THE HOBBIT Chapter 12 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Fire and Water

The dwarves sat in the darkness and silence for a very long time. They did not speak very much and they did not eat very much. They did not know how long they stayed there. Finally, after what felt like days and days, Thorin spoke, “Let’s try the secret door!” he said. “I must feel the wind on my face soon or I will die. I prefer to be killed by Smaug in the open air than suffocate in here!”

They discovered that part of the tunnel was blocked by broken rocks. The secret door would never open again. “We are trapped!” they shouted. “This is the end. We will all die here.” But somehow, just when the Dwarves were most afraid, Bilbo felt a strong sense of confidence.

“Come on, my good Dwarves!” he said. ‘As long as there is life, there is hope!’ as my father used to say, and ‘Third time pays for all.” I am going back down the tunnel again. I have been there twice already, when I knew there was a dragon at the other end. So I will take the risk and make a third visit, when I am not sure if he is there. And I think you should all come with me.”

The Dwarves were desperate, so they all agreed. Thorin went first, and walked beside Bilbo. Down, down they went. When they got close to the bottom, Bilbo put on his ring and walked forward alone. But he did not need the ring - it was totally and completely dark! In fact, it was so dark that Bilbo did not know it when he came out of the opening of the tunnel. He put his hand into open air and fell forward into the giant treasure chamber.

Bilbo stayed there for a long moment, not moving. He was terrified that Smaug would find him and eat him! But nothing happened. Bilbo could not take it anymore. “Come out, Smaug, you worm!” he shouted in a voice that sounded like a mouse. “Cook me and then eat me, if you want, if you can catch me!” There was no answer. Bilbo got up but he did not know which direction to go. It was black as night.

Bilbo called back to the Dwarves, “A light! I need a light!” So Fili and Kili quickly lit a torch and Bilbo ran back to get it. But Bilbo could not convince the other Dwarves to follow him into the chamber. Thorin carefully explained that Bilbo was still officially their expert burglar and investigator. So, if he wanted to use a light to explore the chamber, he was welcome to do it.

Bilbo looked at the Dwarves in frustration, turned his back to them, and walked towards the piles of treasure. As he climbed the large piles of gold and jewels, the Dwarves could see the little Hobbit holding the little torch. Then, far in the distance, they saw him stop and bend down, as if to look at something on the floor very closely. But the Dwarves did not know why. It was the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain. That is what Bilbo guessed from the description Thorin gave him.

From a distance, Bilbo had seen the gem burning with a white glow. It pulled him towards it. He looked down at it now, and almost against his own control, he reached his little hand towards it. His hand could not close around it. It was large and heavy. But he lifted it and put it in his deepest pocket. “Now I am a real burglar!” he thought.

Bilbo’s little light disappeared into the distance, and the Dwarves did not need any more encouragement. They were very excited to explore the hall while they had the chance. They did not know where Smaug was, but they were going to take advantage of the opportunity while he was not there. They picked up the gold and filled their pockets. They felt the gems in their hands and observed the magnificent armor and weapons that were still in perfect condition.

The Dwarves completely forgot their fear of the dragon. The ancient desire of the Dwarves, the lust of the Dwarves for gold and treasure was very strong now. And Thorin was looking for one thing, and one thing only - the Arkenstone! But he could not find it, and he did not say anything to anyone about it yet. Soon Thorin said, “Mr. Baggins! Here is the first payment of your reward! Take off your old coat and put on this!”

Thorin placed on Bilbo a small coat of mail - a shirt made of thousands of small rings linked together. It had been made by the Dwarves many ages ago for some young Elf-prince. It was a shirt of Mithril, a material stronger than steel, the color of bright silver. The Mithril coat also came with a belt of pearls and crystals, and a light helmet decorated with white gems. “I feel magnificent,” he thought. “But I imagine I look quite silly. If the Hobbits back home saw me like this, they would all laugh at me! But I wish I could see myself in a mirror.”

But Bilbo kept his head clear of the enchantment of the gold, more than the Dwarves did. “Thorin!” shouted Bilbo. “What do we do now? We have weapons and armor, but what can they do against Smaug the Horrible? This treasure is not yours yet. We must look for a way to escape this mountain, before our luck leaves us!”

With that, the Dwarves spoke together to decide what to do next. Remember, they were so occupied with the gold and treasure that they had not even thought about this obvious question. After some time, they decided to leave the mountain through the front gates, and walk down to an old defensive tower to the south. There they could see anyone, or anything, that was coming towards the Mountain.

They passed out of the Mountain through the front gates. There, in the valley below, was the ancient town of Dale, now destroyed by Smaug and in ruins. They passed by the town with sadness, and walked for many hours. The night was very dark when they finally reached the defensive tower. There they rested and prepared for what was to come. There was still no sign of Smaug.

And what about Smaug? Well, if you would like to hear news about Smaug, we must go back two days into the past, when he destroyed the secret door and flew away in anger towards Laketown. Most of the people of Laketown were in their homes that night, or walking along the piers and looking at the stars in the clear sky.

Lonely Mountain was far to the north, and only the very top of the mountain was visible from Laketown. But the people rarely looked to the north. It was a dark and scary mountain, even in the bright sunshine. And on this dark night, it was invisible in the black sky. Suddenly, the mountain flashed in a bright red glow that appeared and disappeared quickly.

“Look!” said a man. “The lights again! Last night the watchmen saw them flash from midnight until dawn. Something is happening up there.” “Perhaps the King Under the Mountain is forging gold again,” said another man. “The Dwarves went north a long time ago. Maybe the songs are true and they have taken the Mountain back.” “Which king?” said another man, with a serious voice. “It is more probable that it is the fire from the Dragon, the only King Under the Mountain we have ever known.”

“You are always so pessimistic, Bard!” said the others. “You only talk of tragedies, from floods to poisoned fish. Why don’t you talk about something happy for a change?” Then suddenly there was a bright flash of red light! It was in the hills very close to Laketown. The glow turned the surface of the lake golden in the night. “The King Under the Mountain!” they shouted. “He has returned! He is turning the lake into gold!” People began to come from their houses to see what was happening.

The town was full of excitement and enthusiasm. But the man with the serious voice, Bard was his name, ran to the house of the Master of Laketown. “The dragon is coming, or I am a fool!” he cried. “Cut the bridges! To arms! To arms!” Then there were warning trumpets in the night. The cheering from the townspeople stopped and their happiness turned to terror. Because of Bard’s quick actions, the town was not completely unprepared for the attack.

They could see the dragon approaching from the north, getting bigger and more massive as he came. The fire he shot as he flew towards Laketown illuminated him like the sun. Every bucket in the town was filled with water to extinguish the fires, every warrior was armed, every archer had their bows and arrows ready to shoot, and the bridge connecting the town to the land was taken down and destroyed. They could hear the dragon as he came closer and closer - the sound of his wings and the roar of his fire was terrible.

The townspeople screamed in fear as the dragon flew over them towards the bridge - but the bridge was not there! Smaug could not easily reach the town. The water of the lake was too deep and too dark, even for the dragon! He knew that if he fell into the cold water, it would extinguish him forever. In frustration, he flew back over the town. Arrows from the archers flew up and snapped and rattled against his scales, and then fell burning into the lake.

The dragon was furious! He was blind and mad with anger! No one had tried to fight him for ages and ages. And the people of Laketown would not have tried, if Bard had not been there to encourage them. He ran back and forth between the groups of archers, cheering them on and persuading the Master to order them to fight until the last arrow.

Smaug circled the town from above. In his anger he breathed fire from his mouth and nose, and turned the trees around the lake the color of blood. Then he came down with great speed, straight through the storm of arrows. He did not care about the danger. He only wanted to turn the town into burning buildings and black ashes.

The houses made of wood began to burn as the fire-dragon passed around the town, over and over again. Hundreds of townspeople threw water when a new fire began to burn. Smaug circled back, and with his powerful tail, he destroyed the Master’s hall. Flames burned in the night from every part of the town. Again Smaug came down from the dark sky, and another house began to burn and fall. There was not a single arrow that hurt the great beast any more than the bite of an irritating fly.

The people were terrified, and many of them began to jump into the lake from every side of the town. Women and children climbed into boats to try to get to safety. Men dropped their weapons. There was terrible sadness now, where only a few days before they sang happy songs about the return of the Dwarves. Now the men hated the Dwarves. The Master of Laketown climbed into his large boat, trying to save himself from the disaster.

The town was almost deserted, and soon it would burn down to the surface of the lake. That was what Smaug wanted. He did not care if they all got into boats. It would be easier to hunt them later. He would let them starve to death if they decided to stay in the water. Soon he would burn all of the land around the lake - all of their fields and pastures. Right now he was enjoying the sport of burning Laketown more than he had enjoyed anything for years and years.

But there was still a company of archers among the burning buildings. Their captain was Bard, the man with the serious voice and serious face. His friends had made fun of him because of his pessimism, but they did not doubt his courage. He was a descendant in a long line from Girion, the Lord of Dale. He belonged to a race of proud, strong men that had died defending the Mountain when Smaug arrived so long ago.

Bard stood in the middle of the burning flames. He was holding a large bow made of strong wood. All his companions were leaving him in terror. But he continued to shoot until he had only one arrow left. He pulled his bow back to his cheek to shoot for the last time. Suddenly, out of the dark, something came fluttering by his shoulder. He was surprised, but it was only an old thrush!

The bird was not afraid! It sat on his shoulder and began to tweet into his ear, telling him of the news he heard from the Mountain. Bard could not believe it! He understood the words the thrush was telling him! He was, after all, a man from the race of Dale. “Wait! Wait!” said the thrush to him. “Wait for the moon to appear. Then look for the hole in his left breast when he flies and turns above you!”

Then Bard pulled his bowstring back to his ear. The dragon was circling back, flying low. As he came closer, the moon appeared over the hills and illuminated the great beast. “Arrow!” said Bard. “Black arrow! You are my last arrow. You have never failed me, and I have always recovered you. My father gave you to me, and his father before him. If you were made by the true King Under the Mountain, go now and speed well!”

The dragon flew down once more, lower than ever. As he turned, his underside glowed white as the moon reflected off the gems and jewels that protected him. But not in one place. There was a hole as big as a dinner plate near his left breast. The bow TWANGED! The black arrow flew fast and straight, directly into the hole where his front leg connected to his chest. It flew so fast that it disappeared, point, shaft and feathers, into the hole in his chest!

Smaug gave a tremendous scream that destroyed men’s ears, knocked down trees and crushed stones! The dragon flew high into the dark sky, spitting fire and smoke. He turned over and crashed down to his death! He fell on the town and destroyed it completely. The lake boiled with his heat. A vast cloud of steam rose into the air, white in the moonlight. There was a terrible noise of water and steam, and then there was silence. And that was the end of Smaug, and of Laketown. But not of Bard.

The people of Laketown cried as they watched their town destroyed. But they were actually very lucky. Only a few were killed by the dragon fire. They had most of their boats, and their fields and pastures were safe. And the dragon was dead. They did not know the significance of that yet. They arrived in groups onto the land, in the cold wind. Their first complaints were against the Master. He was one of the first to run away from the town, while many stayed to protect it.

They were angry with the Master. “He may be a good businessman,” some said, “but he is no good when something serious happens!” And they applauded the courage of Bard and his tremendous shot. “I wish Bard had not died when Smaug crashed onto our town,” they all said. “We would make him a king. Bard the Dragon-killer! But he is dead!”

But from the smoke a tall man approached them. He was soaked with lake water and there was a strong light in his eyes. “Bard is not dead!” he cried. “He jumped into the lake when the dragon fell. I am Bard, from the race of Dale. I killed the dragon!” “King Bard! King Bard!” they all shouted. But the Master was not happy.

“Bard is from the line of the men of Dale, not from Laketown,” said the Master. “Here in Laketown, the people choose a master from the old and wise people of the town. We do not want warriors as our leaders. Let ‘King Bard’ go back to his kingdom - Dale is now free of the dragon because of him. He can return to his home. And anyone who wants to go with him is free to go. The green fields of the lake are much better than the cold stones of the Mountain.”

“We want King Bard!” the people shouted. “We do not want old men and money counters anymore!” “Hurray for King Archer and down with the Money-counter!” The Master had no choice. He was an intelligent man, and decided to wait and see what the future decided for him. But he said this before he sat down again, “Remember who woke the dragon! We would not be in this situation if the Dwarves had not returned to take their gold from Smaug!”

“Be silent!” yelled Bard. “Now is not the time for cruel words. Do you not see? The Dwarves were probably Smaug’s first victims!” But even as he said these words, the power of the Dwarven treasure called to him. Bard knew that with all the gold hidden in the Mountain, they could rebuild Laketown even better than before. But he needed men to help him on his journey.

“Come, people of Laketown!” cried Bard. “We have work to do!” And as Bard began to organize the people in their new camp, he heard them talking about the vast treasure that was waiting in the Mountain, unguarded. But there was much to do, and in the days that followed, many people became sick and died, even though they survived the attack from Smaug.

Bard worked very hard to help the people, but he knew he could not do it alone. So he sent fast messengers into Mirkwood Forest to ask for help from the King of the Elves. But before the messengers reached the King, they found a vast army of Elves coming to Laketown. The Elvenking had received news from other messengers about the death of Smaug.

All the flying creatures in the land, birds and insects, were very excited about the death of the dragon - they were now free to fly without fear! They whistled and tweeted and brought news to all the peoples in the regions around the Desolation of Smaug. “Smaug is dead! Smaug is dead!” they cried! The Elvenking heard it in Mirkwood, and the orcs heard the news in their mountain caverns to the north. Smaug was dead, and the treasure was unguarded.

“Thorin Oakenshield is most likely dead, I fear,” said the Elvenking of Mirkwood. “He should have remained my guest. It is terrible news, though.” But the Elf King had not forgotten the stories about the vast treasures the Dwarves kept in the Mountain. So that is why Bard’s messengers found the Elves already marching to the Mountain, prepared for battle.

But the Elf King was not an evil ruler. He was a good and kind king. So he turned his marching army away from the Mountain and went to the lake to help the homeless Lakemen. They arrived at the new camps next to the lake only five days after the death of Smaug. They were welcomed by the Lakepeople. The Master was not liked, but the people knew he was a good businessman, so he and Bard negotiated with the Elf King for his assistance and soon their plans were ready.

With the help of many skilled Elf carpenters, they began to cut the wood and prepare to rebuild the town, bigger and better than before. But they planned to build it farther to the north, away from the watery grave of Smaug. They were terrified of the place where the dragon fell. His bones remained there for ages after, but no one went into the water to get the gold and diamonds that fell off his decomposing body.

Now, all the warriors of Laketown who were still able, and most of the Elves, prepared to march north to the Mountain. And so eleven days after the death of the dragon and the destruction of the town, the army of Men and Elves entered the region of the desolation of the dragon.

Chapter 12
Capítulo 12

Fire and Water
Fogo e água

The dwarves sat in the darkness and silence for a very long time.
Os anões ficaram sentados na escuridão e no silêncio por muito tempo.

They did not speak very much and they did not eat very much.
Eles não falavam muito e não comiam muito.

They did not know how long they stayed there.
Eles não sabiam quanto tempo ficaram lá.

Finally, after what felt like days and days, Thorin spoke, “Let’s try the secret door!” he said.
Finalmente, depois do que parecia dias e dias, Thorin falou: “Vamos tentar a porta secreta!” ele disse.

“I must feel the wind on my face soon or I will die.
“Tenho que sentir o vento em meu rosto logo ou morrerei.

I prefer to be killed by Smaug in the open air than suffocate in here!”
Prefiro ser morto por Smaug ao ar livre do que sufocar aqui!”

They discovered that part of the tunnel was blocked by broken rocks.
Eles descobriram que parte do túnel estava bloqueada por pedras quebradas.

The secret door would never open again.
A porta secreta nunca mais se abriria.

“We are trapped!” they shouted.
“Estamos presos!” eles gritaram.

“This is the end. We will all die here.”
“Este é o fim. Todos morreremos aqui.”

But somehow, just when the Dwarves were most afraid, Bilbo felt a strong sense of confidence.
Mas de alguma forma, justamente quando os anões estavam com mais medo, Bilbo sentiu uma forte sensação de confiança.

“Come on, my good Dwarves!” he said.
“Vamos, meus bons anões!” ele disse.

‘As long as there is life, there is hope!’ as my father used to say, and ‘Third time pays for all.’
‘Enquanto houver vida, há esperança!’, como dizia meu pai, e ‘a terceira vez vale tudo’.

I am going back down the tunnel again.
Vou descer o túnel de novo.

I have been there twice already, when I knew there was a dragon at the other end.
Já estive lá duas vezes, quando eu soube que havia um dragão do outro lado.

So I will take the risk and make a third visit, when I am not sure if he is there.
Então vou arriscar e fazer uma terceira visita, quando eu não tiver certeza se ele está lá.

And I think you should all come with me.”
E acho que todos vocês deveriam vir comigo.

The Dwarves were desperate, so they all agreed.
Os anões estavam desesperados, então todos concordaram.

Thorin went first, and walked beside Bilbo.
Thorin foi primeiro e caminhou ao lado de Bilbo.

Down, down they went.
Para baixo, para baixo eles foram.

When they got close to the bottom, Bilbo put on his ring and walked forward alone.
Quando chegaram perto do fundo, Bilbo colocou seu anel e avançou sozinho.

But he did not need the ring - it was totally and completely dark!
Mas ele não precisava do anel - estava totalmente e completamente escuro!

In fact, it was so dark that Bilbo did not know it when he came out of the opening of the tunnel.
Na verdade, estava tão escuro que Bilbo não percebeu quando saiu pela abertura do túnel.

He put his hand into open air and fell forward into the giant treasure chamber.
Ele colocou a mão ao ar livre e caiu para a frente na gigantesca câmara do tesouro.

Bilbo stayed there for a long moment, not moving.
Bilbo ficou lá por um longo momento, sem se mexer.

He was terrified that Smaug would find him and eat him! But nothing happened.
Ele estava com medo de que Smaug o encontrasse e o comesse! Mas nada aconteceu.

Bilbo could not take it anymore.
Bilbo não aguentou mais.

“Come out, Smaug, you worm!” he shouted in a voice that sounded like a mouse.
“Saia, Smaug, seu verme!” ele gritou com uma voz que parecia um rato.

“Cook me and then eat me, if you want, if you can catch me!” There was no answer.
“Cozinhe-me e depois coma-me, se quiser, se puder me pegar!” Não houve resposta.

Bilbo got up but he did not know which direction to go.
Bilbo levantou-se, mas não sabia para onde ir.

It was black as night.
Estava escuro como a noite.

Bilbo called back to the Dwarves, “A light! I need a light!”
Bilbo gritou de volta para os anões: “Uma luz! Eu preciso de uma luz!”

So Fili and Kili quickly lit a torch and Bilbo ran back to get it.
Então Fili e Kili rapidamente acenderam uma tocha e Bilbo voltou correndo para pegá-la.

But Bilbo could not convince the other Dwarves to follow him into the chamber.
Mas Bilbo não conseguiu convencer os outros anões a segui-lo até a câmara.

Thorin carefully explained that Bilbo was still officially their expert burglar and investigator.
Thorin explicou cuidadosamente que Bilbo ainda era oficialmente seu ladrão e investigador especialista.

So, if he wanted to use a light to explore the chamber, he was welcome to do it.
Então, se ele quisesse usar uma luz para explorar a câmara, ele poderia fazê-lo.

Bilbo looked at the Dwarves in frustration, turned his back to them, and walked towards the piles of treasure.
Bilbo olhou frustrado para os anões, virou as costas para eles e caminhou em direção às pilhas de tesouro.

As he climbed the large piles of gold and jewels, the Dwarves could see the little Hobbit holding the little torch.
Enquanto ele escalava as grandes pilhas de ouro e joias, os anões podiam ver o pequeno Hobbit segurando a pequena tocha.

Then, far in the distance, they saw him stop and bend down, as if to look at something on the floor very closely.
Então, ao longe, eles o viram parar e se curvar, como se para olhar algo no chão bem de perto.

But the Dwarves did not know why.
Mas os anões não sabiam por quê.

It was the Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain.
Era a Arkenstone, o Coração da Montanha.

That is what Bilbo guessed from the description Thorin gave him.
Isso é o que Bilbo adivinhou pela descrição que Thorin lhe deu.

From a distance, Bilbo had seen the gem burning with a white glow.
À distância, Bilbo tinha visto a gema queimando com um brilho branco.

It pulled him towards it.
Ela o puxou para ela.

He looked down at it now, and almost against his own control, he reached his little hand towards it.
Ele olhou para ela agora, e quase contra seu próprio controle, ele estendeu sua mãozinha em direção a ela.

His hand could not close around it.
Sua mão não conseguia fechar em torno dela.

It was large and heavy.
Era grande e pesada.

But he lifted it and put it in his deepest pocket.
Mas ele a ergueu e colocou no bolso mais fundo.

“Now I am a real burglar!” he thought.
“Agora eu sou um ladrão de verdade!” ele pensou.

Bilbo’s little light disappeared into the distance, and the Dwarves did not need any more encouragement.
A pequena luz de Bilbo desapareceu na distância e os anões não precisaram de mais encorajamento.

They were very excited to explore the hall while they had the chance.
Eles estavam muito animados para explorar o salão enquanto tinham a chance.

They did not know where Smaug was, but they were going to take advantage of the opportunity while he was not there.
Eles não sabiam onde Smaug estava, mas iam aproveitar a oportunidade enquanto ele não estava lá.

They picked up the gold and filled their pockets.
Eles pegaram o ouro e encheram os bolsos.

They felt the gems in their hands and observed the magnificent armor and weapons that were still in perfect condition.
Eles sentiram as jóias em suas mãos e observaram as magníficas armaduras e armas que ainda estavam em perfeitas condições.

The Dwarves completely forgot their fear of the dragon.
Os anões esqueceram completamente o medo do dragão.

The ancient desire of the Dwarves, the lust of the Dwarves for gold and treasure was very strong now.
O antigo desejo dos anões, a cobiça dos anões por ouro e tesouros era muito forte agora.

And Thorin was looking for one thing, and one thing only - the Arkenstone!
E Thorin estava procurando por uma coisa, e apenas uma coisa - a Arkenstone!

But he could not find it, and he did not say anything to anyone about it yet.
Mas ele não conseguiu encontrá-la e ainda não disse nada a ninguém sobre isso.

Soon Thorin said, “Mr. Baggins! Here is the first payment of your reward!
Logo Thorin disse: “Sr. Baggins! Aqui está o primeiro pagamento de sua recompensa!

Take off your old coat and put on this!”
Tire seu casaco velho e vista isso!”

Thorin placed on Bilbo a small coat of mail - a shirt made of thousands of small rings linked together.
Thorin colocou em Bilbo uma pequena cota de malha - uma camisa feita de milhares de pequenos anéis ligados entre si.

It had been made by the Dwarves many ages ago for some young Elf-prince.
Tinha sido feito pelos anões há muitas eras para algum jovem príncipe elfo.

It was a shirt of Mithril, a material stronger than steel, the color of bright silver.
Era uma camisa de Mithril, um material mais resistente que o aço, da cor prata brilhante.

The Mithril coat also came with a belt of pearls and crystals, and a light helmet decorated with white gems.
O casaco de Mithril também vinha com um cinto de pérolas e cristais e um capacete leve decorado com pedras brancas.

“I feel magnificent,” he thought.
“Sinto-me magnífico”, pensou.

“But I imagine I look quite silly.
“Mas imagino que pareço bem bobo.

If the Hobbits back home saw me like this, they would all laugh at me!
Se os Hobbits lá de casa me vissem assim, todos iriam rir de mim!

But I wish I could see myself in a mirror.”
Mas gostaria de poder me ver no espelho.”

But Bilbo kept his head clear of the enchantment of the gold, more than the Dwarves did.
Mas Bilbo manteve a cabeça longe do encantamento do ouro, mais do que os anões.

“Thorin!” shouted Bilbo. “What do we do now?
"Thorin!" gritou Bilbo. "O que fazemos agora?

We have weapons and armor, but what can they do against Smaug the Horrible?
Temos armas e armaduras, mas o que elas podem fazer contra Smaug, o Horrível?

This treasure is not yours yet.
Este tesouro ainda não é seu.

We must look for a way to escape this mountain, before our luck leaves us!”
Devemos procurar uma maneira de escapar desta montanha, antes que nossa sorte nos abandone!”

With that, the Dwarves spoke together to decide what to do next.
Com isso, os anões conversaram para decidir o que fazer a seguir.

Remember, they were so occupied with the gold and treasure that they had not even thought about this obvious question.
Lembre-se, eles estavam tão ocupados com o ouro e o tesouro que nem pensaram nessa pergunta óbvia.

After some time, they decided to leave the mountain through the front gates, and walk down to an old defensive tower to the south.
Depois de algum tempo, eles decidiram deixar a montanha pelos portões da frente e descer até uma velha torre defensiva ao sul.

There they could see anyone, or anything, that was coming towards the Mountain.
Lá eles podiam ver qualquer um, ou qualquer coisa, que vinha em direção à Montanha.

They passed out of the Mountain through the front gates.
Eles saíram da Montanha pelos portões da frente.

There, in the valley below, was the ancient town of Dale, now destroyed by Smaug and in ruins.
Lá, no vale abaixo, estava a antiga cidade de Dale, agora destruída por Smaug e em ruínas.

They passed by the town with sadness, and walked for many hours.
Eles passaram pela cidade com tristeza e caminharam por muitas horas.

The night was very dark when they finally reached the defensive tower.
A noite estava muito escura quando finalmente chegaram à torre defensiva.

There they rested and prepared for what was to come.
Lá eles descansaram e se prepararam para o que estava por vir.

There was still no sign of Smaug.
Ainda não havia sinal de Smaug.

And what about Smaug?
E quanto a Smaug?

Well, if you would like to hear news about Smaug, we must go back two days into the past,
Bem, se você gostaria de ouvir notícias sobre Smaug, devemos voltar dois dias no passado,

when he destroyed the secret door and flew away in anger towards Laketown.
quando ele destruiu a porta secreta e voou com raiva para Laketown.

Most of the people of Laketown were in their homes that night,
A maioria das pessoas de Laketown estava em casa naquela noite,

or walking along the piers and looking at the stars in the clear sky.
ou caminhando ao longo do cais e olhando as estrelas no céu claro.

Lonely Mountain was far to the north, and only the very top of the mountain was visible from Laketown.
A Montanha Solitária ficava bem ao norte, e apenas o topo da montanha era visível de Laketown.

But the people rarely looked to the north.
Mas as pessoas raramente olhavam para o norte.

It was a dark and scary mountain, even in the bright sunshine.
Era uma montanha escura e assustadora, mesmo sob o sol forte.

And on this dark night, it was invisible in the black sky.
E nesta noite escura, era invisível no céu negro.

Suddenly, the mountain flashed in a bright red glow that appeared and disappeared quickly.
De repente, a montanha acendeu em um brilho vermelho intenso que apareceu e desapareceu rapidamente.

“Look!” said a man.
"Olha!" disse um homem.

“The lights again!
“As luzes de novo!

Last night the watchmen saw them flash from midnight until dawn.
Ontem à noite, os vigias as viram piscar desde a meia-noite até o amanhecer.

Something is happening up there.”
Algo está acontecendo lá em cima.”

“Perhaps the King Under the Mountain is forging gold again,” said another man.
“Talvez o Rei Sob a Montanha esteja forjando ouro novamente”, disse outro homem.

“The Dwarves went north a long time ago.
“Os anões foram para o norte há muito tempo.

Maybe the songs are true and they have taken the Mountain back.”
Talvez as canções sejam verdadeiras e eles tenham tomado a Montanha de volta.”

“Which king?” said another man, with a serious voice.
“Qual rei?” disse outro homem, com uma voz séria.

“It is more probable that it is the fire from the Dragon, the only King Under the Mountain we have ever known.”
“É mais provável que seja o fogo do Dragão, o único Rei Sob a Montanha que já conhecemos.”

“You are always so pessimistic, Bard!” said the others.
“Você é sempre tão pessimista, Bard!” disseram os outros.

“You only talk of tragedies, from floods to poisoned fish.
“Você só fala de tragédias, de enchentes a peixes envenenados.

Why don’t you talk about something happy for a change?”
Por que você não fala sobre algo feliz para variar?”

Then suddenly there was a bright flash of red light!
Então, de repente, houve um flash brilhante de luz vermelha!

It was in the hills very close to Laketown.
Foi nas colinas muito perto de Laketown.

The glow turned the surface of the lake golden in the night.
O brilho tornou a superfície do lago dourada na noite.

“The King Under the Mountain!” they shouted.
“O Rei Sob a Montanha!” eles gritaram.

“He has returned! He is turning the lake into gold!”
“Ele voltou! Ele está transformando o lago em ouro!”

People began to come from their houses to see what was happening.
As pessoas começaram a sair de suas casas para ver o que estava acontecendo.

The town was full of excitement and enthusiasm.
A cidade estava cheia de emoção e entusiasmo.

But the man with the serious voice, Bard was his name, ran to the house of the Master of Laketown.
Mas o homem com a voz séria, Bard era seu nome, correu para a casa do Mestre de Laketown.

“The dragon is coming, or I am a fool!” he cried.
“O dragão está vindo, ou eu sou um tolo!” ele gritou.

“Cut the bridges! To arms! To arms!”
“Derrubem as pontes! Às armas! Às armas!”

Then there were warning trumpets in the night.
Então houve trombetas de advertência na noite.

The cheering from the townspeople stopped and their happiness turned to terror.
Os aplausos dos habitantes da cidade pararam e sua felicidade se transformou em terror.

Because of Bard’s quick actions, the town was not completely unprepared for the attack.
Por causa das ações rápidas de Bard, a cidade não estava totalmente despreparada para o ataque.

They could see the dragon approaching from the north, getting bigger and more massive as he came.
Eles podiam ver o dragão se aproximando do norte, ficando cada vez maior à medida que avançava.

The fire he shot as he flew towards Laketown illuminated him like the sun.
O fogo que ele disparou enquanto voava em direção a Laketown o iluminou como o sol.

Every bucket in the town was filled with water to extinguish the fires,
Cada balde da cidade estava cheio de água para apagar os incêndios,

every warrior was armed,
cada guerreiro estava armado,

every archer had their bows and arrows ready to shoot,
ada arqueiro tinha seus arcos e flechas prontos para atirar,

and the bridge connecting the town to the land was taken down and destroyed.
e a ponte que ligava a cidade à terra foi derrubada e destruída.

They could hear the dragon as he came closer and closer - the sound of his wings and the roar of his fire was terrible.
Eles podiam ouvir o dragão se aproximando cada vez mais - o som de suas asas e o rugido de seu fogo eram terríveis.

The townspeople screamed in fear as the dragon flew over them towards the bridge - but the bridge was not there!
Os habitantes da cidade gritaram de medo quando o dragão voou sobre eles em direção à ponte - mas a ponte não estava lá!

Smaug could not easily reach the town.
Smaug não poderia chegar facilmente à cidade.

The water of the lake was too deep and too dark, even for the dragon!
A água do lago era muito profunda e muito escura, até mesmo para o dragão!

He knew that if he fell into the cold water, it would extinguish him forever.
Ele sabia que se caísse na água fria, isso o extinguiria para sempre.

In frustration, he flew back over the town.
Frustrado, ele voou de volta sobre a cidade.

Arrows from the archers flew up and snapped and rattled against his scales, and then fell burning into the lake.
As flechas dos arqueiros voaram e estalaram e chocalharam contra suas escamas, e então caíram queimando no lago.

The dragon was furious!
O dragão ficou furioso!

He was blind and mad with anger!
Ele estava cego e louco de raiva!

No one had tried to fight him for ages and ages.
Ninguém tentou lutar com ele por eras e eras.

And the people of Laketown would not have tried, if Bard had not been there to encourage them.
E o povo de Laketown não teria tentado se Bard não estivesse lá para incentivá-los.

He ran back and forth between the groups of archers,
Ele correu de um lado para o outro entre os grupos de arqueiros,

cheering them on and persuading the Master to order them to fight until the last arrow.
animando-os e persuadindo o Mestre a mandá-los lutar até a última flecha.

Smaug circled the town from above.
Smaug circulou a cidade de cima.

In his anger he breathed fire from his mouth and nose, and turned the trees around the lake the color of blood.
Em sua raiva, ele cuspiu fogo pela boca e pelo nariz e deixou as árvores ao redor do lago da cor do sangue.

Then he came down with great speed, straight through the storm of arrows.
Então ele desceu com grande velocidade, direto pela tempestade de flechas.

He did not care about the danger.
Ele não se importava com o perigo.

He only wanted to turn the town into burning buildings and black ashes.
Ele só queria transformar a cidade em prédios em chamas e cinzas negras.

The houses made of wood began to burn as the fire-dragon passed around the town, over and over again.
As casas de madeira começaram a queimar enquanto o dragão de fogo passava pela cidade, repetidamente.

Hundreds of townspeople threw water when a new fire began to burn.
Centenas de moradores da cidade jogaram água quando um novo incêndio começou a queimar.

Smaug circled back, and with his powerful tail, he destroyed the Master’s hall.
Smaug circulou de volta e com sua poderosa cauda destruiu a casa do Mestre.

Flames burned in the night from every part of the town.
Chamas ardiam à noite em todas as partes da cidade.

Again Smaug came down from the dark sky, and another house began to burn and fall.
Novamente Smaug desceu do céu escuro e outra casa começou a queimar e cair.

There was not a single arrow that hurt the great beast any more than the bite of an irritating fly.
Não houve uma única flecha que ferisse a grande besta mais do que a mordida de uma mosca irritante.

The people were terrified, and many of them began to jump into the lake from every side of the town.
As pessoas ficaram apavoradas e muitas delas começaram a pular no lago de todos os lados da cidade.

Women and children climbed into boats to try to get to safety.
Mulheres e crianças entraram em barcos para tentar chegar à segurança.

Men dropped their weapons.
Os homens largaram as armas.

There was terrible sadness now, where only a few days before they sang happy songs about the return of the Dwarves.
Havia uma tristeza terrível agora, onde apenas alguns dias antes eles cantavam canções alegres sobre o retorno dos anões.

Now the men hated the Dwarves.
Agora os homens odiavam os anões.

The Master of Laketown climbed into his large boat, trying to save himself from the disaster.
O Mestre de Laketown subiu em seu grande barco, tentando se salvar do desastre.

The town was almost deserted, and soon it would burn down to the surface of the lake.
A cidade estava quase deserta e logo iria queimar até a superfície do lago.

That was what Smaug wanted.
Era isso que Smaug queria.

He did not care if they all got into boats.
Ele não se importava se todos entrassem nos barcos.

It would be easier to hunt them later.
Seria mais fácil caçá-los mais tarde.

He would let them starve to death if they decided to stay in the water.
Ele os deixaria morrer de fome se decidissem ficar na água.

Soon he would burn all of the land around the lake - all of their fields and pastures.
Logo ele iria queimar toda a terra ao redor do lago - todos os seus campos e pastagens.

Right now he was enjoying the sport of burning Laketown more than he had enjoyed anything for years and years.
Agora ele estava gostando do esporte de queimar Laketown mais do que qualquer outra coisa por anos e anos.

But there was still a company of archers among the burning buildings.
Mas ainda havia uma companhia de arqueiros entre os prédios em chamas.

Their captain was Bard, the man with the serious voice and serious face.
O capitão deles era Bard, o homem de voz séria e rosto sério.

His friends had made fun of him because of his pessimism, but they did not doubt his courage.
Seus amigos zombavam dele por causa de seu pessimismo, mas não duvidavam de sua coragem.

He was a descendant in a long line from Girion, the Lord of Dale.
Ele era descendente de uma longa linhagem de Girion, o Senhor de Dale.

He belonged to a race of proud, strong men that had died defending the Mountain when Smaug arrived so long ago.
Ele pertencia a uma raça de homens orgulhosos e fortes que morreram defendendo a Montanha quando Smaug chegou há tanto tempo.

Bard stood in the middle of the burning flames.
Bard estava parado no meio das chamas ardentes.

He was holding a large bow made of strong wood.
Ele estava segurando um grande arco feito de madeira forte.

All his companions were leaving him in terror.
Todos os seus companheiros o estavam deixando, aterrorizados.

But he continued to shoot until he had only one arrow left.
Mas ele continuou a atirar até ter apenas uma flecha sobrando.

He pulled his bow back to his cheek to shoot for the last time.
Ele puxou o arco de volta para a bochecha para atirar pela última vez.

Suddenly, out of the dark, something came fluttering by his shoulder.
De repente, vindo da escuridão, algo veio voando perto de seu ombro.

He was surprised, but it was only an old thrush!
Ele ficou surpreso, mas era apenas um tordo velho!

The bird was not afraid!
O pássaro não estava com medo!

It sat on his shoulder and began to tweet into his ear, telling him of the news he heard from the Mountain.
Sentou-se em seu ombro e começou a gorjear em seu ouvido, contando-lhe as notícias que ouviu da Montanha.

Bard could not believe it!
Bard não podia acreditar!

He understood the words the thrush was telling him!
Ele entendeu as palavras que o tordo estava lhe dizendo!

He was, after all, a man from the race of Dale.
Ele era, afinal, um homem da raça de Dale.

“Wait! Wait!” said the thrush to him.
"Esperar! Esperar!" disse o tordo para ele.

“Wait for the moon to appear.
“Espere a lua aparecer.

Then look for the hole in his left breast when he flies and turns above you!”
Então procure o buraco em seu peito esquerdo quando ele voar e virar acima de você!”

Then Bard pulled his bowstring back to his ear.
Então Bard puxou a corda do arco de volta à orelha.

The dragon was circling back, flying low.
O dragão estava circulando de volta, voando baixo.

As he came closer, the moon appeared over the hills and illuminated the great beast.
Conforme ele se aproximava, a lua apareceu sobre as colinas e iluminou a grande besta.

“Arrow!” said Bard.
"Flecha!" disse Bardo.

“Black arrow! You are my last arrow.
"Flecha Negra! Você é minha última flecha.

You have never failed me, and I have always recovered you.
Você nunca falhou comigo, e eu sempre recuperei você.

My father gave you to me, and his father before him.
Meu pai deu você para mim, e seu pai antes dele.

If you were made by the true King Under the Mountain, go now and speed well!”
Se você foi feita pelo verdadeiro Rei Sob a Montanha, vá agora e acelere bem!”

The dragon flew down once more, lower than ever.
O dragão voou mais uma vez, mais baixo do que nunca.

As he turned, his underside glowed white as the moon reflected off the gems and jewels that protected him.
Quando ele se virou, sua parte inferior brilhava branca enquanto a lua refletia nas gemas e joias que o protegiam.

But not in one place.
Mas não em um lugar.

There was a hole as big as a dinner plate near his left breast.
Havia um buraco do tamanho de um prato perto de seu peito esquerdo.

The bow TWANGED!

The black arrow flew fast and straight, directly into the hole where his front leg connected to his chest.
A flecha negra voou rápida e reta, diretamente para o buraco onde sua perna dianteira se conectava ao peito.

It flew so fast that it disappeared, point, shaft and feathers, into the hole in his chest!
Voou tão rápido que desapareceu, ponta, haste e penas, no buraco em seu peito!

Smaug gave a tremendous scream that destroyed men’s ears, knocked down trees and crushed stones!
Smaug deu um grito tremendo que destruiu os ouvidos dos homens, derrubou árvores e quebrou pedras!

The dragon flew high into the dark sky, spitting fire and smoke.
O dragão voou alto no céu escuro, cuspindo fogo e fumaça.

He turned over and crashed down to his death!
Ele virou e caiu para a morte!

He fell on the town and destroyed it completely.
Ele caiu sobre a cidade e a destruiu completamente.

The lake boiled with his heat. A vast cloud of steam rose into the air, white in the moonlight.
O lago ferveu com seu calor. Uma vasta nuvem de vapor ergueu-se no ar, branca ao luar.

There was a terrible noise of water and steam, and then there was silence.
Houve um barulho terrível de água e vapor, e depois o silêncio.

And that was the end of Smaug, and of Laketown.
E esse foi o fim de Smaug e de Laketown.

But not of Bard.
Mas não de Bard.

The people of Laketown cried as they watched their town destroyed.
O povo de Laketown chorou ao ver sua cidade ser destruída.

But they were actually very lucky.
Mas eles realmente tiveram muita sorte.

Only a few were killed by the dragon fire.
Apenas alguns foram mortos pelo fogo do dragão.

They had most of their boats, and their fields and pastures were safe.
Eles tinham a maioria de seus barcos e seus campos e pastagens estavam seguros.

And the dragon was dead.
E o dragão estava morto.

They did not know the significance of that yet.
Eles ainda não sabiam o significado disso.

They arrived in groups onto the land, in the cold wind.
Eles chegaram em grupos à terra, no vento frio.

Their first complaints were against the Master.
Suas primeiras queixas foram contra o Mestre.

He was one of the first to run away from the town, while many stayed to protect it.
Ele foi um dos primeiros a fugir da cidade, enquanto muitos ficaram para protegê-la.

They were angry with the Master.
Eles estavam zangados com o Mestre.

“He may be a good businessman,” some said, “but he is no good when something serious happens!”
“Ele pode ser um bom homem de negócios”, diziam alguns, “mas não presta quando algo sério acontece!”

And they applauded the courage of Bard and his tremendous shot. E aplaudiram a coragem de Bard e seu tiro tremendo.

I wish Bard had not died when Smaug crashed onto our town,” they all said.
“Gostaria que Bard não tivesse morrido quando Smaug caiu em nossa cidade”, disseram todos.

“We would make him a king. Bard the Dragon-killer!
“Faríamos dele um rei. Bard, o Matador de Dragões!

But he is dead!”
Mas ele está morto!”

But from the smoke a tall man approached them.
Mas da fumaça um homem alto se aproximou deles.

He was soaked with lake water and there was a strong light in his eyes.
Ele estava encharcado com a água do lago e havia uma luz forte em seus olhos.

“Bard is not dead!” he cried.
"Bard não está morto!" ele gritou.

“He jumped into the lake when the dragon fell.
“Ele pulou no lago quando o dragão caiu.

I am Bard, from the race of Dale.
Eu sou Bard, da raça de Dale.

I killed the dragon!”
Eu matei o dragão!”

“King Bard! King Bard!” they all shouted.
“Rei Bard! Rei Bard!” todos eles gritaram.

But the Master was not happy.
Mas o Mestre não estava feliz.

“Bard is from the line of the men of Dale, not from Laketown,” said the Master.
“Bard é da linhagem dos homens de Dale, não de Laketown,” disse o Mestre.

“Here in Laketown, the people choose a master from the old and wise people of the town.
“Aqui em Laketown, as pessoas escolhem um mestre entre os velhos e sábios da cidade.

We do not want warriors as our leaders.
Não queremos guerreiros como nossos líderes.

Let ‘King Bard’ go back to his kingdom - Dale is now free of the dragon because of him.
Deixe Rei Bard' voltar para seu reino - Dale agora está livre do dragão por causa dele.

He can return to his home. 

Ele pode voltar para sua casa.

And anyone who wants to go with him is free to go.
E quem quiser ir com ele é livre para ir.

The green fields of the lake are much better than the cold stones of the Mountain.”
Os campos verdes do lago são muito melhores do que as pedras frias da Montanha.” 

“We want King Bard!” the people shouted.
“Queremos o Rei Bard!” o povo gritou.

“We do not want old men and money counters anymore!”
“Não queremos mais velhos e contadores de dinheiro!”

“Hurray for King Archer and down with the Money-counter!”
“Viva o Rei Archer e abaixo com o contador de dinheiro!”

The Master had no choice.
O Mestre não teve escolha.

He was an intelligent man, and decided to wait and see what the future decided for him.
Ele era um homem inteligente e decidiu esperar para ver o que o futuro reservava para ele.

But he said this before he sat down again,
Mas ele disse isso antes de se sentar novamente:

“Remember who woke the dragon!
“Lembre-se de quem acordou o dragão!

We would not be in this situation if the Dwarves had not returned to take their gold from Smaug!”
Não estaríamos nessa situação se os anões não tivessem voltado para pegar o ouro de Smaug!”

“Be silent!” yelled Bard.
"Fique em silêncio!" gritou Bardo.

“Now is not the time for cruel words.
“Agora não é hora para palavras cruéis.

Do you not see?
Você não vê?

The Dwarves were probably Smaug’s first victims!”
Os anões foram provavelmente as primeiras vítimas de Smaug!”

But even as he said these words, the power of the Dwarven treasure called to him.
Mas mesmo enquanto ele dizia essas palavras, o poder do tesouro dos anões o chamava.

Bard knew that with all the gold hidden in the Mountain, they could rebuild Laketown even better than before.
Bard sabia que com todo o ouro escondido na Montanha, eles poderiam reconstruir Laketown ainda melhor do que antes.

But he needed men to help him on his journey.
Mas ele precisava de homens para ajudá-lo em sua jornada.

“Come, people of Laketown!” cried Bard.
“Venha, povo de Laketown!” exclamou Bard.

“We have work to do!”
“Temos trabalho a fazer!”

And as Bard began to organize the people in their new camp,
E quando Bard começou a organizar as pessoas em seu novo acampamento,

he heard them talking about the vast treasure that was waiting in the Mountain, unguarded.
ele os ouviu falando sobre o vasto tesouro que esperava na Montanha, desprotegido.

But there was much to do, and in the days that followed, many people became sick and died, even though they survived the attack from Smaug.
Mas havia muito o que fazer e, nos dias que se seguiram, muitas pessoas adoeceram e morreram, embora tenham sobrevivido ao ataque de Smaug.

Bard worked very hard to help the people, but he knew he could not do it alone.
Bard trabalhou muito para ajudar as pessoas, mas sabia que não poderia fazer isso sozinho.

So he sent fast messengers into Mirkwood Forest to ask for help from the King of the Elves.
Então ele enviou mensageiros rápidos à Floresta de Mirkwood para pedir ajuda ao Rei dos Elfos.

But before the messengers reached the King, they found a vast army of Elves coming to Laketown.
Mas antes que os mensageiros chegassem ao rei, eles encontraram um vasto exército de elfos vindo para Laketown.

The Elvenking had received news from other messengers about the death of Smaug.
O rei élfico tinha recebido notícias de outros mensageiros sobre a morte de Smaug.

All the flying creatures in the land, birds and insects, were very excited about the death of the dragon - they were now free to fly without fear!
Todas as criaturas voadoras da região, pássaros e insetos, ficaram muito emocionadas com a morte do dragão - agora estavam livres para voar sem medo!

They whistled and tweeted and brought news to all the peoples in the regions around the Desolation of Smaug.
Eles assobiaram e tuitaram e trouxeram notícias para todos os povos nas regiões ao redor da Desolação de Smaug.

“Smaug is dead! Smaug is dead!” they cried!
“Smaug está morto! Smaug está morto!” eles clamaram!

The Elvenking heard it in Mirkwood, and the orcs heard the news in their mountain caverns to the north.
O rei élfico ouviu na Floresta de Mirkwood, e os orcos ouviram a notícia em suas cavernas nas montanhas ao norte.

Smaug was dead, and the treasure was unguarded.
Smaug estava morto e o tesouro estava desprotegido.

“Thorin Oakenshield is most likely dead, I fear,” said the Elvenking of Mirkwood.
“Thorin Oakenshield provavelmente está morto, eu temo,” disse o Rei Élfico da Floresta de Mirkwood.

“He should have remained my guest.
“Ele deveria ter permanecido meu convidado.

It is terrible news, though.”
É uma notícia terrível, no entanto.”

But the Elf King had not forgotten the stories about the vast treasures the Dwarves kept in the Mountain.
Mas o Rei Elfo não havia esquecido as histórias sobre os vastos tesouros que os anões guardavam na Montanha.

So that is why Bard’s messengers found the Elves already marching to the Mountain, prepared for battle.
Então é por isso que os mensageiros de Bard encontraram os elfos já marchando para a Montanha, preparados para a batalha.

But the Elf King was not an evil ruler.
Mas o Rei Elfo não era um governante mau.

He was a good and kind king.
Ele era um rei bom e gentil.

So he turned his marching army away from the Mountain and went to the lake to help the homeless Lakemen.
Então ele afastou seu exército em marcha da Montanha e foi para o lago para ajudar os moradores do lago sem-teto.

They arrived at the new camps next to the lake only five days after the death of Smaug.
Eles chegaram aos novos acampamentos próximos ao lago apenas cinco dias após a morte de Smaug.

They were welcomed by the Lakepeople.
Eles foram recebidos pelo povo do lago.

The Master was not liked, but the people knew he was a good businessman,
O Mestre não era querido, mas as pessoas sabiam que ele era um bom homem de negócios,

so he and Bard negotiated with the Elf King for his assistance and soon their plans were ready.
então ele e Bard negociaram com o Rei Elfo por sua ajuda e logo seus planos estavam prontos.

With the help of many skilled Elf carpenters,
Com a ajuda de muitos carpinteiros elfos habilidosos,

they began to cut the wood and prepare to rebuild the town, bigger and better than before.
eles começaram a cortar a madeira e se preparar para reconstruir a cidade, maior e melhor do que antes.

But they planned to build it farther to the north, away from the watery grave of Smaug.
Mas eles planejaram construí-la mais ao norte, longe do túmulo aquático de Smaug.

They were terrified of the place where the dragon fell.
Eles ficaram apavorados com o lugar onde o dragão caiu.

His bones remained there for ages after,
Seus ossos permaneceram lá por muito tempo,

but no one went into the water to get the gold and diamonds that fell off his decomposing body.
mas ninguém entrou na água para pegar o ouro e os diamantes que caíram de seu corpo em decomposição.

Now, all the warriors of Laketown who were still able,
Agora, todos os guerreiros de Laketown que ainda eram capazes,

and most of the Elves, prepared to march north to the Mountain.
e a maioria dos Elfos, se preparavam para marchar ao norte para a Montanha.

And so eleven days after the death of the dragon and the destruction of the town,
E assim, onze dias após a morte do dragão e a destruição da cidade,

the army of Men and Elves entered the region of the desolation of the dragon.
o exército de Homens e Elfos entrou na região da desolação do dragão.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 13 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 11 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)