THE HOBBIT Chapter 2- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day,

To find our long-forgotten gold.

- Dwarven Song

Para além das montanhas nebulosas, frias,

Adentrando cavernas, calabouços perdidos

Devemos partir antes de o sol surgir,

Buscando tesouros há muito esquecidos.

- Canção dos Anões


An Unexpected Party

The next day Bilbo forgot completely about Gandalf. Just before tea-time, there was a very loud ring on his front door bell, and then he remembered! Gandalf! He quickly prepared some tea and cake, and ran to the door.

“I am so sorry to keep you waiting!” is what he was going to say, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was not Gandalf at all. It was a Dwarf with a long, blue beard, and very bright eyes. On his head was a dark green hood. As soon as Bilbo opened the door, the Dwarf came inside, as if he had been invited.

“Dwalin at your service!” he said, leaning forward in a low bow. He took off his hood and hung it on the wall in the corridor.

“Bilbo Baggins at your service!” said the hobbit. He was too surprised to ask any questions. They looked at each other for a moment. Soon the silence became uncomfortable and Bilbo said, “I am just about to have some tea; would you like to have some with me.” 

Bilbo sat down at the table with Dwalin. He was not sure what to say to the Dwarf. What would you do, if an uninvited Dwarf came into your home without an explanation?

Suddenly there was another ring at the door, a much louder ring than the first ring.

“Excuse me!” said the hobbit, and he went to answer the door.

“So you are finally here!” That was what he was going to say to Gandalf this time. But it was not Gandalf. Instead there was a very old-looking Dwarf with a white beard and a red hood. He also came inside as soon as Bilbo opened the door, like he had been invited too!

“I can see they have started to arrive already,” he said when he saw Dwalin’s green hood hanging on the wall. He hung his own red hood next to it. “Balin at your service!” he said in a loud voice.

“Thank you!” said Bilbo, trying to catch his breath. It was not the correct thing to say, but ‘they have started to arrive’ had made him very confused. He liked visitors, but he liked to know them before they arrived, and he preferred to invite them himself. But Bilbo thought he was a very good host to his guests and said, “Come inside, and have some tea!” 

“I would prefer some beer, if you do not mind, my good sir,” said Balin with the white beard. “And I would love some cake, if you have any.”

“Lots!” Bilbo answered in surprise. He ran to fill a glass of beer and get some cake he had just made. He was going to eat it after dinner.

When he got back Balin and Dwalin were talking at the table like old friends (as a matter of fact they were brothers). Bilbo put the beer and the cake down in front of them. Suddenly, there was a loud ring at the bell again, and then another!

“It must be Gandalf this time,” he thought as he hurried to the door. But it was not. It was two more dwarves. Both had blue hoods, silver belts, and yellow beards. Each of them carried a bag of tools and a shovel. As soon as Bilbo opened the door, they stepped inside. Bilbo was not surprised at all.

“What can I do for you, my Dwarves?” he said.

“Kili at your service!” said one. “And Fili!” said the other; and they both took off their blue hoods and leaned forward in a low bow.

“At your service, and your family’s!” answered Bilbo. He remembered to be polite this time.

“Dwalin and Balin are here already, I see,” said Kili. “Let’s join the crowd!” 

“Crowd!” thought Mr. Baggins. “I don’t like the sound of that. I need to sit down for a moment and think.” 

Soon the bell began to ring again, and in came Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin! Bilbo showed them to the dining room where all the other Dwarves were sitting and talking and eating his food and drinking his tea and beer. 

Suddenly, there was a loud KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK on his door! Bilbo ran down the corridor. He was very angry, and very confused. This was the strangest day he could remember. He opened the door and they all fell into the corridor, in a large pile! More dwarves! Four more dwarves! And there was Gandalf behind all of them. He was holding his staff and laughing. He had made a large hole on the beautiful door with his staff. He had also knocked out the secret symbol that he had put there the morning before.

“Let me introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin! Now we are all here!” said Gandalf.

Everyone asked for something different to eat and drink, and Bilbo realized that he would not have any food for his breakfast tomorrow. At this moment, Bilbo was feeling very confused. It seemed like the adventure Gandalf had spoken about was already in his house! Bilbo was becoming annoyed.

The Dwarves ate and drank and talked at the table while Thorin, a very important-looking Dwarf, spoke to Gandalf. Thorin was smoking a pipe and blowing enormous smoke rings wherever he wanted them to go. Bilbo sat and watched him - he loved smoke rings - and then he felt embarrassed because he had been so proud of the smoke rings he had blown in his garden yesterday morning.

“Now it’s time for some music!” said Thorin. “Bring out the instruments!” The youngest Dwarves, Fili and Kili, ran to get their instruments. They came back with viols as big as themselves, and with Thorin’s harp. It was a beautiful golden harp, and when Thorin played it the music began. 

The Dwarves sang in deep voices about their ancient homes in caverns far away. They sang of a great kingdom under the Lonely Mountain far to the East. They sang of treasure and gold and jewels. Then the Dwarves sang of the great tragedy - the destruction of Smaug, the evil dragon that came and stole their gold and killed their people. They sang about their desire to return to the Lonely Mountain and take back their kingdom and their gold. As Bilbo listened, something strange woke up inside him. The melody and words transported Bilbo away into distant lands under mysterious skies, far away from his Hobbit-hole under The Hill. He wanted to go there and see the mountain the Dwarves were singing about. He wanted to explore the caves and caverns and feel the Dwarvish gold in his fingers. He wanted to carry a sword instead of a walking stick. 

He looked out his window at the stars in the sky. He thought of the treasure under the mountain far away. Suddenly in the fireplace the fire burned bright and hot - probably just a piece of wood changing position - and he thought of the fire from the terrible dragon from their song. The dragon that stole the Dwarves’ gold. He felt afraid, and very quickly he was plain Mr. Baggins of Hobbiton again.

The music stopped suddenly and Thorin began to speak, “Gandalf, Dwarves, and Burglar Baggins…”

Bilbo was surprised at Thorin’s words and asked, “What do you mean when you say ‘burglar’ Baggins?”

“If you prefer, you can say ‘expert treasure hunter’,” answered Thorin.

“Well, yes, I prefer that,” Bilbo said, but he was still confused.

Thorin continued, “We are here tonight in the house of our friend, this most excellent Hobbit.” Thorin then lifted his glass of beer and said, “May the hair on his toes never fall out.” The other Dwarves and Gandalf all raised their glasses and said at the same time, “Hear, hear!”

“We shall soon start on our long journey,” said Thorin. “A journey from which some of us, or perhaps all of us may never return.” When Thorin said “may never return”, Bilbo began to feel a shout of fear building up inside him, and soon it came out like the whistle of a boiling pot of tea. All the Dwarves jumped up in surprise! They knocked over the table. Gandalf raised a hand and calmed everyone in the room. Soon Thorin continued. “I believe all of us know what our objective is.” 

“All of us?” asked Bilbo. “It is not well known to me.”

“Really? Then we must inform our burglar. We Dwarves will return to Lonely Mountain far to the East, beyond the Misty Mountains and past the Forest of Mirkwood, to Lonely Mountain, and we will take back what Smaug the dragon stole from us. Smaug came in the night and killed my people and forced my grandfather, King Under the Mountain, run for his life. He burned down the town of Dale and stole my people’s gold. He is still there in the mountain, sleeping on a vast pile of our gold and jewels.”

“Curse the Dragon Smaug!” All the Dwarves yelled.

As all the Dwarves yelled, the poor little Hobbit was so terrified that he fell to the floor and began shaking like a jelly. He continued calling out “hit by lightning, hit by lightning!” over and over again; and that was all he would say for some time. So the Dwarves took him and put him on the sofa in another room with a glass of water nearby, and they went back to the living room to talk about their business.

“Mr. Baggins can become very excited sometimes,” said Gandalf, as they sat down again. “but he is one of the best thieves, one of the best - as brave as a knight when you need him the most.”

After relaxing for a few moments and after drinking the water that was next to him on the sofa, Bilbo returned silently to the door of his living room and this is what he heard the Dwarves saying: “Do you think he is right for our adventure? Gandalf says he is very brave, but one scream like that in a moment of excitement will wake up the dragon and all his relatives, and kill us all! I think he sounded more afraid than excited. I have my doubts. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar!”

When he heard these words, the adventurous side of Bilbo came out. He suddenly felt that he would go without bed and breakfast if people thought he was brave. Many times later, the calm, timid side of Bilbo regretted what he did next: “Pardon me,” he said, “but I heard what you said about me. I do not understand very well what you all are talking about, or why you are calling me ‘burglar’. But I think I am correct to believe that you think I will not be good for your adventure. Well, I will prove to you that I will be good for you. Tell me what you want me to do and I will try it. Even if I have to walk from my peaceful Hobbit home to the East of East and fight the terrible fire dragons of Morgoth.”

Gandalf interrupted Bilbo and said to Thorin and the Dwarves, “Do you see? Brave and fierce like a knight! There are thirteen of you Dwarves, and thirteen is a very unlucky number. Mr. Baggins will be the fourteenth member of your party. Fourteen is a much luckier number.”

“A very splendid lucky number you have chosen for us, Gandalf,” Thorin said ironically. 

“I will not argue anymore!” said Gandalf. “I chose Mr. Baggins and that should be enough for all of you. If I say he is a Burglar, then he is a Burglar. Or he will be when he needs to be. There is more in him than you can see, and a lot more than he knows himself. You may (possibly) all live to thank me for my decision. Now Bilbo, my good Hobbit, get the lamp so we have some light!”

In the light of the lamp, Gandalf placed a map with many words and markings on it. “This was made by Thror, your grandfather, Thorin. It is a plan of the Mountain. You can see here there is a marking that shows a secret entrance.”

“I’m sure Smaug has discovered this entrance. He has lived there for so many years,” said Thorin in a disappointed voice.

“The passage is much too small for Smaug, even when he was a young worm. But it is big enough for a Burglar to enter!” Gandalf said, looking at Bilbo. Bilbo almost fainted again from the thought of going into a secret passage to confront Smaug the dragon.

“Also,” continued Gandalf, “there is a key that goes with the map, a small and interesting key. Here it is!” he said, and handed the key to Thorin. It was made of silver. “Keep it safe!”

“I will,” said Thorin, and he put the key on a chain he wore around his neck and under his jacket. “Now things are beginning to look more hopeful. This key will allow us to enter the secret passage without Smaug knowing we are there.” 

“That is why I thought of burglary - especially when I remembered the existence of a secret door,” said Gandalf. “And here is our little Bilbo Baggins, the burglar, the chosen and selected Burglar. So now let’s continue and make some plans.”

“But I must know, Gandalf, how you got the map,” said Thorin to the Wizard.

“Your grandfather Thror was killed, you remember, in the mines of Moria by Azog the Goblin.”

“Curse his name, yes,” said Thorin.

“But before he died, he gave this map to his son Thrain, your father. He tried to return to Lonely Mountain, but his adventure ended before he arrived there. I found him a prisoner in the dungeons of the Necromancer. Your father gave the map and the key to me there.”

“We must consider the power and danger of the Necromancer,” said Thorin.

“Do not be absurd, Thorin! He is an enemy who is more powerful than all the Dwarves together. The one thing your father wanted was for you to read the map and use the key. Do not worry about the Necromancer right now. The dragon and the mountain are tasks that are big enough for you!”

“Hear, hear!” said Bilbo, and he accidentally said it out loud.

“Hear what?” all the Dwarves said, looking towards Bilbo. He was so embarrassed that he answered, “Hear what I have to say!”

“What do you have to say?” they asked.

“Well, I think you should go East and have a look around. After all, there is a secret door, and dragons must sleep sometimes, I imagine. If you sit next to the door long enough, I am sure you will think of something. And well, I think we have talked long enough for one night, if you understand what I mean. What about bed, and an early start? I will give you a good breakfast before you go.”

“Before we go, I suppose you mean,” said Thorin. “Aren’t you the Burglar? And isn’t sitting next to the secret door your job? Not to mention getting inside the door? But I agree about bed and breakfast. I like six eggs with my ham, when starting on a journey.”

After all the others had ordered their breakfasts without even saying  “please” (which annoyed Bilbo very much), they all got up. The hobbit had to find room for all of them. He filled all his rooms and made beds on chairs and sofas. Finally, he went to his own little bed feeling very tired and not very happy. One thing he decided before falling asleep was that he was not going to wake up to make all their breakfasts. He was feeling the timid side of his Hobbitness, and he was not so sure that he was going on any journey in the morning.

As he lay in bed he could hear Thorin singing to himself in the bedroom next to him: 

Far over misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old 

We must away ere break of day, 

To find our long-forgotten gold.

Bilbo went to sleep with that song in his ears, and it gave him very uncomfortable dreams. It was long after the break of day, when he finally woke up.


An Unexpected Party
Uma Festa Inesperada

The next day Bilbo forgot completely about Gandalf. 

No dia seguinte, Bilbo se esqueceu completamente de Gandalf.

Just before tea-time, there was a very loud ring on his front door bell, and then he remembered! Gandalf! 

Pouco antes da hora do chá, houve um toque muito alto na campainha da porta da frente, e então ele se lembrou! Gandalf!

He quickly prepared some tea and cake, and ran to the door.

Ele rapidamente preparou um pouco de chá e bolo e correu para a porta.

“I am so sorry to keep you waiting!” is what he was going to say, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was not Gandalf at all. 

"Sinto muito por deixá-lo esperar!" é o que ele ia dizer, mas quando abriu a porta, viu que não era Gandalf.

It was a Dwarf with a long, blue beard, and very bright eyes. 

Era um Anão com uma longa barba azul e olhos muito brilhantes.

On his head was a dark green hood. 

Em sua cabeça havia um capuz verde escuro.

As soon as Bilbo opened the door, the Dwarf came inside, as if he had been invited.

Assim que Bilbo abriu a porta, o Anão entrou, como se tivesse sido convidado.

“Dwalin at your service!” he said, leaning forward in a low bow. 

“Dwalin ao seu serviço!” ele disse, inclinando-se bem para frente em uma reverência.

He took off his hood and hung it on the wall in the corridor.

Tirou o capuz e pendurou-o na parede do corredor.

“Bilbo Baggins at your service!” said the Hobbit. 

“Bilbo Baggins ao seu serviço!” disse o Hobbit.

He was too surprised to ask any questions. 

Ele estava surpreso demais para fazer qualquer pergunta.

They looked at each other for a moment. 

Eles se olharam por um momento.

Soon the silence became uncomfortable and Bilbo said, “I am just about to have some tea; would you like to have some with me.” 

Logo o silêncio tornou-se desconfortável e Bilbo disse: “Estou prestes a tomar um chá; você gostaria de tomar um pouco comigo.”

Bilbo sat down at the table with Dwalin. 

Bilbo sentou-se à mesa com Dwalin.

He was not sure what to say to the Dwarf. 

Ele não tinha certeza do que dizer ao Anão.

What would you do, if an uninvited Dwarf came into your home without an explanation?

O que você faria se um Anão não convidado entrasse em sua casa sem uma explicação?

Suddenly there was another ring at the door, a much louder ring than the first ring.

De repente, houve outro toque na porta, um toque muito mais alto do que o primeiro toque.

“Excuse me!” said the Hobbit, and he went to answer the door.

"Com licença!" disse o Hobbit, e foi atender a porta.

“So you are finally here!” That was what he was going to say to Gandalf this time. 

“Então você finalmente está aqui!” Era isso que ele ia dizer a Gandalf desta vez.

But it was not Gandalf. 

Mas não era Gandalf.

Instead there was a very old-looking Dwarf with a white beard and a red hood. 

Em vez disso, havia um Anão de aparência muito velha, com barba branca e capuz vermelho.

He also came inside as soon as Bilbo opened the door, like he had been invited too!

Ele também entrou assim que Bilbo abriu a porta, como se também tivesse sido convidado!

“I can see they have started to arrive already,” he said when he saw Dwalin’s green hood hanging on the wall. 

“Posso ver que eles já começaram a chegar”, disse ele quando viu o capuz verde de Dwalin pendurado na parede.

He hung his own red hood next to it. 

Ele pendurou seu próprio capuz vermelho ao lado dele.

“Balin at your service!” he said in a loud voice.

“Balin ao seu serviço!” ele disse numa voz alta.

“Thank you!” said Bilbo, trying to catch his breath. 

"Obrigado!" disse Bilbo, tentando recuperar o fôlego.

It was not the correct thing to say, but ‘they have started to arrive’ had made him very confused. 

Não era a coisa certa a dizer, mas ‘eles começaram a chegar’ o deixou muito confuso.

He liked visitors, but he liked to know them before they arrived, and he preferred to invite them himself. 

Gostava de visitas, mas gostava de conhecê-los antes que chegassem e preferia convidá-los ele mesmo.

But Bilbo thought he was a very good host to his guests and said, “Come inside, and have some tea!” 

Mas Bilbo achou que ele era um anfitrião muito bom para seus convidados e disse: “Entre e tome um chá!”

“I would prefer some beer, if you do not mind, my good sir,” said Balin with the white beard. 

“Eu preferiria um pouco de cerveja, se não se importa, meu bom senhor”, disse Balin com a barba branca.

“And I would love some cake, if you have any.”

"E eu adoraria um pouco de bolo, se você tiver um pouco."

“Lots!” Bilbo answered in surprise. 

"Muito!" Bilbo respondeu surpreso.

He ran to fill a glass of beer and get some cake he had just made. 

Ele correu para encher um copo de cerveja e pegar um bolo que acabara de fazer.

He was going to eat it after dinner.

Ele ia comê-lo depois do jantar.

When he got back Balin and Dwalin were talking at the table like old friends (as a matter of fact they were brothers). 

Quando voltou, Balin e Dwalin estavam conversando à mesa como velhos amigos (na verdade, eram irmãos).

Bilbo put the beer and the cake down in front of them. 

Bilbo colocou a cerveja e o bolo na frente deles.

Suddenly, there was a loud ring at the bell again, and then another!

De repente, houve um toque alto na campainha novamente, e depois outro!

“It must be Gandalf this time,” he thought as he hurried to the door. 

"Deve ser Gandalf desta vez", pensou enquanto corria para a porta.

But it was not. It was two more Dwarves. 

Mas não foi. Eram mais dois Anões.

Both had blue hoods, silver belts, and yellow beards. 

Ambos tinham capuzes azuis, cintos prateados e barbas amarelas.

Each of them carried a bag of tools and a shovel. 

Cada um deles carregava uma bolsa de ferramentas e uma pá.

As soon as Bilbo opened the door, they stepped inside. 

Assim que Bilbo abriu a porta, eles entraram.

Bilbo was not surprised at all.

Bilbo não ficou nada surpreso.

“What can I do for you, my Dwarves?” he said.

“O que posso fazer por vocês, meus Anões?” ele disse.

“Kili at your service!” said one. 

“Kili ao seu serviço!” disse um.

“And Fili!” said the other; and they both took off their blue hoods and leaned forward in a low bow.

“E Fili!” disse o outro; e ambos tiraram seus capuzes azuis e se inclinaram para frente em uma reverência baixa.

“At your service, and your family’s!” answered Bilbo. 

“Ao seu serviço, e à sua família!” respondeu Bilbo.

He remembered to be polite this time.

Lembrou-se de ser educado desta vez.

“Dwalin and Balin are here already, I see,” said Kili. “Let’s join the crowd!”

“Dwalin e Balin já estão aqui, eu vejo,” disse Kili. “Vamos nos juntar à multidão!” 

“Crowd!” thought Mr. Baggins. “I don’t like the sound of that. I need to sit down for a moment and think.” 

"Multidão!" pensou o Sr. Baggins. “Eu não gosto do som disso. Eu preciso sentar por um momento e pensar.”

Soon the bell began to ring again, and in came Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, and Gloin! 

Logo o sino começou a tocar novamente, e entraram Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin e Gloin!

Bilbo showed them to the dining room where all the other Dwarves were sitting and talking and eating his food and drinking his tea and beer. 

Bilbo mostrou-lhes a sala de jantar onde todos os outros Anões estavam sentados e conversando e comendo sua comida e bebendo seu chá e cerveja.

Suddenly, there was a loud KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK on his door! 

De repente, ouviu-se um forte KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK na sua porta!

Bilbo ran down the corridor. 

Bilbo correu pelo corredor.

He was very angry, and very confused. 

Ele estava muito zangado e muito confuso.

This was the strangest day he could remember. 

Este foi o dia mais estranho que ele poderia se lembrar.

He opened the door and they all fell into the corridor, in a large pile! 

Ele abriu a porta e todos caíram no corredor, em uma grande pilha!

More dwarves! Four more dwarves! 

Mais anões! Mais quatro anões!

And there was Gandalf behind all of them. 

E lá estava Gandalf atrás de todos eles.

He was holding his staff and laughing. 

Ele estava segurando seu cajado e rindo.

He had made a large hole on the beautiful door with his staff. 

Ele havia feito um grande buraco na bela porta com seu cajado.

He had also knocked out the secret symbol that he had put there the morning before.

Ele também apagou o símbolo secreto que havia colocado lá na manhã anterior.

“Let me introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin! Now we are all here!” said Gandalf.

“Deixe-me apresentar Bifur, Bofur, Bombur e especialmente Thorin! Agora estamos todos aqui!” disse Gandalf.

Everyone asked for something different to eat and drink, and Bilbo realized that he would not have any food for his breakfast tomorrow. Todos pediram algo diferente para comer e beber, e Bilbo percebeu que ele não teria comida no café da manhã para o dia seguinte.

At this moment, Bilbo was feeling very confused. 

Neste momento, Bilbo estava se sentindo muito confuso.

It seemed like the adventure Gandalf had spoken about was already in his house! 

Parecia que a aventura de que Gandalf havia falado já estava em sua casa!

Bilbo was becoming annoyed.

Bilbo estava ficando irritado.

The Dwarves ate and drank and talked at the table while Thorin, a very important-looking Dwarf, spoke to Gandalf. 

Os Anões comeram e beberam e conversaram à mesa enquanto Thorin, um Anão de aparência muito importante, falava com Gandalf.

Thorin was smoking a pipe and blowing enormous smoke rings wherever he wanted them to go. 

Thorin estava fumando um cachimbo e soprando enormes anéis de fumaça para onde ele queria que eles fossem.

Bilbo sat and watched him - he loved smoke rings - and then he felt embarrassed because he had been so proud of the smoke rings he had blown in his garden yesterday morning.

Bilbo ficou sentado olhando para ele - ele adorava anéis de fumaça - e então se sentiu envergonhado porque ele tinha ficado tão orgulhoso dos anéis de fumaça que ele tinha soprado em seu jardim na manhã anterior.

“Now it’s time for some music!” said Thorin. 

“Agora é hora de um pouco de música!” disse Thorin.

“Bring out the instruments!” 

“Tragam os instrumentos!”

The youngest Dwarves, Fili and Kili, ran to get their instruments. 

Os Anões mais jovens, Fili e Kili, correram para pegar seus instrumentos.

They came back with viols as big as themselves, and with Thorin’s harp. 

Eles voltaram com violas do tamanho deles e com a harpa de Thorin.

It was a beautiful golden harp, and when Thorin played it the music began. 

Era uma bela harpa dourada, e quando Thorin a tocou a música começou.

The Dwarves sang in deep voices about their ancient homes in caverns far away. 

Os Anões cantavam em vozes profundas sobre seus antigos lares em cavernas distantes.

They sang of a great kingdom under Lonely Mountain far to the East. Eles cantavam sobre um grande reino sob a Montanha Solitária, bem ao leste.

They sang of treasure and gold and jewels. 

Cantavam sobre tesouros, ouro e joias.

Then the Dwarves sang of the great tragedy - the destruction of Smaug, the evil dragon that came and stole their gold and killed their people. 

Então os Anões cantavam sobre a grande tragédia - a destruição de Smaug, o dragão terrível que veio e roubou seu ouro e matou seu povo.

They sang about their desire to return to the Lonely Mountain and take back their kingdom and their gold. 

Eles cantaram sobre seu desejo de retornar à Montanha Solitária e recuperar seu reino e seu ouro. 

As Bilbo listened, something strange woke up inside him. 

Enquanto Bilbo ouvia, algo estranho despertou dentro dele.

The melody and words transported Bilbo away into distant lands under mysterious skies, far away from his Hobbit-hole under The Hill. 

A melodia e as letras transportaram Bilbo para terras distantes sob céus misteriosos, longe de sua toca de Hobbit sob a Hill.

He wanted to go there and see the mountain the Dwarves were singing about. 

Ele queria ir lá e ver a montanha sobre a qual os Anões estavam cantando.

He wanted to explore the caves and caverns and feel the Dwarvish gold in his fingers. 

Ele queria explorar as cavernas e grutas e sentir o ouro anão em seus dedos.

He wanted to carry a sword instead of a walking stick. 

Ele queria carregar uma espada em vez de uma bengala.

He looked out his window at the stars in the sky. 

Ele olhou pela janela para as estrelas no céu.

He thought of the treasure under the mountain far away. 

Ele pensou no tesouro sob a montanha distante.

Suddenly in the fireplace the fire burned bright and hot - probably just a piece of wood changing position - and he thought of the fire from the terrible dragon from their song. 

De repente, na lareira, o fogo queimou brilhante e quente - provavelmente apenas um pedaço de lenha mudando de posição - e ele pensou no fogo do terrível dragão da canção.

The dragon that stole the Dwarves’ gold. 

O dragão que roubou o ouro dos anões.

He felt afraid, and very quickly he was plain Mr. Baggins of Hobbiton again.

Ele sentiu medo, e muito rapidamente ele era o simples Sr. Baggins de Hobbiton novamente.

The music stopped suddenly and Thorin began to speak, “Gandalf, Dwarves, and Burglar Baggins…”

A música parou de repente e Thorin começou a falar: “Gandalf, anões e ladrões Baggins…”

Bilbo was surprised at Thorin’s words and asked, “What do you mean when you say ‘burglar’ Baggins?”

Bilbo ficou surpreso com as palavras de Thorin e perguntou: "O que você quer dizer quando diz 'ladrão' Baggins?"

“If you prefer, you can say ‘expert treasure hunter’,” answered Thorin.

“Se preferir, pode dizer ‘especialista caçador de tesouros’”, respondeu Thorin.

“Well, yes, I prefer that,” Bilbo said, but he was still confused.

"Bem, sim, eu prefiro isso", disse Bilbo, mas ainda estava confuso.

Thorin continued, “We are here tonight in the house of our friend, this most excellent Hobbit.” Thorin continuou, “Estamos aqui esta noite na casa de nosso amigo, este excelente Hobbit.”

Thorin then lifted his glass of beer and said, “May the hair on his toes never fall out.” 

Thorin então ergueu seu copo de cerveja e disse: “Que os pelos dos dedos dos pés nunca caiam”.

The other Dwarves and Gandalf all raised their glasses and said at the same time, “Hear, hear!”

Os outros Anões e Gandalf ergueram seus copos e disseram ao mesmo tempo: “É isso mesmo!”

“We shall soon start on our long journey,” said Thorin. 

“Em breve iniciaremos nossa longa jornada”, disse Thorin.

“A journey from which some of us, or perhaps all of us, may never return.” 

“Uma jornada da qual alguns de nós, ou talvez todos nós, talvez nunca mais voltem.”

When Thorin said “may never return”, Bilbo began to feel a shout of fear building up inside him, and soon it came out like the whistle of a boiling pot of tea. 

Quando Thorin disse “talvez nunca mais volte”, Bilbo começou a sentir um grito de medo crescendo dentro de si, e logo saiu como o assobio de um bule de chá fervendo.

All the Dwarves jumped up in surprise! 

Todos os anões pularam de surpresa!

They knocked over the table. 

Eles derrubaram a mesa.

Gandalf raised a hand and calmed everyone in the room. 

Gandalf levantou a mão e acalmou todos na sala.

Soon Thorin continued. “I believe all of us know what our objective is.” 

Logo Thorin continuou. “Acredito que todos nós sabemos qual é o nosso objetivo.”

“All of us?” asked Bilbo. “It is not well known to me.”

"Todos nós?" perguntou Bilbo. “Não é muito conhecido para mim.”

“Really? Then we must inform our burglar. 

"Sério? Então devemos informar o nosso ladrão. 

We Dwarves will return to Lonely Mountain far to the East, beyond the Misty Mountains and past the Forest of Mirkwood, to Lonely Mountain, and we will take back what Smaug the dragon stole from us. 

Nós, Anões, retornaremos à Montanha Solitária ao leste, além das Montanhas Nebulosas e passando pela Floresta das Trevas, até a Montanha Solitária, e recuperaremos o que Smaug, o dragão, roubou de nós.

Smaug came in the night and killed my people and forced my grandfather, King Under the Mountain, run for his life. 

Smaug veio à noite e matou meu povo e forçou meu avô, Rei Sob a Montanha, a fugir para salvar sua vida.

He burned down the town of Dale and stole my people’s gold. 

Ele incendiou a cidade de Dale e roubou o ouro do meu povo.

He is still there in the mountain, sleeping on a vast pile of our gold and jewels.”

Ele ainda está lá na montanha, dormindo em uma vasta pilha de nosso ouro e joias.”

“Curse the Dragon Smaug!” All the Dwarves yelled.

“Amaldiçoe o Dragão Smaug!” Todos os anões gritaram.

As all the Dwarves yelled, the poor little Hobbit was so terrified that he fell to the floor and began shaking like a jelly. 

Enquanto todos os anões gritavam, o pobre Hobbit ficou tão aterrorizado que caiu no chão e começou a tremer como uma gelatina.

He continued calling out “hit by lightning, hit by lightning!” over and over again; 

Ele ficou gritando “atingido por um raio, atingido por um raio!” repetidas vezes;

and that was all he would say for some time. 

e isso foi tudo o que ele dizia por algum tempo.

So the Dwarves took him and put him on the sofa in another room with a glass of water nearby, and they went back to the living room to talk about their business.

Então os Anões o pegaram e o colocaram no sofá em outra sala com um copo d'água próximo, e voltaram para a sala para conversar sobre seus negócios.

“Mr. Baggins can become very excited sometimes,” said Gandalf, as they sat down again. 

"Sr. Baggins pode ficar muito animado às vezes”, disse Gandalf, enquanto eles se sentavam novamente.

“But he is one of the best thieves, one of the best - as brave as a knight when you need him the most.”

"Mas ele é um dos melhores ladrões, um dos melhores - tão corajoso quanto um cavaleiro quando você mais precisa dele."

After relaxing for a few moments and after drinking the water that was next to him on the sofa, Bilbo returned silently to the door of his living room and this is what he heard the Dwarves saying: 

Depois de relaxar por alguns momentos e depois de beber a água que estava ao lado dele no sofá, Bilbo voltou silenciosamente para a porta de sua sala e foi isso que ele ouviu os Anões dizendo:

“Do you think he is right for our adventure? 

“Você acha que ele está certo para nossa aventura?

Gandalf says he is very brave, but one scream like that in a moment of excitement will wake up the dragon and all his relatives, and kill us all! 

Gandalf diz que é muito corajoso, mas um grito como esse em um momento de excitação vai acordar o dragão e todos os seus parentes, e matar a todos nós!

I think he sounded more afraid than excited. 

Acho que ele parecia mais assustado do que animado.

I have my doubts. 

Eu tenho minhas dúvidas.

He looks more like a grocer than a burglar!”

Ele parece mais um merceeiro do que um ladrão!”

When he heard these words, the adventurous side of Bilbo came out. 

Ao ouvir essas palavras, o lado aventureiro de Bilbo veio à tona.

He suddenly felt that he would go without bed and breakfast if people thought he was brave. 

De repente, ele sentiu que ficaria sem cama e café da manhã se as pessoas pensassem que ele era corajoso.

Many times later, the calm, timid side of Bilbo regretted what he did next: 

Muitas vezes depois, o lado calmo e tímido de Bilbo se arrependeu do que fez em seguida:

“Pardon me,” he said, “but I heard what you said about me. 

“Perdoe-me”, disse ele, “mas ouvi o que você disse sobre mim.

I do not understand very well what you all are talking about, or why you are calling me ‘burglar’. 

Eu não entendo muito bem do que vocês estão falando, ou por que estão me chamando de 'ladrão'.

But I think I am correct to believe that you think I will not be good for your adventure. 

Mas acho que estou certo em acreditar que vocês acham que não serei bom para sua aventura.

Well, I will prove to you that I will be good for you. 

Bem, vou provar que serei bom para vocês.

Tell me what you want me to do and I will try it. 

Digam-me o que vocês querem que eu faça e eu vou tentar.

Even if I have to walk from my peaceful Hobbit home to the East of East and fight the terrible fire dragons of Morgoth.”

Mesmo que eu tenha que caminhar do meu pacífico toca de Hobbit até o Leste do Leste e lutar contra os terríveis dragões de Morgoth.”

Gandalf interrupted Bilbo and said to Thorin and the Dwarves, “Do you see? 

Gandalf interrompeu Bilbo e disse a Thorin e aos Anões: “Vocês veem? 

Brave and fierce like a knight! 

Corajoso e feroz como um cavaleiro!

There are thirteen of you Dwarves, and thirteen is a very unlucky number. 

Há treze de vocês, Anões, e treze é um número muito azarado.

Mr. Baggins will be the fourteenth member of your party. 

O Sr. Baggins será o décimo quarto membro do seu grupo. 

Fourteen is a much luckier number.”

Quatorze é um número muito mais sortudo.”

“A very splendid lucky number you have chosen for us, Gandalf,” Thorin said ironically. 

“Um número de sorte muito esplêndido que você escolheu para nós, Gandalf,” Thorin disse ironicamente.

“I will not argue anymore!” said Gandalf.

“Não vou mais discutir!” disse Gandalf. 

“I chose Mr. Baggins and that should be enough for all of you. 

“Eu escolhi o Sr. Baggins e isso deve ser suficiente para todos vocês.

If I say he is a Burglar, then he is a Burglar. 

Se eu disser que ele é um ladrão, então ele é um ladrão.

Or he will be when he needs to be. 

Ou ele será quando precisar ser.

There is more in him than you can see, and a lot more than he knows himself. 

Há mais nele do que vocês podem ver, e muito mais do que ele mesmo sabe.

You may (possibly) all live to thank me for my decision. 

Vocês podem (possivelmente) todos sobreviverem para me agradecer por minha decisão.

Now Bilbo, my good Hobbit, get the lamp so we have some light!”

Agora Bilbo, meu bom Hobbit, pegue a lâmpada para que tenhamos alguma luz!”

In the light of the lamp, Gandalf placed a map with many words and markings on it. 

À luz da lâmpada, Gandalf colocou um mapa com muitas palavras e marcações.

“This was made by Thror, your grandfather, Thorin. 

“Isso foi feito por Thror, seu avô, Thorin.

It is a plan of the Mountain. 

É uma planta da Montanha. 

You can see here there is a marking that shows a secret entrance.”

Você pode ver aqui que há uma marcação que mostra uma entrada secreta.”

“I’m sure Smaug has discovered this entrance. 

“Tenho certeza de que Smaug já descobriu esta entrada.

He has lived there for so many years,” said Thorin in a disappointed voice.

Ele mora lá há tantos anos,” disse Thorin com uma voz desapontada.

“The passage is much too small for Smaug, even when he was a young worm. 

“A passagem é muito pequena para Smaug, mesmo quando ele era um verme jovem.

But it is big enough for a Burglar to enter!” Gandalf said, looking at Bilbo. 

Mas é grande o suficiente para um ladrão entrar!” Gandalf disse, olhando para Bilbo.

Bilbo almost fainted again from the thought of going into a secret passage to confront Smaug the dragon.

Bilbo quase desmaiou de novo com o pensamento de entrar em uma passagem secreta para enfrentar Smaug, o dragão.

“Also,” continued Gandalf, “there is a key that goes with the map, a small and interesting key. Here it is!” he said, and handed the key to Thorin. 

“Também”, continuou Gandalf, “há uma chave que acompanha o mapa, uma chave pequena e interessante. Aqui está!" ele disse, e entregou a chave para Thorin.

It was made of silver. “Keep it safe!”

Era feito de prata. “Mantenha-a seguro!”

“I will,” said Thorin, and he put the key on a chain he wore around his neck and under his jacket. 

"Claro", disse Thorin, e ele colocou a chave em uma corrente que ele usava em volta do pescoço e sob o paletó.

“Now things are beginning to look more hopeful. 

“Agora as coisas estão começando a parecer mais esperançosas.

This key will allow us to enter the secret passage without Smaug knowing we are there.” 

Essa chave nos permitirá entrar na passagem secreta sem que Smaug saiba que estamos lá.

“That is why I thought of burglary - especially when I remembered the existence of a secret door,” said Gandalf. 

“É por isso que pensei em roubo – especialmente quando me lembrei da existência de uma porta secreta”, disse Gandalf.

“And here is our little Bilbo Baggins, the burglar, the chosen and selected Burglar. 

“E aqui está nosso pequeno Bilbo Baggins, o ladrão, o ladrão escolhido e selecionado.

So now let’s continue and make some plans.”

Então agora vamos continuar e fazer alguns planos.”

“But I must know, Gandalf, how you got the map,” said Thorin to the Wizard.

“Mas preciso saber, Gandalf, como você conseguiu o mapa”, disse Thorin ao Mago.

“Your grandfather Thror was killed, you remember, in the mines of Moria by Azog the Goblin.”

“Seu avô Thror foi morto, você lembra, nas minas de Moria por Azog, o Goblin.”

“Curse his name, yes,” said Thorin.

“Amaldiçoe o nome dele, sim,” disse Thorin.

“But before he died, he gave this map to his son Thrain, your father. 

“Mas antes de morrer, ele deu este mapa para seu filho Thrain, seu pai.

He tried to return to Lonely Mountain, but his adventure ended before he arrived there. 

Ele tentou voltar para Montanha Solitária, mas sua aventura terminou antes que ele chegasse lá. 

I found him a prisoner in the dungeons of the Necromancer. 

Encontrei-o prisioneiro nas masmorras do Necromante.

Your father gave the map and the key to me there.”

Seu pai me deu o mapa e a chave lá.

“We must consider the power and danger of the Necromancer,” said Thorin.

“Devemos considerar o poder e o perigo do Necromante,” disse Thorin.

“Do not be absurd, Thorin! 

“Não seja ridículo, Thorin!

He is an enemy who is more powerful than all the Dwarves together. 

Ele é um inimigo que é mais poderoso que todos os anões juntos.

The one thing your father wanted was for you to read the map and use the key. 

A única coisa que seu pai queria era que você lesse o mapa e usasse a chave.

Do not worry about the Necromancer right now. 

Não se preocupe com o Necromante agora.

The dragon and the mountain are tasks that are big enough for you!”

O dragão e a montanha são tarefas grandes o suficiente para você!”

“Hear, hear!” said Bilbo, and he accidentally said it out loud.

"Ouçam, isso mesmo!" disse Bilbo, e ele acidentalmente disse isso em voz alta.

“Hear what?” all the Dwarves said, looking towards Bilbo. 

"Ouvir o que?" todos os anões disseram, olhando para Bilbo.

He was so embarrassed that he answered, “Hear what I have to say!”

Ele ficou tão envergonhado que respondeu: “Ouçam o que tenho a dizer!”

“What do you have to say?” they asked.

"O que você tem a dizer?" eles perguntaram.

“Well, I think you should go East and have a look around. 

“Bem, eu acho que vocês deveriam ir para o leste e dar uma olhada.

After all, there is a secret door, and dragons must sleep sometimes, I imagine. 

Afinal, existe uma porta secreta, e os dragões devem dormir de vez em quando, imagino eu.

If you sit next to the door long enough, I am sure you will think of something. 

Se vocês ficarem sentados ao lado da porta por tempo suficiente, tenho certeza de que pensarão em alguma coisa.

And well, I think we have talked long enough for one night, if you understand what I mean. 

E bem, acho que conversamos o suficiente para uma noite, se vocês entendem o que quero dizer. 

What about bed, and an early start? I will give you a good breakfast before you go.”

Que tal dormir, e um começo cedo? Eu vou lhes preparar um bom café da manhã antes de vocês partirem.

“Before we go, I suppose you mean,” said Thorin. 

“Antes de nós partirmos, é o que você quer dizer, se não me engano,” disse Thorin.

“Aren’t you the Burglar? 

“Você não é o ladrão?

And isn’t sitting next to the secret door your job? 

E sentar-se ao lado da porta secreta não é o seu serviço?

Not to mention getting inside the door? 

Sem mencionar entrar na porta?

But I agree about bed and breakfast. 

Mas concordo sobre cama e café da manhã.

I like six eggs with my ham, when starting on a journey.”

Eu gosto de seis ovos com meu presunto, quando começo uma jornada.”

After all the others had ordered their breakfasts without even saying  “please” (which annoyed Bilbo very much), they all got up. 

Depois que todos os outros fizeram seus pedidos de café da manhã sem nem mesmo dizer “por favor” (o que irritou muito Bilbo), todos se levantaram.

The Hobbit had to find room for all of them. 

O Hobbit teve que encontrar um lugar para todos eles.

He filled all his rooms and made beds on chairs and sofas. 

Ele encheu todos os seus quartos e fez camas em cadeiras e sofás.

Finally, he went to his own little bed feeling very tired and not very happy. 

Finalmente, ele foi para sua própria caminha sentindo-se muito cansado e não muito feliz.

One thing he decided before falling asleep was that he was not going to wake up to make all their breakfasts. 

Uma coisa que ele decidiu antes de adormecer foi que não iria acordar para fazer todos os cafés da manhã.

He was feeling the timid side of his Hobbitness, and he was not so sure that he was going on any journey in the morning.

Ele estava sentindo o lado tímido de seu Hobbitude, e não tinha tanta certeza de que partiria em alguma viagem pela manhã.

As he lay in bed he could hear Thorin singing to himself in the bedroom next to him: 

Deitado na cama, podia ouvir Thorin cantando para si mesmo no quarto ao lado:

Far over misty mountains cold,

Para além das montanhas nebulosas, frias,

To dungeons deep and caverns old

Adentrando cavernas, calabouços perdidos

We must away ere break of day,

Devemos partir antes de o sol surgir,

To find our long-forgotten gold.

Buscando tesouros há muito esquecidos.

Bilbo went to sleep with that song in his ears, and it gave him very uncomfortable dreams. 

Bilbo caiu no sono com aquela música nos ouvidos, e isso lhe proporcionou sonhos muito desconfortáveis.

It was long after the break of day, when he finally woke up.

Já passava muito do nascer do dia, quando ele finalmente acordou.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 3- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 1- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)