THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day,

To find our long-forgotten gold.

- Dwarven Song

Para além das montanhas nebulosas, frias,

Adentrando cavernas, calabouços perdidos

Devemos partir antes de o sol surgir,

Buscando tesouros há muito esquecidos.

- Canção dos Anões


Roast Mutton (Sheep)

Bilbo woke up suddenly. As he walked to the kitchen, he realized that his nightmares from the night before were not bad dreams at all! What a terrible mess there was in the kitchen! Not only had the Dwarves left without waking Bilbo up, they had used every bowl and plate and cup and glass for breakfast, and they did not wash anything! He was relieved that they were gone, but he also felt a little disappointed.

“Don’t be silly, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself. “Just imagine, you climbing mountains and fighting dragons! And at your age!” He began to eat some cake, which helped him forget the adventures from the night before. Suddenly, Gandalf appeared!

“My dear Hobbit, what are you doing here?” Gandalf said. “Did you not see the message?”

“What message?” said poor Mr. Baggins, very confused all over again.

“Confusticate and bebother all Hobbits!” Gandalf said in frustration. He walked over to the living room table and picked up a note that was left there. It was written on Bilbo’s own paper, which was very expensive! This is what the message said:

Thorin and Company to Burglar Baggins, good morning! We thank you for your hospitality. And we accept your professional assistance on our journey. Terms: cash when the job is finished, but only one fourteenth of the total, if any. All traveling expenses are guaranteed. Funeral expenses, if necessary, will be paid by our representatives.

We did not think it was necessary to wake you up, so we have left already in order to make all necessary preparations. We will wait for you at the Green Dragon Inn, in Bywater at 11:00 am sharp. Please be punctual.


Thorin & Co.

“You have only ten minutes to get to the Green Dragon Inn,” said Gandalf.

“But -,” said Bilbo.

“There is no time for it,” said the Wizard.

“But -,” said Bilbo again.

“No time for that, either! Fly, you fool!”

Until the day he died, Bilbo had no idea how he left his comfortable Hobbit home, without a hat or walking stick or any money. He threw Gandalf his house keys and he ran as fast as his furry little feet could run down the road, past the big Mill, across The Water, and then on for another mile to Bywater, just as the clock was marking eleven. And to make matters worse, he realized he had left without a pocket handkerchief!

The Dwarves were waiting for Bilbo when he arrived, out of breath and confused all over again. There were many ponies, and each of them carried all kinds of baggage - food, tools and other important equipment. There was also a very small pony, especially for Bilbo.

“Up you go, Mr. Burglar! Let us begin our journey!” said Thorin, as this very unexpected party began walking down the path towards Lonely Mountain, far away to the East

Soon, Gandalf arrived on a beautiful white horse. He brought many things from Bilbo’s home, including a lot of pocket handkerchiefs and Bilbo’s pipe and tobacco. Bilbo was very happy. After that, the party traveled along the path very happily, singing songs and telling stories. And Bilbo began to think that adventures were not such terrible things.

For the first few days of their journey, they traveled through familiar lands, where people were friendly and sang songs that Bilbo recognized. But soon, they entered the Lone-lands, where there were no people, no inns, and the roads were more difficult to travel. The hills around them began to get bigger and bigger, and on some of them there were old castles that did not look very comfortable.

It began to rain and it did not stop for many days. Travel became miserable - it was cold and wet. But even with the difficult conditions, the party continued eastward towards the Misty Mountains. “I’m sure the rain has made all our food and dry clothing wet,” thought Bilbo. “I haven’t even burgled yet, but I’m tired of burgling and everything that has to do with it! I wish I was at home in my nice hole next to the fire under a warm blanket!” It was not the last time Bilbo wished that!

Night was falling as the party needed to stop and find a dry place to sleep. The Dwarves, and especially the Hobbit, were anxious to begin cooking dinner. But it was not until that moment that they realized that Gandalf was not with them. So far he had come all the way with them, but the group was not sure if he was part of the adventure or only keeping them company for a while. But Gandalf had eaten the most food, talked the most, and laughed the most. But now he simply was not there!

They decided to make camp right where they were, in a wet patch under some trees. It was impossible to light a fire with all the rain. “What a perfect time for a Wizard to be helpful,” complained Thorin. Lighting suddenly cracked in the night, and one of the ponies ran away in terror! Fili and Kili tried to run after it and catch it, but the poor animal jumped into a river and drowned, with most of the food they had for the night, and the breakfast for the next day.

“We have lost the pony,” said Kili when he and Fili returned without the beast.  “And dinner.“ “And breakfast,” said Fili. “But we saw a light in the distance. Maybe we should go and see what it is.” The Dwarves argued about this decision for some time - some saying it was too dangerous in this area so close to the mountains, and others saying that maybe there might be some food and protection from the weather. 

Thunder sounded again and it began to pour even more than before. “There are fourteen of us, after all,” said Thorin. “And we have a burglar with us.” That decided the matter. So, the Dwarves, Hobbit and remaining ponies all walked off, wet and miserable, in the direction of the light.

Suddenly the red light was very bright through the trees. “Now it is the Burglar’s turn,” said Thorin. “Go and discover as much as you can about the light. See if there are people there and if it is safe,” he said to Bilbo. “Now, hurry and come back quickly if all is well! If not, come back if you can! If you can’t, hoot twice like a barn-owl and once like a screech-owl and we will try to help you.” 

Thorin gave the Hobbit a push and Bilbo ran off towards the light, before he could explain that he did not know how to hoot like any owl! But Hobbits can move perfectly quietly in the forest. They are very proud of this ability. And not even an owl would have heard Bilbo on this night! So, naturally, he was able to walk right next to the fire and this is what he saw:

Three very large persons sitting around a very large fire. They were cooking lamb on long pieces of wood and licking their fingers. What a wonderful smell there was! There was also a barrel of good drink near the fire and they were drinking out of large cups.

But they were trolls, obviously trolls. Even Bilbo could see that: their large faces, their size, and the shape of their legs, not to mention the way they were talking, which was very rude and not appropriate for dinner parties.

“Mutton yesterday, mutton terday, and blimey, if it don’t look like mutton again termorrer, Bert” said one of the trolls. “Aye, Tom, never a stinkin’ bit of manflesh for a long time,” said another troll. “What were William a-finkin’ to bring us to this here region, anyway?” said Bert, and hit the arm of William, who was taking a drink from his cup. William choked and coughed. “Shut yer mouths, you swine! All you do is complain like a couple of goblin pups. Et yer mutton, and shut your gobs!” said William.

Now Bilbo was no fool. He had read a lot about trolls - in the comfort of his Hobbit hole in Hobbiton, of course, and he knew that trolls would eat him or a Dwarf or a man faster than a Hobbit could blink an eye. But he did not want to return to the Dwarves with nothing - he was a “burglar” after all! So while Bert and Tom went to get more drink, Bilbo snuck up to William and put his little hand in his big pocket, and closed his fingers around a money bag. He thought, “I did it! This is the beginning of a fine career as a Burglar!”

As Bilbo pulled the heavy money bag out, William turned around and grabbed Bilbo by the neck, before he could escape. “Oi, ‘oo er you? Blimey, Bert, look what I caught me here!” said William. “What is it?” said the others, as they came into the light of the fire. “How am I supposed to know. What are yer?” asked William. 

“Bilbo Baggins, a bur…a Hobbit!” said poor Bilbo, shaking in terror, and wondering how to make a noise like an owl before they ate him.

“A burrahobbit?” they said, a bit confused. Trolls are not the smartest creatures on Middle Earth. “What’s a burrahobbit doing in my pocket?” asked William. “Hey, fellas, maybe there be more of ‘em around, and we’s can make a pie. Oi, you?” he asked Bilbo. “Are there any more of you burrahobbits sneaking ‘round here?” asked William as he picked Bilbo up by the toes. “Yes, lots,” cried Bilbo, before he remembered not to talk about his friends. “No! None at all, not a single one,” he said immediately after.

“What d’you mean, ‘lots and none at all’?” asked William. “I say we roast ‘em alive right now!” Bert looked at Bilbo and said, “We can pull him into pieces and eat him raw!” Tom shook his head and said, “No, let’s sit on him and turn him into a jelly?” The trolls, as trolls will often do, began to argue about the many ways to cook and eat a Hobbit. They began fighting and rolling around on the ground around the fire, and when William dropped Bilbo, he had time to find a place to hide.

Bilbo did not go far, though. He was too scared and in too much pain to run away. While the trolls were fighting and Bilbo was resting, the Dwarves heard the noises and came to investigate. They walked right into the light of the fire. The moment Tom saw the Dwarves, he gave a tremendous howl! Now, if you did not know it, trolls absolutely detest Dwarves. When Tom screamed, William and Bert stopped fighting immediately and before the Dwarves knew what happened, the trolls had captured them and put each and every one of them in a dirty sack.

At that moment, Gandalf returned! But no one saw him. The trolls had just decided to roast the Dwarves now and eat them later. But a voice said, “Let’s not roast them, it will take too long.” Bert thought it was William and said, “Don’t start the argument again, William, or it will take all night!” William looked angrily at Bert and said, “Who’s arguing?” “Yer arguin’!” Bert replied to William “Liar!” Screamed William, and they all started fighting again.

“Stop it!” yelled Tom. “The night is about to end and dawn comes early here. Let’s eat them!” Then a voice said loudly, “Dawn take you all and turn you to stone!” At that moment the light from the rising sun came over the hill and the trolls raised their hands to cover their faces and were about to scream. But they never made a sound: the trolls were turned to stone where they stood. Birds came in the dawn and sat on their stone heads and sang a morning song.

Trolls, as you probably know, must be out of the sun before the day starts or they return to the elements they are made from, and never move again. That is what happened to Bert and Tom and William. They turned to stone in the sunlight.

“Excellent!” said Gandalf, as he came from behind a tree, and helped Bilbo to his feet. Then Bilbo understood. It was the Wizard’s voice that distracted the trolls and caused them to fight until the sun came up and turned them to stone.

The unhappy Dwarves were rescued from their sacks. They thanked Gandalf and suggested that Bilbo not steal from trolls in the future. “Stop complaining!” said Gandalf. “We must find the trolls’ cave. I’m sure we will find something we can use on our journey.” 

With a key they found on William, they opened the door to a cave they discovered nearby. The smell was terrible when they entered the dark space. But there was a lot of food and clothing and many other useful things the trolls had stolen and kept in the cave. There were many pots of gold coins and several beautiful swords of various shapes and sizes. Gandalf and Thorin each took one of these, and Bilbo took a small knife in a leather scabbard (it would only be a pocket knife for a troll, but it was like a longsword for a Hobbit!).

“These look like good blades,” said the Wizard, drawing one of the swords from its scabbard and looking at it curiously. “These swords were not made by any troll, or by any ironmaster among men in these parts or in these days. When we can read this ancient writing on the blades, we will know more about them.”

They left the troll cave, with a good amount of gold and food and drink. And because their night had been disturbed, they slept until the afternoon. When they woke up, they buried the pots of gold in a secret location, in case they returned, and prepared to continue their journey. 

“Where did you go?” Thorin asked Gandalf as they rode their ponies along the road. 

“To look ahead,” he answered. 

“And why did you come back when we needed you the most?” Thorin asked. 

“Looking behind,” said Gandalf. 

“What on Middle Earth do you mean, Gandalf?” asked Thorin in frustration.

“I went ahead to see what was on the road. It will soon become dangerous and difficult. But I met some friends from Rivendell on the way. They told me about some trolls that were making trouble near the road. You will reach Rivendell in a few days and we will speak with Elrond, who is master there. But Thorin, please be more careful next time, or this journey will be a very short one!” Thorin looked at Gandalf and said, “Thank you, great Wizard!” 


Roast Mutton
(Or Cooked Sheep to You and Me)
Carneiro Assado
(Ou ovelha cozida para você e para mim)

Bilbo woke up suddenly. 

Bilbo acordou de repente.

As he walked to the kitchen, he realized that his nightmares from the night before were not bad dreams at all! 

Enquanto ia para a cozinha, ele percebeu que seus pesadelos da noite anterior não eram pesadelos! 

What a terrible mess there was in the kitchen! 

Que bagunça terrível havia na cozinha! 

Not only had the Dwarves left without waking Bilbo up, they had used every bowl and plate and cup and glass for breakfast, and they did not wash anything! 

Os Anões não só foram embora sem acordar Bilbo, como usaram todas as tigelas, pratos, xícaras e copos para o café da manhã, e não lavaram nada! 

He was relieved that they were gone, but he also felt a little disappointed.

Ele ficou aliviado por eles terem ido embora, mas também se sentiu um pouco desapontado.

“Don’t be silly, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself. 

“Não seja bobo, Bilbo Baggins!” ele falou pra si mesmo. 

“Just imagine, you climbing mountains and fighting dragons! 

“Imagine, você escalando montanhas e lutando contra dragões! 

And at your age!” 

E na sua idade!” 

He began to eat some cake, which helped him forget the adventures from the night before. 

Começou a comer um bolo, o que o ajudou a esquecer as aventuras da noite anterior. 

Suddenly, Gandalf appeared!

De repente, Gandalf apareceu!

“My dear Hobbit, what are you doing here?” Gandalf said. 

“Meu querido Hobbit, o que você está fazendo aqui?” disse Gandalf. 

“Did you not see the message?”

“Você não viu a mensagem?”

“What message?” said poor Mr. Baggins, very confused all over again.

"Que mensagem?" disse o pobre Sr. Baggins, muito confuso novamente.

“Confusticate and bebother all Hobbits!” Gandalf said in frustration. 

“Que se confundam e se incomodem todos os Hobbits!” Gandalf disse em frustração. 

He walked over to the living room table and picked up a note that was left there. 

Ele caminhou até a mesa da sala e pegou um bilhete que foi deixado lá. 

It was written on Bilbo’s own paper, which was very expensive! 

Estava escrito no próprio papel de Bilbo, que era muito caro! 

This is what the message said:

Isto é o que a mensagem dizia:

“Thorin and Company to Burglar Baggins, good morning! 

“Thorin e Companhia para o Ladrão Baggins, bom dia! 

We thank you for your hospitality. 

Agradecemos sua hospitalidade. 

And we accept your professional assistance on our journey. 

E aceitamos sua assistência profissional em nossa jornada. 

Terms: cash when the job is finished, but only one fourteenth of the total, if any. 

Condições: dinheiro em espécie quando o trabalho estiver concluído, mas apenas um décimo quarto do total, se houver. 

All traveling expenses are guaranteed. 

Todas as despesas de viagem são garantidas. 

Funeral expenses, if necessary, will be paid by our representatives.

As despesas funerárias, se necessário, serão pagas pelos nossos representantes.

“We did not think it was necessary to wake you up, so we have left already in order to make all necessary preparations. 

“Não achamos necessário acordá-lo, então já saímos para fazer todos os preparativos necessários. 

We will wait for you at the Green Dragon Inn, in Bywater at 11:00 am sharp. 

Esperamos por você no Green Dragon Inn, em Bywater, às 11h em ponto. 

Please be punctual.

Por favor, seja pontual.



Thorin & Co.”

Thorin & Cia.”

“You have only ten minutes to get to the Green Dragon Inn,” said Gandalf.

"Você tem apenas dez minutos para chegar no Green Dragon Inn", disse Gandalf.

“But -,” said Bilbo.

– Mas... – disse Bilbo.

“There is no time for it,” said the Wizard.

“Não há tempo para isso”, disse o Mago.

“But -,” said Bilbo again.

“Mas...”, disse Bilbo novamente.

“No time for that, either! Fly, you fool!”

“Não há tempo para isso, também! Corra, seu tolo!”

Until the day he died, Bilbo had no idea how he left his comfortable Hobbit home, without a hat or walking stick or any money. 

Até o dia em que morreu, Bilbo não tinha ideia de como ele deixou sua confortável casa Hobbit, sem chapéu, bengala ou dinheiro. 

He threw Gandalf his house keys and he ran as fast as his furry little feet could run down the road, 

Ele jogou a Gandalf as chaves de sua casa e correu o mais rápido que seus pezinhos peludos podiam correr pela estrada, 

past the big Mill, across The Water, and then on for another mile to Bywater, just as the clock was marking eleven. 

passando pelo grande Moinho, atravessando a Água, e depois por mais um quilômetro e meio até Bywater, bem quando o relógio marcava onze horas. 

And to make matters worse, he realized he had left without a pocket handkerchief!

E para piorar, ele percebeu que tinha saído sem um lenço de bolso!

The Dwarves were waiting for Bilbo when he arrived, out of breath and confused all over again. 

Os Anões estavam esperando por Bilbo quando ele chegou, sem fôlego e confuso novamente. 

There were many ponies, and each of them carried all kinds of baggage - food, tools and other important equipment. 

Havia muitos pôneis, e cada um deles carregava todo tipo de bagagem - comida, ferramentas e outros equipamentos importantes.

There was also a very small pony, especially for Bilbo.

Havia também um pônei muito pequeno, especialmente para Bilbo.

“Up you go, Mr. Burglar! Let us begin our journey!” said Thorin, as this very unexpected party began walking down the path towards Lonely Mountain, far away to the East.

“Para cima, Sr. Ladrão! Vamos começar nossa jornada!” disse Thorin, quando esse grupo muito inesperado começou a descer o caminho em direção à Montanha Solitária, bem distante a leste.

Soon, Gandalf arrived on a beautiful white horse. 

Logo, Gandalf chegou em um lindo cavalo branco. 

He brought many things from Bilbo’s home, including a lot of pocket handkerchiefs and Bilbo’s pipe and tobacco. 

Ele trouxe muitas coisas da casa de Bilbo, incluindo muitos lenços de bolso, cachimbo e tabaco de Bilbo. 

Bilbo was very happy. 

Bilbo ficou muito feliz. 

After that, the party traveled along the path very happily, singing songs and telling stories. 

Depois disso, o grupo percorreu o caminho com muita alegria, cantando canções e contando histórias. 

And Bilbo began to think that adventures were not such terrible things.

E Bilbo começou a pensar que as aventuras não eram coisas tão terríveis.

For the first few days of their journey, they traveled through familiar lands, where people were friendly and sang songs that Bilbo recognized. 

Nos primeiros dias da jornada, eles viajaram por terras familiares, onde as pessoas eram amigáveis e cantavam canções que Bilbo reconhecia. 

But soon, they entered the Lone-lands, where there were no people, no inns, and the roads were more difficult to travel. 

Mas logo, eles entraram nas Terras Solitárias, onde não havia pessoas, nem pousadas, e as estradas eram mais difíceis de percorrer. 

The hills around them began to get bigger and bigger, and on some of them there were old castles that did not look very comfortable.

As colinas ao seu redor começaram a ficar cada vez maiores, e em algumas delas havia castelos antigos que não pareciam muito confortáveis.

It began to rain and it did not stop for many days. 

Começou a chover e não parou por muitos dias. 

Travel became miserable - it was cold and wet. 

A viagem tornou-se miserável - estava frio e úmido. 

But even with the difficult conditions, the party continued eastward towards the Misty Mountains. 

Mas mesmo com as condições difíceis, o grupo continuou para o leste em direção às Montanhas Nebulosas. 

“I’m sure the rain has made all our food and dry clothing wet,” thought Bilbo. 

“Tenho certeza de que a chuva molhou toda a nossa comida e roupas secas”, pensou Bilbo. 

“I haven’t even burgled yet, but I’m tired of burgling and everything that has to do with it! 

“Ainda nem roubei, mas estou cansado de roubar e tudo o que tem a ver com isso! 

I wish I was at home in my nice hole next to the fire under a warm blanket!” 

Eu gostaria de estar em casa na minha bela toca ao lado do fogo sob um cobertor quente!” 

It was not the last time Bilbo wished that!

Não foi a última vez que Bilbo desejou isso!

Night was falling as the party needed to stop and find a dry place to sleep. A noite estava caindo quando o grupo precisava parar e encontrar um lugar seco para dormir. 

The Dwarves, and especially the Hobbit, were anxious to begin cooking dinner. 

Os Anões, e especialmente o Hobbit, estavam ansiosos para começar a preparar o jantar. 

But it was not until that moment that they realized that Gandalf was not with them. Mas foi só naquele momento que eles perceberam que Gandalf não estava com eles. 

So far he had come all the way with them, but the group was not sure if he was part of the adventure or only keeping them company for a while. Até agora, ele havia percorrido todo o caminho com eles, mas o grupo não tinha certeza se ele fazia parte da aventura ou apenas fazia companhia por um tempo. 

But Gandalf had eaten the most food, talked the most, and laughed the most. But now he simply was not there!

Mas Gandalf tinha comido mais, conversado mais e rido mais. Mas agora ele simplesmente não estava lá!

They decided to make camp right where they were, in a wet patch under some trees. 

Eles decidiram acampar exatamente onde estavam, em um trecho úmido embaixo de algumas árvores. 

It was impossible to light a fire with all the rain. 

Era impossível acender uma fogueira com tanta chuva. 

“What a perfect time for a Wizard to be helpful,” complained Thorin. 

“Que momento perfeito para um mago ser útil,” reclamou Thorin. 

Lighting suddenly cracked in the night, and one of the ponies ran away in terror! 

Um raio de repente rachou na noite, e um dos pôneis fugiu aterrorizado! 

Fili and Kili tried to run after it and catch it, but the poor animal jumped into a river and drowned, with most of the food they had for the night, and the breakfast for the next day.

Fili e Kili tentaram correr atrás dele e pegá-lo, mas o pobre animal pulou em um rio e se afogou, com a maior parte da comida que tinha para a noite e o café da manhã do dia seguinte.

“We have lost the pony,” said Kili when he and Fili returned without the beast.  

“Perdemos o pônei”, disse Kili quando ele e Fili voltaram sem o animal. 

“And dinner.“ “And breakfast,” said Fili. 

“E o jantar.” “E o café da manhã,” disse Fili. 

“But we saw a light in the distance. 

“Mas vimos uma luz lá longe. 

Maybe we should go and see what it is.” 

Talvez devêssemos ir ver o que havia.” 

The Dwarves argued about this decision for some time - some saying it was too dangerous in this area so close to the mountains, and others saying that maybe there might be some food and protection from the weather. 

Os anões discutiam sobre esta decisão por algum tempo - alguns dizendo que era muito perigoso nesta área tão perto das montanhas, e outros dizendo que talvez houvesse comida e proteção contra o tempo.

Thunder sounded again and it began to pour even more than before. 

O trovão soou novamente e começou a chover ainda mais do que antes. 

“There are fourteen of us, after all,” said Thorin. 

“Afinal, somos quatorze”, disse Thorin. 

“And we have a burglar with us.” 

“E nós temos um ladrão conosco.” 

That decided the matter. 

Isso decidiu o assunto. 

So, the Dwarves, Hobbit and remaining ponies all walked off, wet and miserable, in the direction of the light.

Então, os Anões, o Hobbit e os pôneis restantes partiram, molhados e miseráveis, na direção da luz.

Suddenly the red light was very bright through the trees. 

De repente, a luz vermelha foi muito brilhante através das árvores. 

“Now it is the Burglar’s turn,” said Thorin. 

“Agora é a vez do Ladrão”, disse Thorin. 

“Go and discover as much as you can about the light. 

“Vá e descubra o máximo que puder sobre a luz. 

See if there are people there and if it is safe,” he said to Bilbo. 

Veja se há pessoas lá e se é seguro”, disse ele a Bilbo. 

“Now, hurry and come back quickly if all is well! 

“Agora, apresse-se e volte rapidamente se tudo estiver bem! 

If not, come back if you can! 

Se não, volte se puder! 

If you can’t, hoot twice like a barn-owl and once like a screech-owl and we will try to help you.” 

Se não puder, pie duas vezes como uma coruja-das-torres e uma vez como uma corujinha-do-mato e tentaremos ajudá-lo.”

Thorin gave the Hobbit a push and Bilbo ran off towards the light, before he could explain that he did not know how to hoot like any owl! 

Thorin deu um empurrão no Hobbit e Bilbo correu em direção à luz, antes que pudesse explicar que não sabia piar como nenhuma coruja! 

But Hobbits can move perfectly quietly in the forest. Mas os Hobbits podem se movimentar perfeitamente silenciosamente na floresta. 

They are very proud of this ability. 

Eles são orgulhosos dessa habilidade. 

And not even an owl would have heard Bilbo on this night! 

E nem mesmo uma coruja teria ouvido Bilbo nesta noite! 

So, naturally, he was able to walk right next to the fire and this is what he saw:

Então, naturalmente, ele conseguiu chegar ao lado da fogueira e foi isso que ele viu:

Three very large persons sitting around a very large fire. Três pessoas muito grandes sentadas ao redor de uma fogueira muito grande. 

They were cooking lamb on long pieces of wood and licking their fingers. 

Estavam assando cordeiro em longos pedaços de madeira e lambendo os dedos. 

What a wonderful smell there was!
Que cheiro maravilhoso que havia! 

There was also a barrel of good drink near the fire and they were drinking out of large cups.

Havia também um barril de boa bebida perto da fogueira e eles bebiam em copos grandes.

But they were trolls, obviously trolls. 

Mas eles eram trolls, obviamente trolls. 

Even Bilbo could see that: their large faces, their size, and the shape of their legs, not to mention the way they were talking, which was very rude and not appropriate for dinner parties.

Até Bilbo podia ver isso: seus rostos grandes, seu tamanho e o formato de suas pernas, sem falar no jeito que falavam, o que era muito rude e inadequado para jantares com visitas.

“Mutton yesterday, mutton terday, and blimey, if it don’t look like mutton again termorrer, Bert” said one of the trolls. 

“Carneiro ontem, carneiro hoje, e caramba, se não vai ser carneiro de novo, Bert”, disse um dos trolls. 

“Aye, Tom, never a stinkin’ bit of manflesh for a long time,” said another troll. 

“Sim, Tom, nem um pedaço de carne humana por um longo tempo”, disse outro troll. 

“What were William a-finkin’ to bring us to this here region, anyway?” said Bert, and hit the arm of William, who was taking a drink from his cup. 

"O que William estava pensando em nos trazer para esta região, afinal?" disse Bert, e bateu no braço de William, que estava tomando um gole de sua xícara. 

William choked and coughed. 

William engasgou e tossiu. 

“Shut yer mouths, you swine! 

“Calem suas bocas, seus porcos! 

All you do is complain like a couple of goblin pups. 

Tudo o que vocês fazem é reclamar como dois filhotes de goblins. 

Et yer mutton, and shut your gobs!” said William.

Comam seu carneiro, e calem suas bocas!” disse William.

Now Bilbo was no fool. 

Agora Bilbo não era tolo. 

He had read a lot about trolls - in the comfort of his Hobbit hole in Hobbiton, of course, and he knew that trolls would eat him or a Dwarf or a man faster than a Hobbit could blink an eye. 

Ele tinha lido muito sobre trolls - no conforto de sua toca de Hobbit em Hobbiton, é claro, e ele sabia que trolls iriam comê-lo ou um Anão ou um homem mais rápido do que um hobbit poderia piscar um olho. 

But he did not want to return to the Dwarves with nothing - he was a “burglar” after all! 

Mas ele não queria voltar para os Anões sem nada - ele era um “ladrão” afinal! 

So while Bert and Tom went to get more drink, Bilbo snuck up to William and put his little hand in his big pocket, and closed his fingers around a money bag. Então, enquanto Bert e Tom foram buscar mais bebida, Bilbo foi até William, colocou a mãozinha no bolso grande e fechou os dedos em torno de uma bolsa de dinheiro. 

He thought, “I did it! This is the beginning of a fine career as a Burglar!”

Ele pensou: “Consegui! Este é o início de uma bela carreira como ladrão!”

As Bilbo pulled the heavy money bag out, William turned around and grabbed Bilbo by the neck, before he could escape. 

Enquanto Bilbo puxava a pesada bolsa de dinheiro, William se virou e agarrou Bilbo pelo pescoço, antes que ele pudesse escapar. 

“Oi, ‘oo er you? 

“Ei, quem é tu? 

Blimey, Bert, look what I caught me here!” said William. 

Caramba, Bert, olha o que eu apanhei aqui!” disse Willam. 

“What is it?” said the others, as they came into the light of the fire. 

"O que é?" disseram os outros, ao chegarem à luz da fogueira. 

“How am I supposed to know. What are yer?” asked William. 

"Como eu vou saber. O que é você?” perguntou Guilherme.

“Bilbo Baggins, a bur…a Hobbit!” said poor Bilbo, shaking in terror, and wondering how to make a noise like an owl before they ate him.

“Bilbo Baggins, um ladr…Hobbit!” disse o pobre Bilbo, tremendo de terror, e pensando como fazer um barulho como uma coruja antes que eles o comessem.

“A burrahobbit?” they said, a bit confused. 

"Um ladrobbit?" eles disseram, um pouco confusos. 

Trolls are not the smartest creatures on Middle Earth. 

Trolls não são as criaturas mais inteligentes da Terra Média. 

“What’s a burrahobbit doing in my pocket?” asked William. 

"O que um ladrobbit está fazendo no meu bolso?" perguntou William. 

“Hey, fellas, maybe there be more of ‘em around, and we’s can make a pie. Oi, you?” he asked Bilbo. 

“Ei, pessoal, talvez haja mais deles por aí, e podemos fazer uma torta. Ei, você?” ele perguntou a Bilbo. 

“Are there any more of you burrahobbits sneaking ‘round here?” asked William as he picked Bilbo up by the toes. 

"Há mais algum de vocês ladrobbits se espreitando por aqui?" perguntou William enquanto pegava Bilbo pelos dedos dos pés. 

“Yes, lots,” cried Bilbo, before he remembered not to talk about his friends. 

"Sim, um monte", gritou Bilbo, antes de se lembrar de não falar sobre seus amigos. 

“No! None at all, not a single one,” he said immediately after.

"Não! Nenhum, nenhum mesmo”, disse ele imediatamente depois.

“What d’you mean, ‘lots and none at all’?” asked William.

"O que você quer dizer com 'um monte e nenhum'?" perguntou William. 

“I say we roast ‘em alive right now!” 

"Eu digo que nós o torramos vivos agora!" 

Bert looked at Bilbo and said, “We can pull him into pieces and eat him raw!” 

Bert olhou para Bilbo e disse: “Podemos desfazê-lo em pedaços e comê-lo cru!” 

Tom shook his head and said, “No, let’s sit on him and turn him into a jelly?” 

Tom balançou a cabeça e disse: "Não, vamos sentar nele e transformá-lo em uma geleia?" 

The trolls, as trolls will often do, began to argue about the many ways to cook and eat a Hobbit. 

Os trolls, como os trolls costumam fazer, começaram a discutir sobre as muitas maneiras de cozinhar e comer um Hobbit. 

They began fighting and rolling around on the ground around the fire, and when William dropped Bilbo, he had time to find a place to hide.

Eles começaram a brigar e rolar no chão ao redor da fogueira, e quando William largou Bilbo, ele teve tempo de encontrar um lugar para se esconder.

Bilbo did not go far, though. 

Mas Bilbo não foi longe. 

He was too scared and in too much pain to run away. 

Ele estava com muito medo e sentindo muita dor para fugir. 

While the trolls were fighting and Bilbo was resting, the Dwarves heard the noises and came to investigate. 

Enquanto os trolls lutavam e Bilbo descansava, os anões ouviram os barulhos e vieram investigar. 

They walked right into the light of the fire. The moment Tom saw the Dwarves, he gave a tremendous howl!

Eles caminharam direto para a luz da fogueira. No momento em que Tom viu os anões, ele deu um tremendo uivo! 

Now, if you did not know it, trolls absolutely detest Dwarves. 

Agora, se você não sabia, os trolls detestam os anões. 

When Tom screamed, William and Bert stopped fighting immediately and before the Dwarves knew what happened, the trolls had captured them and put each and every one of them in a dirty sack.

Quando Tom gritou, William e Bert pararam de lutar imediatamente e antes que os anões soubessem o que aconteceu, os trolls os capturaram e colocaram cada um deles em um saco sujo.

At that moment, Gandalf returned! 

Naquele momento, Gandalf voltou! 

But no one saw him. 

Mas ninguém o viu. 

The trolls had just decided to roast the Dwarves now and eat them later. 

Os trolls tinham acabado de decidir assar os anões agora e comê-los mais tarde. 

But a voice said, “Let’s not roast them, it will take too long.” 

Mas uma voz disse: “Não vamos assá-los, vai demorar muito”. 

Bert thought it was William and said, “Don’t start the argument again, William, or it will take all night!” 

Bert pensou que fosse William e disse: “Não comece a discussão de novo, William, ou vai demorar a noite toda!” 

William looked angrily at Bert and said, “Who’s arguing?” 

William olhou com raiva para Bert e disse: “Quem está discutindo?” 

“Yer arguin’!” Bert replied to William. 

"Você está discutindo!" Bert respondeu a William. 

“Liar!” Screamed William, and they all started fighting again.

"Mentiroso!" Gritou William, e todos começaram a brigar novamente.

“Stop it!” yelled Tom. 

“Parem com isso!” gritou Tom. 

“The night is about to end and dawn comes early here. 

“A noite está prestes a terminar e o amanhecer chega cedo aqui. 

Let’s eat them!” 

Vamos comê-los!” 

Then a voice said loudly, “Dawn take you all and turn you to stone!” 

Então uma voz disse em voz alta: “Que a alvorada leve todos vocês e os transforme em pedra!” 

At that moment the light from the rising sun came over the hill and the trolls raised their hands to cover their faces and were about to scream. 

Naquele momento, a luz do sol nascente veio sobre a colina e os trolls levantaram as mãos para cobrir os rostos e estavam prestes a gritar. 

But they never made a sound: 

Mas eles nunca fizeram um som: 

the trolls were turned to stone where they stood. 

os trolls foram transformados em pedra onde estavam. 

Birds came in the dawn and sat on their stone heads and sang a morning song.

Pássaros vieram com o amanhecer e pousaram em suas cabeças de pedra e cantavam uma canção matinal.

Trolls, as you probably know, must be out of the sun before the day starts or they return to the elements they are made from, and never move again. 

Trolls, como você provavelmente sabe, devem estar fora do sol antes que o dia comece ou eles retornam aos elementos de que são feitos e nunca mais se movem. 

That is what happened to Bert and Tom and William.

Foi o que aconteceu com Bert, Tom e William. 

They turned to stone in the sunlight.

Eles se transformaram em pedra à luz do sol.

“Excellent!” said Gandalf, as he came from behind a tree, and helped Bilbo to his feet. 

"Excelente!" disse Gandalf, ao sair de trás de uma árvore e ajudaou Bilbo a se levantar. 

Then Bilbo understood. 

Então Bilbo entendeu. 

It was the Wizard’s voice that distracted the trolls and caused them to fight until the sun came up and turned them to stone.

Foi a voz do Mago que distraiu os trolls e os fez lutar até o sol nascer e transformá-los em pedra.

The unhappy Dwarves were rescued from their sacks. 

Os anões infelizes foram resgatados de seus sacos. 

They thanked Gandalf and suggested that Bilbo not steal from trolls in the future. 

Eles agradeceram a Gandalf e sugeriram que Bilbo não roubasse de trolls no futuro. 

“Stop complaining!” said Gandalf. 

"Pare de reclamar!" disse Gandalf. 

“We must find the trolls’ cave. 

“Precisamos encontrar a caverna dos trolls. 

I’m sure we will find something we can use on our journey.” 

Tenho certeza de que encontraremos algo que possamos usar em nossa jornada.”

With a key they found on William, they opened the door to a cave they discovered nearby. 

Com uma chave que encontraram em William, eles abriram a porta de uma caverna que descobriram nas proximidades. 

The smell was terrible when they entered the dark space. 

O cheiro era terrível quando eles entraram no espaço escuro. 

But there was a lot of food and clothing and many other useful things the trolls had stolen and kept in the cave. 

Mas havia muita comida e roupas e muitas outras coisas úteis que os trolls haviam roubado e guardado na caverna. 

There were many pots of gold coins and several beautiful swords of various shapes and sizes. 

Havia muitos potes de moedas de ouro e várias belas espadas de várias formas e tamanhos. 

Gandalf and Thorin each took one of these, and Bilbo took a small knife in a leather scabbard (it would only be a pocket knife for a troll, but it was like a longsword for a Hobbit!).

Gandalf e Thorin, ambos pegaram uma delas, e Bilbo pegou uma pequena faca em uma bainha de couro (seria apenas um canivete para um troll, mas era como uma espada longa para um Hobbit!).

“These look like good blades,” said the Wizard, drawing one of the swords from its scabbard and looking at it curiously. 

“Estas parecem boas lâminas,” disse o Mago, desembainhando uma das espadas e olhando para ela com curiosidade. 

“These swords were not made by any troll, or by any ironmaster among men in these parts or in these days. 

“Estas espadas não foram feitas por nenhum troll, ou por nenhum mestre de ferro entre os homens nestas partes ou nestes dias. 

When we can read this ancient writing on the blades, we will know more about them.”

Quando pudermos ler essa escrita antiga nas lâminas, saberemos mais sobre elas.”

They left the troll cave, with a good amount of gold and food and drink. 

Eles deixaram a caverna dos trolls, com uma boa quantidade de ouro e comida e bebida. 

And because their night had been disturbed, they slept until the afternoon. 

E porque a noite deles foi perturbada, eles dormiram até a tarde. 

When they woke up, they buried the pots of gold in a secret location, in case they returned, and prepared to continue their journey. 

Ao acordarem, enterraram os potes de ouro em local secreto, caso voltassem, e se prepararam para continuar sua jornada.

“Where did you go?” Thorin asked Gandalf as they rode their ponies along the road. 

"Onde você foi?" Thorin perguntou a Gandalf enquanto cavalgavam seus pôneis pela estrada.

“To look ahead,” he answered. 

“Olhar à frente”, ele respondeu.

“And why did you come back when we needed you the most?” Thorin asked. 

“E por que você voltou quando mais precisávamos de você?” perguntou Thorin.

“Looking behind,” said Gandalf. 

“Olhando para trás”, disse Gandalf.

“What on Middle Earth do you mean, Gandalf?” asked Thorin in frustration.

"O que na Terra Média você quer dizer, Gandalf?" perguntou Thorin em frustração.

“I went ahead to see what was on the road. 

“Avancei para ver o que estava na estrada. 

It will soon become dangerous and difficult. 

Logo se tornará perigosa e difícil. 

But I met some friends from Rivendell on the way. 

Mas encontrei alguns amigos de Valfenda no caminho.

They told me about some trolls that were making trouble near the road. 

Eles me contaram sobre alguns trolls que estavam causando problemas perto da estrada. 

You will reach Rivendell in a few days and we will speak with Elrond, who is master there. 

Você chegará a Valfenda em poucos dias e falaremos com Elrond, que é o mestre lá. 

But Thorin, please be more careful next time, or this journey will be a very short one!” 

Mas Thorin, por favor, seja mais cuidadoso da próxima vez, ou esta jornada será muito curta!” 

Thorin looked at Gandalf and said, “Thank you, great Wizard!” 

Thorin olhou para Gandalf e disse: “Obrigado, grande Mago!”


THE HOBBIT Chapter 4 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 2- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)