127 HOURS: Prologue & Chapter One (MEMBERS)

  • Explore the inspirational story of Aron Ralston. In 2003, Aron Ralston embarked on a solo adventure hiking through difficult canyons. He suffered a terrible accident and he found himself in a nightmare when a boulder fell on him and trapped his arm. He was stuck in a narrow canyon alone with little food or water. With no hope of rescue, Ralston made an impossible decision… Ralston's story is a miraculous story of SURVIVAL, DETERMINATION, STRENGTH, COURAGE, HOPE and RESILIENCE. 

    Explore a história inspiradora de Aron Ralston. Em 2003, Aron Ralston embarcou em uma aventura solo caminhando por cânions difíceis. Ele sofreu um terrível acidente e se viu em um pesadelo quando uma pedra caiu sobre ele e prendeu seu braço. Ele estava preso em um desfiladeiro estreito sozinho com pouca comida ou água. Sem esperança de resgate, Ralston tomou uma decisão impossível… A história de Ralston é uma história quase milagrosa de SOBREVIVÊNCIA, DETERMINAÇÃO, FORÇA, CORAGEM, ESPERANÇA e RESILIÊNCIA.

    This story is specially edited for beginner English learners. Follow this amazing story in English for beginner learners through 11 chapters. Ralston's story of survival has inspired millions around the world. Discover the valuable life lessons that can be learned from his amazing story of resilience.

    Esta história foi especialmente editada para iniciantes em inglês. Acompanhe esta incrível história em inglês para alunos iniciantes em 11 capítulos. Saiba como a história de sobrevivência de Ralston inspirou milhões em todo o mundo e descubra as valiosas lições de vida que podem ser aprendidas com sua incrível história de resiliência.

A Guided Reading in English for Beginners

Based on the novel by Aron Ralston: 127 Hours Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Ready by Joshua Cashill


You are going to die. I hear the voice in my head. I call it my “first voice”. It always comes after I've made some kind of mistake. Its words never help, they just make me feel bad. So I wait for the “second voice”. Its words are calm and sensible and nearly always help me. I wait, but tonight the second voice doesn't come. There is only silence, darkness and cold.

In the first days, the second voice always came. It stopped me feeling sad, angry, or afraid. It gave me ideas. It showed me things. It brought me hope. I believed I could be free again. But, slowly, that voice disappeared. My belief disappeared with it. Now there is only the first voice. It says the same thing over and over again. Finally, I must accept the truth: I am going to die.

“The most beautiful place on Earth”

It is Saturday, April 26th, 2003. My name is Aron Ralston. I'm biking and hiking in Canyonlands National Park in southeast Utah, USA. Edward Abbey, one of my favorite writers, described it as 'the most beautiful place on Earth'. Right now, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair, I agree.

Today is the third day of an activity holiday. It started on Thursday when I went climbing and skiing on Mount Sopris with my friend, Brad. Yesterday, I biked the Slick Rock Trail, alone. It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometers - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US. 

Today, my plan is to hike through Blue John and Horseshoe Canyons after biking to the trail. I'll leave my bike at the end of the trail and hike back to the parking lot. I'll drive over in the truck and collect the bike later. After that, I'll drive to Goblin Valley, about eighty kilometers north of here. My friends are having a party there. I hope I get some sleep because tomorrow I want to hike the most popular trail in southern Utah - Little White Horse.

I plan to spend the whole of Monday biking along the White Rim Trail. The trail forms a rough circle of 175 kilometers. It's not difficult and I should be able to finish it in about eighteen hours. By Monday evening, I'll be back in Aspen, Colorado. Aspen is famous for its mountains and the countryside around it. It's a popular place for skiing. I live there and I work for Ute Mountaineer, a sports equipment shop. 

Leona, one of the people I live and work with, is having a goodbye party on Monday night. Now that winter is over, she's going to another town in Colorado to work as a gardener for the summer. Her party will be a cool way to end my trip.

00 hrs

8:45 am 

I arrive at the Horseshoe Canyon parking lot early in the morning, pull my bike from the truck and lock the door. Then I check the time: eight forty-five in the morning. As I start cycling, I wonder how quickly I can get to the start of the trail.

I can now see the sign pointing to this end of the trail. That means I've cycled thirteen kilometers in less than two hours. That's good. It will give me more time to finish my hike back to the truck. I lock my bike to a tree and start walking.

As I walk, I think about the history of the people who were here before me. One of them, Butch Cassidy, was very famous. He and his men stole horses and hid from the law during the last years of the nineteenth century. Since that time, the area has been called Robbers Roost country. My climbing bag is heavy with the weight of my equipment. I think about my plan for the day. Blue John Canyon will be the most difficult part of the hike.

Three kilometers along the trail is the Big Drop Rappel. Here, the canyon suddenly drops eighteen meters. The hardest part is 180 meters before this. The walls there are very narrow and the trail goes up and down, sharply. There are also a lot of very large rocks called boulders, stuck between the canyon walls. If these boulders move or fall, they can be dangerous.

But I'm not thinking of danger at the moment. I am excited. Today, I will finally see the Great Gallery. The Gallery is part of Horseshoe Canyon, and it's famous for the huge rock paintings which cover its walls. Some of them are more than five thousand years old. I should reach my truck by late afternoon. So far, things are going well. I arrived here earlier than I thought. This gives me a little more time to finish my trip.

I always get very excited when I'm about to leave on a trip. This means I sometimes forget things. Before starting this trip, I forgot to leave a message telling anyone exactly where I was going. This is one of the things my mother taught me. But this time, I just called a quick goodbye to my housemates - Brian, Joe, and Leona. Leona asked where I was going. I told her I was going to Utah and promised to be back for her party. Then I got in my truck and drove away.

I can't wait for adventure. It makes me feel happier than anything. It's part of who I am. I'm on a high rock, looking down at the trail. I've stopped because I can hear voices. This surprises me. I had expected to be alone. Two young women suddenly appear below me. I feel pleased. I've spent the last eighteen hours alone. It will be good to have company for a while.

'Hi,' I call as I climb down the rock. The girls hadn't noticed me. They turn, looking a little nervous. I guess they are about twenty-five years old. I smile and hold out my hand, 'My name's Aron.' They smile back. 'I'm Megan,' says the darker girl, 'and this is Kristi.' We shake hands and continue along the trail. As we go, we talk about our interests. We all love hiking, biking and adventures. 

For all of us, this is more important than earning a lot of money. They work in the same business, too. They work for Outward Bound, a sports equipment shop in Moab, Utah. Both Aspen and Moab are important tourist centers for hikers. 

We are on the trail together for about five kilometers. At that point, there is a smaller canyon to the west. The west canyon goes back in a half-circle. The girls left their bikes at the end of it. We will say goodbye there and I'll continue on alone to the Big Drop Rappel.

We arrive just before 2:00 pm. I don't feel like saying goodbye. In the hour and a half we've been together, we've already become friends. Megan feels the same. 'Why don't you come with us?' she asks. 'We can finish the west canyon trail, go back to our truck and have a few beers.' I like the idea, but following my plan is more important.

I ask them to come with me. 'How far is it back to your truck?' Megan asks. 'Around thirteen kilometers.' 'That's too far. You won't get back before dark,' she says. 'Maybe not, but I really want to do the Big Drop Rappel. And I can't miss the paintings in the Great Gallery. I'll meet you after for a drink.' 

We agree on a plan to meet and go to the party together. Then I turn and wave goodbye. The movement is so easy I don't think about it. But there is something I don't know. It is the last time I will wave goodbye with my right hand.

Uma leitura guiada em inglês para iniciantes

Baseado na no livro por Aron Ralston:
127 Horas entre uma pedra e um lugar duro

Lido por Joshua Cashill


You are going to die.
Você irá morrer. 

I hear the voice in my head.
Eu ouço a voz na minha cabeça. 

I call it my “first voice”.
Eu chamo isso de minha “primeira voz”.

It always comes after I've made some kind of mistake.
Sempre vem depois de eu ter cometido algum tipo de erro. 

Its words never help, they just make me feel bad. 
Suas palavras nunca ajudam, elas apenas me fazem sentir mal. 

So I wait for the “second voice”.
Então eu espero pela “segunda voz”. 

Its words are calm and sensible and nearly always help me.
Suas palavras são calmas e sensatas e quase sempre me ajudam. 

I wait, but tonight the second voice doesn't come.
Eu espero, mas esta noite a segunda voz não vem. 

There is only silence, darkness and cold.
Há apenas silêncio, escuridão e frio.

In the first days, the second voice always came. 
Nos primeiros dias, sempre vinha a segunda voz. 

It stopped me feeling sad, angry, or afraid. 
Ela me impediu de me sentir triste, zangado ou com medo. 

It gave me ideas. It showed me things.
Ela me deu ideias. Me mostrou coisas.

It brought me hope.
Ela me trouxe esperança. 

I believed I could be free again.
Eu acreditava que poderia ser livre novamente. 

But, slowly, that voice disappeared.
Mas, lentamente, aquela voz desapareceu. 

My belief disappeared with it.
Minha esperança desapareceu com ela. 

Now there is only the first voice.
Agora há apenas a primeira voz. 

It says the same thing over and over again. 
Ela diz a mesma coisa repetidas vezes. 

Finally, I must accept the truth: I am going to die.
Por fim, devo aceitar a verdade: vou morrer.


“The most beautiful place on Earth”
“O lugar mais bonito da Terra”

It is Saturday, April 26th, 2003.
É sábado, 26 de abril de 2003. 

My name is Aron Ralston.
Meu nome é Aron Ralston. 

I'm biking and hiking in Canyonlands National Park in southeast Utah, USA.
Estou andando de bicicleta e caminhando no Canyonlands National Park, no sudeste de Utah, EUA. 

Edward Abbey, one of my favorite writers, described it as 'the most beautiful place on Earth'.
Edward Abbey, um dos meus escritores favoritos, descreveu-o como "o lugar mais bonito da Terra". 

Right now, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair, I agree.
Agora mesmo, com o sol nas minhas costas e o vento no meu cabelo, eu concordo.

Today is the third day of an activity holiday.
Hoje é o terceiro dia de feriado de atividades. 

It started on Thursday when I went climbing and skiing on Mount Soplis with my friend, Brad.
Tudo começou na quinta-feira, quando fui escalar e esquiar no Monte Soplis com meu amigo Brad. 

Yesterday, I biked the Slick Rock Trail, alone.
Ontem, pedalei pela Slick Rock Trail, sozinho. 

It's not very long - only a little over nineteen kilometers - but it's one of the most difficult bike trails in the US.
Não é muito longa - apenas pouco mais de dezenove quilômetros - mas é uma das ciclovias mais difíceis dos Estados Unidos.

Today, my plan is to hike through Blue John and Horseshoe Canyons after biking to the trail.
Hoje, meu plano é caminhar pelos cânions Blue John e Horseshoe depois de pedalar até a trilha. 

I'll leave my bike at the end of the trail and hike back to the parking lot.
Vou deixar minha bicicleta no final da trilha e caminhar de volta ao estacionamento. 

I'll drive over in the truck and collect the bike later.
Vou até lá com a caminhonete e pego a moto mais tarde. 

After that, I'll drive to Goblin Valley, about eighty kilometers north of here.
Depois disso, irei até o Vale Goblin, cerca de oitenta quilômetros ao norte daqui. 

My friends are having a party there. I hope I get some sleep because tomorrow I want to hike the most popular trail in southern Utah - Little White Horse.
Meus amigos estão dando uma festa lá. Espero dormir um pouco porque amanhã quero fazer a trilha mais popular do sul de Utah - Little White Horse.

I plan to spend the whole of Monday biking along the White Rim Trail.
Pretendo passar toda a segunda-feira pedalando pela White Rim Trail. 

The trail forms a rough circle of 175 kilometers.
A trilha forma um círculo aproximado de 175 quilômetros. 

It's not difficult and I should be able to finish it in about eighteen hours. 
Não é difícil e devo conseguir terminar em cerca de dezoito horas. 

By Monday evening, I'll be back in Aspen, Colorado.
Na noite de segunda-feira, estarei de volta a Aspen, Colorado. 

Aspen is famous for its mountains and the countryside around it.
Aspen é famosa por suas montanhas e pela paisagem ao seu redor.

It's a popular place for skiing.
É um lugar popular para esquiar. 

I live there and I work for Ute Mountaineer, a sports equipment shop.
Moro lá e trabalho para a Ute Mountaineer, uma loja de equipamentos esportivos.

Leona, one of the people I live and work with, is having a goodbye party on Monday night.
Leona, uma das pessoas com quem moro e trabalho, está dando uma festa de despedida na noite de segunda-feira. 

Now that winter is over, she's going to another town in Colorado to work as a gardener for the summer.
Agora que o inverno acabou, ela está indo para outra cidade no Colorado para trabalhar como jardineira durante o verão. 

Her party will be a cool way to end my trip.
A festa dela será uma maneira legal de terminar minha viagem.

00 hrs
00 horas

8:45 am

I arrive at the Horseshoe Canyon parking lot early in the morning, pull my bike from the truck and lock the door.
Chego ao estacionamento do Horseshoe Canyon de manhã cedo, tiro minha bicicleta da caminhonete e tranco a porta. 

Then I check the time: eight forty-five in the morning.
Então verifico a hora: oito e quarenta e cinco da manhã. 

As I start cycling, I wonder how quickly I can get to the start of the trail.
Quando começo a pedalar, me pergunto com que rapidez posso chegar ao início da trilha.

I can now see the sign pointing to this end of the trail.
Agora posso ver a placa apontando para este final da trilha.

That means I've cycled thirteen kilometers in less than two hours.
Isso significa que pedalei treze quilômetros em menos de duas horas. 

That's good. It will give me more time to finish my hike back to the truck.
Isso é bom. Isso me dará mais tempo para terminar minha caminhada de volta ao caminhão. 

I lock my bike to a tree and start walking.
Tranco minha bicicleta em uma árvore e começo a andar.

As I walk, I think about the history of the people who were here before me.
Enquanto ando, penso na história das pessoas que estiveram aqui antes de mim. 

One of them, Butch Cassidy, was very famous. He and his men stole horses and hid from the law during the last years of the nineteenth century.
Um deles, Butch Cassidy, era muito famoso. Ele e seus homens roubaram cavalos e se esconderam da lei durante os últimos anos do século XIX. 

Since that time, the area has been called Robbers Roost country.
Desde aquela época, a área tem sido chamada de região de Robbers Roost (Poleiro do Ladrão). 

My climbing bag is heavy with the weight of my equipment.
Minha bolsa de escalada está pesada com o peso do meu equipamento. 

I think about my plan for the day.
Penso no meu plano para o dia. 

Blue John Canyon will be the most difficult part of the hike.
Blue John Canyon será a parte mais difícil da caminhada.

Three kilometers along the trail is the Big Drop Rappel.
Três quilômetros ao longo da trilha é o Big Drop Rappel. 

Here, the canyon suddenly drops eighteen meters. 

Aqui, o cânion desce repentinamente dezoito metros. 

The hardest part is 180 meters before this.
A parte mais difícil é 180 metros antes disso. 

The walls there are very narrow and the trail goes up and down, sharply.
As paredes ali são bem estreitas e a trilha sobe e desce, acentuadamente. 

There are also a lot of very large rocks called boulders, stuck between the canyon walls.
Há também muitas rochas muito grandes chamadas pedregulhos, presas entre as paredes do cânion. 

If these boulders move or fall, they can be dangerous.
Se essas pedras se moverem ou caírem, elas podem ser perigosas.

But I'm not thinking of danger at the moment.
Mas não estou pensando em perigo no momento. 

I am excited. Today, I will finally see the Great Gallery.
Estou animado. Hoje, finalmente verei a Grande Galeria. 

The Gallery is part of Horseshoe Canyon, and it's famous for the huge rock paintings which cover its walls.
A Galeria faz parte do Horseshoe Canyon e é famosa pelas enormes pinturas rupestres que cobrem suas paredes. 

Some of them are more than five thousand years old.
Algumas delas têm mais de cinco mil anos. 

I should reach my truck by late afternoon.
Devo chegar à minha caminhonete no final da tarde. 

So far, things are going well.
Até agora, as coisas estão indo bem. 

I arrived here earlier than I thought.
Cheguei aqui mais cedo do que pensei. 

This gives me a little more time to finish my trip.
Isso me dá um pouco mais de tempo para terminar minha viagem.

I always get very excited when I'm about to leave on a trip.
Eu sempre fico muito animado quando estou prestes a sair em uma viagem. 

This means I sometimes forget things.
Isso significa que às vezes esqueço as coisas. 

Before starting this trip, I forgot to leave a message telling anyone exactly where I was going.
Antes de iniciar esta viagem, esqueci de deixar uma mensagem dizendo a todos exatamente para onde estava indo. 

This is one of the things my mother taught me.
Essa é uma das coisas que minha mãe me ensinou. 

But this time, I just called a quick goodbye to my housemates - Brian, Joe, and Leona.
Mas desta vez, acabei de me despedir rapidamente dos meus colegas de casa - Brian, Joe e Leona. 

Leona asked where I was going.
Leona perguntou para onde eu estava indo. 

I told her I was going to Utah and promised to be back for her party.
Eu disse a ela que estava indo para Utah e prometi voltar para a festa dela. 

Then I got in my truck and drove away.
Então eu entrei na minha caminhonete e fui embora.

I can't wait for adventure.
Mal posso esperar pela aventura. 

It makes me feel happier than anything.
Isso me faz sentir mais feliz do que qualquer coisa. 

It's part of who I am.
É parte de quem eu sou. 

I'm on a high rock, looking down at the trail.
Estou em uma rocha alta, olhando para a trilha. 

I've stopped because I can hear voices.
Parei porque ouço vozes. 

This surprises me.
Isso me surpreende. 

I had expected to be alone.
Eu esperava estar sozinho. 

Two young women suddenly appear below me.
Duas jovens aparecem de repente abaixo de mim. 

I feel pleased.
Eu me sinto feliz. 

I've spent the last eighteen hours alone.
Passei as últimas dezoito horas sozinho. 

It will be good to have company for a while.
Vai ser bom ter companhia por um tempo.

'Hi,' I call as I climb down the rock.
“Oi!” chamo enquanto desço a rocha. 

The girls hadn't noticed me.
As meninas não tinham me notado. 

They turn, looking a little nervous.
Elas se viram, parecendo um pouco nervosas. 

I guess they are about twenty-five years old.
Acho que elas têm cerca de vinte e cinco anos. 

I smile and hold out my hand, 'My name's Aron.'
Eu sorrio e estendo minha mão, 'Meu nome é Aron.' 

They smile back. 'I'm Megan,' says the darker girl, 'and this is Kristi.'
Elas sorriem de volta. 'Sou Megan', diz a garota mais morena, 'e esta é Kristi.' 

We shake hands and continue along the trail.
Apertamos as mãos e continuamos a trilha. 

As we go, we talk about our interests.
À medida que avançamos, conversamos sobre nossos interesses. 

We all love hiking, biking and adventures.
Todos nós amamos caminhadas, ciclismo e aventuras.

For all of us, this is more important than earning a lot of money.
Para todos nós, isso é mais importante do que ganhar muito dinheiro. 

They work in the same business, too.
Elas também trabalham no mesmo negócio. 

They work for Outward Bound, a sports equipment shop in Moab, Utah.
Elas trabalham para a Outward Bound, uma loja de equipamentos esportivos em Moab, Utah. 

Both Aspen and Moab are important tourist centers for hikers.
Tanto Aspen quanto Moab são centros turísticos importantes para os caminhantes.

We are on the trail together for about five kilometers.
Estamos na trilha juntos por cerca de cinco quilômetros. 

At that point, there is a smaller canyon to the west.
Nesse ponto, há um cânion menor a oeste. 

The west canyon goes back in a half-circle.
O desfiladeiro oeste volta em um semicírculo. 

The girls left their bikes at the end of it.
As meninas deixaram suas bicicletas no final dela. 

We will say goodbye there and I'll continue on alone to the Big Drop Rappel.
Lá nos despediremos e seguirei sozinho até o Rapel da Grande Queda.

We arrive just before 2:00 pm.
Chegamos pouco antes das 14h. 

I don't feel like saying goodbye.
Não estou com vontade de dizer adeus. 

In the hour and a half we've been together, we've already become friends.
Na hora e meia que estamos juntos, já nos tornamos amigos. 

Megan feels the same. 'Why don't you come with us?' she asks.
Megan sente o mesmo. 'Por que você não vem conosco?' ela pergunta.

'We can finish the west canyon trail, go back to our truck and have a few beers.'
Podemos terminar a trilha do cânion oeste, voltar para nossa caminhonete e tomar algumas cervejas. 

I like the idea, but following my plan is more important.
Eu gosto da ideia, mas seguir meu plano é mais importante.

I ask them to come with me.
Peço-lhes que venham comigo. 

'How far is it back to your truck?' Megan asks.
‘Qual é a distância até a sua caminhonete?’ Megan pergunta. 

'Around thirteen kilometers.'
‘Cerca de treze quilômetros.’ 

'That's too far.
'Isso é muito longe. 

You won't get back before dark,' she says.
Você não vai voltar antes de escurecer,’ diz ela. 

'Maybe not, but I really want to do the Big Drop Rappel.
'Talvez não, mas quero muito fazer o Big Drop Rappel. 

And I can't miss the paintings in the Great Gallery.
E não posso perder as pinturas da Grande Galeria. 

I'll meet you after for a drink.'
Encontro você depois para um drinque.

We agree on a plan to meet and go to the party together.
Combinamos um plano de nos encontrarmos e irmos à festa juntos. 

Then I turn and wave goodbye.
Então eu me viro e aceno. 

The movement is so easy I don't think about it.
O movimento é tão fácil que nem penso nisso. 

But there is something I don't know.
Mas há algo que eu não sei. 

It is the last time I will wave goodbye with my right hand.
É a última vez que vou acenar com a mão direita.


127 HOURS: Chapter Two (MEMBERS)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 15 (THE FINAL CHAPTER) For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)