THE HOBBIT Chapter 15 (THE FINAL CHAPTER) For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


The Return Journey

When Bilbo woke up, he was completely alone. There was no one near him. The day was bright, but it was cold. "I wonder what has happened?" he said to himself. “At least I am not one of the fallen heroes. But there is probably still enough time for that!”

He looked around and he saw a camp in the distance. He walked slowly towards it. His head was still hurting. He found the tent where the captains of the armies were meeting. There were guards outside the entrance, and Bilbo said, “Hello! I am here to see Bard.” The guards were surprised! “Who said that?” they asked, “Who is there?” Then Bilbo realized he was still wearing his ring. He took it off, and to their greater surprise, they could now see Bilbo, right in front of them!

Gandalf came out of the tent when he heard Bilbo’s little voice. “Bilbo Baggins!” he cried in happiness. “Well, I am surprised! Alive after all - I am glad! I was not sure if you had survived. The battle was a terrible one. We were almost destroyed. But news of the battle can wait. Come quickly. He wants to see you.”

Gandalf brought Bilbo into the tent, and there was Thorin, laying in a bed. He was wounded with many wounds. There were holes in his armor and his helmet was dented. Thorin looked up as Bilbo came next to him. “Good-bye, good thief,” he said. “I will go now to the halls of waiting, to sit next to my fathers, until the world begins again. Where I am going I do not need any gold or silver. I leave all that behind. So I would like to take back the things I said and did to you at the gates.”

Bilbo knelt on one knee, and was filled with sadness. “Good-bye, King Under the Mountain!” he said. “I wish our journey did not end this way. There is no gold in all of Middle Earth that can fix it. But I am happy that I traveled with you. It is more than any Baggins deserves.” “No!” said Thorin. “There is more good in you than you know. You have courage and intelligence. If more of us preferred food and comfort over gold and jewels, the world would be a happier place. But sad or happy, I must leave it now. Good-bye!”

Bilbo left the tent and found a quiet place to sit. He cried for a long time. He was tired of his journey. He just wanted to begin the long trip back to his comfortable Hobbit home, far away in the west. Gandalf found him, and explained to him all that had happened.

The Eagles suspected that the goblins were forming a vast army in the mountains. And so the Eagles had come together in large numbers, too. Their leader was the great Eagle of the Misty Mountains. They had followed the goblins from above and arrived at the battle just in time!

Dain was now King Under the Mountain. And the goblin army was completely and totally destroyed. There was peace in all the land for many years after the great battle.​​ Thorin was buried deep under the Mountain, and Bard placed the Arkenstone on his chest. “Here it will rest until the Mountain falls!” he said.

Now all the gold was divided as was agreed. Bard received his portion to help the reconstruction of Laketown. And of the thirteen Dwarves, only ten still lived to receive their portions. Fili and Kili died protecting Thorin with their own bodies. He was their mother’s older brother. The other Dwarves stayed with Dain in the Mountain.

And Bilbo received his portion of the gold - one-fourteenth, to be exact. It was more wealth than he could possibly imagine. “I am not sure how I will take this home with me,” he said to Gandalf, when they were preparing to leave on the return journey. Bilbo said good-bye to the Dwarves, and offered to make them tea and cakes if they ever visited him in the Shire again. Bilbo looked one more time at the Mountain, and said out loud, “Good-bye, Thorin, King Under the Mountain!” And then he and Gandalf began their long journey back to the Shire.

They traveled with the Elves as they marched back to the Forest. But they did not go through the Forest. Bilbo refused to go back inside! They traveled to the north of the Forest. But before they parted ways with the Elvenking, Bilbo offered him a beautiful necklace of pearls and diamonds that was part of his portion of the treasure. “Why are you giving this to me?” asked the Elf king. “To repay you for all the food I ate and wine I drank while I was in your cavern,” replied Bilbo. The Elf king laughed happily at the gift.

It was a long road around the Forest, but it was much safer now that the goblins were crushed. Finally, as spring began, they arrived at the same pass in the Misty Mountains where they were captured by the goblins. They reached the top of the pass during the morning. The day was bright. Bilbo looked back to the east, and there, far in the distance, he could see Lonely Mountain. He turned and looked far to the west. He could see the green lands where his Hobbit hole waited for him.

They came down the mountains safely and stopped for a long time in Rivendell. There they rested and told Elrond the story of Smaug and the great Battle. And there Gandalf recounted the story of his adventure: Gandalf had gone to the south of Mirkwood Forest, and together with the help of other powerful wizards, they had expelled the Necromancer of Dol Guldur. Bilbo was fascinated. He rested and listened to the singing of the Elves, and before they left, Elrond named him “Elf-friend”!

They said their good-byes and continued on their journey. And before long, Bilbo recognized the forest they were traveling through. “I recognize this place, Gandalf! This is the spot where we were attacked by the trolls!” “Yes, my dear Hobbit! This is the very same place!” And off the path, Bilbo could see the stone statues of Tom, Burt and Bill. They recovered the gold they had hidden long ago, and put it on their ponies. The ponies were not happy about this!

The weather was beautiful as they entered the lands around the Shire. Spring was turning to summer, and Bilbo began to feel the heat. He dried the sweat from his face with a clean red handkerchief. Not a single handkerchief of Bilbo’s had survived the journey. Elrond had given him this one before he left Rivendell.

Soon, they came to the top of a rise in the land, and there, in the distance, Bilbo could see his own Hill. Suddenly, Bilbo said, “The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can.” Gandalf looked at him. "My dear Bilbo!" he said. "Something is the matter with you! You are not the Hobbit that you were."

They crossed the bridge and walked down the comfortable path right back to Bilbo’s own front door. “My goodness! What is going on here!” he cried. There was a great commotion, and Hobbits of all kinds, respectable and unrespectable, were going in and out of his Hobbit hole. He had arrived back home in the middle of an auction! 

The Hobbits of the Shire had decided that Bilbo had gone away on his journey and had died. And since he was not coming back, they would sell all of his belongings, and his Hobbit hole! He had arrived home just in time to prevent this great tragedy! He went into his bedroom, and there were his cousins, the Sackville-Bagginses. They were measuring his room to see if their furniture would fit!

It took a long time to resolve the legal complications. Many Hobbits had bought items that belonged to Bilbo. And he believed that the Sackville-Bagginses had stolen his silverware. Bilbo had to use some of his treasure to buy back his own things! Finally, Bilbo was able to relax and enjoy his comfortable Hobbit home once again.

One evening, many years later, Bilbo was sitting in his study, writing his memoirs. He decided to call his story “There and Back Again, a Hobbit’s Holiday”. Suddenly, there was a ring at his door. It was Gandalf, and a Dwarf. The Dwarf was Balin. “Come in! Come in!” said Bilbo. Soon they were talking about their journey and laughing. Balin noticed that Bilbo had placed his sword Sting over the fireplace. Bilbo asked about things at the Mountain.

Bard had rebuilt the town of Dale. Men from all over the region came to live there again. The desolation was now filled with birds and trees and green fields and pastures. There was profitable trade going up and down the River Running. There was friendship between Dwarf, Man and Elf.

The old Master of Laketown had come to a bad end. Bard had given him much gold to help the Lakepeople, but in his greed, he took most of the gold and ran away. He died of starvation, and his companions all deserted him.
“The new Master is intelligent,” said Balin, “and very popular. He gets most of the credit for the prosperity of Laketown. They are making songs that say that because of him the rivers run with gold.” “So the prophecies from the old songs are true!” said Bilbo. 

"Of course!" said Gandalf. “Don’t you believe the prophecies? Or do you doubt them because you were responsible for them coming true? You don’t believe that all your adventures and escapes were just pure luck? You are a very good Hobbit, Mr. Baggins, and I like you very much. But you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!” “Thank goodness!” said Bilbo laughing, and blew an enormous smoke ring into the air.

Chapter 15
Capítulo 15

The Return Journey
A viagem de volta

When Bilbo woke up, he was completely alone.
Quando Bilbo acordou, ele estava completamente sozinho.

There was no one near him.
Não havia ninguém perto dele.

The day was bright, but it was cold.
O dia estava claro, mas estava frio.

"I wonder what has happened?" he said to himself.
"O que será que aconteceu?" ele falou pra si mesmo.

“At least I am not one of the fallen heroes.
“Pelo menos eu não sou um dos heróis caídos.

But there is probably still enough time for that!”
Mas provavelmente ainda há tempo suficiente para isso!”

He looked around and he saw a camp in the distance.
Ele olhou em volta e viu um acampamento à distância.

He walked slowly towards it.
Ele caminhou lentamente em direção a ela.

His head was still hurting.
Sua cabeça ainda estava doendo.

He found the tent where the captains of the armies were meeting.
Encontrou a tenda onde se reuniam os capitães dos exércitos.

There were guards outside the entrance, and Bilbo said, “Hello! I am here to see Bard.”
Havia guardas do lado de fora da entrada e Bilbo disse: “Olá! Estou aqui para ver Bard.

The guards were surprised!
Os guardas ficaram surpresos!

“Who said that?” they asked, “Who is there?”
“Quem disse isso?” eles perguntaram: “Quem está aí?”

Then Bilbo realized he was still wearing his ring.
Então Bilbo percebeu que ainda estava usando o anel.

He took it off, and to their greater surprise, they could now see Bilbo, right in front of them!
Ele o tirou e, para a maior surpresa deles, agora podiam ver Bilbo bem na frente deles!

Gandalf came out of the tent when he heard Bilbo’s little voice.
Gandalf saiu da tenda quando ouviu a vozinha de Bilbo.

“Bilbo Baggins!” he cried in happiness.
"Bilbo Baggins!" ele gritou de felicidade.

“Well, I am surprised! Alive after all - I am glad!
“Bem, estou surpreso! Afinal, vivo - estou feliz!

I was not sure if you had survived.
Eu não tinha certeza se você havia sobrevivido.

The battle was a terrible one.
A batalha foi terrível.

We were almost destroyed.
Quase fomos destruídos.

But news of the battle can wait.
Mas as notícias da batalha podem esperar.

Come quickly. He wants to see you.”
Venha rápido. Ele quer ver você.

Gandalf brought Bilbo into the tent, and there was Thorin, laying in a bed.
Gandalf trouxe Bilbo para dentro da tenda, e lá estava Thorin, deitado em uma cama.

He was wounded with many wounds.
Ele ficou ferido com muitas feridas.

There were holes in his armor and his helmet was dented.
Havia buracos em sua armadura e seu capacete estava amassado.

Thorin looked up as Bilbo came next to him.
Thorin ergueu os olhos quando Bilbo se aproximou dele.

“Good-bye, good thief,” he said.
“Adeus, meu bom ladrão”, disse ele.

“I will go now to the halls of waiting, to sit next to my fathers, until the world begins again.
“Irei agora para as salas de espera, para me sentar ao lado de meus pais, até que o mundo comece de novo.

Where I am going I do not need any gold or silver.
Para onde vou, não preciso de ouro nem de prata.

I leave all that behind.
Deixo tudo isso para trás.

So I would like to take back the things I said and did to you at the gates.”
Portanto, gostaria de retirar as coisas que disse e fiz a você nos portões.

Bilbo knelt on one knee, and was filled with sadness.
Bilbo ajoelhou-se sobre um joelho e encheu-se de tristeza.

“Good-bye, King Under the Mountain!” he said.
“Adeus, Rei Sob a Montanha!” ele disse.

“I wish our journey did not end this way.
“Gostaria que nossa jornada não terminasse assim.

There is no gold in all of Middle Earth that can fix it.
Não há ouro em toda a Terra Média que possa consertá-lo.

But I am happy that I traveled with you.
Mas estou feliz por ter viajado com você.

It is more than any Baggins deserves.”
É mais do que qualquer Baggins merece.

“No!” said Thorin.
"Não!" disse Thorin.

“There is more good in you than you know.
“Há mais bondade em você do que você imagina.

You have courage and intelligence.
Você tem coragem e inteligência.

If more of us preferred food and comfort over gold and jewels, the world would be a happier place.
Se mais de nós preferíssemos comida e conforto a ouro e joias, o mundo seria um lugar mais feliz.

But sad or happy, I must leave it now. Good-bye!”
Mas triste ou feliz, devo deixá-lo agora. Adeus!"

Bilbo left the tent and found a quiet place to sit.
Bilbo saiu da tenda e encontrou um lugar tranquilo para se sentar.

He cried for a long time.
Ele chorou por muito tempo.

He was tired of his journey.
Ele estava cansado de sua jornada.

He just wanted to begin the long trip back to his comfortable Hobbit home, far away in the west.
Ele só queria começar a longa viagem de volta para sua confortável casa Hobbit, longe no oeste.

Gandalf found him, and explained to him all that had happened.
Gandalf o encontrou e explicou a ele tudo o que havia acontecido.

The Eagles suspected that the goblins were forming a vast army in the mountains.
As águias suspeitaram que os goblins estavam formando um vasto exército nas montanhas.

And so the Eagles had come together in large numbers, too.
E assim as águias também se reuniram em grande número.

Their leader was the great Eagle of the Misty Mountains.
Seu líder era a grande Águia das Montanhas Sombrias.

They had followed the goblins from above and arrived at the battle just in time!
Eles seguiram os goblins de cima e chegaram à batalha bem a tempo!

Dain was now King Under the Mountain.
Dain agora era o Rei Sob a Montanha.

And the goblin army was completely and totally destroyed.
E o exército goblin foi completa e totalmente destruído.

There was peace in all the land for many years after the great battle.​​
Houve paz em toda a terra por muitos anos após a grande batalha.

Thorin was buried deep under the Mountain, and Bard placed the Arkenstone on his chest.
Thorin foi enterrado nas profundezas da Montanha e Bard colocou a Arkenstone em seu peito.

“Here it will rest until the Mountain falls!” he said.
“Aqui vai descansar até que a Montanha caia!” ele disse.

Now all the gold was divided as was agreed.
Agora todo o ouro foi dividido conforme combinado.

Bard received his portion to help the reconstruction of Laketown.
Bard recebeu sua parte para ajudar na reconstrução de Laketown.

And of the thirteen Dwarves, only ten still lived to receive their portions.
E dos treze Anões, apenas dez ainda viveram para receber suas porções.

Fili and Kili died protecting Thorin with their own bodies.
Fili e Kili morreram protegendo Thorin com seus próprios corpos.

He was their mother’s older brother.
Ele era o irmão mais velho da mãe deles.

The other Dwarves stayed with Dain in the Mountain.
Os outros anões ficaram com Dain na Montanha.

And Bilbo received his portion of the gold - one-fourteenth, to be exact.
E Bilbo recebeu sua parte do ouro - um décimo quarto, para ser exato.

It was more wealth than he could possibly imagine.
Era mais riqueza do que ele poderia imaginar.

“I am not sure how I will take this home with me,” he said to Gandalf, when they were preparing to leave on the return journey.
“Não tenho certeza de como levarei isso para casa comigo”, disse ele a Gandalf, quando se preparavam para partir na viagem de volta.

Bilbo said good-bye to the Dwarves, and offered to make them tea and cakes if they ever visited him in the Shire again.
Bilbo se despediu dos anões e se ofereceu para fazer chá com bolos se o visitassem novamente no Condado.

Bilbo looked one more time at the Mountain, and said out loud,
Bilbo olhou mais uma vez para a Montanha e disse em voz alta:

“Good-bye, Thorin, King Under the Mountain!”
"Adeus, Thorin, Rei Sob a Montanha!"

And then he and Gandalf began their long journey back to the Shire.
E então ele e Gandalf começaram sua longa jornada de volta ao Condado.

They traveled with the Elves as they marched back to the Forest.
Eles viajaram com os Elfos enquanto eles marchavam de volta para a Floresta.

But they did not go through the Forest.
Mas eles não passaram pela Floresta.

Bilbo refused to go back inside!
Bilbo se recusou a voltar para dentro!

They traveled to the north of the Forest.
Eles viajaram para o norte da Floresta.

But before they parted ways with the Elvenking, Bilbo offered him a beautiful necklace of pearls and diamonds that was part of his portion of the treasure.
Mas antes de se separarem do rei élfico, Bilbo ofereceu a ele um lindo colar de pérolas e diamantes que fazia parte de sua porção do tesouro.

“Why are you giving this to me?” asked the Elf king.
“Por que você está me dando isso?” perguntou o rei Elfo.

“To repay you for all the food I ate and wine I drank while I was in your cavern,” replied Bilbo.
“Para recompensá-lo por toda a comida que comi e pelo vinho que bebi enquanto estava em sua caverna”, respondeu Bilbo.

The Elf king laughed happily at the gift.
O rei elfo riu alegremente com o presente.

It was a long road around the Forest, but it was much safer now that the goblins were crushed.
Era uma longa estrada ao redor da Floresta, mas era muito mais seguro agora que os goblins foram esmagados.

Finally, as spring began, they arrived at the same pass in the Misty Mountains where they were captured by the goblins.
Finalmente, quando a primavera começou, eles chegaram à mesma passagem nas Montanhas Sombrias, onde foram capturados pelos goblins.

They reached the top of the pass during the morning.
Eles chegaram ao topo da passagem durante a manhã.

The day was bright.
O dia estava claro.

Bilbo looked back to the east, and there, far in the distance, he could see Lonely Mountain.
Bilbo olhou para trás, para o leste, e lá, ao longe, ele pôde ver a Montanha Solitária.

He turned and looked far to the west.
Ele se virou e olhou para o oeste.

He could see the green lands where his Hobbit hole waited for him.
Ele podia ver as terras verdes onde sua toca Hobbit esperava por ele.

They came down the mountains safely and stopped for a long time in Rivendell.
Eles desceram as montanhas com segurança e pararam por um longo tempo em Rivendell.

There they rested and told Elrond the story of Smaug and the great Battle.
Lá eles descansaram e contaram a Elrond a história de Smaug e a grande batalha.

And there Gandalf recounted the story of his adventure:
E lá Gandalf contou a história de sua aventura:

Gandalf had gone to the south of Mirkwood Forest, and together with the help of other powerful wizards, they had expelled the Necromancer of Dol Guldur.
Gandalf foi para o sul da Floresta de Mirkwood e, junto com a ajuda de outros magos poderosos, expulsaram o Necromante de Dol Guldur.

Bilbo was fascinated.
Bilbo ficou fascinado.

He rested and listened to the singing of the Elves, and before they left, Elrond named him “Elf-friend”!
Ele descansava e ouvia o canto dos elfos, e antes de partirem, Elrond o chamou de “Amigo dos Elfos”!

They said their good-byes and continued on their journey.
Despediram-se e continuaram a viagem.

And before long, Bilbo recognized the forest they were traveling through.
E em pouco tempo, Bilbo reconheceu a floresta pela qual eles estavam viajando.

“I recognize this place, Gandalf!
“Eu reconheço este lugar, Gandalf!

This is the spot where we were attacked by the trolls!”
Este é o local onde fomos atacados pelos trolls!”

“Yes, my dear Hobbit! This is the very same place!”
“Sim, meu querido Hobbit! Este é o mesmo lugar!

And off the path, Bilbo could see the stone statues of Tom, Burt and Bill.
E fora do caminho, Bilbo podia ver as estátuas de pedra de Tom, Burt e Bill.

They recovered the gold they had hidden long ago, and put it on their ponies.
Eles recuperaram o ouro que haviam escondido há muito tempo e o colocaram em seus pôneis.

The ponies were not happy about this!
Os pôneis não ficaram felizes com isso!

The weather was beautiful as they entered the lands around the Shire.
O tempo estava lindo quando eles entraram nas terras ao redor do Condado.

Spring was turning to summer, and Bilbo began to feel the heat.
A primavera estava se transformando em verão e Bilbo começou a sentir o calor.

He dried the sweat from his face with a clean red handkerchief.
Secou o suor do rosto com um lenço vermelho limpo.

Not a single handkerchief of Bilbo’s had survived the journey.
Nem um único lenço de Bilbo sobreviveu à jornada.

Elrond had given him this one before he left Rivendell.
Elrond havia lhe dado este antes de deixar Rivendell.

Soon, they came to the top of a rise in the land, and there, in the distance, Bilbo could see his own Hill.
Logo chegaram ao topo de uma elevação na terra, e ali, ao longe, Bilbo pôde ver sua própria colina.

Suddenly, Bilbo said,
De repente, Bilbo disse:

“The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began.
“A estrada continua e continua, descendo da porta onde começou.

Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can.”
Agora, a estrada está muito à frente e devo segui-la, se puder.

Gandalf looked at him. "My dear Bilbo!" he said.
Gandalf olhou para ele. "Meu querido Bilbo!" ele disse.

"Something is the matter with you!
"Algo está errado com você!

You are not the Hobbit that you were."
Você não é o Hobbit que você era."

They crossed the bridge and walked down the comfortable path right back to Bilbo’s own front door.
Eles cruzaram a ponte e desceram o caminho confortável de volta à porta da frente de Bilbo.

“My goodness! What is going on here!” he cried.
"Meu Deus! O que está acontecendo aqui!" ele gritou.

There was a great commotion, and Hobbits of all kinds, respectable and unrespectable, were going in and out of his Hobbit hole.
Houve uma grande comoção, e Hobbits de todos os tipos, respeitáveis e não respeitáveis, entravam e saíam de sua toca Hobbit.

He had arrived back home in the middle of an auction!
Ele havia chegado em casa no meio de um leilão!

The Hobbits of the Shire had decided that Bilbo had gone away on his journey and had died.
Os Hobbits do Condado decidiram que Bilbo havia partido em sua jornada e morrido.

And since he was not coming back, they would sell all of his belongings, and his Hobbit hole!
E como ele não voltaria, eles venderiam todos os seus pertences e sua toca de Hobbit!

He had arrived home just in time to prevent this great tragedy!
Ele chegou em casa bem a tempo de evitar essa grande tragédia!

He went into his bedroom, and there were his cousins, the Sackville-Bagginses.
Ele foi para o quarto e lá estavam seus primos, os Sackville-Bagginses.

They were measuring his room to see if their furniture would fit!
Eles estavam medindo o quarto dele para ver se a mobília caberia!

It took a long time to resolve the legal complications.
Demorou muito para resolver as complicações legais.

Many Hobbits had bought items that belonged to Bilbo.
Muitos Hobbits compraram itens que pertenciam a Bilbo.

And he believed that the Sackville-Bagginses had stolen his silverware.
E ele acreditava que os Sackville-Bagginses haviam roubado seus talheres.

Bilbo had to use some of his treasure to buy back his own things!
Bilbo teve que usar parte de seu tesouro para comprar de volta suas próprias coisas!

Finally, Bilbo was able to relax and enjoy his comfortable Hobbit home once again.
Finalmente, Bilbo pôde relaxar e desfrutar de sua confortável casa Hobbit mais uma vez.

One evening, many years later, Bilbo was sitting in his study, writing his memoirs.
Uma noite, muitos anos depois, Bilbo estava sentado em seu escritório, escrevendo suas memórias.

He decided to call his story “There and Back Again, a Hobbit’s Holiday”.
Ele decidiu chamar sua história de “Lá e de Volta Outra Vez, as Férias de um Hobbit”.

Suddenly, there was a ring at his door.
De repente, houve um toque em sua porta.

It was Gandalf, and a Dwarf.
Era Gandalf, e um anão.

The Dwarf was Balin. “Come in! Come in!” said Bilbo.
O anão era Balin. "Entrem! Entrem!" disse Bilbo.

Soon they were talking about their journey and laughing.
Logo eles estavam conversando sobre sua jornada e rindo.

Balin noticed that Bilbo had placed his sword Sting over the fireplace.
Balin notou que Bilbo havia colocado sua espada Sting sobre a lareira.

Bilbo asked about things at the Mountain.
Bilbo perguntou sobre as coisas na Montanha.

Bard had rebuilt the town of Dale.
Bard havia reconstruído a cidade de Dale.

Men from all over the region came to live there again.
Homens de toda a região voltaram a morar lá.

The desolation was now filled with birds and trees and green fields and pastures.
A desolação estava agora cheia de pássaros e árvores e campos verdes e pastagens.

There was profitable trade going up and down the River Running.
Havia um comércio lucrativo subindo e descendo o Rio Running.

There was friendship between Dwarf, Man and Elf.
Havia amizade entre Anão, Homem e Elfo.

The old Master of Laketown had come to a bad end.
O velho mestre de Laketown teve um final ruim.

Bard had given him much gold to help the Lakepeople, but in his greed, he took most of the gold and ran away.
Bard deu a ele muito ouro para ajudar o povo do Lago, mas em sua ganância, ele pegou a maior parte do ouro e fugiu.

He died of starvation, and his companions all deserted him.
Ele morreu de fome e todos os seus companheiros o abandonaram.

“The new Master is intelligent,” said Balin, “and very popular.
“O novo Mestre é inteligente”, disse Balin, “e muito popular.

He gets most of the credit for the prosperity of Laketown.
Ele recebe a maior parte do crédito pela prosperidade de Laketown.

They are making songs that say that because of him the rivers run with gold.”
Eles estão fazendo canções que dizem que por causa dele os rios correm com ouro”.

“So the prophecies from the old songs are true!” said Bilbo.
“Então as profecias das velhas canções são verdadeiras!” disse Bilbo.

"Of course!" said Gandalf.
"Claro!" disse Gandalf.

“Don’t you believe the prophecies?
“Você não acredita nas profecias?

Or do you doubt them because you were responsible for them coming true?
Ou você duvida delas porque você foi o responsável por elas se tornarem realidade?

You don’t believe that all your adventures and escapes were just pure luck?
Você não acredita que todas as suas aventuras e fugas foram pura sorte?

You are a very good Hobbit, Mr. Baggins, and I like you very much.
Você é um Hobbit muito bom, Sr. Bolseiro, e gosto muito de você.

But you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all!”
Mas você é apenas um pequeno sujeito em um mundo vasto, afinal das contas!

“Thank goodness!” said Bilbo laughing, and blew an enormous smoke ring into the air.
"Ainda bem!" disse Bilbo rindo, e soprou um enorme anel de fumaça no ar.


127 HOURS: Prologue & Chapter One (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 14 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)