THE HOBBIT Chapter 1- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)

The Hobbit

Or There and Back Again

About Hobbits

Many ages ago, before man recorded his history, it was the time of Middle Earth, when man lived together with elves, dwarves, wizards, goblins, dragons and Hobbits.

In the lands of Middle Earth, in a region known as the Shire there was a village named Hobbiton. There, in a hole in the ground, lived a Hobbit. It was not a dirty, wet hole, filled with insects and a bad smell. It was also not a dry hole with sand on the floors and nothing to sit down on or to eat: it was a Hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

Everyone knows that Hobbits are small, quiet creatures. They live small, quiet lives in comfortable homes underground. They never, ever visit the world outside. And they certainly never go on adventures! But this is the story of a very special Hobbit, a Hobbit who went on an adventure - and what an exciting adventure it was! His name was Bilbo Baggins.

What is a Hobbit, after all? Before we continue, it is important to explain what exactly a Hobbit is. Hobbits are a little people. They are half the size of us Big People, which is what they call us. They are smaller and shorter than the Dwarves. Dwarves have very long beards. Hobbits do not have beards. Hobbits are timid and they do not like to be around us Big People. 

They have very little or no magic at all. The only magic they have is the ordinary kind of magic that helps them disappear quickly and quietly when Big People like you and me appear. We make a noise like elephants, and the Hobbits can hear us from very far away. Hobbits are generally fat in the stomach. They like to wear clothes with bright colors (mainly green and yellow). 

They do not wear shoes, because their feet have strong natural bottoms. And on the top of their feet, they have thick brown hair that is like the hair on their heads (which is curly). 

They have happy faces, and they like to laugh loudly and often (especially after dinner, which they eat twice a day when they can). Now you know enough about Hobbits to continue the story.

One beautiful Wednesday morning, Bilbo Baggins was standing in his garden in front of his Hobbit hole. He was smoking a very long pipe made of wood when Gandalf appeared. Gandalf! The last time Bilbo had seen Gandalf, he was a young Hobbit. So, the only thing Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a long wooden stick that he used to help him walk. 

He had a tall blue hat with a point at the top. His cloak was long and gray. He wore a silver scarf around his neck, and over everything was his long, white beard that came all the way down below his waist. On his feet he wore large black boots.

“Good Morning!” said Bilbo, and he meant it - the day was beautiful and warm. But Gandalf looked at him in a confused way.

“What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish me a good morning; or do you mean that the morning is good; or do you mean that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning that you can be good on?”

“All of them at the same time,” said Bilbo. “And it is a very fine morning to smoke a pipe outside, too. If you have a pipe, sit down and I will give you some of my tobacco! There’s no hurry, we have all day!” Then Bilbo sat down on a seat by his door and blew a beautiful gray ring of smoke that floated up into the air and flew away over The Hill.

“Very pretty!” said Gandalf. “But I do not have time to blow smoke-rings this morning. I am looking for someone to come on an adventure with me, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”

“I imagine that it would be difficult - in this area! We Hobbits are simple and quiet folk and we do not want any adventures. 

They are very uncomfortable things! They make you late for dinner! I don’t understand why anyone likes them,” said our Mr. Baggins. He blew another smoke ring that was bigger than the first one. Then he took out his morning letters from his pocket, and began to read, pretending not to see the old man. 

Bilbo had decided that he wanted the old man to go away. But the old man did not move. He stood there, holding his stick and looking at the Hobbit without saying anything, until Bilbo became very uncomfortable and even a little angry.

“Good morning!” he finally said. “We don’t want any adventures here, thank you! You can look over The Hill or across The Water for adventurers.” This is how Bilbo decided to end the conversation.

“You do use good morning for many things!” said Gandalf. “Now you mean that you want me to go away, and that the day will not be good until I am gone.”

“That is not what I mean, not at all, my dear sir! Let me see, I don’t think I know your name?”

“But I know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you do know my name. But you don’t remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me!”

“Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Forgive me! You are the mysterious wizard who used to tell such wonderful stories at parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and of princesses and treasure! The man who used to make excellent fireworks! I remember those! They were the most extraordinary fireworks in all the land!”

“I am happy to see you remember something about me. You seem to have nice memories of my fireworks, and that is a good thing. So, because of that, I will give you what you asked for.”

“I’m sorry. Forgive me, but I haven’t asked for anything!”

“Yes, you have! Twice now. You asked for me to forgive you! And so I will give you my forgiveness. In fact I will give you even more - I will give you this adventure. It will be very amusing for me, and very good for you - and profitable too, if you return from it.”

“Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning! But please come to tea - any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Come tomorrow! Goodbye!” Bilbo turned around and went into his Hobbit home as quickly as possible without seeming rude. Wizards after all are wizards, and you do not want to make them angry.

“Why did I ask him to come to tea?” he asked himself. He had just eaten breakfast, but he needed some more cake after his encounter with the wizard. He was feeling very nervous!

After Bilbo entered his home, Gandalf was still outside the door, laughing quietly to himself. After some time, with the point of his staff he marked Bilbo’s beautiful green door with a strange symbol. Then he walked away. At that same time Bilbo ate his second piece of cake and was feeling like he had escaped adventures.

The Hobbit
O Hobbit

Or There and Back Again
Lá e De Volta Outra Vez

For Beginners
Learning English Through Reading
Para Iniciantes
Aprender inglês através da leitura


About Hobbits
Sobre os Hobbits

Many ages ago, before man recorded his history, it was the time of Middle Earth, when man lived together with elves, dwarves, wizards, goblins, dragons and Hobbits.

Muitas eras atrás, antes que o homem registrasse sua história, era a época da Terra Média, quando o homem vivia junto com elfos, anões, magos, goblins, dragões e hobbits.

In the lands of Middle Earth, in a region known as the Shire there was a village named Hobbiton. 

Nas terras da Terra Média, em uma região conhecida como Shire, havia uma vila chamada Hobbiton.

There, in a hole in the ground, lived a Hobbit. It was not a dirty, wet hole, filled with insects and a bad smell.

Lá, em um buraco no chão, vivia um Hobbit. Não era um buraco sujo, molhado, cheio de insetos e com mau cheiro.

It was also not a dry hole with sand on the floors and nothing to sit down on or to eat: it was a Hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.

Também não era um buraco seco com areia no chão e nada para sentar ou comer: era um buraco de Hobbit, e isso significa conforto.

Everyone knows that Hobbits are small, quiet creatures. 

Todos sabem que os Hobbits são criaturas pequenas e quietas.

They live small, quiet lives in comfortable homes underground.

Eles vivem vidas pequenas e tranquilas em confortáveis casas subterrâneas.  

They never, ever visit the world outside. And they certainly never go on adventures!

Eles nunca, nunca visitam o mundo lá fora. E eles certamente nunca vão em aventuras!  

But this is the story of a very special Hobbit, a Hobbit who went on an adventure - and what an exciting adventure it was! His name was Bilbo Baggins.

Mas esta é a história de um Hobbit muito especial, um Hobbit que partiu em uma aventura - e que aventura emocionante! O nome dele era Bilbo Baggins.

What is a Hobbit, after all?

Afinal, o que é um Hobbit?  

Before we continue, it is important to explain what exactly a Hobbit is. 

Antes de continuarmos, é importante explicar o que é exatamente um Hobbit.

Hobbits are a little people. 

Os hobbits são um povo pequeno.

They are half the size of us Big People, which is what they call us.

Eles têm metade do tamanho de nós, Gente Grande, que é como eles nos chamam.

They are smaller and shorter than the Dwarves.

Eles são menores e mais baixos que os Anões. 

Dwarves have very long beards.

Os Anões têm barbas muito compridas. 

Hobbits do not have beards. Hobbits are timid and they do not like to be around us Big People.

Os hobbits não têm barba. Os Hobbits são tímidos e não gostam de estar perto de nós, Gente Grande.

They have very little or no magic at all. 

Eles têm muito pouca ou nenhuma magia.

The only magic they have is the ordinary kind of magic that helps them disappear quickly and quietly when Big People like you and me appear. 

A única magia que eles têm é o tipo comum de magia que os ajuda a desaparecer rápida e silenciosamente quando Gente Grande como você e eu aparecemos.

We make a noise like elephants, and the Hobbits can hear us from very far away. 

Fazemos um barulho como elefantes, e os Hobbits podem nos ouvir de muito longe.

Hobbits are generally fat in the stomach. They like to wear clothes with bright colors (mainly green and yellow). 

Os Hobbits geralmente são gordos no estômago. Gostam de usar roupas com cores vivas (principalmente verde e amarelo).

They do not wear shoes, because their feet have strong natural bottoms. 

Eles não usam sapatos, porque seus pés têm um fundo natural forte.

And on the top of their feet, they have thick brown hair that is like the hair on their heads (which is curly). 

E no topo de seus pés, eles têm cabelos castanhos grossos que são como os cabelos em suas cabeças (que são encaracolados).

They have happy faces, and they like to laugh loudly and often (especially after dinner, which they eat twice a day when they can). 

Eles têm rostos felizes e gostam de rir alto e com frequência (especialmente depois do jantar, que comem duas vezes ao dia quando podem).

Now you know enough about Hobbits to continue the story.

Agora você sabe o suficiente sobre Hobbits para continuar a história.

One beautiful Wednesday morning, Bilbo Baggins was standing in his garden in front of his Hobbit hole. 

Em uma linda manhã de quarta-feira, Bilbo Bolseiro estava em seu jardim em frente à sua toca de Hobbit.

He was smoking a very long pipe made of wood when Gandalf appeared. Gandalf! 

Ele estava fumando um cachimbo muito longo feito de madeira quando Gandalf apareceu.

The last time Bilbo had seen Gandalf, he was a young Hobbit. 

Gandalf! A última vez que Bilbo viu Gandalf, ele era um jovem Hobbit.

So, the only thing Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a long wooden stick that he used to help him walk. 

Então, a única coisa que Bilbo viu naquela manhã foi um velho com um longo cajado de madeira que ele usava para ajudá-lo a andar.

He had a tall blue hat with a point at the top. 

Ele tinha um chapéu azul alto com uma ponta no topo.

His cloak was long and gray.

Sua capa era longa e cinza.

He wore a silver scarf around his neck, and over everything was his long, white beard that came all the way down below his waist. 

Ele usava um cachecol prateado em volta do pescoço, e sobre tudo estava sua longa barba branca que descia até abaixo da cintura.

On his feet he wore large black boots.

Nos pés, ele usava grandes botas pretas.

“Good Morning!” said Bilbo, and he meant it - the day was beautiful and warm. But Gandalf looked at him in a confused way.

"Bom Dia!" disse Bilbo, e ele quis dizer isso - o dia estava lindo e quente. Mas Gandalf olhou para ele confuso.

“What do you mean?” he said. 

"O que você quer dizer?" ele disse.

“Do you wish me a good morning; or do you mean that the morning is good; or do you mean that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning that you can be good on?”

“Você me deseja um bom dia; ou você quer dizer que a manhã é boa; ou você quer dizer que se sente bem esta manhã; ou que é uma manhã em que você pode ser bom?”

“All of them at the same time,” said Bilbo. 

“Todos eles ao mesmo tempo”, disse Bilbo.

“And it is a very fine morning to smoke a pipe outside, too. 

“E está uma bela manhã para fumar um cachimbo lá fora também.

If you have a pipe, sit down and I will give you some of my tobacco! 

Se você tem um cachimbo, sente-se e eu lhe darei um pouco do meu tabaco!

There’s no hurry, we have all day!” 

Não há pressa, temos o dia todo!”

Then Bilbo sat down on a seat by his door and blew a beautiful gray ring of smoke that floated up into the air and flew away over The Hill.

Então Bilbo sentou-se em uma cadeira perto de sua porta e soprou um lindo anel de fumaça cinza que flutuou no ar e voou sobre a Hill.

“Very pretty!” said Gandalf. “But I do not have time to blow smoke-rings this morning. 

"Muito bonita!" disse Gandalf. “Mas não tenho tempo para soprar anéis de fumaça esta manhã.

I am looking for someone to come on an adventure with me, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”

Estou à procura de alguém para vir em uma aventura comigo, e é muito difícil encontrar alguém.”

“I imagine that it would be difficult - in this area! We Hobbits are simple and quiet folk and we do not want any adventures. 

“Imagino que seria difícil - nesta área! Nós, Hobbits, somos um povo simples e tranquilo e não queremos aventuras.

They are very uncomfortable things! 

São coisas muito desconfortáveis!

They make you late for dinner! 

Eles fazem você se atrasar para o jantar!

I don’t understand why anyone likes them,” said our Mr. Baggins. 

Não entendo por que alguém gosta delas”, disse nosso Sr. Baggins.

He blew another smoke ring that was bigger than the first one. 

Ele soprou outro anel de fumaça que era maior que o primeiro.

Then he took out his morning letters from his pocket, and began to read, pretending not to see the old man. 

Depois tirou do bolso as cartas matinais e começou a ler, fingindo não ver o velho.

Bilbo had decided that he wanted the old man to go away. 

Bilbo tinha decidido que queria que o velho fosse embora.

But the old man did not move. 

Mas o velho não se mexeu.

He stood there, holding his stick and looking at the Hobbit without saying anything, until Bilbo became very uncomfortable and even a little angry.

Ele ficou ali, segurando seu cajado e olhando para o Hobbit sem dizer nada, até que Bilbo ficou muito desconfortável e até um pouco irritado.

“Good morning!” he finally said. 

"Bom Dia!" ele finalmente disse.

“We don’t want any adventures here, thank you! 

“Não queremos aventuras aqui, obrigado!

You can look over The Hill or across The Water for adventurers.” 

Você pode olhar por cima da Hill ou no outro lado do Water em busca de aventureiros.”

This is how Bilbo decided to end the conversation.

Foi assim que Bilbo decidiu encerrar a conversa.

“You do use good morning for many things!” said Gandalf. 

“Você usa bom dia para muitas coisas, realmente!” disse Gandalf.

“Now you mean that you want me to go away, and that the day will not be good until I am gone.”

"Agora você quer dizer que quer que eu vá embora, e que o dia não será bom até que eu vá embora."

“That is not what I mean, not at all, my dear sir! 

“Não é isso que eu quero dizer, de jeito nenhum, meu caro senhor!

Let me see, I don’t think I know your name?”

Deixe-me ver, acho que não sei seu nome?

“But I know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. 

“Mas eu sei seu nome, Sr. Bilbo Baggins.

And you do know my name. 

E você sabe meu nome.

But you don’t remember that I belong to it. 

Mas você não se lembra que eu pertenço a ele.

I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me!”

Eu sou Gandalf, e Gandalf significa eu!”

“Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Forgive me! 

“Gandalf, Gandalf! Nossa! Me perdoe!

You are the mysterious wizard who used to tell such wonderful stories at parties, about dragons and goblins and giants and of princesses and treasure! 

Você é o mago misterioso que costumava contar histórias tão maravilhosas nas festas, sobre dragões e duendes e gigantes e de princesas e tesouros!

The man who used to make excellent fireworks! I remember those! 

O homem que costumava fazer excelentes fogos de artifício!

They were the most extraordinary fireworks in all the land!”

Eu lembro deles! Eles foram os fogos de artifício mais extraordinários em toda a terra!”

“I am happy to see you remember something about me. 

“Fico feliz em ver que você se lembra de algo sobre mim.

You seem to have nice memories of my fireworks, and that is a good thing. 

Você parece ter boas lembranças dos meus fogos de artifício, e isso é uma coisa boa.

So, because of that, I will give you what you asked for.”

Então, por causa disso, eu lhe darei o que você pediu.”

“I’m sorry. Forgive me, but I haven’t asked for anything!”

"Eu sinto muito. Perdoe-me, mas eu não pedi nada!”

“Yes, you have! Twice now. 

"Sim, você pediu! Duas vezes agora.

You asked for me to forgive you! 

Você me pediu para te perdoar!

And so I will give you my forgiveness. 

E assim te darei meu perdão.

In fact I will give you even more - I will give you this adventure. 

Na verdade, vou lhe dar ainda mais - vou lhe dar esta aventura.

It will be very amusing for me, and very good for you - and profitable too, if you return from it.”

Será muito divertida para mim e muito boa para você – e lucrativa também, se você voltar dela.”

“Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning! 

"Desculpe! Não quero aventuras, obrigado. Hoje não. Bom Dia!

But please come to tea - any time you like! 

Mas, por favor, venha para o chá - quando quiser!

Why not tomorrow? 

Por que não amanhã?

Come tomorrow! Goodbye!” 

Venha amanhã! Adeus!"

Bilbo turned around and went into his Hobbit home as quickly as possible without seeming rude. 

Bilbo se virou e entrou em sua casa Hobbit o mais rápido possível sem parecer rude.

Wizards after all are wizards, and you do not want to make them angry.

Afinal, os magos são magos, e você não quer irritá-los.

“Why did I ask him to come to tea?” he asked himself. 

"Por que eu pedi para ele vir para o chá?" ele se perguntou.

He had just eaten breakfast, but he needed some more cake after his encounter with the wizard. 

Ele tinha acabado de tomar o café da manhã, mas precisava de mais bolo depois de seu encontro com o mago.

He was feeling very nervous!

Ele estava se sentindo muito nervoso!

After Bilbo entered his home, Gandalf was still outside the door, laughing quietly to himself. 

Depois que Bilbo entrou em sua casa, Gandalf ainda estava do lado de fora da porta, rindo baixinho para si mesmo.

After some time, with the point of his staff he marked Bilbo’s beautiful green door with a strange symbol. 

Depois de algum tempo, com a ponta do seu cajado, ele marcou a bela porta verde de Bilbo com um símbolo estranho.

Then he walked away. 

Então ele foi embora andando.

At that same time Bilbo ate his second piece of cake and was feeling like he had escaped adventures.

Ao mesmo tempo, Bilbo comeu seu segundo pedaço de bolo e estava se sentindo como se tivesse escapado das aventuras.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 2- For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)


ELECTIONS! Vocabulary and Expressions in English (MEMBERS)