THE HOBBIT Chapter 4 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


A Short Rest

The journey continued for many days, and they began to feel the danger that was all around them. There was very little food in the bags, and at night, their ponies ate better than they did. One morning they crossed a river that was wide and shallow. The water made a pleasant sound as it flowed over the rocks. Bilbo could not identify exactly what he was feeling, but he sensed a magic that was in the river as they crossed to the other side.

They continued on and Bilbo could see that the mountains were much closer than before. “Is that THE Mountain?” asked Bilbo, looking at a dark peak in the distance.

“Of course not!” said Gandalf. “That is only the Misty Mountains. We must go through them or over them or under them to the other side. And after that, we must travel a very long way before we reach the Mountain where Smaug sleeps on our treasure.”

Gandalf was leading the party. “We must pay attention to the road, or we will be lost in the wilderness,” he said. “We need food and supplies, and rest in a safe place before we cross the Misty Mountains.” The Dwarves asked him where they were going and he answered: “We are going towards the beautiful valley of Rivendell where Elrond lives. I sent a message by my friends. He is expecting us.”

“I have found the path!” cried Gandalf. “We are close now.” They all could hear the sound of water falling and the scent of the trees was clean and fresh. And in the distance, they could see the light of fires and torches. It was Rivendell, one of the last homes of the Elves in Middle Earth. “It feels like Elves,” thought Bilbo as they approached a bridge that crossed a small river. They could hear the voices of Elves now, singing and talking in the darkness.

They stayed for fourteen days at that house, and it was difficult for them to leave. Bilbo felt like he could stay there forever and ever, even if he could fly back to his comfortable Hobbit home in the Shire. But there is very little to tell about their stay with Elrond, the master of the house, and a friend of Gandalf.

Elrond’s part in the story of Bilbo’s great adventure is only a small one, but an important one, as you will see. He was a great Elf warrior and leader, a descendant of Men and Elves. He was noble and strong, and as wise as a wizard. He knew all about ancient writing and languages, and he was able to read the strange symbols on the swords Gandalf and Thorin found in the troll cave.

“These are not troll swords,” said Elrond as he examined them. “They are very old. They were made by the High Elves of the West. They were made in the great city of Gondolin for the Goblin wars. The runes on these swords give their names. Thorin, your sword is called ‘Orcrist, the Goblin-cutter’ in the ancient language of Gondolin. It was a famous blade. This sword, Gandalf, was ‘Glamdring, Enemy-hammer’. The king of Gondolin used it himself. You may need them as soon as you cross the Misty Mountains.”

“But show me your map!” Elrond continued. Thorin gave the map to Elrond and he looked at it for a long time. The moon was shining bright in the night sky and Elrond held up the map and the moonlight came through it. “What is this?” he said. “There are moon-letters here, next to the visible words that identify the secret door.”

“What are moon-letters?” asked the Hobbit, full of excitement. “Moon-letters are magical letters that can only be seen when the moon shines behind them. They were invented by the Dwarves,” explained Elrond.

“What do they say?” asked Gandalf and Thorin together. 

Elrond began to read, “stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the last light of the setting sun on Durin’s Day will shine on the keyhole.”

“Durin, Durin!” said Thorin. “He was the father of the fathers of the race of Dwarves, and my ancestor: I am his heir. But we have lost the skill to know when Durin’s Day is, except that it is a day between autumn and winter.

“Is there any more writing on the map?” asked Gandalf. “None that I can read with this moon,” answered Elrond. “Perhaps you will learn more on your journey.”

The next morning was a perfect summer day, beautiful and warm. The party rode away from Rivendell as the Elves sang and danced. Their hearts were ready for more adventure and they were prepared for the next phase of their journey: to cross over the Misty Mountains.

Capítulo 4

A Short Rest
Um breve descanso

The journey continued for many days, and they began to feel the danger that was all around them.

A viagem continuou por muitos dias, e eles começaram a sentir o perigo que os cercava.

There was very little food in the bags, and at night, their ponies ate better than they did.

Havia muito pouca comida nas sacolas e, à noite, seus pôneis comiam melhor do que eles.  

One morning they crossed a river that was wide and shallow. 

Certa manhã, atravessaram um rio largo e raso.  

The water made a pleasant sound as it flowed over the rocks. 

A água fazia um som agradável enquanto corria sobre as rochas.  

Bilbo could not identify exactly what he was feeling, but he sensed a magic that was in the river as they crossed to the other side.

Bilbo não conseguia identificar exatamente o que estava sentindo, mas sentiu uma magia que estava no rio enquanto eles cruzavam para o outro lado.

They continued on and Bilbo could see that the mountains were much closer than before.

Eles continuaram e Bilbo pôde ver que as montanhas estavam muito mais próximas do que antes. 

“Is that THE Mountain?” asked Bilbo, looking at a dark peak in the distance.

“Essa é A Montanha?” perguntou Bilbo, olhando para um pico escuro ao longe.

“Of course not!” said Gandalf.

"É claro que não!"  disse Gandalf.  

“That is only the Misty Mountains.

“São apenas as Montanhas Nebulosas.  

We must go through them or over them or under them to the other side. 

Devemos passar por elas ou por cima delas ou por baixo delas para o outro lado.  

And after that, we must travel a very long way before we reach the Mountain where Smaug sleeps on our treasure.”

E depois disso, devemos percorrer um longo caminho antes de chegarmos à Montanha onde Smaug dorme em nosso tesouro.

Gandalf was leading the party. 

Gandalf estava liderando o grupo. 

“We must pay attention to the road, or we will be lost in the wilderness,” he said. 

“Devemos prestar atenção à estrada, ou ficaremos perdidos na floresta”, disse ele.

“We need food and supplies, and rest in a safe place before we cross the Misty Mountains.” 

“Precisamos de comida e suprimentos, e descansar em um lugar seguro antes de cruzar as Montanhas Nebulosas.”

The Dwarves asked him where they were going and he answered: “We are going towards the beautiful valley of Rivendell where Elrond lives. 

Os Anões lhe perguntaram para onde estavam indo e ele respondeu: “Estamos indo em direção ao belo vale de Valfenda onde Elrond mora.  

I sent a message by my friends. He is expecting us.”

Enviei uma mensagem pelos meus amigos.  Ele está nos esperando.”

“I have found the path!” cried Gandalf. 

“Encontrei o caminho!”  gritou Gandalf.  

“We are close now.” 

“Estamos perto agora.”  

They all could hear the sound of water falling and the scent of the trees was clean and fresh. 

Todos podiam ouvir o som da água caindo e o cheiro das árvores era limpo e fresco.  

And in the distance, they could see the light of fires and torches. 

E ao longe, eles podiam ver a luz de fogueiras e tochas.  

It was Rivendell, one of the last homes of the Elves in Middle Earth. 

Era Valfenda, um dos últimos lares dos Elfos na Terra Média. 

“It feels like Elves,” thought Bilbo as they approached a bridge that crossed a small river. 

“Eu sinto os elfos”, pensou Bilbo enquanto se aproximavam de uma ponte que cruzava um pequeno rio.  

They could hear the voices of Elves now, singing and talking in the darkness.

Eles podiam ouvir as vozes dos elfos agora, cantando e falando na escuridão.

They stayed for fourteen days at that house, and it was difficult for them to leave. 

Ficaram catorze dias naquela casa e foi difícil para eles irem embora.  

Bilbo felt like he could stay there forever and ever, even if he could fly back to his comfortable Hobbit home in the Shire. 

Bilbo sentiu que poderia ficar lá para todo o sempre, mesmo que pudesse voar de volta para sua confortável casa de Hobbit no Shire.  

But there is very little to tell about their stay with Elrond, the master of the house, and a friend of Gandalf.

Mas há muito pouco para contar sobre sua estadia com Elrond, o dono da casa e amigo de Gandalf.

Elrond’s part in the story of Bilbo’s great adventure is only a small one, but an important one, as you will see. 

O papel de Elrond na história da grande aventura de Bilbo é apenas pequeno, mas importante, como você verá. 

He was a great Elf warrior and leader, a descendant of Men and Elves. 

Ele era um grande guerreiro e líder elfo, descendente de homens e elfos. 

He was noble and strong, and as wise as a wizard. 

Ele era nobre e forte, e tão sábio quanto um mago. 

He knew all about ancient writing and languages, and he was able to read the strange symbols on the swords Gandalf and Thorin found in the troll cave.

Ele sabia tudo sobre escrita e línguas antigas, e era capaz de ler os estranhos símbolos nas espadas que Gandalf e Thorin encontraram na caverna dos trolls.

“These are not troll swords,” said Elrond as he examined them. 

“Estas não são espadas de trolls,” disse Elrond enquanto as examinava. 

“They are very old. 

“Elas são muito velhas. 

They were made by the High Elves of the West. 

Elas foram feitas pelos Altos Elfos do Oeste. 

They were made in the great city of Gondolin for the goblin wars. 

Elas foram feitas na grande cidade de Gondolin para as guerras dos goblins. 

The runes on these swords give their names. 

As runas dessas espadas dão seus nomes. 

Thorin, your sword is called ‘Orcrist, the Goblin-cutter’ in the ancient language of Gondolin. 

Thorin, sua espada se chama ‘Orcrist, a Fede-goblin’ na antiga língua de Gondolin. 

It was a famous blade. 

Era uma lâmina famosa. 

This sword, Gandalf, was ‘Glamdring, Enemy-hammer’. 

Esta espada, Gandalf, era 'Glamdring, Martelo do inimigo'. 

The king of Gondolin used it himself. You may need them as soon as you cross the Misty Mountains.”

O próprio rei de Gondolin a usou. Você pode precisar delas assim que cruzar as Montanhas Sombrias.”

“But show me your map!” Elrond continued. 

“Mas me mostre seu mapa!” Elrond continuou. 

Thorin gave the map to Elrond and he looked at it for a long time. 

Thorin deu o mapa para Elrond e ele o olhou por um longo tempo. 

The moon was shining bright in the night sky and Elrond held up the map and the moonlight came through it. 

A lua estava brilhando no céu noturno e Elrond ergueu o mapa e o luar passou por ele. 

“What is this?” he said. “There are moon-letters here, next to the visible words that identify the secret door.”

"O que é isto?" ele disse. “Há letras lunares aqui, ao lado das palavras visíveis que identificam a porta secreta.”

“What are moon-letters?” asked the Hobbit, full of excitement. 

“O que são letras lunares?” perguntou o Hobbit, cheio de entusiasmo. 

“Moon-letters are magical letters that can only be seen when the moon shines behind them. 

“As letras da lua são letras mágicas que só podem ser vistas quando a lua brilha atrás delas. 

They were invented by the Dwarves,” explained Elrond.

Elas foram inventadas pelos anões”, explicou Elrond.

“What do they say?” asked Gandalf and Thorin together. 

“O que elas dizem?” perguntaram Gandalf e Thorin juntos.

Elrond began to read, “stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the last light of the setting sun on Durin’s Day will shine on the keyhole.”

Elrond começou a ler: “fique ao lado da pedra cinzenta quando o tordo bater, e a última luz do sol poente no dia de Durin brilhará no buraco da fechadura”.

“Durin, Durin!” said Thorin. “He was the father of the fathers of the race of Dwarves, and my ancestor: I am his heir. 

“Durin, Durin!” disse Thorin. “Ele foi o pai dos pais da raça dos Anões, e meu ancestral: eu sou seu herdeiro. 

But we have lost the skill to know when Durin’s Day is, except that it is a day between autumn and winter.

Mas perdemos a habilidade de saber quando é o Dia de Durin, exceto que é um dia entre o outono e o inverno.

“Is there any more writing on the map?” asked Gandalf. 

“Há mais alguma escrita no mapa?” perguntou Gandalf. 

“None that I can read with this moon,” answered Elrond. 

“Nenhuma que eu possa ler com esta lua”, respondeu Elrond. 

“Perhaps you will learn more on your journey.”

“Talvez você aprenda mais em sua jornada.”

The next morning was a perfect summer day, beautiful and warm. 

A manhã seguinte era um dia perfeito de verão, lindo e quente. 

The party rode away from Rivendell as the Elves sang and danced. 

O grupo partiu de Valfenda enquanto os elfos cantavam e dançavam. 

Their hearts were ready for more adventure and they were prepared for the next phase of their journey: to cross over the Misty Mountains.

Seus corações estavam prontos para mais aventura e eles estavam preparados para a próxima fase de sua jornada: cruzar as Montanhas Nebulosas.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 5 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)