THE HOBBIT Chapter 13 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


A Thief in the Night

Smaug was dead. The Men of Laketown and the Elves of Mirkwood were marching north to the Mountain. But what about Bilbo and the Dwarves? They had no idea what was happening in the south. They had no knowledge that the guardian of the treasure was gone.

As Bilbo and the Dwarves waited for any news, suddenly, out of the sky, the old thrush appeared! The same thrush that Bilbo had tried to hit with a rock only two days before. He fluttered down and sat on a rock near Thorin and began to tweet and chirp. And to their surprise and joy, they understood him. Bilbo, however, was unable to understand everything the bird said, and Balin had to explain the details to him later on. But this is what the old thrush said:

“Thorin, King Under the Mountain! Smaug is dead! The guardian of the gold has fallen.” “Dead! Dead?” shouted the Dwarves. “Dead! Then we have been hiding in fear for no reason. And the treasure is ours!” They all jumped up and began to dance and shout in happiness.

“Yes, he is dead. He fell two days ago. You can return to your Mountain as King, and the treasure is yours - for the moment. But there are many who are coming here. The news that Smaug is dead has been told all over the land. And there are many who want the unguarded treasure. There is an army of Elves coming from Mirkwood, and the Lakemen are angry and blame the Dwarves for the destruction of their town.”

Thorin replied in anger, “Thank you for the news, old thrush! You and your kind will not be forgotten. But no thief will steal any of our gold, nor will any army try to take it while we are alive. If you would help us, thrush, bring us news of the people as they come closer. Also, I would ask you to send a message to my cousin Dain in the Iron Hills close to here. He has many strong, well-armed and armored Dwarves. Tell him to come as fast as he can!”

“I will not say if your decision is good or bad,” said the thrush, “but I will do what can be done.” Then he flew off into the sky. “Come, Dwarves! Back to the Mountain. We have many things to do in preparation, and we have no time to lose!” “And little food to use!” cried Bilbo. The Hobbit was always practical when it came to food and comfort.

In fact, Bilbo believed that now that the dragon was dead, the adventure for him was basically over. He was very mistaken, and he would have given most of his reward in gold for this whole adventure to come to an end. “Back to the Mountain!” cried the Dwarves. They did not listen to Bilbo, and Bilbo had no choice at the moment. Back to Mountain he went.

Now, you know very well what happened. And you know that the Dwarves still had many days to prepare for the arrival of the armies. So they began to work very hard to prepare the front gates for any attack. They built a high, strong wall that blocked part of the River Running. Soon the entrance to the Mountain was blocked and flooded. There was only a small space for anyone to approach the front gates.

One night, after many days, the Dwarves could see many lights, like little fires, in the valley to the south, around the town of Dale. “The armies are here!” called Balin. “And there are very many of them.” The Dwarves did not sleep that night. The next day a small company of Men and Elves approached the front gates. 

Thorin called out to them in a loud voice, “Who are you, and why do you come dressed for war to the gates of Thorin son of Thrain, King Under the Mountain?” A tall man walked forward and cried, “Thorin! Why have you built a wall to close the front gates? We are not your enemies. We are happy to see that you survived the dragon. But there are many things we must discuss.” “Who are you and why should we talk?” answered Thorin. 

“I am Bard. I killed the dragon and released your treasure. Is that not important to you? I am a descendant of Girion of Dale, and much of the gold and wealth that was in Dale is now part of the treasure that Smaug stole. Also, Smaug destroyed Laketown, and I have come to ask for your support to help its people to rebuild the town. They helped you when you needed assistance, but your presence only brought sadness and destruction, but I know you did not mean for it to happen.”

Bilbo thought that what Bard was saying was true and quite fair. Of course Thorin would agree to talk. But Bilbo did not consider the power the gold had on Dwarves’ hearts. Thorin had spent many hours in the treasure hall, touching and feeling the gold and jewels. He searched mainly for the Arkenstone, but there were many other beautiful pieces there.

Thorin finally answered, “The Dwarves will repay the people of Laketown soon, but as long as you stand there with weapons and the threat of war, we will give nothing. Until you leave your weapons behind, we will consider you our enemies. And we will never talk to the Elf king and his people. I remember how he treated us. They have no place in this debate. Leave now before I send you arrows instead of more words!”

“And if you want to speak with us again, return without the Elf-king, and without your weapons!” “The Elk-king is my friend,” said Bard. “He helped the people of Laketown when they needed it the most. We will give you time to reconsider your words. Think again, before we return.”

Some hours later, the company returned to the front gates of the Mountain. “In the name of Laketown and the Forest of Mirkwood,” the speaker shouted, “we ask that Thorin Okenshield, King Under the Mountain, consider what we have requested. If he refuses, we will call him our enemy. He must give Bard one-twelfth of the treasure, as the killer of the dragon and descendant of Girion of Dale. Also…”

Before the man could finish, Thorin took a bow and arrow and shot it at the speaker. The arrow hit his shield and stuck there. “If that is your answer,” the speaker continued, “then consider yourselves our enemies. The Mountain is surrounded. We will not attack you, but we will also not let you leave. You may stay with your gold and eat that if you are hungry!”

Bilbo did not approve of Thorin’s behavior. In fact, he was tired of the Mountain and he did not appreciate that he could not leave now. “This whole place still smells like dragon,” he complained to himself. So, many long days passed. Thorin now spoke openly about the Arkenstone. He asked the other Dwarves to look for it in the piles of treasure. “It is worth more than a river of gold to me. There is nothing more precious. If anyone finds it and does not give it to me, they will suffer the consequences!”

Bilbo was terrified of what Thorin would do if he discovered that Bilbo had the Arkenstone. But he did not say anything. “I am afraid I must make a decision,” he thought to himself. Time passed. The birds informed Thorin that his cousin Dain was only two days away. Thorin hoped that when the armies of Men and Elves learned that Dain was coming, they would reconsider their position.

That night, Bilbo made up his mind. He could wait no longer. He put the Arkenstone in his pocket, put on his ring, and snuck over the wall in the dark night. He was as silent as a Hobbit could be and no one saw him or heard him. He walked quietly down to the valley towards the fires, and crossed the river to find their leaders.

As he was crossing, his foot slipped on a wet rock and he fell with a loud “splash!” into the cold water. "That was no fish!" said an Elf guard. "There is a spy out there. It might be that strange creature that is with the Dwarves. They say he is their servant!” 

“Servant?” said Bilbo angrily, then sneezed very loudly. The Elves quickly surrounded him, but they still could not see him. “I am here, if you want me!” shouted Bilbo, and he took off his ring. The Elf guards captured him quickly and took him to the leaders of their armies.

Soon, Bilbo was sitting near a warm fire. Bard and the Elf-king were sitting on the other side of the fire. "I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins," he said. “I am a companion of Thorin, if you want to know. Things are impossible. And I am tired of this journey. I do not want anyone to get hurt and I want to go home. But Thorin is prepared to sit on his piles of gold forever.”

"Well, let him!" said Bard. "He is a fool, and he deserves to starve." "That is true," said Bilbo, "but I have important information for you. Dain, Thorin’s cousin from the north, is only two days away. He comes with 500 armed Dwarves. Many of them have experience in the Goblin Wars. When they arrive, your situation will become more difficult, I am sure.”

“Why are you telling us this?” asked Bard in a serious voice. “Why are you betraying your friends, or are you threatening us?” “My dear Bard!” said Bilbo in surprise. “I only want to prevent more trouble for everyone. I would like to make you an offer!”

“Go ahead. We are listening,” replied Bard. “Here it is!” with these words Bilbo took the Arkenstone out of his pocket. The Elvinking, who was accustomed to things of great beauty, stood up in wonder and amazement. Even Bard looked at the stone in silence. The Arkenstone glowed with a rich, white light.

"This is the Arkenstone of Thrain," said Bilbo, "the Heart of the Mountain; and it is also the heart of Thorin. He values it above a river of gold. I will give it to you. It will help you in your negotiations with Thorin." Then Bilbo gave the marvelous jewel to Bard. When the stone left the Hobbit’s hand, he felt a very powerful sense of loss. “I am going back now, before they realize I am gone. I hope this will be useful to you.”

As Bilbo was walking through the camp back towards the Mountain, an old man wearing dark clothes stood up and came towards him. “Hello there, Mr. Baggins!” he said happily. “There really is more to you than anyone expects!” It was Gandalf! Bilbo was happier than he had been for many days. Bilbo wanted to ask Gandalf many questions about his own journeys. 

“There is no time right now!” said Gandalf. “Things are coming to an end. There are some difficult times in the coming days, but keep your heart positive! You may come through safe and sound. There is news that even the birds do not know. We will talk soon. Good night!” Bilbo felt confused, but he felt more positive now. 

He walked quietly back to the gates. Before he got too close, he put his ring back on and climbed up the wall, and climbed into his little bed. He was soon fast asleep. He forgot all about the things that worried him until the morning. As a matter of fact he was dreaming of eggs and bacon.

Chapter 13
Capítulo 12

A Thief in the Night
Um ladrão na noite

Smaug was dead.
Smaug estava morto.

The Men of Laketown and the Elves of Mirkwood were marching north to the Mountain.
Os Homens de Laketown e os Elfos de Mirkwood estavam marchando para o norte, para a Montanha.

But what about Bilbo and the Dwarves?
Mas e Bilbo e os anões?

They had no idea what was happening in the south.
Eles não tinham ideia do que estava acontecendo no sul.

They had no knowledge that the guardian of the treasure was gone.
Eles não tinham conhecimento que o guardião do tesouro havia morrido.

As Bilbo and the Dwarves waited for any news, suddenly, out of the sky, the old thrush appeared!
Enquanto Bilbo e os anões esperavam por qualquer notícia, de repente, do céu, o velho tordo apareceu!

The same thrush that Bilbo had tried to hit with a rock only two days before.
O mesmo tordo que Bilbo tentou acertar com uma pedra apenas dois dias antes.

He fluttered down and sat on a rock near Thorin and began to tweet and chirp.
Ele desceu batendo as asas e se sentou em uma pedra perto de Thorin e começou a twittar e piar.

And to their surprise and joy, they understood him.
E para sua surpresa e alegria, eles o entenderam.

Bilbo, however, was unable to understand everything the bird said, and Balin had to explain the details to him later on.
Bilbo, porém, não conseguiu entender tudo o que o pássaro dizia, e Balin teve que explicar os detalhes para ele mais tarde.

But this is what the old thrush said:
Mas isso é o que o velho tordo disse:

“Thorin, King Under the Mountain! Smaug is dead!
“Thorin, Rei Sob a Montanha! Smaug está morto!

The guardian of the gold has fallen.”
O guardião do ouro caiu.”

“Dead! Dead?” shouted the Dwarves.
"Morto! Morto?" gritaram os anões.

“Dead! Then we have been hiding in fear for no reason.
"Morto! Então nos escondemos com medo sem motivo.

And the treasure is ours!”
E o tesouro é nosso!”

They all jumped up and began to dance and shout in happiness.
Todos pularam e começaram a dançar e gritar de felicidade.

“Yes, he is dead.
“Sim, ele está morto.

He fell two days ago. You can return to your Mountain as King, and the treasure is yours - for the moment.
Ele caiu há dois dias. Você pode retornar à sua Montanha como Rei, e o tesouro é seu - por enquanto.

But there are many who are coming here.
Mas há muitos que estão vindo para cá.

The news that Smaug is dead has been told all over the land.
A notícia de que Smaug está morto foi contada em todas as regiões.

And there are many who want the unguarded treasure.
E há muitos que querem o tesouro desprotegido.

There is an army of Elves coming from Mirkwood,
Há um exército de elfos vindo da Floresta de Mirkwood,

and the Lakemen are angry and blame the Dwarves for the destruction of their town.”
e os homens do lago estão furiosos e culpam os anões pela destruição de sua cidade.

Thorin replied in anger,
Thorin respondeu com raiva:

“Thank you for the news, old thrush! You and your kind will not be forgotten.
“Obrigado pela notícia, velho tordo! Você e sua espécie não serão esquecidos.

But no thief will steal any of our gold, nor will any army try to take it while we are alive.
Mas nenhum ladrão roubará nosso ouro, nem nenhum exército tentará tomá-lo enquanto estivermos vivos.

If you would help us, thrush, bring us news of the people as they come closer.
Se puder nos ajudar, tordo, traga-nos notícias das pessoas conforme elas se aproximam.

Also, I would ask you to send a message to my cousin Dain in the Iron Hills close to here.
Além disso, gostaria de pedir que você enviasse uma mensagem para meu primo Dain nas Colinas de Ferro perto daqui.

He has many strong, well-armed and armored Dwarves.
Ele tem muitos anões fortes, bem armados e blindados.

Tell him to come as fast as he can!”
Diga a ele para vir o mais rápido que puder!

“I will not say if your decision is good or bad,” said the thrush, “but I will do what can be done.”
“Não direi se sua decisão é boa ou ruim”, disse o tordo, “mas farei o que puder ser feito”.

Then he flew off into the sky.
Então ele voou para o céu.

“Come, Dwarves! Back to the Mountain.
“Venham, anões! De volta à Montanha.

We have many things to do in preparation, and we have no time to lose!”
Temos muitas coisas a fazer em preparação e não temos tempo a perder!”

“And little food to use!” cried Bilbo.
“E pouca comida para usar!” exclamou Bilbo.

The Hobbit was always practical when it came to food and comfort.
O Hobbit sempre foi prático quando se tratava de comida e conforto.

In fact, Bilbo believed that now that the dragon was dead, the adventure for him was basically over.
Na verdade, Bilbo acreditava que agora que o dragão estava morto, a aventura para ele estava basicamente terminada.

He was very mistaken, and he would have given most of his reward in gold for this whole adventure to come to an end.
Ele estava muito enganado e teria dado a maior parte de sua recompensa em ouro para que toda essa aventura chegasse ao fim.

“Back to the Mountain!” cried the Dwarves.
“De volta à Montanha!” gritaram os anões.

They did not listen to Bilbo, and Bilbo had no choice at the moment.
Eles não deram ouvidos a Bilbo, e Bilbo não tinha escolha no momento.

Back to Mountain he went.
De volta à montanha ele foi.

Now, you know very well what happened.
Agora, você sabe muito bem o que aconteceu.

And you know that the Dwarves still had many days to prepare for the arrival of the armies.
E você sabe que os anões ainda tinham muitos dias para se preparar para a chegada dos exércitos.

So they began to work very hard to prepare the front gates for any attack.
Então eles começaram a trabalhar muito para preparar os portões da frente para qualquer ataque.

They built a high, strong wall that blocked part of the River Running.
Eles construíram uma parede alta e forte que bloqueava parte do Rio Running.

Soon the entrance to the Mountain was blocked and flooded.
Logo a entrada da Montanha foi bloqueada e inundada.

There was only a small space for anyone to approach the front gates.
Havia apenas um pequeno espaço para alguém se aproximar dos portões da frente.

One night, after many days, the Dwarves could see many lights, like little fires, in the valley to the south, around the town of Dale.
Uma noite, depois de muitos dias, os anões puderam ver muitas luzes, como pequenas fogueiras, no vale ao sul, ao redor da cidade de Dale.

“The armies are here!” called Balin.
“Os exércitos estão aqui!” chamado Balin.

“And there are very many of them.”
“E há muitos deles.”

The Dwarves did not sleep that night.
Os anões não dormiram naquela noite.

The next day a small company of Men and Elves approached the front gates.
No dia seguinte, um pequeno grupo de homens e elfos se aproximou dos portões da frente.

Thorin called out to them in a loud voice,
Thorin gritou para eles em voz alta:

“Who are you, and why do you come dressed for war to the gates of Thorin son of Thrain, King Under the Mountain?”
"Quem são vocês e por que vieram vestidos para a guerra aos portões de Thorin, filho de Thrain, Rei Sob a Montanha?"

A tall man walked forward and cried,
Um homem alto se adiantou e gritou:

“Thorin! Why have you built a wall to close the front gates?
“Thorin! Por que você construiu um muro para fechar os portões da frente?

We are not your enemies.
Nós não somos seus inimigos.

We are happy to see that you survived the dragon.
Estamos felizes em ver que vocês sobreviveram ao dragão.

But there are many things we must discuss.”
Mas há muitas coisas que devemos discutir.”

“Who are you and why should we talk?” answered Thorin.
“Quem é você e por que devemos conversar?” respondeu Thorin.

“I am Bard.
“Eu sou Bard.

I killed the dragon and released your treasure.
Eu matei o dragão e libertei seu tesouro.

Is that not important to you?
Isso não é importante para você?

I am a descendant of Girion of Dale, and much of the gold and wealth that was in Dale is now part of the treasure that Smaug stole.
Sou descendente de Girion of Dale, e muito do ouro e da riqueza que havia em Dale agora faz parte do tesouro que Smaug roubou.

Also, Smaug destroyed Laketown, and I have come to ask for your support to help its people to rebuild the town.
Além disso, Smaug destruiu Laketown, e vim pedir seu apoio para ajudar seu povo a reconstruir a cidade.

They helped you when you needed assistance, but your presence only brought sadness and destruction,
Eles te ajudaram quando você precisou de ajuda, mas sua presença só trouxe tristeza e destruição,

but I know you did not mean for it to happen.”
mas eu sei que você não queria que isso acontecesse.”

Bilbo thought that what Bard was saying was true and quite fair. Bilbo pensou que o que Bard estava dizendo era verdade e bastante justo.

Of course Thorin would agree to talk.
Claro que Thorin concordaria em conversar.

But Bilbo did not consider the power the gold had on Dwarves’ hearts.
Mas Bilbo não considerou o poder que o ouro tinha sobre os corações dos anões.

Thorin had spent many hours in the treasure hall, touching and feeling the gold and jewels.
Thorin passou muitas horas no salão do tesouro, tocando e sentindo o ouro e as jóias.

He searched mainly for the Arkenstone, but there were many other beautiful pieces there.
Ele procurou principalmente pelo Arkenstone, mas havia muitas outras belas peças lá.

Thorin finally answered, “The Dwarves will repay the people of Laketown soon, but as long as you stand there with weapons and the threat of war, we will give nothing.
Thorin finalmente respondeu: “Os anões vão reembolsar o povo de Laketown em breve, mas enquanto você ficar aí com armas e a ameaça de guerra, não daremos nada.

Until you leave your weapons behind, we will consider you our enemies.
Até que deixem suas armas para trás, consideraremos vocês nossos inimigos.

And we will never talk to the Elf king and his people.
E nunca falaremos com o rei dos elfos e seu povo.

I remember how he treated us.
Lembro-me de como ele nos tratou.

They have no place in this debate.
Eles não têm lugar neste debate.

Leave now before I send you arrows instead of more words!”
Saia agora antes que eu mande flechas em vez de mais palavras!”

“And if you want to speak with us again, return without the Elf-king, and without your weapons!”
"E se você quiser falar conosco novamente, volte sem o rei dos elfos e sem suas armas!"

“The Elk-king is my friend,” said Bard.
“O rei dos elfos é meu amigo”, disse Bard.

“He helped the people of Laketown when they needed it the most.
“Ele ajudou o povo de Laketown quando eles mais precisavam.

We will give you time to reconsider your words.
Nós lhe daremos tempo para reconsiderar suas palavras.

Think again, before we return.”
Pense novamente, antes de voltarmos.

Some hours later, the company returned to the front gates of the Mountain.
Algumas horas depois, a companhia voltou aos portões de frente da Montanha.

“In the name of Laketown and the Forest of Mirkwood,” the speaker shouted,
“Em nome de Laketown e da Floresta de Mirkwood,” o orador gritou,

“we ask that Thorin Okenshield, King Under the Mountain, consider what we have requested.
“pedimos que Thorin Okenshield, Rei Sob a Montanha, considere o que pedimos.

If he refuses, we will call him our enemy.
Se ele se recusar, vamos chamá-lo de nosso inimigo.

He must give Bard one-twelfth of the treasure, as the killer of the dragon and descendant of Girion of Dale. Also…”
Ele deve dar a Bard um décimo-segundo do tesouro, como o matador do dragão e descendente de Girion of Dale. Também…"

Before the man could finish, Thorin took a bow and arrow and shot it at the speaker.
Antes que o homem pudesse terminar, Thorin pegou um arco e flecha e atirou no orador.

The arrow hit his shield and stuck there.
A flecha atingiu seu escudo e ficou presa ali.

“If that is your answer,” the speaker continued, “then consider yourselves our enemies.
“Se essa é a sua resposta”, continuou o orador, “então considerem-se nossos inimigos.

The Mountain is surrounded.
A Montanha está cercada.

We will not attack you, but we will also not let you leave.
Não vamos atacá-lo, mas também não vamos deixar você sair.

You may stay with your gold and eat that if you are hungry!”
Você pode ficar com seu ouro e comê-lo se estiver com fome!”

Bilbo did not approve of Thorin’s behavior.
Bilbo não aprovou do comportamento de Thorin.

In fact, he was tired of the Mountain and he did not appreciate that he could not leave now.
Na verdade, ele estava cansado da Montanha e não gostou de não poder sair agora.

“This whole place still smells like dragon,” he complained to himself.
“Todo este lugar ainda cheira a dragão”, ele reclamou para si mesmo.

So, many long days passed.
Então, muitos longos dias se passaram.

Thorin now spoke openly about the Arkenstone.
Thorin agora falava abertamente sobre o Arkenstone.

He asked the other Dwarves to look for it in the piles of treasure.
Ele pediu aos outros anões que o procurassem nas pilhas de tesouro.

“It is worth more than a river of gold to me.
“Vale mais do que um rio de ouro para mim.

There is nothing more precious.
Não há nada mais precioso.

If anyone finds it and does not give it to me, they will suffer the consequences!”
Se alguém encontrar e não me der, sofrerá as consequências!”

Bilbo was terrified of what Thorin would do if he discovered that Bilbo had the Arkenstone.
Bilbo estava apavorado com o que Thorin faria se descobrisse que Bilbo tinha o Arkenstone.

But he did not say anything.
Mas ele não disse nada.

“I am afraid I must make a decision,” he thought to himself.
“Receio ter de tomar uma decisão”, pensou consigo mesmo.

Time passed. The birds informed Thorin that his cousin Dain was only two days away.
O tempo passou. Os pássaros informaram a Thorin que seu primo Dain estava a apenas dois dias de distância.

Thorin hoped that when the armies of Men and Elves learned that Dain was coming, they would reconsider their position.
Thorin esperava que, quando os exércitos de homens e elfos soubessem que Dain estava chegando, eles reconsiderariam sua posição.

That night, Bilbo made up his mind.
Naquela noite, Bilbo se decidiu.

He could wait no longer.
Ele não podia esperar mais.

He put the Arkenstone in his pocket, put on his ring, and snuck over the wall in the dark night.
Ele colocou o Arkenstone no bolso, colocou o anel e escapou pela parede na noite escura.

He was as silent as a Hobbit could be and no one saw him or heard him.
Ele estava tão silencioso quanto um Hobbit poderia ser e ninguém o viu ou ouviu.

He walked quietly down to the valley towards the fires, and crossed the river to find their leaders.
Ele caminhou silenciosamente até o vale em direção às fogueiras e atravessou o rio para encontrar seus líderes.

As he was crossing, his foot slipped on a wet rock and he fell with a loud “splash!” into the cold water.
Enquanto ele estava atravessando, seu pé escorregou em uma pedra molhada e ele caiu com um alto “splash!” na água fria.

"That was no fish!" said an Elf guard.
"Isso não era peixe!" disse um guarda elfo.

"There is a spy out there.
"Há um espião lá fora.

It might be that strange creature that is with the Dwarves.
Pode ser aquela criatura estranha que está com os anões.

They say he is their servant!”
Eles dizem que ele é o servo deles!"

“Servant?” said Bilbo angrily, then sneezed very loudly.
"Servo?" disse Bilbo com raiva, então espirrou muito alto.

The Elves quickly surrounded him, but they still could not see him.
Os elfos rapidamente o cercaram, mas ainda não podiam vê-lo.

“I am here, if you want me!” shouted Bilbo, and he took off his ring.
“Estou aqui, se vocês me quiserem!" gritou Bilbo, e tirou o anel.

The Elf guards captured him quickly and took him to the leaders of their armies.
Os guardas Elfos o capturaram rapidamente e o levaram aos líderes de seus exércitos.

Soon, Bilbo was sitting near a warm fire.
Logo, Bilbo estava sentado perto de uma fogueira quente.

Bard and the Elf-king were sitting on the other side of the fire.
Bard e o rei dos elfos estavam sentados do outro lado da fogueira.

"I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins," he said. “I am a companion of Thorin, if you want to know.
"Eu sou o Sr. Bilbo Baggins", disse ele. “Eu sou um companheiro de Thorin, se você quer saber.

Things are impossible.
As coisas são impossíveis.

And I am tired of this journey.
E estou cansado desta jornada.

I do not want anyone to get hurt and I want to go home.
Não quero que ninguém se machuque e quero ir para casa.

But Thorin is prepared to sit on his piles of gold forever.”
Mas Thorin está preparado para sentar em suas pilhas de ouro para sempre.”

"Well, let him!" said Bard.
"Bem, deixe-o!" disse Bard.

"He is a fool, and he deserves to starve."
"Ele é um tolo e merece morrer de fome."

"That is true," said Bilbo, "but I have important information for you.
"Isso é verdade," disse Bilbo, "mas eu tenho informações importantes para você.

Dain, Thorin’s cousin from the north, is only two days away.
Dain, o primo de Thorin do norte, está a apenas dois dias de distância.

He comes with 500 armed Dwarves.
Ele vem com 500 anões armados.

Many of them have experience in the Goblin Wars.
Muitos deles têm experiência nas Guerras dos Goblins.

When they arrive, your situation will become more difficult, I am sure.”
Quando eles chegarem, sua situação ficará mais difícil, tenho certeza.

“Why are you telling us this?” asked Bard in a serious voice.
“Por que você está nos contando isso?” perguntou Bard com voz séria.

“Why are you betraying your friends, or are you threatening us?”
“Por que você está traindo seus amigos, ou você está nos ameaçando?”

“My dear Bard!” said Bilbo in surprise.
“Meu querido Bard!” disse Bilbo surpreso.

“I only want to prevent more trouble for everyone.
“Eu só quero evitar mais problemas para todos.

I would like to make you an offer!”
Eu gostaria de lhe fazer uma oferta!”

“Go ahead. We are listening,” replied Bard.
"Vá em frente. Estamos ouvindo”, respondeu Bard.

“Here it is!” with these words Bilbo took the Arkenstone out of his pocket.
"Aqui está!" com essas palavras Bilbo tirou o Arkenstone do bolso.

The Elvinking, who was accustomed to things of great beauty, stood up in wonder and amazement.
O Rei elfo, que estava acostumado com coisas de grande beleza, levantou-se maravilhado e surpreso.

Even Bard looked at the stone in silence.
Até Bard olhou para a pedra em silêncio.

The Arkenstone glowed with a rich, white light.
O Arkenstone brilhava com uma rica luz branca.

"This is the Arkenstone of Thrain," said Bilbo, "the Heart of the Mountain; and it is also the heart of Thorin.
"Esta é a Arkenstone de Thrain", disse Bilbo, "o Coração da Montanha; e também é o coração de Thorin.

He values it above a river of gold.
Ele o valoriza acima de um rio de ouro.

I will give it to you. It will help you in your negotiations with Thorin."
Eu vou dar a você. Isso o ajudará em suas negociações com Thorin."

Then Bilbo gave the marvelous jewel to Bard.
Então Bilbo deu a jóia maravilhosa para Bard.

When the stone left the Hobbit’s hand, he felt a very powerful sense of loss.
Quando a pedra deixou a mão do Hobbit, ele sentiu uma sensação muito forte de perda.

“I am going back now, before they realize I am gone.
“Vou voltar agora, antes que percebam que parti.

I hope this will be useful to you.”
Espero que isso seja útil para você.”

As Bilbo was walking through the camp back towards the Mountain, an old man wearing dark clothes stood up and came towards him.
Enquanto Bilbo caminhava pelo acampamento de volta à Montanha, um velho vestindo roupas escuras se levantou e veio em sua direção.

“Hello there, Mr. Baggins!” he said happily.
"Olá, Sr. Baggins!" ele disse alegremente.

“There really is more to you than anyone expects!”
“Realmente há mais em você do que qualquer um espera!”

It was Gandalf! Bilbo was happier than he had been for many days.
Era Gandalf! Bilbo estava mais feliz do que estivera por muitos dias.

Bilbo wanted to ask Gandalf many questions about his own journeys.
Bilbo queria fazer muitas perguntas a Gandalf sobre suas próprias viagens.

“There is no time right now!” said Gandalf.
“Não há tempo agora!” disse Gandalf.

“Things are coming to an end.
“As coisas estão chegando ao fim.

There are some difficult times in the coming days, but keep your heart positive!
Haverá alguns momentos difíceis nos próximos dias, mas mantenha seu coração positivo!

You may come through safe and sound.
Você pode passar são e salvo.

There is news that even the birds do not know.
Há novidades que nem os pássaros sabem.

We will talk soon.
Falaremos em breve.

Good night!”
Boa noite!"

Bilbo felt confused, but he felt more positive now.
Bilbo se sentiu confuso, mas agora se sentia mais positivo.

He walked quietly back to the gates.
Ele caminhou silenciosamente de volta para os portões.

Before he got too close, he put his ring back on and climbed up the wall, and climbed into his little bed.
Antes de chegar muito perto, ele colocou o anel de volta e escalou a parede e deitou em sua pequena cama.

He was soon fast asleep.
Ele logo estava dormindo profundamente.

He forgot all about the things that worried him until the morning.
Ele esqueceu tudo sobre as coisas que o preocupavam até de manhã.

As a matter of fact he was dreaming of eggs and bacon.
Na verdade, ele estava sonhando com ovos e bacon.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 14 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 12 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)