THE HOBBIT Chapter 6 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Riddles in the Dark

When Bilbo woke up, he was not sure if his eyes were open or closed. It was as dark as dark could be! There was no one anywhere near him. Imagine how scared he was! He could not hear anything, he could not see anything, and he could not feel anything except the cold stone floor.

He got up very slowly and began to crawl until he touched the wall of the tunnel. There was no sign of goblins, and there was no sign of the Dwarves. And he was not sure which direction they were traveling when he fell. He took a guess and began crawling in that direction. He crawled for a long time in the dark, until his fingers touched something. It felt like a tiny ring of cold metal on the floor of the tunnel.

It was a very important moment in his career, but he did not realize it at the moment. He put the ring in his pocket, almost without thinking about it. It certainly did not seem very useful to him at that moment. Then he sat down on the cold floor. He was miserable. He thought about cooking bacon and eggs in his comfortable kitchen in his comfortable Hobbit-hole. He was very hungry, after all. But thinking just made him hungrier and more miserable.

After some time, he continued down the passage, passing many tunnels on one side and then on the other side. But he walked quickly past these passages - there might be goblins in them! On and on he went, until suddenly, in the dark, he stepped - SPLASH - into water! It was as cold as ice! 

Bilbo could not swim, so he did not go into the water. He also imagined dark slimy things with big eyes moving in the water. There are strange things living in underground lakes. Things that swam in ages and ages ago and never left. Even in the tunnels and caves the goblins made, there are other things living in them that came in from the outside to live in the dark. And deep down here by the black water lived Gollum.

No one knows where Gollum came from. And no one knew who or what he was. He was Gollum. His body was as dark as darkness, with two big round pale eyes. His face was thin. He lived on a small island in the middle of the lake - it was in fact a lake, very deep and very cold - and he used a little boat to move quietly to and from his island.

He ate raw fish that he caught with his long fingers. And he ate raw goblins, too, when he could find them. He grabbed them in the dark from behind and choked them! Gollum was in his little boat, and he was watching Bilbo from a distance. He could see that Bilbo was not a goblin. His big round pale eyes were like telescopes in the darkness. So, while Bilbo was sitting miserable and confused on a rock near the lake, Gollum approached him silently from the water.

“It’s not a fishes, is its, my precioussss? No, but it’s a fat feast, a tasty bite it would be for us, gollum!” hissed Gollum. When he said “gollum” he made a horrible sound in his throat. That is how he got his name, but he always called himself “my precious”. Bilbo almost jumped out of his own skin when he heard the sound, and he suddenly saw the large round pale eyes looking at him in the darkness. He remembered his little sword and drew it. “Who are you?” said Bilbo, pushing his sword in front of him.

“What iss he, my preciousss?” whispered Gollum (he always spoke to himself because he never had anyone else to speak to). This is what Gollum wanted to know. He was not very hungry at the moment, only curious. If he had been hungry, he would have grabbed him first and whispered questions after.

"I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I have lost my dwarves and I have lost my wizard, and I have lost my way."

"What's he gots in his handses?" said Gollum, looking at the sword, which he did not quite like.

"A sword, a blade which comes from Gondolin!"

"Sssss," said Gollum, and he became very polite. 

Gollum was trying to appear friendly, at least for the moment, so he said, “Praps ye sits here and talks with it, my preciousss. It likes riddles, does it?” He wanted to find out more about the Hobbit, if he was really alone or if he was good to eat. Gollum could only think of riddles. They were the only game he could remember playing with other creatures. Before he came down, down into the dark under the mountain.

“Ok,” said Bilbo, who was very nervous and wanted to agree. He wanted to find out more about this creature, if he was really alone, if he was good or bad, or if he was a friend of the goblins. “You ask first,” he said. He could not think of a riddle in his anxious condition. So Gollum hissed:

"What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, but it never grows?"

"Easy!" said Bilbo. "Mountain, I imagine."

"Does it guess easy? It must have a competition with us, my preciouss! If precious asks, and it doesn't answer, we eats it, my preciousss. If it asks us, and we doesn't answer, then we does what it wants, eh? We shows it the way out, yes!"

"All right!" said Bilbo. He did not want to disagree. But he was having difficulty thinking of riddles to save him from being eaten! So he thought of this one to gain some time:

"A box without hinges, key, or lid, but golden treasure inside is hid."

Bilbo thought this was a very easy riddle, but it was very difficult for poor Gollum. He hissed to himself, and cried and spit. Bilbo became impatient after some time. "Well, what is it?" he said.

"Give us a chance; give us a chance, my preciouss-ss-ss."

"Well," said Bilbo, after giving him a long chance, "what is your guess?"

But suddenly Gollum remembered stealing from bird nests long ago, and sitting next to the river teaching his grandmother to suck -"Eggses!" he hissed. "Eggses it is!" Then he asked:

"It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelt. It exists behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter."

Bilbo of course had heard that kind of riddle before. And the answer was all around him, anyway. “Dark!” he said without having to put on his thinking cap. He continued with his next riddle.

"An eye in a blue face, Saw an eye in a green face. ‘That eye is like this eye" said the first eye, but in a low place, not in a high place.’"

"Ss, ss, ss," said Gollum. He had been underground for so long that he could not remember that kind of thing. Bilbo thought Gollum was not going to be able to answer. But suddenly, Gollum remembered a time ages and ages ago when he lived with his grandmother in a hole near a river. "Sss, sss, my preciouss," he said. "Sun on the daisies it means, it does."

These “above ground” riddles were beginning to bore Gollum. They reminded him of days when he was less lonely and cruel. They also made him hungry. So his next riddle was more difficult and more unpleasant:

"This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountain down."

Poor Bilbo sat in the dark thinking of all the horrible names of all the terrible creatures he knew, but none of them had done all of those things. He had a feeling that the answer was easy. He also thought that he should know it, but he could not think of it. He began to get frightened, and that is bad for thinking. Gollum began to get out of his boat.

Bilbo could see his eyes coming towards him. He was terrified! He wanted to shout out: "Give me more time! Give me more time!" But the only word that came out in a frightened yell was: "Time! Time!" Bilbo was saved by pure luck. For that of course was the answer: “time.”

Gollum was disappointed again, and now he was getting angry. He was also getting tired of the game. He was becoming very hungry. Gollum sat close by Bilbo, looking at him. And Bilbo became terribly uncomfortable and completely unable to think!

"It's got to ask uss a quesstion, my preciouss, yes, yess, yesss. Jusst one more quesstion to guess, yes, yess," said Gollum.

But Bilbo simply could not think of any question with Gollum sitting so close to him, pressuring him. Bilbo thought and thought. 

"Ask us! ask us!" said Gollum.

Bilbo pinched himself and slapped himself. He held his little sword in one hand and, by accident, felt in his pocket with his other hand. And there, in the bottom of his pocket was the ring he had picked up in the passage. He had completely forgotten about it!

“What do I have in my pocket?" he asked out loud. He was only talking to himself, but Gollum heard him and thought it was a riddle, and he became very upset.

"Not fair! not fair!" he hissed. "It isn't fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it's got in its nassty little pocketses?"

Bilbo realized what had happened. But he could not think of a better question, so he continued, “What do I have in my pocket?"

"S-s-s-s-s," hissed Gollum. "It must give us three guesses, my preciouss, three guesses."

"Very well! Guess away!" said Bilbo.

"Handses!" said Gollum.

"Wrong," said Bilbo, who was lucky and had just taken his hand out of his pocket. "Guess again!" 

"S-s-s-s-s," said Gollum. He was more upset than ever. He thought of all the things he kept in his own pockets: fishbones, goblins' teeth, a bit of bat wing, and other nasty things. He tried to think of what other people kept in their pockets.

"Knife!" he said at last.

"Wrong!" said Bilbo, who had lost his own knife a long time ago. "Last guess!"

Gollum was obviously having difficulty controlling himself. He hissed and spit and jumped up and down and wriggled and squirmed. But he did not want to waste his last guess.

"Come on!" said Bilbo. "I am waiting!" He tried to sound courageous and confident, but he did not know how the game was going to end, even if Gollum guessed right or wrong. “Your time is up!” he said.

"String, or nothing!" yelled Gollum. It was not really a fair answer, making two guesses at the same time.

“Both wrong,” said Bilbo. He was very relieved that the game was over. He stood up and held out his little sword. He understood that even evil creatures were afraid to cheat at the riddle game. But Bilbo did not think he could trust this slimy thing to keep a promise, and he was right not to trust him.

Gollum did not attack immediately. He could see the sword in Bilbo’s hand. He sat there whispering to himself. Finally, Bilbo could not wait any longer.

"Well?" he said. "What about your promise? I want to go. You have to show me the way." "Iss that what we said, precious? Show the nassty little Baggins the way out, yes, yes. But what has it got in its pocketses, eh? Not string, precious, but not nothing. Oh no! gollum!" "It’s none of your business," said Bilbo. "A promise is a promise."

“Angry it is, impatient, my preciousss,” hissed Gollum. "But it must wait, yes it must. We can't go up the tunnels so quickly. We must go and get some things first, yes, things to help us."

"Well, hurry up!" said Bilbo, relieved that Gollum was going away. He thought Gollum was making an excuse to leave and was not going to come back. What was Gollum talking about? What useful thing could he have in his house on the dark lake?

But Bilbo was wrong. Gollum was coming back. He was angry now, and hungry. And he was an evil, miserable creature. He had a plan. On his island in the lake there was a place where he hid some of his personal things. And one of the things was a very beautiful, very wonderful object. He had a ring, a golden ring, a precious ring.

It was a ring of power, and if you put that ring on your finger, you became invisible! You could be seen only in full sunlight. But only because of your shadow, and that was weak and blurry. But who knows how Gollum found the ring, ages ago in the old days when there were many powerful rings in the world?

Maybe even the Master of the rings did not know. Gollum used to wear the ring at first, until it made him tired. And then he kept it in a small bag at his waist, until it irritated him. Now he usually hid it in the hiding place on his island. He liked to look at it. He could not be far from it for very long. And sometimes he put the ring on when he was hungry and did not want to eat fish anymore. He was invisible, and he was safe. But goblins were not.

Only a few hours before meeting Bilbo, Gollum had caught a small goblin-pup. How the creature squeaked! There was still a bone or two left for Gollum to gnaw later. But he wanted something soft and fat right now. “We will be very safe, we will, my precsiousss,” he hissed to himself. “It won’t see us, will it? No. It won’t see us. And its nasty little sword will not hurt us.”

That was how Gollum’s evil mind worked. He moved quickly towards his boat and pushed off into the lake. Bilbo thought that was the last time he would ever see him. But he waited for a while. He still did not know how to find his own way out, after all. Suddenly he heard a terrible screech. It made Bilbo very scared. Gollum was cursing and screaming somewhere off in the distance. He was on his island, looking for his ring that was not there.

"Where is it? Where iss it?" Bilbo heard him crying. "Losst it is, my precious, lost, lost!

"What's the matter?" Bilbo called. "What have you lost?"

"It mustn't ask us," screamed Gollum. "Not its business, no, gollum! It's losst, gollum, gollum, gollum."

"Well, so am I," cried Bilbo, "and I want to get unlost. And I won the game, and you promised. So come and let me out, and then you can continue looking!"

Bilbo was becoming annoyed at the delay and said, “Come, you never guessed my last question, and you promised to show me the way out.”

"Never guessed!" said Gollum. Then suddenly out of the darkness Bilbo heard a loud hiss. "What has it got in its pocketses? Tell us that. It must tell first."

Bilbo had no patience anymore. "Answers were to be guessed not given," he said.

"But it wasn't a fair question," said Gollum. "Not a riddle, precious, no."

"Oh well, if you want ordinary questions," Bilbo replied, "then I asked one first. What have you lost? Tell me that!"

"What has it got in its pocketses?" The sound was much louder and closer now. And Bilbo could now see two small points of light looking at him from the darkness. As Gollum became more suspicious, the light in his eyes burned in anger.
"What have you lost?" Bilbo continued. But now the light in Gollum's eyes was a green fire, and it was coming closer and closer. Gollum was in his boat, coming back to the shore where Bilbo was waiting. He was so angry because he could not find the ring, and his heart was so full of suspicion that he was not scared of the sword Bilbo was holding.

Bilbo did not understand why the creature was so angry, but he realized that Gollum was going to murder him. Just in time, he turned and ran back up the passage, feeling the wall with his hand.

"What has it got in its pocketses?" he heard the hiss loud behind him, and the splash as Gollum jumped from his boat.

“What do I have in my pocket?” Bilbo asked himself, as he ran up the dark passage. He put his hand in his pocket. The ring was very cold as it quietly slipped onto his finger.

The hiss was close behind him. He turned around and saw Gollum's eyes coming up the passage. They were like small green lamps. Bilbo was terrified! He tried to run faster, but suddenly he hit his toes on a rock in the floor, and he fell on his stomach with his little sword under him.

Bilbo prepared himself for the attack, but before he could do anything - catch his breath, stand up, move his sword, Gollum passed by. He did not even look at Bilbo. He continued running up the passage, hissing and whispering. Bilbo stood up. His body hurt. His sword was glowing in the dark - goblins were nearby. He put the sword in its scabbard, and he began to follow Gollum carefully. What else could he do?

"Curse it! curse it! curse it!" hissed Gollum. "Curse the Baggins! It's gone! What has it got in its pocketses? Oh we guess, we guess, my precious. He found it, yes he must have."

Suddenly Gollum sat down and began to cry, a sound that came from his throat. It was a horrible sound to listen to. Bilbo stopped and stayed close to the tunnel wall. Soon Gollum began to talk again. He seemed to be having an argument with himself.

"We can’ts go back to look for it, no. We doesn't remember all the places we visited. We won’ts find it anyway. The Baggins has it in its pocketses; the nassty cheater has found it, we says. We guesses, precious, only guesses. We can't know until we find the nassty creature and squeezes it. But it doesn't know what it can do, does it? It'll just keep it in its pocketses. It doesn't know, and it can't go far. It's lost, the nassty thing. It doesn't know the way out. It said it doesn’t know."

It was a ring of power, and if you put that ring on your finger, you became invisible! You could be seen only in full sunlight. But only because of your shadow, and that was weak and blurry. But who knows how Gollum found the ring, ages ago in the old days when there were many powerful rings in the world?

Maybe even the Master of the rings did not know. Gollum used to wear the ring at first, until it made him tired. And then he kept it in a small bag at his waist, until it irritated him. Now he usually hid it in the hiding place on his island. He liked to look at it. He could not be far from it for very long. And sometimes he put the ring on when he was hungry and did not want to eat fish anymore. He was invisible, and he was safe. But goblins were not.

Only a few hours before meeting Bilbo, Gollum had caught a small goblin-pup. How the creature squeaked! There was still a bone or two left for Gollum to gnaw later. But he wanted something soft and fat right now. “We will be very safe, we will, my precsiousss,” he hissed to himself. “It won’t see us, will it? No. It won’t see us. And its nasty little sword will not hurt us.”

That was how Gollum’s evil mind worked. He moved quickly towards his boat and pushed off into the lake. Bilbo thought that was the last time he would ever see him. But he waited for a while. He still did not know how to find his own way out, after all. Suddenly he heard a terrible screech. It made Bilbo very scared. Gollum was cursing and screaming somewhere off in the distance. He was on his island, looking for his ring that was not there.

"Where is it? Where iss it?" Bilbo heard him crying. "Losst it is, my precious, lost, lost!

"What's the matter?" Bilbo called. "What have you lost?"

"It mustn't ask us," screamed Gollum. "Not its business, no, gollum! It's losst, gollum, gollum, gollum."

"Well, so am I," cried Bilbo, "and I want to get unlost. And I won the game, and you promised. So come and let me out, and then you can continue looking!"

Bilbo was becoming annoyed at the delay and said, “Come, you never guessed my last question, and you promised to show me the way out.”

"Never guessed!" said Gollum. Then suddenly out of the darkness Bilbo heard a loud hiss. "What has it got in its pocketses? Tell us that. It must tell first."

Bilbo had no patience anymore. "Answers were to be guessed not given," he said.

"But it wasn't a fair question," said Gollum. "Not a riddle, precious, no."

"Oh well, if you want ordinary questions," Bilbo replied, "then I asked one first. What have you lost? Tell me that!"

"What has it got in its pocketses?" The sound was much louder and closer now. And Bilbo could now see two small points of light looking at him from the darkness. As Gollum became more suspicious, the light in his eyes burned in anger.

"What have you lost?" Bilbo continued. But now the light in Gollum's eyes was a green fire, and it was coming closer and closer. Gollum was in his boat, coming back to the shore where Bilbo was waiting. He was so angry because he could not find the ring, and his heart was so full of suspicion that he was not scared of the sword Bilbo was holding.

Bilbo did not understand why the creature was so angry, but he realized that Gollum was going to murder him. Just in time, he turned and ran back up the passage, feeling the wall with his hand.

"What has it got in its pocketses?" he heard the hiss loud behind him, and the splash as Gollum jumped from his boat.

“What do I have in my pocket?” Bilbo asked himself, as he ran up the dark passage. He put his hand in his pocket. The ring was very cold as it quietly slipped onto his finger.

The hiss was close behind him. He turned around and saw Gollum's eyes coming up the passage. They were like small green lamps. Bilbo was terrified! He tried to run faster, but suddenly he hit his toes on a rock in the floor, and he fell on his stomach with his little sword under him.

Bilbo prepared himself for the attack, but before he could do anything - catch his breath, stand up, move his sword, Gollum passed by. He did not even look at Bilbo. He continued running up the passage, hissing and whispering. Bilbo stood up. His body hurt. His sword was glowing in the dark - goblins were nearby. He put the sword in its scabbard, and he began to follow Gollum carefully. What else could he do?

"Curse it! curse it! curse it!" hissed Gollum. "Curse the Baggins! It's gone! What has it got in its pocketses? Oh we guess, we guess, my precious. He found it, yes he must have."

Suddenly Gollum sat down and began to cry, a sound that came from his throat. It was a horrible sound to listen to. Bilbo stopped and stayed close to the tunnel wall. Soon Gollum began to talk again. He seemed to be having an argument with himself.

"We can’ts go back to look for it, no. We doesn't remember all the places we visited. We won’ts find it anyway. The Baggins has it in its pocketses; the nassty cheater has found it, we says. We guesses, precious, only guesses. We can't know until we find the nassty creature and squeezes it. But it doesn't know what it can do, does it? It'll just keep it in its pocketses. It doesn't know, and it can't go far. It's lost, the nassty thing. It doesn't know the way out. It said it doesn’t know."

But it knows a way in, it does. If it knows a way in, it must know a way out, yes. It's going to the back-door.  The back-door, that's it. The goblinses will catch it then. But if it has our precious, then goblinses will get it, gollum! They'll find it, they'll find out what it does. One of the goblinses will put it on, and then no one will see him. He'll be there but not seen. Not even our eyeses will notice him; and he'll come sneaking and catch us, gollum, gollum!"

"So let's stop talking, precious, and make haste. Hurry, hurry! If the Baggins went that way, we must go quick and see. Go! Not far now. Make haste! Hurry!" With a jump, Gollum got up and started running very quickly.

Bilbo ran after him, carefully at first. He was afraid he was going to trip again and fall and make a loud noise. He was full of hope, though. It seemed that the ring was a magic ring - it made you invisible! He had heard of magic rings, of course. But it was hard to believe that he had really found one, and by accident.

They ran on and on. Bilbo was behind him, moving as silently as a Hobbit can. Suddenly, Gollum stopped at the entrance to a passage on the right side of the tunnel. “Here's the passage!" he said. He looked in, and then stepped back. "But we mustn't go in, precious, no we mustn't. Goblinses down there. Lots of goblinses. We smells them. What shall we do? Curse them and crush them! We must wait here, precious, wait a little and see."

So, Gollum had brought Bilbo to the way out after all, but Bilbo could not get in! Gollum was sitting in front of the opening to the passage and blocking it! Bilbo could see the glow of his eyes as his head moved from side to side in the darkness. Bilbo was right behind him, and suddenly Gollum became very still, and he sniffed the air. His eyes became a bright green.

He made a terrible hissing sound. He could not see the Hobbit, but now he was alert. And he had other powerful senses he could use in the darkness: hearing and smell. Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and he became perfectly still himself. He was desperate. He must get away, out of this horrible darkness. He must fight. He must kill the horrible creature in front of him. Gollum was going to kill him for sure.

But Bilbo was a very fair Hobbit, as most Hobbits are. He was invisible now. Gollum had no sword. Gollum had never really threatened to kill him, or tried to kill him yet. And he was miserable, alone, lost. Suddenly Bilbo understood. He imagined how this poor creature lived, day after day, age after age, alone, with only the darkness and goblins around him.

All these thoughts came into Bilbo’s mind in a flash. And with one final decision, he found new strength and he jumped! It was not an impressive jump for a man, but it was a jump in the dark - over Gollum’s head, two meters forward and one in the air! He did not know it, because it was very dark, but he almost broke his skull on the low entrance to the passage.

Gollum turned and threw his hands out and tried to grab what he could not see! But he was too late. He caught nothing! Bilbo landed and ran quickly down the tunnel. He did not turn around to see what Gollum was doing. There was a terrible scream from behind him, filled with hatred and despair. Gollum was defeated. He had lost. He lost his prey, he lost his dinner, and he lost the only thing he ever loved in his cruel and miserable life, his precious.

Bilbo felt terrible for the poor creature, but he continued on. He heard a voice from behind him, very far away, like and echo: "Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!" Then there was silence.

Bilbo took out his little sword and it glowed blue - there were goblins nearby! The passage went on for a long time still. But the passage turned left and there, in the distance, Bilbo could see a very pale light. Not the light of a fire or torch - it was the light of the sun! Bilbo began to run, as fast as his legs could carry him! He turned the last corner and suddenly he came running right into an open space where the light was very bright.

The light was coming through a large stone door that was open just a little. Bilbo blinked his eyes. After being in the dark for so long, this light was very bright! And then he saw the goblins! Lots of goblins wearing armor and carrying swords. They were all looking at the door and waiting. They were also watching the passage that came to it. They were alert and ready for anything.

The Goblins saw Bilbo before he saw them. Yes, they saw him. Maybe it was an accident, or maybe it was the final cruel trick of the ring, but it was not on his finger. The goblins yelled with anticipation and they all ran towards him. Bilbo felt a strong sense of fear and finality. He did not even take out his sword. He just put his hands in his pockets…

And there was the ring, in his left pocket, and it slipped onto his finger. All the goblins stopped suddenly. They could not see him anymore. He had disappeared. They all yelled even more, but in anger this time. There was terrible confusion as they all tried to decide what to do.

Bilbo was terrified, but he thought to himself, "I must get to the door, I must get to the door!" So he gathered all his courage and ran straight for the opening in the door. The place was full of goblins and he was knocked over by a goblin who did not understand what he bumped into! Bilbo got up on his hands and knees and crawled as fast as he could between the legs of the goblin captain. He stood up and ran for the door.

The door was still open, but just a little. Biblo tried, but he could not move it. He tried to squeeze through the opening. He squeezed and squeezed, but he was stuck! It was terrible! His buttons caught on the edge of the door. He could see outside into the open air: there were some stairs going down into the trees. The sun came out from behind a cloud and was bright on the door.

Suddenly one of the goblins inside shouted: "There’s is a shadow by the door. Something is outside!" Bilbo's heart jumped into his mouth. He gave a terrific push. Buttons burst off in all directions. He was through! His coat and waistcoat were torn and buttonless, but he was free! He jumped down the stairs like a goat as the confused goblins were still picking up his beautiful buttons.

Of course they came after him, yelling and shouting and hunting him through the trees. But goblins do not like the sun: it makes them weak and scared. They could not find Bilbo now with the ring on, running quick and quiet, and staying out of the sun under the trees. So soon they went back confused and frustrated to guard the door. But Bilbo had escaped.

Chapter 6
Capítulo 6

Riddles in the Dark
Adivinhas no escuro

When Bilbo woke up, he was not sure if his eyes were open or closed.
Quando Bilbo acordou, não tinha certeza se seus olhos estavam abertos ou fechados.

It was as dark as dark could be!
Estava tão escuro quanto podia estar!

There was no one anywhere near him.
Não havia ninguém perto dele.

Imagine how scared he was!
Imagine como ele estava com medo!

He could not hear anything, he could not see anything, and he could not feel anything except the cold stone floor.
Ele não conseguia ouvir nada, não conseguia ver nada e não conseguia sentir nada, exceto o chão frio de pedra.

He got up very slowly and began to crawl until he touched the wall of the tunnel.
Levantou-se muito devagar e começou a engatinhar até tocar a parede do túnel.

There was no sign of goblins, and there was no sign of the Dwarves.
Não havia sinal de goblins, e não havia sinal dos anões.

And he was not sure which direction they were traveling when he fell.
E ele não tinha certeza em qual direção eles estavam viajando quando ele caiu.

He took a guess and began crawling in that direction.
Ele deu um palpite e começou a rastejar naquela direção.

He crawled for a long time in the dark, until his fingers touched something.
Ele rastejou por um longo tempo no escuro, até que seus dedos tocaram em alguma coisa.

It felt like a tiny ring of cold metal on the floor of the tunnel.
Parecia um pequeno anel de metal frio no chão do túnel.

It was a very important moment in his career, but he did not realize it at the moment.
Foi um momento muito importante em sua carreira, mas ele não percebeu no momento.

He put the ring in his pocket, almost without thinking about it.
Ele colocou o anel no bolso, quase sem pensar.

It certainly did not seem very useful to him at that moment.
Certamente não lhe parecia muito útil naquele momento.

Then he sat down on the cold floor.
Então ele se sentou no chão frio.

He was miserable.
Ele estava miserável.

He thought about cooking bacon and eggs in his comfortable kitchen in his comfortable Hobbit-hole.
Ele pensou em cozinhar bacon e ovos em sua confortável cozinha em sua confortável toca de Hobbit.

He was very hungry, after all.
Ele estava com muita fome, afinal.

But thinking just made him hungrier and more miserable.
Mas pensar apenas o deixou mais faminto e mais miserável.

After some time, he continued down the passage, passing many tunnels on one side and then on the other side.
Depois de algum tempo, ele continuou pela passagem, passando por muitos túneis de um lado e depois do outro.

But he walked quickly past these passages - there might be goblins in them!
Mas ele passou rapidamente por essas passagens - pode haver goblins nelas!

On and on he went, until suddenly, in the dark, he stepped - SPLASH - into water!
Ele continuou, até que de repente, no escuro, ele pisou - SPLASH - em água!

It was as cold as ice!
Estava frio como gelo!

Bilbo could not swim, so he did not go into the water.
Bilbo não sabia nadar, então não entrou na água.

He also imagined dark slimy things with big eyes moving in the water.
Ele também imaginou coisas escuras e nojentas com grandes olhos se movendo na água.

There are strange things living in underground lakes.
Existem coisas estranhas vivendo em lagos subterrâneos.

Things that swam in ages and ages ago and never left.
Coisas que nadaram em eras e eras atrás e nunca mais foram embora.

Even in the tunnels and caves the goblins made, there are other things living in them that came in from the outside to live in the dark.
Mesmo nos túneis e cavernas que os goblins fizeram, há outras coisas vivendo neles que vieram de fora para viver no escuro.

And deep down here by the black water lived Gollum.
E aqui no fundo, ao lado da água negra, vivia Gollum.

No one knows where Gollum came from.
Ninguém sabe de onde Gollum veio.

And no one knew who or what he was.
E ninguém sabia quem ou o que ele era.

He was Gollum.
Ele era Gollum.

His body was as dark as darkness, with two big round pale eyes.
Seu corpo era escuro como a escuridão, com dois grandes olhos redondos e pálidos.

His face was thin.
Seu rosto estava magro.

He lived on a small island in the middle of the lake - it was in fact a lake, very deep and very cold - and he used a little boat to move quietly to and from his island.
Ele morava em uma pequena ilha no meio do lago - era um lago, na verdade, muito fundo e muito frio - e usava um pequeno barco para se deslocar silenciosamente da sua ilha.

He ate raw fish that he caught with his long fingers.
Ele comia peixe cru que pegava com os dedos compridos.

And he ate raw goblins, too, when he could find them.
E ele comia goblins crus também, quando conseguia encontrá-los.

He grabbed them in the dark from behind and choked them!
Ele os agarrava no escuro por trás e os sufocava!

Gollum was in his little boat, and he was watching Bilbo from a distance.
Gollum estava em seu pequeno barco, e observava Bilbo à distância.

He could see that Bilbo was not a goblin.
Ele podia ver que Bilbo não era um goblin.

His big round pale eyes were like telescopes in the darkness.
Seus grandes olhos redondos e pálidos eram como telescópios na escuridão.

So, while Bilbo was sitting miserable and confused on a rock near the lake, Gollum approached him silently from the water.
Então, enquanto Bilbo estava sentado miseravelmente e confuso em uma pedra perto do lago, Gollum se aproximou dele silenciosamente da água.

“It’s not a fishes, is its, my precioussss?
“Não é um peixe, é, meu preciosso?

No, but it’s a fat feast, a tasty bite it would be for us, gollum!” hissed Gollum.
Não, mas é um banquete gordo, uma mordida saborossa seria para nós, gollum! sibilou Gollum.

When he said “gollum” he made a horrible sound in his throat.
Quando ele disse “gollum”, ele fez um som horrível em sua garganta.

That is how he got his name, but he always called himself “my precious”.
Foi assim que ele recebeu seu nome, mas sempre se chamou de “meu precioso”.

Bilbo almost jumped out of his own skin when he heard the sound, and he suddenly saw the large round pale eyes looking at him in the darkness.
Bilbo quase pulou para fora da própria pele quando ouviu o som, e de repente viu os grandes olhos redondos e pálidos olhando para ele na escuridão.

He remembered his little sword and drew it.
Lembrou-se de sua pequena espada e puxou-a.

“Who are you?” said Bilbo, pushing his sword in front of him.
"Quem é Você?" disse Bilbo, empurrando sua espada na frente dele.

“What iss he, my preciousss?” whispered Gollum (he always spoke to himself because he never had anyone else to speak to).
"O que é ele, meu preciosso?" sussurrou Gollum (ele sempre falava consigo mesmo porque nunca tinha mais ninguém com quem falar).

This is what Gollum wanted to know.
Era isso que Gollum queria saber.

He was not very hungry at the moment, only curious.
Ele não estava com muita fome no momento, apenas curioso.

If he had been hungry, he would have grabbed him first and whispered questions after.
Se ele estivesse com fome, ele o teria agarrado primeiro e sussurrado perguntas depois.

"I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I have lost my dwarves and I have lost my wizard, and I have lost my way."
"Eu sou o Sr. Bilbo Bolseiro. Perdi meus anões e perdi meu mago, e perdi meu caminho."

"What's he gots in his handses?" said Gollum, looking at the sword, which he did not quite like.
"O que ele tem nas mãoss?" disse Gollum, olhando para a espada, da qual ele não gostou muito.

"A sword, a blade which comes from Gondolin!"
"Uma espada, uma lâmina que vem de Gondolin!"

"Sssss," said Gollum, and he became very polite.

"Sssss", disse Gollum, e ele se tornou muito educado.

Gollum was trying to appear friendly, at least for the moment, so he said, “Praps ye sits here and talks with it, my preciousss.
Gollum estava tentando parecer amigável, pelo menos no momento, então ele disse “Talvez, você senta aqui e fala com ele, meu preciosso.

It likes riddles, does it?”
Ele gosta de adivinhas, não é?”

He wanted to find out more about the Hobbit, if he was really alone or if he was good to eat.
Ele queria saber mais sobre o Hobbit, se ele estava realmente sozinho ou se era bom para comer.

Gollum could only think of riddles.
Gollum só conseguia pensar em adivinhas.

They were the only game he could remember playing with other creatures.
Elas eram o único jogo que ele conseguia se lembrar de jogar com outras criaturas.

Before he came down, down into the dark under the mountain.
Antes que ele descesse, na escuridão sob a montanha.

“Ok,” said Bilbo, who was very nervous and wanted to agree.
“Ok,” disse Bilbo, que estava muito nervoso e queria concordar.

He wanted to find out more about this creature, if he was really alone, if he was good or bad, or if he was a friend of the goblins.
Ele queria saber mais sobre essa criatura, se ele estava realmente sozinho, se ele era bom ou mau, ou se ele era amigo dos goblins.

“You ask first,” he said.
"Você pergunta primeiro", disse ele.

He could not think of a riddle in his anxious condition.
Ele não conseguia pensar em um enigma em sua condição ansiosa.

So Gollum hissed:
Então Gollum sibilou:

"What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, but it never grows?"
"O que tem raízes que ninguém vê, é mais alto que as árvores. Sobe, sobe, mas nunca cresce?"

"Easy!" said Bilbo. "Mountain, I imagine."
"Fácil!" disse Bilbo. "Montanha, eu imagino."

"Does it guess easy? It must have a competition with us, my preciouss!
"Acha fácil? Deve ter uma competição com a gente, meu preciosso!

If precious asks, and it doesn't answer, we eats it, my preciousss.
Se preciosso perguntar, e não responder, nós o comemos, meu preciosso.

If it asks us, and we doesn't answer, then we does what it wants, eh?
Se ele nos perguntar, e não respondermos, então nós fazemos. o que ele quer, hein?

We shows it the way out, yes!"

A gente mostra a saída, sim!"

"All right!" said Bilbo.
"Tudo bem!" disse Bilbo.

He did not want to disagree.
Ele não queria discordar.

But he was having difficulty thinking of riddles to save him from being eaten!
Mas ele estava tendo dificuldade em pensar em adivinhas para salvá-lo de ser comido!

So he thought of this one to gain some time:
Então ele pensou neste para ganhar algum tempo:

"A box without hinges, key, or lid, but golden treasure inside is hid."
"Uma caixa sem dobradiças, chave ou tampa, mas dentro um tesouro de ouro escondido."

Bilbo thought this was a very easy riddle, but it was very difficult for poor Gollum.
Bilbo achou que este era um enigma muito fácil, mas era muito difícil para o pobre Gollum.

He hissed to himself, and cried and spit.
Ele sibilou para si mesmo, chorou e cuspiu.

Bilbo became impatient after some time.
Bilbo ficou impaciente depois de algum tempo.

"Well, what is it?" he said.

"Bem, o que é?" ele disse.

"Give us a chance; give us a chance, my preciouss-ss-ss."
"Dê-nos uma chance; dê-nos uma chance, meu preciosso."

"Well," said Bilbo, after giving him a long chance, "what is your guess?"
"Bem", disse Bilbo, depois de lhe dar uma longa chance, "qual é o seu palpite?"

But suddenly Gollum remembered stealing from bird nests long ago, and sitting next to the river teaching his grandmother to suck -"Eggses!" he hissed.
Mas, de repente, Gollum lembrou-se de roubar ninhos de pássaros há muito tempo e sentar-se ao lado do rio ensinando sua avó a chupar - "Ovos!" ele assobiou.

"Eggses it is!" Then he asked:
"Ovos é isso!" Então ele perguntou:

"It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, it cannot be heard, it cannot be smelt.
"Não pode ser visto, não pode ser sentido, não pode ser ouvido, não pode ser cheirado.

It exists behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills.
Ele existe atrás das estrelas e sob as colinas, e os buracos vazios ele preenche.

It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter."
Ele vem primeiro e vem depois, acaba com a vida, mata o riso."

Bilbo of course had heard that kind of riddle before.
É claro que Bilbo já tinha ouvido esse tipo de adivinha antes.

And the answer was all around him, anyway.
E a resposta estava ao seu redor, de qualquer maneira.

“Dark!” he said without having to put on his thinking cap.
"Escuro!" ele disse sem ter que colocar seu boné de pensamento.

He continued with his next riddle.
Ele continuou com sua próxima adivinha.

"An eye in a blue face, Saw an eye in a green face.
"Um olho em um rosto azul, viu um olho em um rosto verde.

‘That eye is like this eye" said the first eye, but in a low place, not in a high place.’"
'Esse olho é como este olho", disse o primeiro olho, mas em um lugar baixo, não em um lugar alto.'"

"Ss, ss, ss," said Gollum.
"Ss, ss, ss", disse Gollum.

He had been underground for so long that he could not remember that kind of thing.
Ele estava no subsolo por tanto tempo que não conseguia se lembrar desse tipo de coisa.

Bilbo thought Gollum was not going to be able to answer.
Bilbo pensou que Gollum não ia ser capaz de responder.

But suddenly, Gollum remembered a time ages and ages ago when he lived with his grandmother in a hole near a river.
Mas, de repente, Gollum se lembrou de uma época em que vivia com sua avó em um buraco perto de um rio.

"Sss, sss, my preciouss," he said. "Sun on the daisies it means, it does."
"Sss, sss, meus preciosos", disse ele. "Sol nas margaridas quer dizer, é issssso."

These “above ground” riddles were beginning to bore Gollum.
Essas adivinhas “acima do solo” estavam começando a entediar Gollum.

They reminded him of days when he was less lonely and cruel.
Elas o lembravam dos dias em que ele era menos solitário e cruel.

They also made him hungry.
Elas também o deixaram com fome.

So his next riddle was more difficult and more unpleasant:
Assim, sua próxima adivinha foi mais difícil e mais desagradável:

"This thing all things devours:
"Esta coisa todas as coisas devora:

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Pássaros, animais, árvores, flores;

gnaws iron, bites steel;
rói ferro, morde aço;

grinds hard stones to meal;
tritura pedras duras em farinha;

slays king, ruins town, and beats high mountain down."
mata rei, arruina cidade, e derruba alta montanha."

Poor Bilbo sat in the dark thinking of all the horrible names of all the terrible creatures he knew, but none of them had done all of those things.
O pobre Bilbo ficou sentado no escuro pensando em todos os nomes horríveis de todas as criaturas terríveis que ele conhecia, mas nenhum deles tinha feito todas essas coisas.

He had a feeling that the answer was easy.
Ele tinha a sensação de que a resposta era fácil.

He also thought that he should know it, but he could not think of it.
Ele também pensou que deveria saber, mas não conseguia pensar nisso.

He began to get frightened, and that is bad for thinking.
Ele começou a ficar com medo, e isso é ruim para pensar.

Gollum began to get out of his boat.
Gollum começou a sair de seu barco.

Bilbo could see his eyes coming towards him.
Bilbo podia ver seus olhos vindo em sua direção.

He was terrified!
Ele estava apavorado!

He wanted to shout out: "Give me more time! Give me more time!"
Ele queria gritar: "Dê-me mais tempo! Dê-me mais tempo!"

But the only word that came out in a frightened yell was: "Time! Time!"
Mas a única palavra que saiu em um grito assustado foi: "Tempo! Tempo!"

Bilbo was saved by pure luck.
Bilbo foi salvo por pura sorte.

For that of course was the answer: “time.”
Para isso, claro, foi a resposta: “tempo”.

Gollum was disappointed again, and now he was getting angry.
Gollum ficou desapontado novamente, e agora estava ficando com raiva.

He was also getting tired of the game.
Ele também estava ficando cansado do jogo.

He was becoming very hungry.
Ele estava ficando com muita fome.

Gollum sat close by Bilbo, looking at him.
Gollum estava sentado perto de Bilbo, olhando para ele.

And Bilbo became terribly uncomfortable and completely unable to think!
E Bilbo ficou terrivelmente desconfortável e completamente incapaz de pensar!

"It's got to ask uss a quesstion, my preciouss, yes, yess, yesss.
"Ele tem que nos fazer uma pergunta, meu preciosso, sim, ssim, sim, sim.

Jusst one more quesstion to guess, yes, yess," said Gollum.
Ssó mais uma pergunta para adivinhar, sim, sim", disse Gollum.

But Bilbo simply could not think of any question with Gollum sitting so close to him, pressuring him.
Mas Bilbo simplesmente não conseguia pensar em nenhuma pergunta com Gollum sentado tão perto dele, pressionando-o.

Bilbo thought and thought.
Bilbo pensou e pensou.

"Ask us! ask us!" said Gollum.
"Pergunte-nos! pergunte-nos!" disse Gollum.

Bilbo pinched himself and slapped himself.
Bilbo se beliscou e se esbofeteou.

He held his little sword in one hand and, by accident, felt in his pocket with his other hand.
Ele segurava sua pequena espada em uma mão e, por acaso, tateou no bolso com a outra mão.

And there, in the bottom of his pocket was the ring he had picked up in the passage.
E ali, no fundo de seu bolso, estava o anel que ele tinha pego no corredor.

He had completely forgotten about it!
Ele havia se esquecido completamente dele!

“What do I have in my pocket?" he asked out loud.
"O que eu tenho no meu bolso?" ele perguntou em voz alta.

He was only talking to himself, but Gollum heard him and thought it was a riddle, and he became very upset.
Ele estava apenas falando para si mesmo, mas Gollum o ouviu e pensou que era uma adivinha, e ele ficou muito chateado.

"Not fair! not fair!" he hissed.
"Não é justo! não é justo!" ele chiou.

"It isn't fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it's got in its nassty little pocketses?"
"Não é justo, meu preciosso, né, nos perguntar o que tem em seus bolsos nojentos?"

Bilbo realized what had happened.
Bilbo percebeu o que havia acontecido.

But he could not think of a better question, so he continued, “What do I have in my pocket?"
Mas ele não conseguiu pensar em uma pergunta melhor, então ele continuou: "O que eu tenho no meu bolso?"

"S-s-s-s-s," hissed Gollum.
"S-s-s-s-s," sibilou Gollum.

"It must give us three guesses, my preciouss, three guesses."
"Deve nos dar três palpites, meu preciosso, três palpites."

"Very well! Guess away!" said Bilbo.
"Muito bem! Adivinhe!" disse Bilbo.

"Handses!" said Gollum.
"Mãoses!" disse Gollum.

"Wrong," said Bilbo, who was lucky and had just taken his hand out of his pocket.
"Errado", disse Bilbo, que teve sorte e tinha acabado de tirar a mão do bolso.

"Guess again!"
"Adivinhe de novo!"

"S-s-s-s-s," said Gollum. "S-s-s-s-s", disse Gollum.

He was more upset than ever.
Ele estava mais chateado do que nunca.

He thought of all the things he kept in his own pockets:
Ele pensou em todas as coisas que guardava em seus próprios bolsos:

fishbones, goblins' teeth, a bit of bat wing, and other nasty things.
espinhas de peixe, dentes de goblins, um pouco de asa de morcego e outras coisas desagradáveis.

He tried to think of what other people kept in their pockets.
Ele tentou pensar no que outras pessoas guardavam em seus bolsos.

"Knife!" he said at last.
"Faca!" ele disse finalmente.

"Wrong!" said Bilbo, who had lost his own knife a long time ago. "Last guess!"

"Errado!" disse Bilbo, que havia perdido sua própria faca há muito tempo. "Último palpite!"

Gollum was obviously having difficulty controlling himself.
Gollum obviamente estava tendo dificuldade em se controlar.

He hissed and spit and jumped up and down and wriggled and squirmed.
Ele assobiou e cuspiu e pulou para cima e para baixo e se contorceu e se enroscou.

But he did not want to waste his last guess.
Mas ele não queria desperdiçar seu último palpite.

"Come on!" said Bilbo. "I am waiting!"
"Vamos!" disse Bilbo. "Eu estou esperando!"

He tried to sound courageous and confident, but he did not know how the game was going to end, even if Gollum guessed right or wrong.
Ele tentou parecer corajoso e confiante, mas não sabia como o jogo terminaria, mesmo que Gollum adivinhasse certo ou errado.

“Your time is up!” he said.
"Seu tempo acabou!" ele disse.

"String, or nothing!" yelled Gollum.
"Barbante, ou nada!" gritou Gollum.

It was not really a fair answer, making two guesses at the same time.
Não era realmente uma resposta justa, fazendo duas suposições ao mesmo tempo.

“Both wrong,” said Bilbo.
"Ambos errados", disse Bilbo.

He was very relieved that the game was over.
Ele estava muito aliviado que o jogo tinha acabado.

He stood up and held out his little sword.
Ele se levantou e estendeu sua pequena espada.

He understood that even evil creatures were afraid to cheat at the riddle game.
Ele entendia que até as criaturas malignas tinham medo de trapacear no jogo de adivinhas.

But Bilbo did not think he could trust this slimy thing to keep a promise, and he was right not to trust him.
Mas Bilbo achava que não podia confiar nessa coisa nojenta para cumprir uma promessa, e estava certo em não confiar nele.

Gollum did not attack immediately.
Gollum não atacou imediatamente.

He could see the sword in Bilbo’s hand.
Ele podia ver a espada na mão de Bilbo.

He sat there whispering to himself.
Ele ficou sentado lá sussurrando para si mesmo.

Finally, Bilbo could not wait any longer.
Finalmente, Bilbo não podia esperar mais.

"Well?" he said. "What about your promise?
"Então?" ele disse. "E a sua promessa?

I want to go.
Eu quero ir.

You have to show me the way."
Você tem que me mostrar o caminho."

"Iss that what we said, precious?
"Foi issso que nós dissemos, meu preciosso?

Show the little nassty Baggins the way out, yes, yes.
Mostrar a saída ao pequeno Baggins nojento, sim, sim.

But what has it got in its pocketses, eh?
Mas o que ele tem nos bolsos, hein?

Not string, precious, but not nothing. Oh no! gollum!"
Não barbante, preciosso, mas não nada. Oh não! gollum!"

"It’s none of your business," said Bilbo. "A promise is a promise."
"Não é da sua conta", disse Bilbo. "Promessa é dívida."

“Angry it is, impatient, my preciousss,” hissed Gollum.
“Irritado, impaciente, meu preciosso,” sibilou Gollum.

"But it must wait, yes it must.
"Mas deve esperar, sim, deve.

We can't go up the tunnels so quickly.
Não podemos subir os túneis tão rapidamente.

We must go and get some things first, yes, things to help us."
Devemos ir buscar algumas coisas primeiro, sim, coisas para nos ajudar."

"Well, hurry up!" said Bilbo, relieved that Gollum was going away.
"Bem se apresse!" disse Bilbo, aliviado por Gollum estar indo embora.

He thought Gollum was making an excuse to leave and was not going to come back.
Ele pensou que Gollum estava dando uma desculpa para sair e não voltaria.

What was Gollum talking about?
Do que Gollum estava falando?

What useful thing could he have in his house on the dark lake?
Que coisa útil ele poderia ter em sua casa no lago escuro?

But Bilbo was wrong.
Mas Bilbo estava errado.

Gollum was coming back.
Gollum ia voltar.

He was angry now, and hungry.
Ele estava com raiva agora, e com fome.

And he was an evil, miserable creature.
E ele era uma criatura má e miserável.

He had a plan.
Ele tinha um plano.

On his island in the lake there was a place where he hid some of his personal things.
Em sua ilha no lago havia um lugar onde ele escondia algumas de suas coisas pessoais.

And one of the things was a very beautiful, very wonderful object.
E uma das coisas era um objeto muito bonito, muito maravilhoso.

He had a ring, a golden ring, a precious ring.
Ele tinha um anel, um anel de ouro, um anel precioso.

It was a ring of power, and if you put that ring on your finger, you became invisible!
Era um anel de poder, e se você colocasse aquele anel em seu dedo, você se tornava invisível!

You could be seen only in full sunlight.
Você poderia ser visto apenas em plena luz do sol.

But only because of your shadow, and that was weak and blurry.
Mas apenas por causa de sua sombra, e isso era fraco e embaçado.

But who knows how Gollum found the ring, ages ago in the old days when there were many powerful rings in the world?
Mas quem sabe como Gollum encontrou o anel, eras atrás, nos velhos tempos, quando havia muitos anéis poderosos no mundo?

Maybe even the Master of the rings did not know.
Talvez nem o Mestre dos anéis soubesse.

Gollum used to wear the ring at first, until it made him tired.
Gollum costumava usar o anel no início, até que o cansou.

And then he kept it in a small bag at his waist, until it irritated him.
E então ele o guardou em uma pequena bolsa na cintura, até que o irritou.

Now he usually hid it in the hiding place on his island.
Agora ele geralmente o escondia no esconderijo em sua ilha.

He liked to look at it.
Ele gostava de olhar para ele.

He could not be far from it for very long.
Ele não poderia estar longe dele por muito tempo.

And sometimes he put the ring on when he was hungry and did not want to eat fish anymore.
E às vezes ele colocava o anel quando estava com fome e não queria mais comer peixe.

He was invisible, and he was safe.
Ele era invisível e estava seguro.

But goblins were not.
Mas os goblins não eram.

Only a few hours before meeting Bilbo, Gollum had caught a small goblin-pup.
Apenas algumas horas antes de conhecer Bilbo, Gollum tinha capturado um pequeno filhote de goblin.

How the creature squeaked!
Como a criatura gritou!

There was still a bone or two left for Gollum to gnaw later.
Ainda havia um osso ou dois para Gollum roer mais tarde.

But he wanted something soft and fat right now.
Mas ele queria algo macio e gordo agora.

“We will be very safe, we will, my precsiousss,” he hissed to himself.
"Nós estaremos muito seguros, nós estaremos, meu preciosso", ele sussurrou para si mesmo.

“It won’t see us, will it? No. It won’t see us.
“Ele não vai nos ver, vai? Não. Ele não nos verá.

And its nasty little sword will not hurt us.”
E sua pequena e desagradável espada não vai nos machucar.”

That was how Gollum’s evil mind worked.
Era assim que a mente maligna de Gollum funcionava.

He moved quickly towards his boat and pushed off into the lake.
Ele se moveu rapidamente em direção ao seu barco e o empurrou para o lago.

Bilbo thought that was the last time he would ever see him.
Bilbo pensou que aquela seria a última vez que o veria.

But he waited for a while.
Mas ele esperou um pouco.

He still did not know how to find his own way out, after all.
Ele ainda não sabia como encontrar sua própria saída, afinal.

Suddenly he heard a terrible screech.
De repente, ele ouviu um grito terrível.

It made Bilbo very scared.
Isso deixou Bilbo muito assustado.

Gollum was cursing and screaming somewhere off in the distance.
Gollum estava xingando e gritando em algum lugar distante.

He was on his island, looking for his ring that was not there.
Ele estava em sua ilha, procurando por seu anel que não estava lá.

"Where is it? Where iss it?" Bilbo heard him crying.
"Onde está? Onde esstá?" Bilbo o ouviu chorar.

"Losst it is, my precious, lost, lost!
"Perdido está, meu precioso, perdido, perdido!

"What's the matter?" Bilbo called. "What have you lost?"
"Qual é o problema?" Bilbo gritou. "O que você perdeu?"

"It mustn't ask us," screamed Gollum.
"Não deve nos perguntar", gritou Gollum.

"Not its business, no, gollum!
"Não é da conta, não, gollum!

It's losst, gollum, gollum, gollum."
É perdido, gollum, gollum, gollum."

"Well, so am I," cried Bilbo, "and I want to get unlost.
"Bem, eu também", exclamou Bilbo, "e quero ficar desperdido.

And I won the game, and you promised.
E eu ganhei o jogo, e você prometeu.

So come and let me out, and then you can continue looking!"
Então venha e me deixe sair, e então você pode continuar procurando!"

Bilbo was becoming annoyed at the delay and said, “Come, you never guessed my last question, and you promised to show me the way out.”
Bilbo estava ficando irritado com o atraso e disse: “Vamos, você nunca adivinhou minha última pergunta e prometeu me mostrar a saída”.

"Never guessed!" said Gollum.
"Nunca adivinhei!" disse Gollum.

Then suddenly out of the darkness Bilbo heard a loud hiss.
Então, de repente, da escuridão, Bilbo ouviu um chiado alto.

"What has it got in its pocketses?
"O que ele tem nos bolsoss?

Tell us that. It must tell first."
Diga-nos isso. Ele deve contar primeiro."

Bilbo had no patience anymore.
Bilbo não tinha mais paciência.

"Answers were to be guessed not given," he said.
"As respostas deveriam ser adivinhadas, não dadas", disse ele.

"But it wasn't a fair question," said Gollum.
"Mas não foi uma pergunta justa", disse Gollum.

"Not a riddle, precious, no."
"Não é uma adivinha, preciosso, não."

"Oh well, if you want ordinary questions," Bilbo replied, "then I asked one first.
"Ah, bem, se você quer perguntas comuns," Bilbo respondeu, "então eu perguntei primeiro.

What have you lost? Tell me that!"
O que você perdeu? Diga-me isso!"

"What has it got in its pocketses?"
"O que ele tem nos bolsos?"

The sound was much louder and closer now.
O som estava muito mais alto e mais próximo agora.

And Bilbo could now see two small points of light looking at him from the darkness.
E Bilbo agora podia ver dois pequenos pontos de luz olhando para ele da escuridão.

As Gollum became more suspicious, the light in his eyes burned in anger.
Quando Gollum ficou mais desconfiado, a luz em seus olhos ardeu de raiva.

"What have you lost?" Bilbo continued.
"O que você perdeu?" Bilbo continuou.

But now the light in Gollum's eyes was a green fire, and it was coming closer and closer.
Mas agora a luz nos olhos de Gollum era um fogo verde, e estava se aproximando cada vez mais.

Gollum was in his boat, coming back to the shore where Bilbo was waiting.
Gollum estava em seu barco, voltando para a margem onde Bilbo estava esperando.

He was so angry because he could not find the ring, and his heart was so full of suspicion that he was not scared of the sword Bilbo was holding.
Ele estava com tanta raiva porque não conseguiu encontrar o anel, e seu coração estava tão cheio de suspeitas que ele não estava com medo da espada que Bilbo estava segurando.

Bilbo did not understand why the creature was so angry, but he realized that Gollum was going to murder him.
Bilbo não entendeu por que a criatura estava tão zangada, mas percebeu que Gollum iria matá-lo.

Just in time, he turned and ran back up the passage, feeling the wall with his hand.
Bem a tempo, ele se virou e correu de volta pela passagem, sentindo a parede com a mão.

"What has it got in its pocketses?" he heard the hiss loud behind him, and the splash as Gollum jumped from his boat.

"O que ele tem nos bolsos?" ele ouviu o chiado alto atrás dele, e o barulho de água quando Gollum saltou de seu barco.

“What do I have in my pocket?” Bilbo asked himself, as he ran up the dark passage.
“O que eu tenho no meu bolso?” Bilbo perguntou a si mesmo, enquanto corria pela passagem escura.

He put his hand in his pocket.
Ele colocou a mão no bolso.

The ring was very cold as it quietly slipped onto his finger.
O anel estava muito frio enquanto deslizava silenciosamente em seu dedo.

The hiss was close behind him.
O chiado estava logo atrás dele.

He turned around and saw Gollum's eyes coming up the passage.
Ele se virou e viu os olhos de Gollum subindo pela passagem.

They were like small green lamps.
Eram como pequenas lâmpadas verdes.

Bilbo was terrified!
Bilbo estava apavorado!

He tried to run faster, but suddenly he hit his toes on a rock in the floor, and he fell on his stomach with his little sword under him.
Ele tentou correr mais rápido, mas de repente bateu os dedos dos pé em uma pedra no chão e caiu de bruços com sua pequena espada debaixo dele.

Bilbo prepared himself for the attack, but before he could do anything - catch his breath, stand up, move his sword, Gollum passed by.
Bilbo se preparou para o ataque, mas antes que pudesse fazer qualquer coisa - recuperar o fôlego, levantar-se, mover a espada, Gollum passou.

He did not even look at Bilbo.
Ele nem sequer olhou para Bilbo.

He continued running up the passage, hissing and whispering.
Ele continuou correndo pela passagem, assobiando e sussurrando.

Bilbo stood up. His body hurt.
Bilbo se levantou. Seu corpo doia.

His sword was glowing in the dark - goblins were nearby.
Sua espada estava brilhando no escuro - goblins estavam por perto.

He put the sword in its scabbard, and he began to follow Gollum carefully.
Ele colocou a espada na bainha e começou a seguir Gollum cuidadosamente.

What else could he do?
O que mais ele poderia fazer?

"Curse it! curse it! curse it!" hissed Gollum.
"Maldito! Maldito! Maldito!" sibilou Gollum.

"Curse the Baggins!
"Amaldiçoe o Baggins!

It's gone!
Ele se foi!

What has it got in its pocketses?
O que ele tem em seus bolsos?

Oh we guess, we guess, my precious.
Oh, nós adivinhamos, nós adivinhamos, meu preciosso.

He found it, yes he must have."
Ele encontrou, sim, ele deve ter."

Suddenly Gollum sat down and began to cry, a sound that came from his throat.
De repente Gollum sentou-se e começou a chorar, um som que saiu de sua garganta.

It was a horrible sound to listen to.
Era um som horrível de se ouvir.

Bilbo stopped and stayed close to the tunnel wall.
Bilbo parou e ficou perto da parede do túnel.

Soon Gollum began to talk again.
Logo Gollum começou a falar novamente.

He seemed to be having an argument with himself.
Parecia estar discutindo consigo mesmo.

"We can’ts go back to look for it, no.
"Não podemos voltar para procurá-lo, não.

We doesn't remember all the places we visited.
Não nos lembramos de todos os lugares que visitamos.

We won’ts find it anyway.
Não vamos encontrá-lo de qualquer maneira.

The Baggins has it in its pocketses; the nassty cheater has found it, we says.
O Baggins o tem nos bolsos; o trapaceiro desagradável o encontrou, dizemos.

We guesses, precious, only guesses.
Nós adivinhamos, preciosso, apenas suposições.

We can't know until we find the nassty creature and squeezes it.
Não podemos saber até encontrar a criatura desagradável e apertá-la.

But it doesn't know what it can do, does it?
Mas ela não sabe o que pode fazer, sabe?

It'll just keep it in its pocketses.
Ela só vai mantê-la em seus bolsos.

It doesn't know, and it can't go far.
Não sei, e não pode ir muito longe.

It's lost, the nassty thing.
Está perdido, a coisa nojenta.

It doesn't know the way out.
Não sabe a saída.

It said it doesn’t know."
Disse que não sabe.

But it knows a way in, it does.
Mas ele sabe uma maneira de entrar, ele sabe.

If it knows a way in, it must know a way out, yes.
Se conhece uma entrada, deve conhecer uma saída, sim.

It's going to the back-door. 
Vai para a porta dos fundos.

The back-door, that's it.
A porta dos fundos, é isso.

The goblinses will catch it then.
Os goblins vão pegá-lo então.

But if it has our precious, then goblinses will get it, gollum!
Mas se tiver o nosso precioso, então os goblins vão pegá-lo, gollum!

They'll find it, they'll find out what it does.
Eles vão encontrá-lo, eles vão descobrir o que ele faz.

One of the goblinses will put it on, and then no one will see him.
Um dos goblins o colocará e ninguém o verá.

He'll be there but not seen.
Ele estará lá, mas não será visto.

Not even our eyeses will notice him; and he'll come sneaking and catch us, gollum, gollum!"
Nem mesmo nossos olhos o notarão; e ele virá sorrateiro e nos pegará, gollum, gollum!"

"So let's stop talking, precious, and make haste.
"Então vamos parar de falar, precioso, e se apresse.

Hurry, hurry!
Depressa, depressa!

If the Baggins went that way, we must go quick and see.
Se o Baggins for por ali, devemos ir rápido e ver.

Go! Not far now.
Vá! Não muito longe agora.

Make haste! Hurry!"
Apresse-se! Depressa!"

With a jump, Gollum got up and started running very quickly.
Com um salto, Gollum se levantou e começou a correr muito rapidamente.

Bilbo ran after him, carefully at first.
Bilbo correu atrás dele, cuidadosamente no início.

He was afraid he was going to trip again and fall and make a loud noise.
Ele estava com medo de tropeçar de novo e cair e fazer um barulho alto.

He was full of hope, though.
Ele estava cheio de esperança, no entanto.

It seemed that the ring was a magic ring - it made you invisible!
Parecia que o anel era um anel mágico - tornava você invisível!

He had heard of magic rings, of course.
Ele tinha ouvido falar de anéis mágicos, é claro.

But it was hard to believe that he had really found one, and by accident.
Mas era difícil acreditar que ele realmente tinha encontrado um, e por acidente.

They ran on and on.
Eles correram sem parar.

Bilbo was behind him, moving as silently as a Hobbit can.
Bilbo estava atrás dele, movendo-se tão silenciosamente quanto um Hobbit pode.

Suddenly, Gollum stopped at the entrance to a passage on the right side of the tunnel.
De repente, Gollum parou na entrada de uma passagem do lado direito do túnel.

“Here's the passage!" he said.
“Aqui está a passagem!” ele disse.

He looked in, and then stepped back.
Ele olhou para dentro, e então deu um passo para trás.

"But we mustn't go in, precious, no we mustn't.
“Mas não devemos entrar, precioso, não, não devemos.

Goblinses down there.
Goblinses lá embaixo.

Lots of goblinses.
Muitos goblins.

We smells them.
Nós os cheiramos.

What shall we do?
O que devemos fazer?

Curse them and crush them!
Amaldiçoe-os e esmague-os!

We must wait here, precious, wait a little and see."
Devemos esperar aqui, precioso, espere um pouco e veja."

So, Gollum had brought Bilbo to the way out after all, but Bilbo could not get in!
Então, Gollum havia trazido Bilbo para a saída, mas Bilbo não conseguiu entrar!

Gollum was sitting in front of the opening to the passage and blocking it!
Gollum estava sentado na frente da abertura da passagem e bloqueando-a!

Bilbo could see the glow of his eyes as his head moved from side to side in the darkness.
Bilbo podia ver o brilho de seus olhos enquanto sua cabeça se movia de um lado para o outro na escuridão.

Bilbo was right behind him, and suddenly Gollum became very still, and he sniffed the air.
Bilbo estava bem atrás dele, e de repente Gollum ficou muito quieto e cheirou o ar.

His eyes became a bright green.
Seus olhos se tornaram um verde brilhante.

He made a terrible hissing sound.
Ele fez um som sibilante terrível.

He could not see the Hobbit, but now he was alert.
Ele não podia ver o Hobbit, mas agora estava alerto.

And he had other powerful senses he could use in the darkness: hearing and smell.
E ele tinha outros sentidos poderosos que podia usar na escuridão: audição e olfato.

Bilbo almost stopped breathing, and he became perfectly still himself.
Bilbo quase parou de respirar e ficou perfeitamente imóvel.

He was desperate.
Ele estava desesperado.

He must get away, out of this horrible darkness.
Ele deve fugir, sair desta escuridão horrível.

He must fight.
Ele deve lutar.

He must kill the horrible creature in front of him.
Ele deve matar a criatura horrível na frente dele.

Gollum was going to kill him for sure.
Gollum iria matá-lo com certeza.

But Bilbo was a very fair Hobbit, as most Hobbits are.
Mas Bilbo era um Hobbit muito justo, como a maioria dos Hobbits são.

He was invisible now.
Ele estava invisível agora.

Gollum had no sword.
Gollum não tinha espada.

Gollum had never really threatened to kill him, or tried to kill him yet.
Gollum nunca realmente ameaçou matá-lo, ou tentou matá-lo ainda.

And he was miserable, alone, lost.
E ele estava miserável, sozinho, perdido.

Suddenly Bilbo understood.
De repente, Bilbo entendeu.

He imagined how this poor creature lived, day after day, age after age, alone, with only the darkness and goblins around him.
Ele imaginou como essa pobre criatura vivia, dia após dia, era após era, sozinha, apenas com a escuridão e os goblins ao seu redor.

All these thoughts came into Bilbo’s mind in a flash.
Todos esses pensamentos vieram à mente de Bilbo em um flash.

And with one final decision, he found new strength and he jumped!
E com uma decisão final, ele encontrou novas forças e pulou!

It was not an impressive jump for a man, but it was a jump in the dark - over Gollum’s head, two meters forward and one in the air!
Não foi um salto impressionante para um homem, mas foi um salto no escuro - sobre a cabeça de Gollum, dois metros à frente e um no ar!

He did not know it, because it was very dark, but he almost broke his skull on the low entrance to the passage.
Ele não sabia, porque estava muito escuro, mas quase quebrou o crânio na entrada baixa da passagem.

Gollum turned and threw his hands out and tried to grab what he could not see!
Gollum virou-se e estendeu as mãos e tentou agarrar o que não podia ver!

But he was too late.
Mas era tarde demais.

He caught nothing!
Ele não pegou nada!

Bilbo landed and ran quickly down the tunnel.
Bilbo pousou e correu rapidamente pelo túnel.

He did not turn around to see what Gollum was doing.
Ele não se virou para ver o que Gollum estava fazendo.

There was a terrible scream from behind him, filled with hatred and despair.
Houve um grito terrível atrás dele, cheio de ódio e desespero.

Gollum was defeated.
Gollum foi derrotado.

He had lost.
Ele havia perdido.

He lost his prey, he lost his dinner, and he lost the only thing he ever loved in his cruel and miserable life, his precious.
Ele perdeu sua presa, perdeu seu jantar e perdeu a única coisa que amou em sua vida cruel e miserável, seu precioso.

Bilbo felt terrible for the poor creature, but he continued on.
Bilbo sentiu-se mal pela pobre criatura, mas continuou.

He heard a voice from behind him, very far away, like and echo:
Ele ouviu uma voz atrás dele, muito longe, como e ecoar:

"Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!"
"Ladrão, ladrão, ladrão! Baggins! Nós odiamos, odiamos, odiamos para sempre!"

Then there was silence.
Então fez-se silêncio.

Bilbo took out his little sword and it glowed blue - there were goblins nearby!
Bilbo tirou sua pequena espada e ela brilhou azul - havia goblins por perto!

The passage went on for a long time still.
A passagem continuou por um longo tempo ainda.

But the passage turned left and there, in the distance, Bilbo could see a very pale light.
Mas a passagem virou à esquerda e ali, ao longe, Bilbo pôde ver uma luz muito pálida.

Not the light of a fire or torch - it was the light of the sun!
Não a luz de um fogo ou tocha - era a luz do sol!

Bilbo began to run, as fast as his legs could carry him!
Bilbo começou a correr, tão rápido quanto suas pernas podiam levá-lo!

He turned the last corner and suddenly he came running right into an open space where the light was very bright.
Ele virou a última esquina e de repente veio correndo direto para um espaço aberto onde a luz era muito forte.

The light was coming through a large stone door that was open just a little.
A luz entrava por uma grande porta de pedra que estava um pouco aberta.

Bilbo blinked his eyes.
Bilbo piscou os olhos.

After being in the dark for so long, this light was very bright!
Depois de ficar no escuro por tanto tempo, essa luz ficou muito brilhante!

And then he saw the goblins!
E então ele viu os goblins!

Lots of goblins wearing armor and carrying swords.
Muitos goblins vestindo armaduras e carregando espadas.

They were all looking at the door and waiting.
Todos olhavam para a porta e esperavam.

They were also watching the passage that came to it.
Eles também estavam observando a passagem que chegava a ela.

They were alert and ready for anything.
Eles estavam alertos e prontos para qualquer coisa.

The Goblins saw Bilbo before he saw them.
Os Goblins viram Bilbo antes que ele os visse.

Yes, they saw him.
Sim, eles o viram.

Maybe it was an accident, or maybe it was the final cruel trick of the ring, but it was not on his finger.
Talvez tenha sido um acidente, ou talvez tenha sido o último truque cruel do anel, mas não estava em seu dedo.

The goblins yelled with anticipation and they all ran towards him.
Os goblins gritaram com antecipação e todos correram em direção a ele.

Bilbo felt a strong sense of fear and finality.
Bilbo sentiu uma forte sensação de medo e perda.

He did not even take out his sword.
Ele nem mesmo tirou a espada.

He just put his hands in his pockets…
Ele apenas colocou as mãos nos bolsos...

And there was the ring, in his left pocket, and it slipped onto his finger.
E lá estava o anel, no bolso esquerdo, e escorregou em seu dedo.

All the goblins stopped suddenly.
Todos os goblins pararam de repente.

They could not see him anymore.
Eles não podiam mais vê-lo.

He had disappeared.
Ele havia desaparecido.

They all yelled even more, but in anger this time.
Todos gritaram ainda mais, mas dessa vez com raiva.

There was terrible confusion as they all tried to decide what to do.
Houve uma terrível confusão enquanto todos tentavam decidir o que fazer.

Bilbo was terrified, but he thought to himself,
Bilbo ficou apavorado, mas pensou consigo mesmo:

"I must get to the door, I must get to the door!"
"Preciso chegar até a porta, preciso chegar até a porta!"

So he gathered all his courage and ran straight for the opening in the door.
Então ele juntou toda a sua coragem e correu direto para a abertura da porta.

The place was full of goblins and he was knocked over by a goblin who did not understand what he bumped into!
O lugar estava cheio de goblins e ele foi derrubado por um goblin que não entendeu no que ele esbarrou!

Bilbo got up on his hands and knees and crawled as fast as he could between the legs of the goblin captain.
Bilbo ficou de quatro e rastejou o mais rápido que pôde entre as pernas do capitão goblin.

He stood up and ran for the door.
Ele se levantou e correu para a porta.

The door was still open, but just a little.
A porta ainda estava aberta, mas só um pouco.

Biblo tried, but he could not move it.
Biblo tentou, mas não conseguiu movê-la.

He tried to squeeze through the opening.
Ele tentou se espremer pela abertura.

He squeezed and squeezed, but he was stuck!
Ele se espremeu e se espremeu, mas ficou preso!

It was terrible!
Foi terrível!

His buttons caught on the edge of the door.
Seus botões ficaram presos na borda da porta.

He could see outside into the open air:
Ele podia ver o ar livre:

there were some stairs going down into the trees.
havia algumas escadas descendo para as árvores.

The sun came out from behind a cloud and was bright on the door.
O sol saiu de trás de uma nuvem e brilhou na porta.

Suddenly one of the goblins inside shouted:
De repente, um dos goblins dentro gritou:

"There’s a shadow by the door. Something is outside!"
"Há uma sombra perto da porta. Algo está lá fora!"

Bilbo's heart jumped into his mouth.
O coração de Bilbo saltou em sua boca.

He gave a terrific push.
Ele deu um empurrão tremendo.

Buttons burst off in all directions.
Botões estouraram em todas as direções.

He was through!
Ele saiu!

His coat and waistcoat were torn and buttonless, but he was free!
Seu casaco e colete estavam rasgados e sem botões, mas ele estava livre!

He jumped down the stairs like a goat as the confused goblins were still picking up his beautiful buttons.
Ele pulou as escadas como uma cabra enquanto os goblins confusos ainda estavam pegando seus lindos botões.

Of course they came after him, yelling and shouting and hunting him through the trees.
É claro que eles vieram atrás dele, gritando e berrando e caçando-o por entre as árvores.

But goblins do not like the sun: it makes them weak and scared.
Mas os goblins não gostam do sol: os deixa fracos e assustados.

They could not find Bilbo now with the ring on, running quick and quiet, and staying out of the sun under the trees.
Eles não conseguiam encontrar Bilbo agora com o anel, correndo rápido e quieto, e ficando longe do sol sob as árvores.

So soon they went back confused and frustrated to guard the door.
Então logo eles voltaram confusos e frustrados para guardar a porta.

But Bilbo had escaped.
Mas Bilbo havia escapado.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 7 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 5 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)