THE HOBBIT Chapter 14 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


The Battle of Five Armies

The next day, a group of Men and Elves, with Bard and the Elf King leading them, came to the front gates and called to Thorin. “They have come to talk to me because they know my cousin Dain is coming. They are scared!” “Hail, King Under the Mountain! Have you changed your mind about the gold?” It was Bard who called to Thorin.

“My mind does not change so quickly! The Elves are still here, I see. I demanded that they leave. We have nothing to discuss!” “Is there nothing that will change your mind so you will give us our part of the gold?” asked Bard. “Nothing that you or your friends might have!” answered Thorin.

“What about the Arkenstone of Thrain?" asked Bard. There was an old man in dark clothes next to Bard. He opened a box and took out the jewel. He held it above his head so Thorin could see it clearly. Thorin could not believe his own eyes. No one spoke for a long time. Then Thorin said, “That stone was my father’s, and it is mine! I will not buy from you something that is already mine!” Thorin was confused, and then asked, “How did you get the Arkenstone, thief?”

“We are not thieves,” answered Bard. “We will give you the stone if you give us what is ours.” “Tell me how you got the stone!” yelled Thorin in great anger. “I gave it to them!” squeaked Bilbo, who was standing next to Thorin and very afraid of what the Dwarf would do to him. “You! You!” cried Thorin. Thorin turned and grabbed Bilbo with both hands. “You miserable Hobbit! You minature—burglar!” he shouted, not knowing what to say. He shook Bilbo like a rabbit.

“I wish Gandalf had never chosen you for this adventure!” yelled Thorin. “I hope his beard falls off! And you, you miserable Hobbit, I will throw you off this wall and onto the rocks below!” He began to lift Biblo up and over his head! “Be calm, King Under the Mountain!” yelled the old man that was holding the stone. “I am Gandalf! And it appears I have arrived just in time! Please do not damage my Burglar. Put him down.”

“You are all conspiring against me!” cried Thorin. “I will never trust a wizard or his friends.” He looked at Biblo and asked, “What do you have to say for yourself, you descendant of rats?” “‘Descendant of rats’?” complained Bilbo. “Thorin Oakenshield, I have saved you and your people many times on this adventure, and this is how you thank me? You said I could take any treasure I wanted - one-fourteenth of the profits! Assume that the Arkenstone was my portion and I used it the way I wanted!”

“If that is what you prefer,” said Thorin angrily. “Now get out of here before I change my mind!” Thorin looked down at Bard and Gandalf and yelled, “I have been betrayed! I will give you a one-fourteenth portion of the treasure in gold and silver - but no gems! That will be the amount I will give to you, and you can divide it however you want. The Hobbit will not get much from it. Take him away from here, if you want him to live.”

“And the gold?” asked Bard. He did not trust Thorin to pay him. “We will deliver that soon.” “And we will keep the stone until you deliver the gold,” answered Bard. “You are not acting very much like a King, Thorin!” yelled Gandalf. “But that may change soon.” But Thorin was already planning how to use his cousin Dain to recapture the Arkenstone and not pay any gold to anybody!

Bilbo climbed down the wall and walked quickly to stand next to Gandalf. “Good-bye!” he yelled to them. “I hope we meet each other again as friends!” “We will return tomorrow at noon to collect our portion of the gold!” cried Bard. “If you do that with no deception, we will leave, and the Elf King will return to the Forest.”

The sun rose the next day and messengers came to the camp with news. “Lord Bard,” said one of the messengers, “a large army of Dwarves is coming from the north!” Dain had arrived. He came with 500 Dwarves armed with heavy war hammers and shields. Dwarves are shorter than Men, but they are stronger. And the Dwarves from the north are the strongest. Their beards were long and their helmets were made of strong iron.

Because the army of Men and Elves was blocking the path of Dain and his army, Dain could not enter the mountain to help Thorin. The Dwarvish army waited some distance away, preparing for battle. Bard and his men quickly went to the front gates to get the expected gold. When they arrived, there was no gold - only arrows that the Dwarves shot at them from behind the wall.

Bard was not surprised. He had heard many stories about the greed and deceit of Dwarves. And he knew that the Men and Elves outnumbered the Dwarven army. He did not think they would attack. But Bard did not consider the desire for the Arkenstone. It burned very hot inside the mind of Thorin and the Dwarves. And so, with complete surprise and quickness, Dain and his army moved to attack the Men and Elves.

Just as suddenly, a powerful storm of black clouds formed in the sky and came over the waiting armies. Winter thunder sounded on the wind and lightning hit the top of the Mountain. But beneath the black clouds there was another, darker blackness - and it was moving against the wind. It came from the north.

The moving cloud was so dense and full of flying creatures that no light passed through. “Stop!” cried Gandalf, who appeared suddenly between the Dwarves and the army of Men and Elves. “Stop!” he called in a voice like thunder. A flash of lighting came from his staff. “Danger has come. It has come sooner than I expected. The goblins are here! Bolg of the North is coming, Dain! You killed his father in Moria. Look! The bats are flying above his army like a sea of terror. The goblins are riding wolves and Wargs are with them!”

The armies were full of confusion. While Gandalf was speaking, the darkness grew. The Dwarves looked at the sky and the Elves cried out with worried voices. “Come, everyone!” Gandalf cried. “There is still time for us to talk. Dain, Bard and the Elvenking must join forces!” And so a battle that no one had expected began. It was called the Battle of Five Armies, and it was a terrible battle.

This is how it happened. After Gandalf killed the Great Goblin in the Misty Mountains many months before, the Goblins hated the Dwarves even more. They sent messengers to all their cities and colonies, and their leaders determined to take control of the North - to kill the Dwarves and Men who lived in the region around Lonely Mountain. They began to make weapons and armor. The goblin soldiers marched secretly under the mountains and at night until vast armies formed in the far north under Gundabad, their mountain capital. 

They were prepared to come south in surprise. Then they heard news about the death of Smaug, and they were very happy. They marched faster than ever now. And before anyone knew about their plans, they arrived at Lonely Mountain right behind Dain. The birds in the region did not even know they were coming until the goblins began their attack.

Goblins were the enemies of all. So the armies of Men, Elves and Dain the Dwarf joined against their common enemy - they forgot their differences for the moment. There was no time to make a great battle plan or to ask for help. And soon, before they were fully prepared, the bats came in vast clouds. Men, Elves and Dwarves were terrified. And then they could hear the howling! Wolves and Wargs with goblins on their backs came first and attacked!

The battle was terrible. Archers from Laketown were on the side of the mountain shooting arrows into the goblin army. But they were like crawling insects! There were so many of them! It was the most terrifying thing Bilbo had ever seen, but it was the battle that he liked to talk about the most, even though he was not important in it.

As a matter of fact, when the fighting began, he put on his ring and disappeared from sight, but not from all danger! A magic ring like Bilbo’s does not provide total protection against a charge of goblins riding wargs. And it does not protect you from flying arrows or stones, either. But it does prevent your head from being chosen specifically as a target!

It was the army of Dain that prevented complete destruction. They formed a powerful wall of shields and helmets, and pushed the goblins back. But there were too many! The faster goblins riding wargs began to curve around the sides of the Dwarven army. And with them came the bodyguard of Bolg - they were goblins of huge size with scimitars of steel!

And as night approached, the bats came! Massive clouds of bats swirled around the heads of Elf and Man and Dwarf, and bit them like vampires! And then, there was a loud shout from the front gates of the Mountain. They had forgotten Thorin! Out the Dwarves came from the gates and they were wearing bright armor and carrying sharp axes!

Wargs and goblins died like flies in front of them. Thorin was invincible in that moment. “To me! To me! Elves and Men! To me! To me Dwarves of Dain!” he yelled, and his voice was like thunder in the valley! The goblins ran away in fear, but there were too many of them. They returned in greater numbers and many Men and Dwarves fell. And many Elves who should have lived long ages happily in the forest,  were killed by the goblins.

Finally, the armies were completely surrounded by the goblins. They were forced into a great ring, facing every direction. And Bilbo saw all of this with great sadness. He was inside the ring of defenders. And Gandalf was there, too. He was sitting on the ground thinking deeply. It appeared like he was preparing some final magic before the end.

“It will not be long now before the goblins destroy us,” Bilbo thought. “After all the adventures I have been on. This is the last one. I think I would have preferred that Smaug keep the treasure, and not these terrible goblins! And all the poor peoples who have died, Elf, Man and Dwarf. All the songs about battle sing that defeat can be glorious. But it seems very uncomfortable to me. I wish I was not part of it.”

The dark storm clouds covered the last light of day. Then suddenly, the clouds opened for a moment, and bright light came through. And in the light Bilbo saw a sight that made his heart jump with joy! There were shapes in the sky. They were small but they were majestic in the final light of the day. It was the Eagles!

“The Eagles! The Eagles!” he shouted. “The Eagles are coming!” Bilbo’s eyes were not wrong very often. The Eagles were coming with the wind from the west. There were so many that he could not count them. “The Eagles! the Eagles!” Bilbo cried, and he danced and jumped and waved his arms. 

No one could see him, but they could all hear him. Soon everyone had seen the Eagles and they all cried with Bilbo, “The Eagles are coming!” “The Eagles!” cried Bilbo one more time, but at that moment a stone came down from above and hit him on his helmet. He fell down to the ground, unconscious.

Chapter 14
Capítulo 14

The Battle of Five Armies
A batalha dos cinco exércitos

The next day, a group of Men and Elves, with Bard and the Elf King leading them, came to the front gates and called to Thorin.
No dia seguinte, um grupo de homens e elfos, liderados por Bard e o rei dos elfos, chegou aos portões da frente e chamou Thorin.

“They have come to talk to me because they know my cousin Dain is coming.
“Eles vieram falar comigo porque sabem que meu primo Dain está vindo.

They are scared!”
Eles estão assustados!"

“Hail, King Under the Mountain!
“Salve, Rei Sob a Montanha!

Have you changed your mind about the gold?”
Você mudou de ideia sobre o ouro?

It was Bard who called to Thorin.
Foi Bard quem chamou Thorin.

“My mind does not change so quickly!
“Minha mente não muda tão rapidamente!

The Elves are still here, I see.
Os elfos ainda estão aqui, pelo que vejo.

I demanded that they leave.
Eu exigi que eles fossem embora.

We have nothing to discuss!”
Não temos nada a discutir!

“Is there nothing that will change your mind so you will give us our part of the gold?” asked Bard.
“Não há nada que faça você mudar de ideia para que nos dê nossa parte do ouro?” perguntou Bardo.

“Nothing that you or your friends might have!” answered Thorin.
“Nada que você ou seus amigos possam ter!” respondeu Thorin.

“What about the Arkenstone of Thrain?" asked Bard.
"E a Arkenstone de Thrain?" perguntou Bard.

There was an old man in dark clothes next to Bard.
Havia um velho em roupas escuras ao lado de Bard.

He opened a box and took out the jewel.
Ele abriu uma caixa e tirou a jóia.

He held it above his head so Thorin could see it clearly.
Ele a segurou acima de sua cabeça para que Thorin pudesse vê-la claramente.

Thorin could not believe his own eyes.
Thorin não podia acreditar em seus próprios olhos.

No one spoke for a long time.
Ninguém falou por muito tempo.

Then Thorin said, “That stone was my father’s, and it is mine! I will not buy from you something that is already mine!”
Então Thorin disse: "Essa pedra era do meu pai e é minha! Não vou comprar de você algo que já é meu!"

Thorin was confused, and then asked, “How did you get the Arkenstone, thief?”
Thorin ficou confuso e então perguntou: "Como você conseguiu a Arkenstone, ladrão?"

“We are not thieves,” answered Bard.
“Não somos ladrões”, respondeu Bard.

“We will give you the stone if you give us what is ours.”
“Nós lhe daremos a pedra se você nos der o que é nosso.”

“Tell me how you got the stone!” yelled Thorin in great anger.
“Diga-me como você conseguiu a pedra!” gritou Thorin com muita raiva.

“I gave it to them!” squeaked Bilbo, who was standing next to Thorin and very afraid of what the Dwarf would do to him.
“Eu dei a eles!” guinchou Bilbo, que estava parado ao lado de Thorin e com muito medo do que o anão faria com ele.

“You! You!” cried Thorin.
"Você! Você!" exclamou Thorin.

Thorin turned and grabbed Bilbo with both hands.
Thorin se virou e agarrou Bilbo com as duas mãos.

“You miserable Hobbit! You minature—burglar!” he shouted, not knowing what to say.
“Seu Hobbit miserável! Sua miniatura... ladrão! ele gritou, sem saber o que dizer.

He shook Bilbo like a rabbit.
Ele sacudiu Bilbo como um coelho.

“I wish Gandalf had never chosen you for this adventure!” yelled Thorin.
“Gostaria que Gandalf nunca tivesse escolhido você para esta aventura!” gritou Thorin.

“I hope his beard falls off! And you, you miserable Hobbit, I will throw you off this wall and onto the rocks below!”
“Espero que a barba dele caia! E você, seu Hobbit miserável, vou jogá-lo desta parede e nas rochas abaixo!

He began to lift Biblo up and over his head!
Ele começou a levantar Biblo sobre sua cabeça!

“Be calm, King Under the Mountain!” yelled the old man that was holding the stone.
“Fique calmo, Rei Sob a Montanha!” gritou o velho que segurava a pedra.

“I am Gandalf! And it appears I have arrived just in time!
“Eu sou Gandalf! E parece que cheguei bem na hora!

Please do not damage my Burglar.
Por favor, não danifique meu ladrão.

Put him down.”
Abaixe ele."

“You are all conspiring against me!” cried Thorin.
“Vocês estão todos conspirando contra mim!” exclamou Thorin.

“I will never trust a wizard or his friends.”
“Eu nunca vou confiar em um mago ou em seus amigos.”

He looked at Biblo and asked, “What do you have to say for yourself, you descendant of rats?”
Ele olhou para Bilbo e perguntou: “O que você tem a dizer sobre si mesmo, seu descendente de ratos?”

“‘Descendant of rats’?” complained Bilbo.
“'Descendente de ratos'?” reclamou Bilbo.

“Thorin Oakenshield, I have saved you and your people many times on this adventure, and this is how you thank me?
“Thorin Oakenshield, salvei você e seu povo muitas vezes nesta aventura, e é assim que você me agradece?

You said I could take any treasure I wanted - one-fourteenth of the profits!
Você disse que eu poderia pegar qualquer tesouro que quisesse - um décimo-quarto dos lucros!

Assume that the Arkenstone was my portion and I used it the way I wanted!”
Assuma que a Arkenstone era minha porção e eu a usei do jeito que eu queria!”

“If that is what you prefer,” said Thorin angrily.
“Se é isso que você prefere,” disse Thorin com raiva.

“Now get out of here before I change my mind!”
“Agora saia daqui antes que eu mude de ideia!”

Thorin looked down at Bard and Gandalf and yelled, “I have been betrayed!
Thorin olhou para Bard e Gandalf e gritou: “Fui traído!

I will give you a one-fourteenth portion of the treasure in gold and silver - but no gems!
Darei a você um décimo-quarto do tesouro em ouro e prata - mas sem pedras preciosas!

That will be the amount I will give to you, and you can divide it however you want.
Essa será a quantia que eu darei a você, e você pode dividir como quiser.

The Hobbit will not get much from it.
O Hobbit não vai ganhar muito com isso.

Take him away from here, if you want him to live.”
Leve-o embora daqui, se quiser que ele viva.

“And the gold?” asked Bard.
“E o ouro?” perguntou Bardo.

He did not trust Thorin to pay him.
Ele não confiava em Thorin para pagá-lo.

“We will deliver that soon.”
“Vamos entregar isso em breve.”

“And we will keep the stone until you deliver the gold,” answered Bard.
“E ficaremos com a pedra até que você entregue o ouro”, respondeu Bard.

“You are not acting very much like a King, Thorin!” yelled Gandalf.
“Você não está agindo muito como um Rei, Thorin!” gritou Gandalf.

“But that may change soon.”
“Mas isso pode mudar em breve.”

But Thorin was already planning how to use his cousin Dain to recapture the Arkenstone and not pay any gold to anybody!
Mas Thorin já estava planejando como usar seu primo Dain para recapturar A Arkenstone e não pagar ouro a ninguém!

Bilbo climbed down the wall and walked quickly to stand next to Gandalf.
Bilbo desceu a parede e caminhou rapidamente para ficar ao lado de Gandalf.

“Good-bye!” he yelled to them.
"Adeus!" ele gritou para eles.

“I hope we meet each other again as friends!”
“Espero que nos encontremos novamente como amigos!”

“We will return tomorrow at noon to collect our portion of the gold!” cried Bard.
“Voltaremos amanhã ao meio-dia para coletar nossa parte do ouro!” exclamou Bardo.

“If you do that with no deception, we will leave, and the Elf King will return to the Forest.”
“Se você fizer isso sem trapaça, iremos embora, e o Rei Elfo retornará à Floresta.”

The sun rose the next day and messengers came to the camp with news.
O sol nasceu no dia seguinte e mensageiros chegaram ao acampamento com notícias.

“Lord Bard,” said one of the messengers, “a large army of Dwarves is coming from the north!”
“Lorde Bard,” disse um dos mensageiros, “um grande exército de anões está vindo do norte!”

Dain had arrived.
Dain havia chegado.

He came with 500 Dwarves armed with heavy war hammers and shields.
Ele veio com 500 anões armados com pesados martelos de guerra e escudos.

Dwarves are shorter than Men, but they are stronger.
Os anões são mais baixos que os homens, mas são mais fortes.

And the Dwarves from the north are the strongest.
E os anões do norte são os mais fortes.

Their beards were long and their helmets were made of strong iron.
Suas barbas eram longas e seus capacetes eram feitos de ferro forte.

Because the army of Men and Elves was blocking the path of Dain and his army, Dain could not enter the mountain to help Thorin.
Como o exército de homens e elfos estava bloqueando o caminho de Dain e seu exército, Dain não pôde entrar na montanha para ajudar Thorin.

The Dwarvish army waited some distance away, preparing for battle.
O exército dos anões esperava a alguma distância, preparando-se para a batalha.

Bard and his men quickly went to the front gates to get the expected gold.
Bard e seus homens foram rapidamente até os portões da frente para pegar o ouro esperado.

When they arrived, there was no gold - only arrows that the Dwarves shot at them from behind the wall.
Quando eles chegaram, não havia ouro - apenas flechas que os anões atiraram neles por trás da parede.

Bard was not surprised.
Bard não ficou surpreso.

He had heard many stories about the greed and deceit of Dwarves.
Ele tinha ouvido muitas histórias sobre a ganância e a engano dos anões.

And he knew that the Men and Elves outnumbered the Dwarven army.
E ele sabia que os homens e elfos superavam em número o exército dos anões.

He did not think they would attack.
Ele não achava que eles iriam atacar.

But Bard did not consider the desire for the Arkenstone.
Mas Bard não considerou o desejo pela Arkenstone.

It burned very hot inside the mind of Thorin and the Dwarves.
Queimava muito dentro da mente de Thorin e dos anões.

And so, with complete surprise and quickness, Dain and his army moved to attack the Men and Elves.
E assim, com total surpresa e rapidez, Dain e seu exército moveram-se para atacar os Homens e Elfos.

Just as suddenly, a powerful storm of black clouds formed in the sky and came over the waiting armies.
De repente, uma poderosa tempestade de nuvens negras se formou no céu e veio sobre os exércitos que esperavam.

Winter thunder sounded on the wind and lightning hit the top of the Mountain.
Um trovão de inverno soou no vento e um raio atingiu o topo da montanha.

But beneath the black clouds there was another, darker blackness - and it was moving against the wind.
Mas sob as nuvens negras havia outra escuridão mais escura - e ela se movia contra o vento.

It came from the north.
Veio do norte.

The moving cloud was so dense and full of flying creatures that no light passed through.
A nuvem em movimento era tão densa e cheia de criaturas voadoras que nenhuma luz passava por ela.

“Stop!” cried Gandalf, who appeared suddenly between the Dwarves and the army of Men and Elves.
"Parem!" gritou Gandalf, que apareceu de repente entre os anões e o exército de Homens e Elfos.

“Stop!” he called in a voice like thunder.
"Parem!" ele gritou com uma voz de trovão.

A flash of lighting came from his staff.
Um flash de luz veio de seu cajado.

“Danger has come.
“O perigo chegou.

It has come sooner than I expected.
Chegou mais cedo do que eu esperava.

The goblins are here!
Os goblins estão aqui!

Bolg of the North is coming, Dain!
Bolg do Norte está chegando, Dain!

You killed his father in Moria. Look!
Você matou o pai dele em Moria. Vejam!

The bats are flying above his army like a sea of terror.
Os morcegos estão voando acima de seu exército como um mar de terror.

The goblins are riding wolves and Wargs are with them!”
Os goblins estão montando lobos e os Wargs estão com eles!

The armies were full of confusion.
Os exércitos estavam cheios de confusão.

While Gandalf was speaking, the darkness grew.
Enquanto Gandalf falava, a escuridão crescia.

The Dwarves looked at the sky and the Elves cried out with worried voices.
Os anões olharam para o céu e os Elfos gritaram com vozes preocupadas.

“Come, everyone!” Gandalf cried.
“Venham todos!” Gandalf gritou.

“There is still time for us to talk.
“Ainda dá tempo de conversarmos.

Dain, Bard and the Elvenking must join forces!”
Dain, Bard e o rei élfico devem unir forças!”

And so a battle that no one had expected began.
E assim começou uma batalha que ninguém esperava.

It was called the Battle of Five Armies, and it was a terrible battle.
Foi chamada de Batalha dos Cinco Exércitos e foi uma batalha terrível.

This is how it happened.
Foi assim que aconteceu.

After Gandalf killed the Great Goblin in the Misty Mountains many months before, the Goblins hated the Dwarves even more.
Depois que Gandalf matou o Grande Goblin nas Montanhas Sombrias muitos meses antes, os goblins odiaram ainda mais os anões.

They sent messengers to all their cities and colonies,
Eles enviaram mensageiros para todas as suas cidades e colônias,

and their leaders determined to take control of the North - to kill the Dwarves and Men who lived in the region around Lonely Mountain.
e seus líderes decidiram assumir o controle do Norte - para matar os anões e homens que viviam na região ao redor da Montanha Solitária.

They began to make weapons and armor.
Eles começaram a fazer armas e armaduras.

The goblin soldiers marched secretly under the mountains and at night until vast armies formed in the far north under Gundabad, their mountain capital.
Os soldados goblins marcharam secretamente sob as montanhas e à noite até que vastos exércitos se formaram no extremo norte sob Gundabad, sua capital nas montanhas.

They were prepared to come south in surprise.
Eles estavam preparados para vir para o sul de surpresa.

Then they heard news about the death of Smaug, and they were very happy.
Então eles ouviram notícias sobre a morte de Smaug e ficaram muito felizes.

They marched faster than ever now.
Eles marcharam mais rápido do que nunca agora.

And before anyone knew about their plans, they arrived at Lonely Mountain right behind Dain.
E antes que alguém soubesse de seus planos, eles chegaram à Montanha Solitária logo atrás de Dain.

The birds in the region did not even know they were coming until the goblins began their attack.
Os pássaros da região nem sabiam que estavam chegando até que os goblins começaram o ataque.

Goblins were the enemies of all.
Goblins eram os inimigos de todos.

So the armies of Men, Elves and Dain the Dwarf joined against their common enemy - they forgot their differences for the moment.
Assim, os exércitos de homens, elfos e Dain o anão, se uniram contra seu inimigo comum - eles esqueceram suas diferenças no momento.

There was no time to make a great battle plan or to ask for help.
Não havia tempo para fazer um grande plano de batalha ou pedir ajuda.

And soon, before they were fully prepared, the bats came in vast clouds.
E logo, antes que estivessem totalmente preparados, os morcegos vieram em vastas nuvens.

Men, Elves and Dwarves were terrified.
Homens, elfos e anões ficaram apavorados.

And then they could hear the howling!
E então eles puderam ouvir os uivos!

Wolves and Wargs with goblins on their backs came first and attacked!
Lobos e wargs com goblins nas costas vieram primeiro e atacaram!

The battle was terrible.
A batalha foi terrível.

Archers from Laketown were on the side of the mountain shooting arrows into the goblin army.
Arqueiros de Laketown estavam no lado da montanha atirando flechas no exército goblin.

But they were like crawling insects!
Mas eles eram como insetos rastejantes!

There were so many of them!
Havia tantos deles!

It was the most terrifying thing Bilbo had ever seen, but it was the battle that he liked to talk about the most, even though he was not important in it.
Era a coisa mais aterrorizante que Bilbo já tinha visto, mas era a batalha sobre a qual ele mais gostava de falar, embora não fosse importante nela.

As a matter of fact, when the fighting began, he put on his ring and disappeared from sight, but not from all danger!
Na verdade, quando a luta começou, ele colocou o anel e desapareceu de vista, mas não de todo o perigo!

A magic ring like Bilbo’s does not provide total protection against a charge of goblins riding wargs.
Um anel mágico como o de Bilbo não fornece proteção total contra uma investida de goblins montados em wargs.

And it does not protect you from flying arrows or stones, either.
E também não o protege de flechas voadoras ou pedras.

But it does prevent your head from being chosen specifically as a target!
Mas evita que sua cabeça seja escolhida especificamente como alvo!

It was the army of Dain that prevented complete destruction.
Foi o exército de Dain que impediu a destruição completa.

They formed a powerful wall of shields and helmets, and pushed the goblins back.
Eles formaram uma poderosa parede de escudos e capacetes e empurraram os goblins para trás.

But there were too many!
Mas foram muitos!

The faster goblins riding wargs began to curve around the sides of the Dwarven army.
Os goblins mais rápidos montados em wargs começaram a se curvar ao redor do exército dos anões.

And with them came the bodyguard of Bolg - they were goblins of huge size with scimitars of steel!
E com eles veio os guarda-costas de Bolg - eles eram goblins de tamanho enorme com cimitarras de aço!

And as night approached, the bats came!
E conforme a noite se aproximava, os morcegos chegaram!

Massive clouds of bats swirled around the heads of Elf and Man and Dwarf, and bit them like vampires!
Enormes nuvens de morcegos giravam em torno das cabeças de elfos, homens e anões, e os mordiam como vampiros!

And then, there was a loud shout from the front gates of the Mountain.
E então, houve um grito alto dos portões da frente da Montanha.

They had forgotten Thorin!
Eles haviam esquecido Thorin!

Out the Dwarves came from the gates and they were wearing bright armor and carrying sharp axes!
Os anões vieram dos portões e eles estavam vestindo armaduras brilhantes e carregando machados afiados!

Wargs and goblins died like flies in front of them.
Wargs e goblins morreram como moscas na frente deles.

Thorin was invincible in that moment.
Thorin era invencível naquele momento.

“To me! To me! Elves and Men! To me! To me Dwarves of Dain!” he yelled, and his voice was like thunder in the valley!
"Para mim! Para mim! Elfos e Homens! Para mim! Para mim, anões de Dain!” ele gritou, e sua voz era como um trovão no vale!

The goblins ran away in fear, but there were too many of them.
Os goblins fugiram com medo, mas eram muitos.

They returned in greater numbers and many Men and Dwarves fell.
Eles voltaram em maior número e muitos homens e anões morreram.

And many Elves who should have lived long ages happily in the forest,  were killed by the goblins.

E muitos elfos que deveriam ter vivido muito tempo felizes na floresta, foram mortos pelos goblins.

Finally, the armies were completely surrounded by the goblins.
Finalmente, os exércitos foram completamente cercados pelos goblins.

They were forced into a great ring, facing every direction.
Eles foram forçados a formar um grande anel, voltado para todas as direções.

And Bilbo saw all of this with great sadness.
E Bilbo viu tudo isso com muita tristeza.

He was inside the ring of defenders.
Ele estava dentro do círculo de defensores.

And Gandalf was there, too.
E Gandalf também estava lá.

He was sitting on the ground thinking deeply.
Ele estava sentado no chão pensando profundamente.

It appeared like he was preparing some final magic before the end.
Parecia que ele estava preparando alguma última magia antes do fim.

“It will not be long now before the goblins destroy us,” Bilbo thought.
“Não vai demorar muito para que os goblins nos destruam”, pensou Bilbo.

“After all the adventures I have been on.
“Depois de todas as aventuras em que estive.

This is the last one.
Esta é a última.

I think I would have preferred that Smaug keep the treasure, and not these terrible goblins!
Acho que teria preferido que Smaug ficasse com o tesouro, e não esses goblins terríveis!

And all the poor peoples who have died, Elf, Man and Dwarf.
E todos os pobres povos que morreram, elfo, homem e anão.

All the songs about battle sing that defeat can be glorious.
Todas as canções sobre batalhas cantam que a derrota pode ser gloriosa.

But it seems very uncomfortable to me.
Mas me parece muito desconfortável.

I wish I was not part of it.”
Eu gostaria de não fazer parte disso.

The dark storm clouds covered the last light of day.
As nuvens negras de tempestade cobriram a última luz do dia.

Then suddenly, the clouds opened for a moment, and bright light came through.
Então, de repente, as nuvens se abriram por um momento e uma luz brilhante apareceu.

And in the light Bilbo saw a sight that made his heart jump with joy!
E na luz Bilbo viu uma visão que fez seu coração pular de alegria!

There were shapes in the sky.
Havia formas no céu.

They were small but they were majestic in the final light of the day.
Elas eram pequenas, mas eram majestosas na luz final do dia.

It was the Eagles!
Foram as Águias!

“The Eagles! The Eagles!” he shouted.
"As águias! As águias!" ele gritou.

“The Eagles are coming!”
“As Águias estão chegando!”

Bilbo’s eyes were not wrong very often.
Os olhos de Bilbo não estavam errados com muita frequência.

The Eagles were coming with the wind from the west.
As águias vinham com o vento de oeste.

There were so many that he could not count them.
Eram tantas que ele não conseguia contá-las.

“The Eagles! the Eagles!” Bilbo cried, and he danced and jumped and waved his arms.
"As águias! as águias!" Bilbo gritou, e ele dançou e pulou e balançou os braços.

No one could see him, but they could all hear him.
Ninguém podia vê-lo, mas todos podiam ouvi-lo.

Soon everyone had seen the Eagles and they all cried with Bilbo, “The Eagles are coming!”
Logo todos viram as águias e todos gritaram com Bilbo: “As águias estão chegando!”

“The Eagles!” cried Bilbo one more time, but at that moment a stone came down from above and hit him on his helmet.
"As águias!" gritou Bilbo mais uma vez, mas naquele momento uma pedra caiu de cima e o atingiu em seu capacete.

He fell down to the ground, unconscious.
Ele caiu no chão, inconsciente.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 15 (THE FINAL CHAPTER) For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 13 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)