvore.

It jumped at Bilbo!
Ela pulou em Bilbo!

He could only see the creature’s eyes, but he could feel its strong legs trying to wrap the horrible sticky threads round and round him.
Ele só podia ver os olhos da criatura, mas podia sentir suas pernas fortes tentando enrolar os horríveis fios pegajosos em volta dele.

He was lucky that he woke up at that moment.
Ele teve sorte de ter acordado naquele momento.

Soon he would have been covered with the sticky thread.
Logo ele estaria coberto com o fio pegajoso.

But Bilbo was ready to fight!
Mas Bilbo estava pronto para lutar!

He used his hands to beat the creature away - it was trying to poison him, like small spiders poison flies before they eat them.
Ele usou as mãos para afastar a criatura - ela estava tentando envenená-lo, como pequenas aranhas envenenam moscas antes de comê-las.

Then Bilbo remembered his little sword.
Então Bilbo se lembrou de sua pequena espada.

He drew it out and the spider jumped back!
Ele puxou e a aranha pulou para trás!

Bilbo had time to cut his legs free.
Bilbo teve tempo de soltar as pernas com a espada.

Now it was his turn to attack!
Agora era sua vez de atacar!

He came at the massive spider and struck it with his sword right in the eyes.
Ele veio até a aranha enorme e a atingiu com a espada bem nos olhos.

The spider made a terrible sound.
A aranha fez um som terrível.

It jumped and danced and threw its legs in horrible movements.
Saltou e dançou e jogou as pernas em movimentos horríveis.

Bilbo struck it again with the point of his sword.
Bilbo o golpeou novamente com a ponta de sua espada.

It fell dead, its legs in the air.
Ela caiu morta, com as pernas no ar.

His sword was covered in black blood.
Sua espada estava coberta de sangue negro.

Bilbo was alone.
Bilbo estava sozinho.

No Dwarves.
Sem anões.

No wizard.
Sem mago.

No help from anyone else.
Nenhuma ajuda de mais ninguém.

That was very important to Mr. Baggins.
Isso foi muito importante para o Sr. Baggins.

He felt like a different person.
Ele se sentia uma pessoa diferente.

He felt much stronger.
Ele se sentiu muito mais forte.

He felt much more courageous, even with an empty stomach. 
Ele se sentiu muito mais corajoso, mesmo com o estômago vazio.

He looked at his little sword.
Ele olhou para sua pequena espada.

“I will give you a name,” he said to it, “and I will call you Sting!”
“Vou lhe dar um nome”, disse ele, “e vou chamá-la de Ferroada!”

He wiped the blood from the sword on the grass and put it back in its scabbard.
Ele limpou o sangue da espada na grama e a colocou de volta na bainha.

“Now,” he said to himself, “I must find the Dwarves!”
“Agora”, disse para si mesmo, “preciso encontrar os anões!”

He did not know where they were exactly, but he guessed.
Ele não sabia onde eles estavam exatamente, mas ele adivinhou.

Bilbo put on his ring and went into the dark forest to look for them.
Bilbo colocou seu anel e foi até a floresta escura para procurá-los.

He imagined his friends were more or less in the same situation as he had been - caught by spiders!
Ele imaginou que seus amigos estavam mais ou menos na mesma situação que ele - pegos por aranhas!

So, he followed the spider webs where they were the thickest and darkest.
Então, ele seguiu as teias de aranha onde elas eram mais grossas e escuras.

His guess was a good one!
Seu palpite foi bom!

After walking a long distance, he came to a place in the forest that was darker than dark - the spider webs were so thick that they obscured the light!
Depois de caminhar uma longa distância, ele chegou a um lugar na floresta que estava mais escuro do que escuro - as teias de aranha eram tão grossas que obscureciam a luz!

Suddenly, he saw that there were huge and horrible spiders in the trees above him.
De repente, ele viu que havia aranhas enormes e horríveis nas árvores acima dele.

Even with the ring on, he was afraid they would discover him.
Mesmo com o anel, ele tinha medo de que o descobrissem.

Then, he saw them - the Dwarves!
Então, ele os viu - os anões!

They were hanging from the branches above him like white bags.
Eles estavam pendurados nos galhos acima dele como sacos brancos.

They were covered in the sticky spider threads, but he could see parts of their hoods and the tips of their noses.
Eles estavam cobertos pelos fios de aranha pegajosos, mas ele podia ver partes de seus capuzes e as pontas de seus narizes.

They were motionless.
Eles estavam imóveis.

He heard the spiders making a terrible noise, as if they were talking to each other.
Ele ouviu as aranhas fazendo um barulho terrível, como se estivessem conversando umas com as outras.

And to his amazement, he could understand them!
E para seu espanto, ele podia entendê-las!

They were talking about the Dwarves!
Eles estavam falando sobre os anões!

“It was a difficult fight, but it was worth it,” said one spider.
“Foi uma luta difícil, mas valeu a pena”, disse uma aranha.

“They have nasty thick skins, but I imagine they have good juices inside.”
“Eles têm uma casca grossa e desagradável, mas imagino que tenham bons sucos por dentro.”

“Yes, they will taste delicious, especially after they hang for a while,” said another spider.
“Sim, eles ficarão deliciosos, especialmente depois de ficarem pendurados por um tempo”, disse outra aranha.

“Kill ‘em, I say,” hissed a third spider, “kill ‘em now and hang ‘em dead for a while.”
“Mate-os, eu digo”, sibilou uma terceira aranha, “mate-os agora e pendure-os mortos por um tempo.”

“I think they are already dead,” said the first spider.
“Acho que eles já estão mortos”, disse a primeira aranha.

“That they are not. I saw one moving just now.
“Mortos não estão. Eu vi um se movendo agora.

They are waking up again from their beautiful spider sleep.
Eles estão acordando novamente de seu lindo sono de aranha.

Come, I’ll show you.”
Venha, eu mostro para vocês.”

Then the fat spider ran along a thick spider thread over to the Dwarves.
Então a aranha gorda correu por um fio grosso de aranha até os anões.

Bilbo was horrified!
Bilbo ficou horrorizado!

The spiders began to prick the hanging dwarves with their hairy legs.
As aranhas começaram a picar os anões pendurados com suas pernas peludas.

The fattest hanging bag - it must have been Bombur - kicked the spider hard.
O saco pendurado mais gordo - deve ter sido Bombur - chutou a aranha com força.

It fell from the branch.
Ela caiu do galho.

“You were right,” laughed one spider, “they are still alive and kicking!”
“Você estava certo”, riu uma aranha, “eles ainda estão vivos e chutando!”

“I’ll put an end to that,” hissed the spider that fell.
“Vou acabar com isso”, sibilou a aranha que caiu.

It climbed back up the tree and was ready to bite!
Ela subiu de volta na árvore e estava pronta para morder!

Bilbo saw that he must do something.
Bilbo viu que precisava fazer alguma coisa.

He could not climb the trees like a spider, and he did not have anything to shoot with.
​​Ele não podia subir nas árvores como uma aranha e não tinha nada para atirar.

But he saw that all around him on the ground there were many stones.
Mas ele viu que ao seu redor no chão havia muitas pedras.

As a young Hobbit boy, Bilbo was known in the Shire as a good shot throwing stones.
Quando jovem Hobbit, Bilbo era conhecido no Shire como um bom atirador de pedras.

As an older Hobbit, he was also quite good at bowling and darts and other throwing games.
Como um Hobbit mais velho, ele também era muito bom em boliche, dardos e outros jogos de arremesso.

So he picked up one of the stones, a nice round stone that fit nicely in his hand.
Então ele pegou uma das pedras, uma bela pedra redonda que se encaixava perfeitamente em sua mão.

Then, Bilbo threw the stone!
Então, Bilbo jogou a pedra!

It hit the spider right on the head!
Acertou a aranha bem na cabeça!

It fell unconscious off the branch and hit the ground on its back - its legs curled into its fat body.
Ela caiu inconsciente do galho e caiu de costas no chão - suas pernas enroladas em seu corpo gordo.

The next stone went flying through a big spider web, breaking its thick threads.
A próxima pedra voou através de uma grande teia de aranha, quebrando seus fios grossos.

The spider that was in the middle fell from the tree and hit the ground, dead.
A aranha que estava no meio caiu da árvore e caiu no chão, morta.

These attacks caused a lot of commotion in the spider colony.
Esses ataques causaram muita comoção na colônia de aranhas.

The spiders forgot the Dwarves for a moment and they went to look for whoever was throwing the stones.
As aranhas esqueceram os anões por um momento e foram procurar quem estava jogando as pedras.

They came down from the trees as quick as lightning, crawling and swinging.
Eles desceram das árvores tão rápido quanto um relâmpago, rastejando e balançando.

They could not see Bilbo, but they threw out long threads of sticky rope in his direction.
Eles não podiam ver Bilbo, mas jogaram longos fios de corda pegajosa em sua direção.

They tried to capture him in their webs!
Eles tentaram capturá-lo em suas teias!

Bilbo moved quickly and quietly to a different place.
Bilbo mudou-se rápida e silenciosamente para um lugar diferente.

Then he had an idea:
Então ele teve uma ideia:

he would lead the angry spiders further and further away from the Dwarves.
ele levaria as aranhas raivosas cada vez mais longe dos anões.

He began to call the spiders names to infuriate them, and so the Dwarves could hear his voice.
Ele começou a xingar as aranhas para enfurecê-las, e para que os anões pudessem ouvir sua voz.

“Attercop! Attercop! You old fat spiders!
“Aranha boba! Aranha boba! Aranhas velhas gordas!

Stop spinning your webs and come get me!
Parem de tecer suas teias e venham me pegar!

You’ll never catch me!” he called out.
Vocês nunca vão me pegar!” ele gritou.

It wasn’t very good, but the spiders were furious!
Não foi muito bom, mas as aranhas ficaram furiosas!

As he ran away, he threw more stones at the spiders.
Enquanto fugia, ele jogou mais pedras nas aranhas.

There were dozens and dozens of them in the trees, following him from above.
Havia dezenas e dezenas delas nas árvores, seguindo-o de cima.

Bilbo moved quickly from one place to another to try to attract the spiders.
Bilbo moveu-se rapidamente de um lugar para outro para tentar atrair as aranhas.

But other spiders were using their webs to make a fence all around to trap the annoying thing calling them names.
Mas outras aranhas estavam usando suas teias para fazer uma cerca ao redor para prender a coisa irritante que as chamava de nomes.

Soon, Bilbo would not be able to escape.
Em breve, Bilbo não conseguiria escapar.

He saw this and began to cry, “Lazy lob and crazy cob, come catch the invisible fly!
Ele viu isso e começou a gritar: “Preguiçosas e loucas, venham pegar a mosca invisível!

You cannot trap me, you lazy bees!”
Vocês não podem me prender, suas abelhas preguiçosas!”

He took out his little sword and cut the last web that would catch him, and he ran deeper into the forest.
Ele pegou sua pequena espada e cortou a última teia que iria pegá-lo, e ele correu para dentro da floresta.

Bilbo ran as far away into the forest as he could.
Bilbo correu o mais longe que pôde na floresta.

The angry spiders followed him.
As aranhas furiosas o seguiram.

He had very little time now before the spiders would go back to the Dwarves.
Ele tinha muito pouco tempo agora antes que as aranhas voltassem para os anões.

He ran back silently to where he saw the Dwarves hanging from the trees.
Ele correu de volta silenciosamente para onde viu os anões pendurados nas árvores.

It was quite difficult to climb up the tall tree to rescue them.
Foi muito difícil subir na árvore alta para resgatá-los.

But he used a thick spider thread like a rope to climb up.
Mas ele usou um fio grosso de aranha como uma corda para subir.

It stuck to him and it hurt him, but he succeeded!
Grudou nele e o machucou, mas ele conseguiu!

Bilbo’s next job was to free the Dwarves.
O próximo trabalho de Bilbo era libertar os anões.

What could he do?
O que ele poderia fazer?

They were very high off the ground.
Eles estavam muito acima do solo.

If he cut a Dwarf down, they would fall and surely be hurt.
Se ele soltasse um anão, ele cairia e certamente se machucaria.

“No time!” he thought.
“Sem tempo!” ele pensou.

He took his little blade and cut the threads that covered the closest Dwarf.
Ele pegou sua pequena lâmina e cortou os fios que cobriam o anão mais próximo.

Out fell Kili!
Kili para fora!

Bilbo and the Dwarves were lucky.
Bilbo e os anões tiveram sorte.

The floor of the forest was covered with a thick layer of dead leaves.
O chão da floresta estava coberto com uma espessa camada de folhas mortas.

Kili fell hard, but he was not injured!
Kili caiu com força, mas não se machucou!

Bilbo worked quickly, and soon there was a pile of spider-poisoned Dwarves lying on the forest floor.
Bilbo trabalhou rapidamente, e logo havia uma pilha de anões envenenados por aranhas caídos no chão da floresta.

Bilbo climbed quickly down the same spider thread and tried to help the Dwarves.
Bilbo desceu rapidamente pelo mesmo fio de aranha e tentou ajudar os Anões.

“Quickly now,” he said, “there is no time for questions.
“Rápido agora”, disse ele, “não há tempo para perguntas.

Here come the spiders. We must fight to escape!”
Aí vêm as aranhas. Devemos lutar para escapar!”

Then the battle began.
Então a batalha começou.

The Dwarves were exhausted and sick with poison, but some had knives and some had sticks, and all of them could find stones to throw.
Os anões estavam exaustos e doentes com veneno, mas alguns tinham facas e alguns paus, e todos eles conseguiam encontrar pedras para atirar.

And Bilbo had Sting!
E Bilbo tinha Ferroada!

But there were simply too many spiders!
Mas havia simplesmente aranhas demais!

The party was getting tired.
O grupo estava ficando cansado.

In the end, Bilbo could not think of anything.
No final, Bilbo não conseguiu pensar em nada.

He had only one choice - he must let the Dwarves know about his magic ring.
Ele tinha apenas uma escolha - ele deveria deixar os anões saberem sobre seu anel mágico.

He was sorry about that, but there was nothing else to do.
Ele sentia muito por isso, mas não havia mais nada a fazer.

“I am going to disappear,” he said.
"Eu vou desaparecer", disse ele.

“I will lead the spiders away from you.
“Vou levar as aranhas para longe de você.

You Dwarves keep together and go in that direction towards the Elf fires from last night.”
Vocês, anões, mantenham-se juntos e sigam nessa direção em direção às fogueiras dos Elfos da noite passada.

They did not understand, but Bilbo could not wait any more.
Eles não entenderam, mas Bilbo não podia esperar mais.

He put the ring on his finger and disappeared!
Ele colocou o anel no dedo e desapareceu!

Soon the Dwarves could hear Bilbo in the distance calling out to the spiders - calling them fat and calling them lazy.
Logo os anões puderam ouvir Bilbo ao longe xingando as aranhas - chamando-as de gordas e preguiçosas.

This made the spiders so angry that they abandoned the Dwarves - who had stones and knives and sticks - and they ran after the voice in the distance.
sso deixou as aranhas tão bravas que abandonaram os anões - que tinham pedras, facas e paus - e correram atrás da voz ao longe.

The Dwarves did not have any option.
Os anões não tinham nenhuma opção.

They began to move away from Bilbo’s voice and towards where the Elves had been the night before.
Eles começaram a se afastar da voz de Bilbo e foram em direção onde os elfos estavam na noite anterior.

But the Dwarves were not fast enough.
Mas os anões não foram rápidos o suficiente.

Soon they were almost surrounded by several spiders that followed them instead of the voice.
Logo eles estavam quase cercados por várias aranhas que os seguiam ao invés da voz.

The Dwarves had to run for a little and then turn to fight for their lives.
Os anões tiveram que correr um pouco e depois se virar para lutar por suas vidas.

They repeated this many times, and they were becoming exhausted.
Eles repetiram isso muitas vezes e estavam ficando exaustos.

They could not continue for much longer.
Eles não podiam continuar por muito mais tempo.

Suddenly, Bilbo appeared and cut down many of the spiders.
De repente, Bilbo apareceu e derrubou muitas das aranhas.

The spiders were scared of the bright blade.
As aranhas estavam com medo da lâmina brilhante.

They did not follow after the surprising attack.
Eles não seguiram após o ataque surpreendente.

The Dwarves and Bilbo escaped, and they found their way back to the Elf clearing.
Os anões e Bilbo escaparam e encontraram o caminho de volta para a clareira dos elfos.

There was good magic there, and the spiders did not follow them.
Havia uma boa magia ali, e as aranhas não os seguiram.

But the adventurers' luck was about to run out.
Mas a sorte dos aventureiros estava prestes a acabar.

Suddenly, out from the trees came a whole company of Elves, armed with swords and shields and spears and bows and arrows.
De repente, das árvores veio uma companhia inteira de elfos, armados com espadas e escudos e lanças e arcos e flechas.

All the commotion caused by the Dwarves the night before had attracted the spiders,
Toda a comoção causada pelos anões na noite anterior havia atraído as aranhas,

and the Elves had come to discover what was going on.
e os elfos vieram descobrir o que estava acontecendo.

Bilbo quickly put on his ring and disappeared.
Bilbo rapidamente colocou seu anel e desapareceu.

But the Dwarves were very visible, and now they were prisoners of the Elves of Mirkwood.
Mas os Anões eram muito visíveis, e agora eram prisioneiros dos elfos da Floresta das Trevas.

Elves do not love Dwarves.
Elfos não amam anões.

They pushed and dragged the Dwarves back to their fortress in the forest.
Eles empurraram e arrastaram os anões de volta para sua fortaleza na floresta.

The Elves of Mirkwood lived in caves and caverns under the ground.
Os elfos da Floresta das Trevas viviam em cavernas e grutas sob o solo.

The caves were like the Dwarven caves, but brighter and not as deep.
As cavernas eram como as cavernas dos anões, mas mais brilhantes e não tão profundas.

Bilbo followed them carefully, trying not to be heard.
Bilbo os seguiu cuidadosamente, tentando não ser ouvido.

In the enormous cave, close to the edge of Mirkwood on the eastern side, lived the forest Elves’ greatest king.
Na enorme caverna, perto da fronteira da Floresta das Trevas, no lado leste, vivia o maior rei dos elfos da floresta.

The king’s cave was his palace.
A caverna do rei era seu palácio.

It was also his dungeon.
Era também sua masmorra.

That is where the Elves were taking the poor, exhausted Dwarves.
É para lá que os elfos estavam levando os pobres e exaustos anões.

Bilbo was almost left behind again, as the Elves brought the Dwarves into the caves,
Bilbo quase foi deixado para trás novamente, quando os elfos trouxeram os anões para dentro das cavernas,

and the front gate closed behind them.
e o portão da frente se fechou atrás deles.

And it is there that the Elf king questioned the Dwarves about their journey.
E é lá que o rei elfo questionou os anões sobre sua jornada.

As I said before, the Elves did not love the Dwarves.
Como eu disse antes, os elfos não amavam os anões.

Far in the past they were enemies.
No passado, eles eram inimigos.

They went to war against each other because of gold and treasure.
Eles foram à guerra uns contra os outros por causa de ouro e tesouros.

Now, this Elf king of Mirkwood loved treasure more than anything.
Agora, este rei elfo da Floresta das Trevas amava tesouros mais do que tudo.

So when he questioned Thorin and the Dwarves about their journey, they refused to answer the Elf king.
Então, quando ele questionou Thorin e os anões sobre sua jornada, eles se recusaram a responder ao rei elfo.

“If you will not answer my questions, Dwarf, I will let you sit in the dark until you think of an answer,” said the Elf king.
“Se você não responder minhas perguntas, anão, vou deixá-lo sentar no escuro até pensar em uma resposta”, disse o rei elfo.

“Take them away!
“Leve-os embora!

Keep them safe until they are ready to talk.”
Mantenha-os seguros até que estejam prontos para falar.”

Then the Elf guards put iron chains on the Dwarves and took them deep into the caves.
Então os guardas elfos colocaram correntes de ferro nos anões e os levaram para dentro das cavernas.

They gave the Dwarves food and drink.
Eles deram comida e bebida aos anões.

Forest Elves are not goblins, after all.
Os elfos da floresta não são goblins, afinal.

There, in the dungeons below Mirkwood forest, the Dwarves became prisoners of the forest Elves.
Lá, nas masmorras abaixo da Floresta das Trevas, os anões se tornaram prisioneiros dos elfos da floresta.

Bilbo was alone and scared inside the caves.
Bilbo estava sozinho e assustado dentro das cavernas.

He was not a prisoner, but he also could not leave!
Ele não era um prisioneiro, mas também não podia sair!

He had his ring on, but the Elves other senses than their eyesight.
Ele estava com o anel, mas os elfos tinham outros sentidos além da visão.

He found a dark corner to hide, and to think, and finally to sleep.
Encontrou um canto escuro para se esconder, para pensar e, finalmente, para dormir.

He dreamed, not for the last time, of his comfortable Hobbit home a long, long, long way away to the west.
Ele sonhou, não pela última vez, com sua confortável casa Hobbit a uma longa, longa, longa distância ao oeste.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 9 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 7 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)