THE HOBBIT Chapter 5 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Under Hill and Over Hill

There were many paths that went up the mountains, and many passes that went over the mountains to the other side. But most of the paths were deceptions and were not safe. And most of the passes were full of evil things and terrible danger. And with the advice of Elrond and the memory of Gandalf, they followed the right path up to the right pass. But even the plans of wise wizards like Gandalf and good friends like Elrond can go wrong when you travel on dangerous adventures.

And this adventure was dangerous and the plans did go wrong. Everything was going well until there was a terrible thunderstorm, like a great battle in the sky! The lightning crashed onto the mountain peaks and the sound of thunder filled the night and rolled into every cave and cavern. Bilbo had never seen or imagined anything like it. The wind and rain blew in every direction, and the party was cold and wet.

“We cannot stay here!” said Thorin. “We will be blown off the mountain by the wind or we will drown in the rain or we will be hit by lightning or we will freeze in the cold!”

“Well, if you know a safe place to stay, take us there!” said Gandalf, who was feeling very irritable. He was quite afraid of the lightning too. The argument ended when Fili and Kili went to look for a safer place. They were the youngest Dwarves and they had the best eyes. It is always better to look for something if you want to find it, even if you find something you were not expecting.

Soon Fili and Kili came back. “We have found a dry cave,” they said, “not far from here on the path. We can all fit inside, even the ponies.”

“Have you explored the cave carefully?” asked the Wizard. Gandalf knew that caves in the mountains were usually occupied with something! “Yes, yes!” they said, but everybody knew that they could not have looked too carefully - they had returned too quickly. “It isn’t that big, and it does not go far back.”

That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you do not know how far they go back, or what is waiting for you inside. But the wind and rain and lightning were too much for the party. So they followed the path for a short time and there, behind a rock, was a hole in the side of the mountain. It felt good to hear the sound of the storm outside and not all around them. But the wizard was not going to take any risks. He lit up his staff and with its light they explored the cave from front to back.

They lit no fire - Gandalf would not allow it. They made their blankets comfortable and they began to fall asleep. It was a good thing that Bilbo was with them. He slept badly and had very scary dreams. He dreamed that a hole in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, but he could not call out - he could only look. Suddenly he woke up and saw that part of his dream was true. There was a hole at the back of the cave! He was just in time to see the last of the ponies disappearing into it. He gave a very loud yell, as loud a yell as a Hobbit can give, which is surprising for their size.

Out jumped the goblins, big goblins, lots of goblins! The Dwarves and Hobbit were all grabbed and carried back into the hole before they knew what was happening. But not Gandalf! Bilbo’s yell woke him up and when the goblins came to grab him, there was a tremendous flash like lightning in the cave, and several goblins fell dead!

The hole at the back of the cave closed with a loud CRACK! and Bilbo and the Dwarves were on the wrong side of it! Where was Gandalf? The goblins carried them along the passage, deep, deep into the mountain, where goblins like to live. The passages were confusing, but the goblins knew their way, like you know your way to the nearest post office. They took the party down, down into the dark, and laughed in horrible voices as they went. Bilbo was more unhappy than when the troll had picked him up by his toes. He wished again and again for his comfortable Hobbit-home, and not for the last time.

The goblins pushed and pulled and scratched and bit them, and they ran and ran for a very long time until they came into a large cavern, with a huge red fire in the middle. It was full of goblins! The ponies were already there in a corner, and the goblins were looking through the baggage, smelling it, touching it and fighting over it. It was the last time Bilbo and the Dwarves saw the ponies, including the little teeny pony that was especially for Bilbo.

Bilbo and the Dwarves were pushed towards another corner of the cavern and there, in the shadows, sat a tremendous goblin with a huge head. Armed goblins were standing around him with axes and curved swords. 

Now goblins are cruel and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make clever things. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers and also instruments of torture they make very well. They can mine and tunnel almost as well as the Dwarves, when they want to, or they use their prisoners to do the work for them until they die from lack of food and water and light. “Who are these miserable persons?” said the Great Goblin.

“Dwarves, and this!” said one of the goblins, pushing Bilbo so that he fell onto the ground. “We found them hiding in our Front Cave.”

“What do you have to say for yourselves? Are you spies? Murderers? Friends of Elves? Thieves, I imagine?

“Thorin at your service!” he replied. It was not a very good response to a goblin king, but it was polite enough.

“We were looking for protection from the storm. The cave seemed like a convenient place. We had no intention to inconvenience goblins in any way.” That was true!

“So you say!” said the Great Goblin. “So you say! What are you doing here in the mountains in the first place, and where are you coming from, and where are you going? In fact, I would like to know all about you. It will not help you, though, Thorin Oakenshield, I know who you are. Tell me now, or I will prepare something very uncomfortable for you!”

Thorin was not sure exactly what to say at the moment, especially when he could not tell the truth to the goblin king. So, he invented a story about visiting relatives on the other side of the Misty Mountains.

“He is a liar, oh Great One!” said one of the goblins. “They killed several of us back in the cave with lightning, and he is carrying this!” The goblin showed the sword Thorin had taken from the troll cave.

The Great Goblin knew the sword immediately. He gave a great howl of anger when he saw it, and all the goblin soldiers made a tremendous noise. The sword had killed hundreds of goblins in the past, when the Elves of Gondolin hunted them in the hills or killed them on their castle walls. The Elves had named the sword Orcrist, Goblin-cutter, but the goblins just called it “Biter”. They hated it and hated even more anyone who carried it.

“Murderers and Elf-friends!” the Great Goblin shouted. “Cut them! Beat them! Bite them! Chew them! Take them away and throw them in dark holes full of snakes and never let them see the light again!” He was so angry that he jumped off his chair and ran towards Thorin with his mouth open, ready to bite Thorin’s head right off!

At that moment, all the lights in the cavern went out. The large fire turned into a column of blue smoke that rose all the way to the ceiling of the cavern and turned into a hot white light. The light fell in burning particles among the goblins and they began to scream in fear and pain! The smoke from the fire and the burning goblins filled the cavern, making it impossible to see anything. The goblins began to bite and kick and fight, as if they had all gone mad.

Suddenly a sword burned white in its own light. Bilbo saw the sword cut right through the Great Goblin as he stood in the smoke. He was killed instantly and the goblin soldiers all ran away from the sword in terror. The sword went back into its scabbard. “Follow me quick! They will come after us!” said a voice in the darkness. And before Bilbo understood what was happening, he was running as fast as he could run, at the back of the line of Dwarves, down a dark passage. Soon he could not hear the sound of the screaming goblins. 

“Run faster, faster!” said the voice. “I can hear them coming!” They ran for a long time down black passages. Dori, who was at the back of the line next to Bilbo, put the Hobbit on his shoulders and began to run again, on and on in the dark. Then Gandalf lit up his staff. Of course it was Gandalf! He took out his sword again, and again it burned with a bright light. It burned in anger when there were goblins nearby, and now it was as bright as blue fire after killing the Great Goblin.

“Are we all here?” asked Gandalf. Thorin began counting, “two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven; where are Fili and Kili? Here they are! twelve, thirteen - and here’s Mr. Baggins: fourteen! Well, it could be worse, but it could be much better. No ponies, no food, and we do not know where we are going - and there are many angry goblins who want to eat us. Let’s go!”

On they went, as fast as they could. They could hear the goblins getting closer and closer. So they ran faster than ever, and poor Bilbo could not keep up, so the Dwarves took turns carrying him on their backs. But goblins travel faster than Dwarves in the dark, and these goblins knew the way. The Dwarves heard their yells and cries as they got closer and closer. Soon they could see the red of the goblin torch light behind them, and they were getting terribly tired. 

“Why, oh, why did I ever leave my Hobbit-hole!” said poor Mr. Baggins, bouncing up and down on Bombur’s back. “Why, oh, why did we ever bring a Hobbit on a treasure hunt!” said poor Bombur, who was very fat, and having difficulty staying with the party. “Turn around, Thorin, and draw your sword!” shouted Gandalf. The goblins came around the corner and Glamdring and Orcrist were waiting for them. Many goblins fell dead to these terrible blades! The goblins turned around and ran away. But they did not go far.

The bravest and fastest goblins extinguished their torches and took off their iron shoes. These ran forward as quickly and silently as the wind in the dark, and the Dwarves and Gandalf did not hear them whey they came up quietly behind them. Suddenly, Dori, who was at the back of the line and carrying Bilbo, shouted out! A goblin grabbed him and he fell, and the Hobbit rolled off his shoulders into the darkness, bumped his head on a rock and remembered nothing more.

Chapter 5
Capítulo 5

Over Hill and under Hill
Montanha acima, montanha adentro

There were many paths that went up the mountains, and many passes that went over the mountains to the other side. 

Havia muitos caminhos que subiam as montanhas e muitas passagens que passavam por cima das montanhas para o outro lado. 

But most of the paths were deceptions and were not safe. And most of the passes were full of evil things and terrible danger. 

Mas a maioria dos caminhos eram enganosos e não eram seguros. 

And with the advice of Elrond and the memory of Gandalf, they followed the right path up to the right pass. 

E com o conselho de Elrond e a memória de Gandalf, eles seguiram o caminho certo até a passagem certa. 

But even the plans of wise wizards like Gandalf and good friends like Elrond can go wrong when you travel on dangerous adventures.

Mas mesmo os planos de magos sábios como Gandalf e bons amigos como Elrond podem dar errado quando você viaja em aventuras perigosas.

And this adventure was dangerous and the plans did go wrong. 

E esta aventura era perigosa e os planos deram errado. 

Everything was going well until there was a terrible thunderstorm, like a great battle in the sky! 

Tudo estava indo bem até que houve uma terrível tempestade, como uma grande batalha no céu! 

The lightning crashed onto the mountain peaks and the sound of thunder filled the night and rolled into every cave and cavern. 

Os relâmpagos caíram sobre os picos das montanhas e o som do trovão encheu a noite e rugiu em cada gruta e caverna. 

Bilbo had never seen or imagined anything like it. 

Bilbo nunca tinha visto ou imaginado nada parecido. 

The wind and rain blew in every direction, and the party was cold and wet.

O vento e a chuva sopravam em todas as direções, e o grupo estava frio e úmido.

“We cannot stay here!” said Thorin. “We will be blown off the mountain by the wind or we will drown in the rain or we will be hit by lightning or we will freeze in the cold!”

“Não podemos ficar aqui!” disse Thorin. “Seremos levados da montanha pelo vento ou nos afogaremos na chuva ou seremos atingidos por um raio ou congelaremos no frio!”

“Well, if you know a safe place to stay, take us there!” said Gandalf, who was feeling very irritable. 

“Bem, se você conhece um lugar seguro para ficar, nos leve até lá!” disse Gandalf, que estava se sentindo muito irritado. 

He was quite afraid of the lightning too. 

Ele estava com muito medo dos raios também. 

The argument ended when Fili and Kili went to look for a safer place. 

A discussão terminou quando Fili e Kili foram procurar um lugar mais seguro. 

They were the youngest Dwarves and they had the best eyes. 

Eles eram os anões mais jovens e tinham a melhor visão. 

It is always better to look for something if you want to find it, even if you find something you were not expecting.

É sempre melhor procurar algo se você quiser encontrá-lo, mesmo que encontre algo que não esperava.

Soon Fili and Kili came back. “We have found a dry cave,” they said, “not far from here on the path. 

Logo Fili e Kili voltaram. “Encontramos uma caverna seca”, disseram eles, “não muito longe daqui no caminho. 

We can all fit inside, even the ponies.”

Todos podemos caber dentro, até os pôneis.”

“Have you explored the cave carefully?” asked the Wizard. 

“Você explorou a caverna com cuidado?” perguntou o Mago. 

Gandalf knew that caves in the mountains were usually occupied with something! 

Gandalf sabia que as cavernas nas montanhas geralmente eram ocupadas com alguma coisa! 

“Yes, yes!” they said, but everybody knew that they could not have looked too carefully - they had returned too quickly. 

"Sim Sim!" eles disseram, mas todos sabiam que eles não poderiam ter olhado com muito cuidado - eles haviam retornado rápido demais. 

“It isn’t that big, and it does not go far back.”

“Não é tão grande e não é muito profunda.”

That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you do not know how far they go back, or what is waiting for you inside. 

Isso, é claro, é a parte perigosa das cavernas: você não sabe o quão profundas elas são, ou o que está esperando por você lá dentro. 

But the wind and rain and lightning were too much for the party. 

Mas o vento, a chuva e os raios foram demais para o grupo. 

So they followed the path for a short time and there, behind a rock, was a hole in the side of the mountain. 

Então eles seguiram o caminho por um curto período de tempo e lá, atrás de uma pedra, havia um buraco na encosta da montanha. 

It felt good to hear the sound of the storm outside and not all around them. 

Era bom ouvir o som da tempestade lá fora e não ao redor deles. 

But the wizard was not going to take any risks. 

Mas o mago não iria correr nenhum risco. 

He lit up his staff and with its light they explored the cave from front to back.

Ele acendeu seu cajado e com sua luz eles exploraram a caverna de frente para trás.

They lit no fire - Gandalf would not allow it. 

Eles não acenderam uma fogueira - Gandalf não permitiria. 

They made their blankets comfortable and they began to fall asleep. 

Fizeram seus cobertores confortáveis e começaram a adormecer. 

It was a good thing that Bilbo was with them. 

Era bom que Bilbo estivesse com eles. 

He slept badly and had very scary dreams. 

Ele dormia mal e tinha sonhos muito assustadores. 

He dreamed that a hole in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, but he could not call out - he could only look. 

Ele sonhou que um buraco na parede no fundo da caverna ficava cada vez maior, mas ele não podia gritar - ele só podia olhar. 

Suddenly he woke up and saw that part of his dream was true. 

De repente ele acordou e viu que parte de seu sonho era verdade. 

There was a hole at the back of the cave! 

Havia um buraco na parte de trás da caverna! 

He was just in time to see the last of the ponies disappearing into it. 

Deu tempo de ver o último dos pôneis desaparecendo dentro dela. 

He gave a very loud yell, as loud a yell as a Hobbit can give, which is surprising for their size.

Ele deu um grito muito alto, o grito mais alto que um Hobbit pode dar, o que é surpreendente para o tamanho deles.

Out jumped the goblins, big goblins, lots of goblins! 

Saíram saltando os goblins, goblins grandes, muitos goblins! 

The Dwarves and Hobbit were all grabbed and carried back into the hole before they knew what was happening. 

Os Anões e o Hobbit foram todos agarrados e carregados para o buraco antes que soubessem o que estava acontecendo. 

But not Gandalf! 

Mas não Gandalf! 

Bilbo’s yell woke him up and when the goblins came to grab him, there was a tremendous flash like lightning in the cave, and several goblins fell dead!

O grito de Bilbo o acordou e quando os goblins vieram para agarrá-lo, houve um tremendo clarão como um relâmpago na caverna, e vários goblins caíram mortos!

The hole at the back of the cave closed with a loud CRACK! and Bilbo and the Dwarves were on the wrong side of it! 

O buraco na parte de trás da caverna se fechou com um alto CRACK! e Bilbo e os Anões estavam do lado errado! 

Where was Gandalf? 

Onde estava Gandalf? 

The goblins carried them along the passage, deep, deep into the mountain, where goblins like to live. 

Os goblins os levaram ao longo da passagem, fundo, fundo na montanha, onde os goblins gostam de viver. 

The passages were confusing, but the goblins knew their way, like you know your way to the nearest post office. 

As passagens eram confusas, mas os goblins sabiam o caminho, como você sabe o caminho para o correio mais próximo. 

They took the party down, down into the dark, and laughed in horrible voices as they went. 

Eles levaram o grupo para baixo, para o escuro, e riram com vozes horríveis enquanto iam. 

Bilbo was more unhappy than when the troll had picked him up by his toes. 

Bilbo estava mais infeliz do que quando o troll o pegou pelos dedos dos pés. 

He wished again and again for his comfortable Hobbit-home, and not for the last time.

Ele desejou uma e outra vez por sua confortável casa Hobbit, e não pela última vez.

The goblins pushed and pulled and scratched and bit them, and they ran and ran for a very long time until they came into a large cavern, with a huge red fire in the middle. 

Os goblins os empurraram, puxaram, arranharam e morderam, e eles correram e correram por muito tempo até chegarem a uma grande caverna, com uma enorme fogueira vermelha no meio. 

It was full of goblins! 

Estava cheia de goblins! 

The ponies were already there in a corner, and the goblins were looking through the baggage, smelling it, touching it and fighting over it. 

Os pôneis já estavam lá em um canto, e os goblins estavam vasculhando a bagagem, cheirando-a, tocando-a e brigando por ela. 

It was the last time Bilbo and the Dwarves saw the ponies, including the little teeny pony that was especially for Bilbo.

Foi a última vez que Bilbo e os Anões viram os pôneis, incluindo o pequeno pônei que era especialmente para Bilbo.

Bilbo and the Dwarves were pushed towards another corner of the cavern and there, in the shadows, sat a tremendous goblin with a huge head. 

Bilbo e os Anões foram empurrados para outro canto da caverna e ali, nas sombras, estava sentado um tremendo goblin com uma cabeça enorme. 

Armed goblins were standing around him with axes and curved swords. 

Goblins armados estavam ao redor dele com machados e espadas curvas.

Now goblins are cruel and bad-hearted. 

Agora os goblins são cruéis e têm corações cruéis. 

They make no beautiful things, but they make clever things. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers and also instruments of torture they make very well. 

Eles não fazem coisas bonitas, mas fazem coisas espertas. Martelos, machados, espadas, punhais e também instrumentos de tortura eles fazem muito bem. 

They can mine and tunnel almost as well as the Dwarves, when they want to, or they use their prisoners to do the work for them until they die from lack of food and water and light. 

Eles podem minerar e cavar túneis quase tão bem quanto os Anões, quando quiserem, ou usar seus prisioneiros para fazer o trabalho por eles até morrerem por falta de comida, água e luz. 

“Who are these miserable persons?” said the Great Goblin.

“Quem são essas pessoas miseráveis?” disse o Grande Goblin.

“Dwarves, and this!” said one of the goblins, pushing Bilbo so that he fell onto the ground. 

“Anões, e isso!” disse um dos goblins, empurrando Bilbo para que ele caísse no chão. 

“We found them hiding in our Front Cave.”

“Nós os encontramos escondidos em nossa Caverna da Frente.”

“What do you have to say for yourselves? 

“O que você tem a dizer por si mesmos? 

Are you spies? 

Vocês são espiões? 



Friends of Elves? 

Amigos dos Elfos? 

Thieves, I imagine?

Ladrões, imagino?

“Thorin at your service!” he replied. 

“Thorin ao seu serviço!” ele respondeu. 

It was not a very good response to a goblin king, but it was polite enough.

Não foi uma resposta muito boa para um rei goblin, mas foi educada o suficiente.

“We were looking for protection from the storm. 

“Estávamos procurando proteção contra a tempestade. 

The cave seemed like a convenient place. 

A caverna parecia um lugar conveniente. 

We had no intention to inconvenience goblins in any way.” 

Não tínhamos intenção de incomodar os goblins de forma alguma.” 

That was true!

Isso era verdade!

“So you say!” said the Great Goblin. 

"Assim você diz!" disse o Grande Goblin. 

“So you say! What are you doing here in the mountains in the first place, and where are you coming from, and where are you going? 

“Assim você diz! O que você está fazendo aqui nas montanhas em primeiro lugar, e de onde você está vindo e para onde você está indo? 

In fact, I would like to know all about you. 

Na verdade, eu gostaria de saber tudo sobre vocês. 

It will not help you, though, Thorin Oakenshield, I know who you are. 

Mas não vai te ajudar, Thorin Escudo de Carvalho, eu sei quem você é. 

Tell me now, or I will prepare something very uncomfortable for you!”

Diga-me agora, ou vou preparar algo muito desconfortável para vocês!”

Thorin was not sure exactly what to say at the moment, especially when he could not tell the truth to the goblin king. 

Thorin não sabia exatamente o que dizer no momento, especialmente quando não podia contar a verdade ao rei goblin. 

So, he invented a story about visiting relatives on the other side of the Misty Mountains.

Então, ele inventou uma história sobre visitar parentes do outro lado das Montanhas Nebulosas.

“He is a liar, oh Great One!” said one of the goblins. 

“Ele é um mentiroso, oh Grande!” disse um dos goblins. 

“They killed several of us back in the cave with lightning, and he is carrying this!” 

“Eles mataram vários de nós na caverna com um raio, e ele está carregando isso!” 

The goblin showed the sword Thorin had taken from the troll cave.

O goblin mostrou a espada que Thorin havia tirado da caverna dos trolls.

The Great Goblin knew the sword immediately. 

O Grande Goblin reconheceu a espada imediatamente. 

He gave a great howl of anger when he saw it, and all the goblin soldiers made a tremendous noise. 

Ele deu um grande uivo de raiva quando o viu, e todos os soldados goblins fizeram um barulho tremendo. 

The sword had killed hundreds of goblins in the past, when the Elves of Gondolin hunted them in the hills or killed them on their castle walls. 

A espada havia matado centenas de goblins no passado, quando os Elfos de Gondolin os caçavam nas colinas ou os matavam nas muralhas do castelo. 

The Elves had named the sword Orcrist, Goblin-cutter, but the goblins just called it “Biter”. 

Os Elfos chamaram a espada de Orcrist, a Fere-goblin, mas os goblins apenas a chamavam de “Mordedor”. 

They hated it and hated even more anyone who carried it.

Eles a odiavam e odiavam ainda mais qualquer um que a carregasse.

“Murderers and Elf-friends!” the Great Goblin shouted. 

“Assassinos e amigos dos Elfos!” o Grande Goblin gritou. 

“Cut them! 


Beat them! 


Bite them! 


Chew them! 


Take them away and throw them in dark holes full of snakes and never let them see the light again!” 

Leve-os e jogue-os em buracos escuros cheios de cobras e nunca mais deixe-os ver a luz novamente!” 

He was so angry that he jumped off his chair and ran towards Thorin with his mouth open, ready to bite Thorin’s head right off!

Ele estava com tanta raiva que pulou da cadeira e correu em direção a Thorin com a boca aberta, pronto para morder a cabeça de Thorin!

At that moment, all the lights in the cavern went out. 

Nesse momento, todas as luzes da caverna se apagaram. 

The large fire turned into a column of blue smoke that rose all the way to the ceiling of the cavern and turned into a hot white light. 

A grande fogueira se transformou em uma coluna de fumaça azul que subiu até o teto da caverna e se transformou em uma luz branca e quente. 

The light fell in burning particles among the goblins and they began to scream in fear and pain! 

A luz caiu em partículas ardentes entre os goblins e eles começaram a gritar de medo e dor! 

The smoke from the fire and the burning goblins filled the cavern, making it impossible to see anything. 

A fumaça da fogueira e dos goblins em chamas encheram a caverna, tornando impossível ver qualquer coisa. 

The goblins began to bite and kick and fight, as if they had all gone mad.

Os goblins começaram a morder, chutar e lutar, como se todos tivessem enlouquecido.

Suddenly a sword burned white in its own light. 

De repente, uma espada queimou branca em sua própria luz. 

Bilbo saw the sword cut right through the Great Goblin as he stood in the smoke. 

Bilbo viu a espada atravessando o Grande Goblin enquanto ele permanecia na fumaça. 

He was killed instantly and the goblin soldiers all ran away from the sword in terror. 

Ele foi morto instantaneamente e todos os soldados goblins fugiram da espada aterrorizados. 

The sword went back into its scabbard. 

A espada voltou para a bainha. 

“Follow me quick! They will come after us!” said a voice in the darkness. 

“Sigam-me rápido! Eles virão atrás de nós!” disse uma voz na escuridão. 

And before Bilbo understood what was happening, he was running as fast as he could run, at the back of the line of Dwarves, down a dark passage. 

E antes que Bilbo entendesse o que estava acontecendo, ele estava correndo o mais rápido que podia, na parte de trás da fila de anões, por uma passagem escura. 

Soon he could not hear the sound of the screaming goblins. 

Logo ele não podia ouvir o som dos goblins gritando.

“Run faster, faster!” said the voice. 

“Corram mais rápido, mais rápido!” disse a voz. 

“I can hear them coming!” 

“Eu posso ouvi-los chegando!” 

They ran for a long time down black passages. 

Eles correram por um longo tempo por passagens escuras. 

Dori, who was at the back of the line next to Bilbo, put the Hobbit on his shoulders and began to run again, on and on in the dark. 

Dori, que estava no final da fila ao lado de Bilbo, colocou o Hobbit em seus ombros e começou a correr de novo, sem parar no escuro. 

Then Gandalf lit up his staff. 

Então Gandalf acendeu seu cajado. 

Of course it was Gandalf! 

Claro que era Gandalf! 

He took out his sword again, and again it burned with a bright light. 

Ele pegou sua espada novamente, e novamente ela queimou com uma luz brilhante. 

It burned in anger when there were goblins nearby, and now it was as bright as blue fire after killing the Great Goblin.

Ela queimava de raiva quando havia goblins por perto, e agora estava tão brilhante quanto fogo azul depois de matar o Grande Goblin.

“Are we all here?” asked Gandalf. 

“Estamos todos aqui?” perguntou Gandalf. 

Thorin began counting, “two, three, four, five, six, seve, eight, nine, ten, eleven; where are Fili and Kili? 

Thorin começou a contar, “dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez, onze; onde estão Fili e Kili? 

Here they are! twelve, thirteen - and here’s Mr. Baggins: fourteen! 

Aqui estão eles! doze, treze - e aqui está o Sr. Baggins: quatorze! 

Well, it could be worse, but it could be much better. 

Bem, poderia ser pior, mas poderia ser muito melhor. 

No ponies, no food, and we do not know where we are going - and there are many angry goblins who want to eat us. Let’s go!”

Sem pôneis, sem comida, e não sabemos para onde estamos indo - e há muitos goblins furiosos que querem nos comer. Vamos lá!"

On they went, as fast as they could. 

Continuaram correndo, o mais rápido que puderam. 

They could hear the goblins getting closer and closer. 

Eles podiam ouvir os goblins se aproximando cada vez mais. 

So they ran faster than ever, and poor Bilbo could not keep up, so the Dwarves took turns carrying him on their backs. 

Então eles correram mais rápido do que nunca, e o pobre Bilbo não conseguiu acompanhá-lo, então os Anões se revezaram carregando-o nas costas. 

But goblins travel faster than Dwarves in the dark, and these goblins knew the way. 

Mas os goblins viajam mais rápido que os anões no escuro, e esses goblins sabiam o caminho. 

The Dwarves heard their yells and cries as they got closer and closer. 

Os Anões ouviram seus gritos e choros enquanto se aproximavam cada vez mais. 

Soon they could see the red of the goblin torch light behind them, and they were getting terribly tired. 

Logo eles puderam ver a luz vermelha das tochas goblin atrás deles, e eles estavam ficando terrivelmente cansados.

“Why, oh, why did I ever leave my Hobbit-hole!” said poor Mr. Baggins, bouncing up and down on Bombur’s back. 

“Por que, oh, por que eu deixei minha toca de Hobbit!” disse o pobre Sr. Baggins, quicando para cima e para baixo nas costas de Bombur. 

“Why, oh, why did we ever bring a Hobbit on a treasure hunt!” said poor Bombur, who was very fat, and having difficulty staying with the party. 

“Por que, oh, por que trouxemos um Hobbit em uma caça ao tesouro!” disse o pobre Bombur, que estava muito gordo e com dificuldade de ficar com o grupo. 

“Turn around, Thorin, and draw your sword!” shouted Gandalf. 

“Vire-se, Thorin, e puxe sua espada!” gritou Gandalf. 

The goblins came around the corner and Glamdring and Orcrist were waiting for them. 

Os goblins viraram a esquina e Glamdring e Orcrist estavam esperando por eles. 

Many goblins fell dead to these terrible blades! 

Muitos goblins caíram mortos por essas lâminas terríveis! 

The goblins turned around and ran away. But they did not go far.

Os goblins se viraram e fugiram. Mas eles não foram longe.

The bravest and fastest goblins extinguished their torches and took off their iron shoes. 

Os goblins mais corajosos e rápidos apagaram suas tochas e tiraram suas botas de ferro. 

These ran forward as quickly and silently as the wind in the dark, and the Dwarves and Gandalf did not hear them whey they came up quietly behind them. 

Estes correram para a frente tão rápida e silenciosamente como o vento no escuro, e os Anões e Gandalf não os ouviram quando eles vieram silenciosamente atrás deles. 

Suddenly, Dori, who was at the back of the line and carrying Bilbo, shouted out! 

De repente, Dori, que estava no final da fila e carregando Bilbo, gritou! 

A goblin grabbed him and he fell, and the Hobbit rolled off his shoulders into the darkness, bumped his head on a rock and remembered nothing more.

Um goblin o agarrou e ele caiu, e o Hobbit rolou de seus ombros para a escuridão, bateu a cabeça em uma pedra e não se lembrou de mais nada.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 6 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 4 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)