THE HOBBIT Chapter 7 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Riddles in the Dark

Bilbo had escaped the goblins, but he did not know where he was. And he did not know where his friends were. He was alone and it was getting dark. The sun was beginning to go down and Bilbo realized, “Good heavens! I have gone all the way through to the other side of the Misty Mountains! Oh, where oh where are Gandalf and the Dwarves? I hope they are not back in the mountain, prisoners of the goblins!”

Bilbo continued down the mountain, miserable and hungry. While he walked, an uncomfortable thought was growing inside him, “Now that I have the magic ring, shouldn’t I go back into those horrible, horrible tunnels and look for my friends?” The idea terrified him. But in the end, he made up his mind that it was his responsibility, his duty to go back and look for them. As he turned around to go back up the mountain, he heard voices!

He stopped and listened. It did not sound like goblins, so he continued forward very carefully and very quietly. In a safe place hidden by large rocks, there were people talking. He moved even closer to the sound. Suddenly, between two big rocks, he could see a head with a red hood on top - it was Balin! Bilbo could have jumped up and down in happiness, but he did not.

He still had the ring on. Balin was looking straight at him, without seeing him! “I will give them a surprise they will remember,” he thought. He crawled into some bushes near the group and listened. Gandalf was arguing with the Dwarves. They were discussing and debating what to do now. The Dwarves were unhappy.

Gandalf was telling the Dwarves that they could not continue on their journey and leave Bilbo in the hands of the goblins. They must go back and discover if he was alive or dead, and try to rescue him if they could. “After all, he is my friend,” said the wizard, “and he is a good little Hobbit. I feel responsible for him. And I wish you had not lost him, Dori.”

“Good heavens! Do not blame me! We were fighting the goblins in the dark! You almost cut off my head with your sword, and Thorin was swinging Orcrist everywhere. You gave one of your bright flashes of light and then you shouted ‘follow me everybody!’ and everybody should have followed you. There was not time to count everyone with all the confusion. And here we are - without our burglar, confusticate him!”

“And here’s your burglar!” said Bilbo, walking into the middle of the group, and taking off his ring. How the Dwarves jumped in surprise! They all shouted with happiness to see their lost friend. Gandalf was as surprised as any of them, but happier than all of them to see Bilbo again. Bilbo’s reputation went up considerably after his surprising appearance. No one doubted that Bilbo was a first-class burglar now.

The Dwarves wanted to know all about Bilbo’s escape. He told them everything, except the part about finding the ring. They were very impressed with his heroic jump and escape through the goblin door. “What did I tell you?” said Gandalf laughing. “There is more to Mr. Baggins than you realized.” He looked at Bilbo in a suspicious way as he said those words. Bilbo wondered if Gandalf guessed the part of the story he did not tell them.

As the party talked in excitement, the wizard reminded them of the danger they were in. “We must leave this place immediately,” he said. “The goblins will come after us as soon as it is dark. They can smell our footsteps for many hours after we have passed. We are still high up in the mountains. We must go down. Let’s go!”

They went on for a long distance, down valleys and across mountain streams. They came to a very steep hill, covered in small rocks. As they descended the hill, the rocks began to move! They were soon slipping and sliding down the rocky hill at a great speed! When they all arrived safely at the bottom of the hill, Gandalf said, “Well! That fall has moved us down a good distance, and it will be difficult for the goblins to follow us down this hill quietly.”

They continued down the mountain for a long time. “Please, can we stop?” asked Bilbo. “My toes are hurting, and my legs cannot move! And my stomach is as empty as my pockets!”

“A little further,” said Gandalf.

Suddenly, they heard a terrifying sound - a howl in the darkness down the hill! Then the first howl was answered by another howl, much closer on their right. Then, there was another howl, even closer to their left! “Wargs!” cried Gandalf.

“Escaping goblins to be caught by wargs!” he said. It became a very popular proverb after that, but we know it today as “out of the frying pan, into the fire”. 

“Climb up the trees, quick!” cried Gandalf. Luckily, wargs cannot climb trees. The Dwarves and Bilbo all ran to find safety in the trees. It was a very funny thing to see: a forest of trees full of Dwarves with long beards blowing in the wind! Gandalf was alone in a large pine that looked like a Christmas tree, with the wizard as the decoration!

But what about Bilbo? He was too small to climb any of the trees! And the wargs were getting closer and closer! “You’ve forgotten the burglar again, my dear Dwarves!” yelled Gandalf. Dori climbed down from his tree and let Bilbo climb up his back and stand on his shoulders. Bilbo was finally able to grab a branch and pull himself into the tree. Then, Dori jumped up to grab the lowest branch himself. Only just in time! A warg jumped at his legs and almost bit him.

In a minute there was a whole pack of angry wargs surrounding the trees. The Dwarves were trapped! For the moment they were safe. But trees become very uncomfortable very quickly when you are trapped in one, especially when you are surrounded by wargs! More and more kept coming. After searching and smelling, the wargs had located each and every tree that had a Dwarf, Hobbit or Wizard. They left warg guards at the foot of each one.

The party was unlucky: they were trapped in an area of the forest that appeared to be a meeting place for wargs. In the middle of the evil pack there was a large gray wolf. He spoke to the other beasts in the terrible language of the wargs. They answered him in a horrible noise of growls and howls. Gandalf understood the language. This is what he heard…

The Wargs and the goblins often helped each other to do horrible things in the region. The goblins often used the wargs to attack men in the area, and take them prisoner back to the goblin caves, or eat them. The goblins sometimes rode the wargs like men ride horses. And by chance, this night was a night that the wargs were going to meet the goblins to attack human villages at the foot of the mountain. But the goblins were late.

The wargs were angry and confused. They were expecting the goblins, but found the Dwarves instead! But they were not going to leave now. They were going to wait for the goblins. Goblins, after all, can climb trees, or cut them down!

So you can understand why Gandalf began to feel afraid. He was a powerful wizard, but he was a wizard stuck in a tree! But, of course, he was not going to let the wargs do what they wanted. He gathered some of the large pine cones from the branches of the tree he was in. He touched a pine cone with his staff and it burned bright with blue flames. He threw it burning, down into the group of wolves!

It hit one of the wolves on the back, and immediately the wolf's fur caught fire! He ran around in circles, jumped up and down and yelped horribly! Gandalf threw another pine cone, and then another! One with blue flames, another with red flames, and another with green flames! They exploded on the ground in the middle of the wolves and colored fire flew everywhere! Gandalf hit their wolf chieftain on the nose and he cried in pain.

The Dwarves and Bilbo shouted and cheered. Very soon, many of the wolves were burning. They ran around, bumping into other wolves and setting them on fire too. But the wolves were not the only things that were burning. Soon, some of the trees near the Dwarves began to burn - it was summer, after all, and the leaves were dry.

“What is going on in the forest tonight?” said the Lord of the Eagles. He was circling high over the mountains, and he could see the fires burning. The Lord of the Eagles could see a rabbit moving in the grass from two kilometers in the sky, even at night. He could not see the people in the trees, but he could see the wargs and the fire far below. He could also see the goblins. They were coming down the mountain in long lines, holding bright spears.

Eagles are not kind birds. They do not love goblins, and they are not afraid of them. But if they saw them in the mountains or in the trees, the eagles would attack the goblins, and make them go back into their caves. Eagles did not eat the goblins - they did not taste good. But goblins hated the eagles. Goblins could not climb the mountains to kill the eagles, so they were afraid of them.

Tonight the Lord of the Eagles was curious. He called his eagle guards to fly with him towards the fire on the mountain. They circled slowly down, down, down towards the ring of the wolves. Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves were lucky that night. The circle of trees where they were hiding was beginning to burn. And the fire was getting closer and closer to them.

Suddenly, the goblins arrived, yelling and screaming. They thought the wargs were in a great battle with the humans who live near the mountains. But when they discovered what was happening, some of them sat down and laughed! Goblins are not afraid of fire, and they had a plan. They picked up burning branches and burning leaves and placed them near the trees where the Dwarves were hiding. Soon, there was smoke and fire everywhere. Bilbo’s eyes were burning, and he could feel the heat from the fires.

Gandalf climbed to the top of his tree. He held his staff high in the air, and lightning came from it. He was going to jump down into the middle of the wargs and goblins. He would certainly die, but he would kill many wargs and goblins in his final moments. But, he never jumped.

Just at that moment the Lord of the Eagles came down from above, picked up Gandalf in his talons, and flew away. The goblins and wargs howled in anger. Gandalf spoke quickly to the Lord of the Eagles, and his cry was loud in the night! His guards flew down like black shadows and attacked the goblins and the wargs! Other eagles flew to the trees and picked up the Dwarves. Poor Bilbo was almost abandoned again!

At the last moment Bilbo grabbed Dori’s legs. Dori was the last to be taken away. Up, up they flew, above the screaming goblins, above the howling wargs, away from the smoke and fire. Bilbo was hanging from Dori’s legs. His arms were almost breaking! Soon, the light from the fire was far, far below them.

They were high in the night sky. Bilbo never forgot that flight, hanging onto Dori’s legs. He yelled, “my arms, my poor arms!” But Dori cried, “my legs, my poor legs!” Bilbo was not afraid of heights, exactly. But he did not like them, either. So you can imagine how scared he was, when he looked down, down onto the land far below. He did not know if he could hold on much longer. He closed his eyes and imagined what would happen if he let go. He felt sick.

The Lord of the Eagles would not take them close to where men lived. Men used their bows and arrows to kill the eagles, to protect their sheep. “We will not leave you here, near the villages of men,” the Lord of the Eagles said to Gandalf.

“Do not worry,” replied Gandalf. “Take us where and as far as you want. We are very obliged to you for your help.”

Morning was coming as the eagles finally left Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves. Some of the eagle guards had returned to their homes in the mountains and brought food for the party. The adventure of the Misty Mountains was over. The tired adventurers found a safe place to rest for the morning. Bilbo dreamed of his little Hobbit home far away in the Shire. He dreamed of his little kitchen. He dreamed of his little garden. He dreamed of his soft, comfortable bed. And not for the last time.

Chapter 7
Capítulo 7

Out of the Frying, Pan into the Fire
Da frigideira para o fogo

Bilbo had escaped the goblins, but he did not know where he was. 
Bilbo tinha escapado dos goblins, mas não sabia onde estava. 

And he did not know where his friends were. 
E ele não sabia onde seus amigos estavam. 

He was alone and it was getting dark. 
Ele estava sozinho e estava escurecendo. 

The sun was beginning to go down and Bilbo realized, “Good heavens! 
O sol estava começando a se pôr e Bilbo percebeu, “Meu Deus! 

I have gone all the way through to the other side of the Misty Mountains! 
Eu atravessei todo o caminho até o outro lado das Montanhas Nebulosas! 

Oh, where oh where are Gandalf and the Dwarves? 
Oh, onde estão Gandalf e os anões? 

I hope they are not back in the mountain, prisoners of the goblins!”
Espero que eles não estejam lá na montanha, prisioneiros dos goblins!”

Bilbo continued down the mountain, miserable and hungry.
Bilbo continuou descendo a montanha, miserável e faminto.

While he walked, an uncomfortable thought was growing inside him,
Enquanto caminhava, um pensamento desconfortável crescia dentro dele:

“Now that I have the magic ring, shouldn’t I go back into those horrible, horrible tunnels and look for my friends?”
“Agora que tenho o anel mágico, não deveria voltar para aqueles túneis horríveis e horríveis e procurar meus amigos?”

The idea terrified him.
A ideia o aterrorizava. 

But in the end, he made up his mind that it was his responsibility, his duty to go back and look for them.
Mas, no final, ele decidiu que era sua responsabilidade, seu dever, voltar e procurá-los.

As he turned around to go back up the mountain, he heard voices!
Quando ele se virou para voltar para a montanha, ele ouviu vozes!

He stopped and listened.
Ele parou e escutou.

It did not sound like goblins, so he continued forward very carefully and very quietly.
Não parecia goblins, então ele continuou em frente com muito cuidado e muito silenciosamente.

In a safe place hidden by large rocks, there were people talking.
Em um lugar seguro escondido por grandes rochas, havia pessoas conversando.

He moved even closer to the sound.
Ele se aproximou ainda mais do som.

Suddenly, between two big rocks, he could see a head with a red hood on top - it was Balin!
De repente, entre duas grandes pedras, ele viu uma cabeça com um capuz vermelho em cima - era Balin!

Bilbo could have jumped up and down in happiness, but he did not.
Bilbo poderia ter saltado de felicidade, mas não o fez.

He still had the ring on.
Ele ainda estava usando o anel.

Balin was looking straight at him, without seeing him!
Balin olhava diretamente para ele, sem vê-lo!

“I will give them a surprise they will remember,” he thought.
“Vou dar-lhes uma surpresa de que se lembrarão”, pensou.

He crawled into some bushes near the group and listened.
Ele se arrastou dentro de alguns arbustos perto do grupo e escutou.

Gandalf was arguing with the Dwarves.
Gandalf estava discutindo com os anões.

They were discussing and debating what to do now.
Eles estavam discutindo e debatendo o que fazer agora.

The Dwarves were unhappy.
Os anões estavam infelizes.

Gandalf was telling the Dwarves that they could not continue on their journey and leave Bilbo in the hands of the goblins.
Gandalf estava dizendo para os anões que eles não poderiam continuar sua jornada e deixar Bilbo nas mãos dos goblins.

They must go back and discover if he was alive or dead, and try to rescue him if they could.
Eles devem voltar e descobrir se ele estava vivo ou morto, e tentar resgatá-lo se puderem.

“After all, he is my friend,” said the wizard, “and he is a good little Hobbit.
“Afinal, ele é meu amigo,” disse o mago, “e ele é um bom Hobbitzinho.

I feel responsible for him.
Eu me sinto responsável por ele.

And I wish you had not lost him, Dori.”
E eu gostaria que você não o tivesse perdido, Dori.

“Good heavens! Do not blame me!
"Deus do céu! Não me culpe!

We were fighting the goblins in the dark!
Estávamos lutando contra os goblins no escuro!

You almost cut off my head with your sword, and Thorin was swinging Orcrist everywhere.
Você quase cortou minha cabeça com sua espada, e Thorin estava balançando Orcrist para todos os lados.

You gave one of your bright flashes of light and then you shouted ‘follow me everybody!’ and everybody should have followed you.
Você deu um de seus flashes brilhantes de luz e então gritou 'me sigam todos!' e todos deveriam ter seguido você.

There was not time to count everyone with all the confusion.
Não havia tempo para contar todos com toda a confusão.

And here we are - without our burglar, confusticate him!”
E aqui estamos nós - sem nosso ladrão, confunda-o!”

“And here’s your burglar!” said Bilbo, walking into the middle of the group, and taking off his ring.
“E aqui está o seu ladrão!” disse Bilbo, entrando no meio do grupo e tirando o anel.

How the Dwarves jumped in surprise!
Como os Anões pularam de surpresa!

They all shouted with happiness to see their lost friend.
Todos gritaram de felicidade ao ver o amigo perdido.

Gandalf was as surprised as any of them, but happier than all of them to see Bilbo again.
Gandalf estava tão surpreso quanto qualquer um deles, mas mais feliz do que todos ao ver Bilbo novamente.

Bilbo’s reputation went up considerably after his surprising appearance.
A reputação de Bilbo aumentou consideravelmente após sua aparição surpreendente.

No one doubted that Bilbo was a first-class burglar now.
Ninguém duvidava que Bilbo fosse um ladrão de primeira classe agora.

The Dwarves wanted to know all about Bilbo’s escape.
Os anões queriam saber tudo sobre a fuga de Bilbo.

He told them everything, except the part about finding the ring.
Ele contou tudo a eles, exceto a parte sobre encontrar o anel.

They were very impressed with his heroic jump and escape through the goblin door.
Eles ficaram muito impressionados com seu salto heróico e escape pela porta goblin.

“What did I tell you?” said Gandalf laughing.
"O que eu disse-lhe?" disse Gandalf rindo.

“There is more to Mr. Baggins than you realized.”
"Há mais no Sr. Baggins do que você imaginava."

He looked at Bilbo in a suspicious way as he said those words.
Ele olhou para Bilbo com desconfiança ao dizer aquelas palavras.

Bilbo wondered if Gandalf guessed the part of the story he did not tell them.
Bilbo se perguntou se Gandalf adivinhava a parte da história que ele não contou a eles.

As the party talked in excitement, the wizard reminded them of the danger they were in.
Enquanto o grupo falava empolgado, o mago os lembrou do perigo que corriam.

“We must leave this place immediately,” he said.
“Devemos deixar este lugar imediatamente”, disse ele.

“The goblins will come after us as soon as it is dark.
“Os goblins virão atrás de nós assim que escurecer.

They can smell our footsteps for many hours after we have passed.
Eles podem sentir o cheiro de nossos passos por muitas horas depois que passamos.

We are still high up in the mountains.
Ainda estamos no alto das montanhas.

We must go down. Let’s go!”
Devemos descer. Vamos lá!"

They went on for a long distance, down valleys and across mountain streams.
Eles continuaram por uma longa distância, descendo vales e atravessando riachos nas montanhas.

They came to a very steep hill, covered in small rocks.
Chegaram a uma colina muito íngreme, coberta de pequenas pedras.

As they descended the hill, the rocks began to move!
Enquanto desciam a colina, as rochas começaram a se mover!

They were soon slipping and sliding down the rocky hill at a great speed!
Eles logo estavam escorregando e deslizando pela colina rochosa em grande velocidade!

When they all arrived safely at the bottom of the hill, Gandalf said,
Quando todos chegaram em segurança ao sopé da colina, Gandalf disse:

“Well! That fall has moved us down a good distance, and it will be difficult for the goblins to follow us down this hill quietly.”
“Bem! Aquela queda nos desceu uma boa distância, e será difícil para os goblins nos seguirem por esta colina em silêncio.”

And my stomach is as empty as my pockets!”
E meu estômago está tão vazio quanto meus bolsos!”

“A little further,” said Gandalf.
“Um pouco mais adiante,” disse Gandalf.

Suddenly, they heard a terrifying sound - a howl in the darkness down the hill!
De repente, eles ouviram um som aterrorizante - um uivo na escuridão lá embaixo na colina!

Then the first howl was answered by another howl, much closer on their right.
Então o primeiro uivo foi respondido por outro uivo, muito mais próximo à direita deles.

Then, there was another howl, even closer to their left! “Wargs!” cried Gandalf.
Então, houve outro uivo, ainda mais perto da esquerda deles! “Wargs!” gritou Gandalf.

“Escaping goblins to be caught by wargs!” he said.
“Goblins fugindo para serem pegos por wargs!” ele disse.

It became a very popular proverb after that, but we know it today as “out of the frying pan, into the fire”.
Tornou-se um provérbio muito popular depois disso, mas hoje o conhecemos como “da frigideira para o fogo”.

“Climb up the trees, quick!” cried Gandalf.
“Suba nas árvores, rápido!” gritou Gandalf.

Luckily, wargs cannot climb trees.
Felizmente, os wargs não conseguem subir em árvores.

The Dwarves and Bilbo all ran to find safety in the trees.
Os Anões e Bilbo correram para encontrar segurança nas árvores.

It was a very funny thing to see: a forest of trees full of Dwarves with long beards blowing in the wind!
Foi uma coisa muito engraçada de se ver: uma floresta de árvores cheia de anões com longas barbas ao vento!

Gandalf was alone in a large pine that looked like a Christmas tree, with the wizard as the decoration!
Gandalf estava sozinho em um grande pinheiro que parecia uma árvore de Natal, com o mago como decoração!

But what about Bilbo?
Mas e o Bilbo?

He was too small to climb any of the trees!
Ele era pequeno demais para subir em qualquer uma das árvores!

And the wargs were getting closer and closer!
E os wargs estavam cada vez mais perto!

“You’ve forgotten the burglar again, my dear Dwarves!” yelled Gandalf.
“Vocês esqueceram o ladrão de novo, meus queridos Anões!” gritou Gandalf.

Dori climbed down from his tree and let Bilbo climb up his back and stand on his shoulders.
Dori desceu de sua árvore e deixou Bilbo subir em suas costas e ficar em seus ombros.

Bilbo was finally able to grab a branch and pull himself into the tree.
Bilbo finalmente conseguiu agarrar um galho e pular na árvore.

Then, Dori jumped up to grab the lowest branch himself.
Então, Dori pulou para pegar o galho mais baixo.

Only just in time!
Bem na hora!

A warg jumped at his legs and almost bit him.
Um warg pulou para pegar suas pernas e quase o mordeu.

In a minute there was a whole pack of angry wargs surrounding the trees.
Em um minuto havia um bando inteiro de wargs furiosos cercando as árvores.

The Dwarves were trapped!
Os anões estavam presos!

For the moment they were safe.
No momento, eles estavam seguros.

But trees become very uncomfortable very quickly when you are trapped in one, especially when you are surrounded by wargs!
Mas as árvores ficam muito desconfortáveis ​​muito rapidamente quando você está preso em uma, especialmente quando você está cercado por wargs!

More and more kept coming.
Mais e mais continuavam chegando.

After searching and smelling, the wargs had located each and every tree that had a Dwarf, Hobbit or Wizard.
Depois de procurar e cheirar, os wargs localizaram cada árvore que tinha um anão, hobbit ou mago.

They left warg guards at the foot of each one.
Eles deixaram guardas wargs ao pé de cada uma.

The party was unlucky: they were trapped in an area of the forest that appeared to be a meeting place for wargs.
O grupo não teve sorte: eles ficaram presos em uma área da floresta que parecia ser um ponto de encontro para os wargs.

In the middle of the evil pack there was a large gray wolf.
No meio da matilha malvada havia um grande lobo cinza.

He spoke to the other beasts in the terrible language of the wargs.
Ele falou com os outros animais na terrível linguagem dos wargs.

They answered him in a horrible noise of growls and howls.
Eles lhe responderam com um barulho horrível de rosnados e uivos.

Gandalf understood the language. This is what he heard…
Gandalf entendeu a linguagem. Foi isso o que ele ouviu...

The Wargs and the goblins often helped each other to do horrible things in the region.
Os Wargs e os goblins muitas vezes ajudavam uns aos outros a fazer coisas horríveis na região.

The goblins often used the wargs to attack men in the area, and take them prisoner back to the goblin caves, or eat them.
Os goblins costumavam usar os wargs para atacar os homens na área e levá-los prisioneiros de volta às cavernas dos goblins, ou comê-los.

The goblins sometimes rode the wargs like men ride horses.
Os goblins às vezes montavam os wargs como homens montam cavalos.

And by chance, this night was a night that the wargs were going to meet the goblins to attack human villages at the foot of the mountain.
E por acaso, esta noite era uma noite em que os wargs iam ao encontro dos goblins para atacar aldeias humanas no sopé da montanha.

But the goblins were late.
Mas os goblins estavam atrasados.

The wargs were angry and confused.
Os wargs estavam zangados e confusos.

They were expecting the goblins, but found the Dwarves instead!
Eles estavam esperando os goblins, mas em vez disso, encontraram os anões!

But they were not going to leave now.
Mas eles não iam embora agora.

They were going to wait for the goblins.
Eles iam esperar pelos goblins.

Goblins, after all, can climb trees, or cut them down!
Goblins, afinal, podem subir em árvores ou derrubá-las!

So you can understand why Gandalf began to feel afraid.
Então você pode entender por que Gandalf começou a sentir medo.

He was a powerful wizard, but he was a wizard stuck in a tree!
Ele era um mago poderoso, mas era um mago preso em uma árvore!

But, of course, he was not going to let the wargs do what they wanted.
Mas, é claro, ele não ia deixar os wargs fazerem o que quisessem.

He gathered some of the large pine cones from the branches of the tree he was in.
Ele pegou algumas das grandes pinhas dos galhos da árvore em que estava.

He touched a pine cone with his staff and it burned bright with blue flames.
Ele tocou uma pinha com seu cajado e ela ardeu com chamas azuis.

He threw it burning, down into the group of wolves!
Ele a jogou, queimando em chamas, no grupo de lobos!

It hit one of the wolves on the back, and immediately the wolf's fur caught fire!
Atingiu um dos lobos nas costas, e imediatamente o pelo do lobo pegou fogo!

He ran around in circles, jumped up and down and yelped horribly!
Ele correu em círculos, pulou para cima e para baixo e gritou horrivelmente!

Gandalf threw another pine cone, and then another!
Gandalf jogou outra pinha, e depois outra!

One with blue flames, another with red flames, and another with green flames!
Um com chamas azuis, outro com chamas vermelhas e outro com chamas verdes!

They exploded on the ground in the middle of the wolves and colored fire flew everywhere!
Elas explodiram no chão no meio dos lobos e fogo colorido voou por toda parte!

Gandalf hit their wolf chieftain on the nose and he cried in pain.
Gandalf acertou seu chefe lobo no nariz e ele chorou de dor.

The Dwarves and Bilbo shouted and cheered.
Os Anões e Bilbo gritaram e aplaudiram.

Very soon, many of the wolves were burning.
Muito em breve, muitos dos lobos estavam queimando.

They ran around, bumping into other wolves and setting them on fire too.
Eles correram, esbarrando em outros lobos e incendiando-os também.

But the wolves were not the only things that were burning.
Mas os lobos não eram as únicas coisas que estavam queimando.

Soon, some of the trees near the Dwarves began to burn - it was summer, after all, and the leaves were dry.
Logo, algumas das árvores perto dos anões começaram a queimar - era verão, afinal, e as folhas estavam secas.

“What is going on in the forest tonight?” said the Lord of the Eagles.
“O que está acontecendo na floresta esta noite?” disse o Senhor das Águias.

He was circling high over the mountains, and he could see the fires burning.
Ele estava circulando no alto das montanhas e podia ver os fogos queimando.

The Lord of the Eagles could see a rabbit moving in the grass from two kilometers in the sky, even at night.
O Senhor das Águias podia ver um coelho se movendo na grama a dois quilômetros no céu, mesmo à noite.

He could not see the people in the trees, but he could see the wargs and the fire far below.
Ele não podia ver as pessoas nas árvores, mas podia ver os wargs e o fogo lá embaixo.

He could also see the goblins.
Ele também podia ver os goblins.

They were coming down the mountain in long lines, holding bright spears.
Eles estavam descendo a montanha em longas filas, segurando lanças brilhantes.

Eagles are not kind birds.
Águias não são pássaros gentis.

They do not love goblins, and they are not afraid of them.
Eles não amam goblins e não têm medo deles.

But if they saw them in the mountains or in the trees, the eagles would attack the goblins, and make them go back into their caves.
Mas se os vissem nas montanhas ou nas árvores, as águias atacariam os goblins e os fariam voltar para suas cavernas.

Eagles did not eat the goblins - they did not taste good.
As águias não comiam os goblins - eles não tinham um gosto bom.

But goblins hated the eagles.
Mas os goblins odiavam as águias.

Goblins could not climb the mountains to kill the eagles, so they were afraid of them.
Goblins não podiam escalar as montanhas para matar as águias, então eles tinham medo delas.

Tonight the Lord of the Eagles was curious.
Esta noite o Senhor das Águias estava curioso.

He called his eagle guards to fly with him towards the fire on the mountain.
Ele chamou seus guardas de águia para voar com ele em direção ao fogo na montanha.

They circled slowly down, down, down towards the ring of the wolves.
Eles circularam lentamente para baixo, para baixo, para baixo em direção ao anel dos lobos.

Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves were lucky that night.
Gandalf, Bilbo e os Anões tiveram sorte naquela noite.

The circle of trees where they were hiding was beginning to burn.
O círculo de árvores onde eles estavam escondidos estava começando a queimar.

And the fire was getting closer and closer to them.
E o fogo estava cada vez mais perto deles.

Suddenly, the goblins arrived, yelling and screaming.
De repente, os goblins chegaram, gritando e berrando.

They thought the wargs were in a great battle with the humans who live near the mountains.
Eles achavam que os wargs estavam em uma grande batalha com os humanos que vivem perto das montanhas.

But when they discovered what was happening, some of them sat down and laughed!
Mas quando eles descobriram o que estava acontecendo, alguns deles sentaram e riram!

Goblins are not afraid of fire, and they had a plan.
Goblins não têm medo de fogo, e eles tinham um plano.

They picked up burning branches and burning leaves and placed them near the trees where the Dwarves were hiding.
Eles pegaram galhos e folhas em chamas e os colocaram perto das árvores onde os anões estavam escondidos.

Soon, there was smoke and fire everywhere.
Logo, havia fumaça e fogo por toda parte.

Bilbo’s eyes were burning, and he could feel the heat from the fires.
Os olhos de Bilbo estavam ardendo e ele podia sentir o calor dos fogos.

Gandalf climbed to the top of his tree.
Gandalf subiu ao topo de sua árvore.

He held his staff high in the air, and lightning came from it.
Ele ergueu seu cajado no ar, e um relâmpago saiu dele.

He was going to jump down into the middle of the wargs and goblins.
Ele ia pular no meio dos wargs e goblins.

He would certainly die, but he would kill many wargs and goblins in his final moments.
Ele certamente morreria, mas mataria muitos wargs e goblins em seus momentos finais.

But, he never jumped.
Mas, ele nunca pulou.

Just at that moment the Lord of the Eagles came down from above, picked up Gandalf in his talons, and flew away.
Exatamente naquele momento, o Senhor das Águias desceu de cima, pegou Gandalf em suas garras e voou para longe.

The goblins and wargs howled in anger.
Os goblins e wargs uivaram de raiva.

Gandalf spoke quickly to the Lord of the Eagles, and his cry was loud in the night!
Gandalf falou rapidamente com o Senhor das Águias, e seu grito foi alto na noite!

His guards flew down like black shadows and attacked the goblins and the wargs!
Seus guardas voaram como sombras escuras e atacaram os goblins e os wargs!

Other eagles flew to the trees and picked up the Dwarves.
Outras águias voaram para as árvores e pegaram os anões.

Poor Bilbo was almost abandoned again!
O pobre Bilbo quase foi abandonado de novo!

At the last moment Bilbo grabbed Dori’s legs.
No último momento, Bilbo agarrou as pernas de Dori.

Dori was the last to be taken away.
Dori foi a última a ser levada.

Up, up they flew, above the screaming goblins, above the howling wargs, away from the smoke and fire.
Para cima, para cima eles voaram, acima dos goblins gritando, acima dos wargs uivantes, longe da fumaça e do fogo.

Bilbo was hanging from Dori’s legs.
Bilbo estava pendurado nas pernas de Dori.

His arms were almost breaking!
Seus braços estavam quase quebrando!

Soon, the light from the fire was far, far below them.
Logo, a luz do fogo estava muito, muito abaixo deles.

They were high in the night sky.
Eles estavam no alto do céu noturno.

Bilbo never forgot that flight, hanging onto Dori’s legs.
Bilbo nunca esqueceu aquele voo, pendurado nas pernas de Dori.

He yelled, “my arms, my poor arms!”
Ele gritou: "meus braços, meus pobres braços!"

But Dori cried, “my legs, my poor legs!”
Mas Dori gritou: “minhas pernas, minhas pobres pernas!”

Bilbo was not afraid of heights, exactly.
Bilbo não tinha medo de altura, exatamente.

But he did not like them, either.
Mas também não gostava deles.

So you can imagine how scared he was, when he looked down, down onto the land far below.
Então você pode imaginar o quão assustado ele estava, quando olhou para baixo, para a terra lá embaixo.

He did not know if he could hold on much longer.
Ele não sabia se poderia aguentar muito mais tempo.

He closed his eyes and imagined what would happen if he let go.
Fechou os olhos e imaginou o que aconteceria se a soltasse.

He felt sick.
Ele se sentiu mal.

The Lord of the Eagles would not take them close to where men lived.
O Senhor das Águias não os levaria para perto de onde os homens viviam.

Men used their bows and arrows to kill the eagles, to protect their sheep.
Os homens usavam seus arcos e flechas para matar as águias, para proteger suas ovelhas.

“We will not leave you here, near the villages of men,” the Lord of the Eagles said to Gandalf.
“Não vamos deixar vocês aqui, perto das aldeias dos homens”, disse o Senhor das Águias a Gandalf.

“Do not worry,” replied Gandalf.
“Não se preocupe”, respondeu Gandalf.

“Take us where and as far as you want.
“Leve-nos para onde e o quão longe quiser.

We are very obliged to you for your help.”
Estamos muito gratos a vocês por sua ajuda.”

Morning was coming as the eagles finally left Gandalf, Bilbo and the Dwarves.
A manhã estava chegando quando as águias finalmente deixaram Gandalf, Bilbo e os anões.

Some of the eagle guards had returned to their homes in the mountains and brought food for the party.
Alguns dos guardas-águias voltaram para suas casas nas montanhas e trouxeram comida para o grupo.

The adventure of the Misty Mountains was over.
A aventura das Montanhas Nebulosas tinha acabado.

The tired adventurers found a safe place to rest for the morning.
Os aventureiros cansados ​​encontraram um lugar seguro para descansar pela manhã.

Bilbo dreamed of his little Hobbit home far away in the Shire.
Bilbo sonhou com sua pequena casa Hobbit longe no Shire.

He dreamed of his little kitchen.
Ele sonhou com sua pequena cozinha.

He dreamed of his little garden.
Ele sonhou com seu pequeno jardim.

He dreamed of his soft, comfortable bed.
Ele sonhou com sua cama macia e confortável.

And not for the last time.
E não pela última vez.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 8 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 6 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)