THE HOBBIT Chapter 11 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)

Specially edited for beginner learners!
Editado especialmente para iniciantes!


Inside Information

The Dwarves stood in front of the dark door for a long time. Finally, Thorin said, “Now it is time for our dear Mr. Baggins, the most courageous Hobbit in all of Hobbiton, the luckiest burglar of all burglars, to perform the service he agreed to perform. Now it is time for him to earn his reward.”

“If you think I am going to enter this secret passage first, Thorin Okenshield, do not forget that I already helped you in two difficult situations.” said Bilbo angrily, “And they were not included in our contract! I think I already deserve some reward!”

“But, like my father used to say, the third time's the charm,” Bilbo continued. “I trust my luck more now than in the old days (by ‘the old days’ Bilbo meant last spring, before he left his house to go on this adventure!). Now, who is coming with me?”

He did not expect everyone to volunteer to help him, so he was not disappointed when the only Dwarf to offer help was old Balin. He said he would follow Bilbo some way into the passage. But not all the way. He would be prepared to call for help if Bilbo needed it.

The stars were shining bright in the night sky when Bilbo and Balin passed the enchanted door and entered the Mountain. The passage was made by the Dwarves - its walls and floor were smooth and straight. It went down very gradually to some distant end below. The darkness was complete.

Balin soon stopped. He wished Bilbo luck, and told him to call out if he needed help. Then Bilbo put on his ring, and began to continue down, down, down into the dark. He did not make a sound. He was terrified. He was a very different Hobbit now than the Hobbit who left Bag End without a handkerchief.

“What a fool you were, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself. “Why did I ever accept to come on this journey? I do not need treasure guarded by a dragon. Oh, how I wish this tunnel was the tunnel in my beautiful, safe Hobbit hole back in the Shire!”

Bilbo was completely alone. Soon, he thought the air began to feel warm. Then he thought he saw a soft glow far ahead of him down the tunnel. It was a glow. As we went forward, the glow began to grow and grow, until he could clearly see a red light far ahead. And now, it was getting hot in the tunnel! He began to sweat.

And now he could hear a sound. It was like a bubbling noise, mixed with a rumbling sound, like a gigantic cat purring. The sound grew louder and louder, until it was clear what the sound was. It was the gurgling noise of some vast animal snoring! The snoring sound was coming from the red light in front of him at the end of the tunnel.

At this point, Bilbo stopped. Going forward was the bravest thing he ever did. He fought the most difficult battle in that tunnel, alone. His fear was almost like a living thing. But he continued forward, even though he did not understand the tremendous danger that was waiting for him at the end of the tunnel, in that red, hot light.

Bilbo finally came to the end of the tunnel. He put his Hobbit head out into the vast room and looked around. It was a massive chamber at the bottom of the Mountain. It was almost completely dark, so he could not see how big it really was. But there in front of him, on a huge pile of gold and jewels and treasure, was a red glow. The glow of Smaug!

There he was. A giant red-golden dragon, sleeping. The rumbling noise coming from his mouth and nose was very loud. And smoke came from his nose, too. His giant wings were folded on his back. And under him was a very long and very strong tail, curved under his body. All around him, on all sides and covering the enormous floor of the chamber, were piles and piles of gold and precious things.

Bilbo did not have words to describe his feelings. The gold! The jewels! Bilbo had heard stories and songs about dragon treasure. But he could not comprehend what he saw. His heart was filled with the desire of Dwarves, the greed of Dwarves, the lust of Dwarves for gold and treasure. He almost forgot about the guardian of the gold that was asleep in front of him.

Bilbo stared at the gold for a long time. Then, almost without realizing it, he ran from the safety of the tunnel entrance. He ran across the floor to the closest pile of treasure. Above him the dragon was sleeping. Even sleeping, Smaug was a danger. Bilbo picked up a large golden cup. It was almost too heavy to carry. He looked up quickly at the dragon. Smaug moved his wing and opened a clawed hand. The sound of his snoring changed.

Then Bilbo ran back into the tunnel as fast as he could. But the dragon did not wake up. Not yet. Bilbo ran until he felt like his legs were going to break and his heart was going to explode. But he did not let go of the cup. He thought, “I have done it! I have done it! This will show the Dwarves! And they said I was more like a grocer than a burglar. Ha! This will change their minds for sure!”

And it did change their minds. Balin was very happy to see Bilbo again. To be honest, Balin was also very surprised. He did not think that he would ever see Bilbo again! But he carried the Hobbit up the tunnel and into the open air. It was midnight and the Dwarves could not control their excitement. 

The Dwarves were looking at the golden cup. They were very excited to have recovered their treasure. Suddenly there was a vast and terrible rumble from underneath the mountain, like a volcano about to erupt! The secret door was almost closed - they had put a stone to block it from closing - but they could hear the terrible sounds of roaring and crashing coming up the tunnel.

In their excitement and happiness, the Dwarves had forgotten all about Smaug! It is not a prudent thing to exclude a dragon from your calculations. Dragons do not really need gold and treasure. But as a rule, dragons know exactly what they are guarding, especially after guarding it for such a long time. And Smaug was no exception to the rule.

When Bilbo ran up the tunnel, Smaug began to wake up. He went from a delicious dream of violence and death, to a doze, to being wide awake! He could feel a change in the air in his cave. Was it coming from that little hole? Smaug had never liked the little hole. He wondered why he never blocked it. He even thought he had heard banging and knocking sounds coming from the little hole recently.

Smaug lifted his head and sniffed the air. Then he saw that the cup was gone! Thieves! Fire! Murder! Something like this had not happened since the first days when he came to the Mountain! It is impossible to describe his anger. He screamed fire into the dark chamber and the mountain shook like an earthquake. 

He crawled quickly out of the dark chamber and up to the front gates. The only thing he wanted was to hunt all around the Mountain until he found and caught the thief. He came out of the Gate. The water from the River Running boiled with his heat. He flew high into the air and landed on the mountain top, breathing fire and smoke!

The Dwarves heard the terrible sound of Smaug flying over the mountain. They stayed very quiet in the open space. They hoped that the dragon would not find them there. They would have been killed, but Bilbo saved them once again. “Quick! Quick!” he yelled. “The door! The tunnel! We cannot stay out here in the open.”

They were just about to enter the secret passage when Bifur gave a shout, “My cousins! Bombur and Bofur - they are down with the ponies. They will be killed! There is nothing we can do!” “Do not be silly!” said Thorin. “Quickly, get the rope. We will pull them up. Hurry!”

Those were the most dangerous moments they had been through so far. They could hear the horrible sounds of Smaug’s anger on the mountain above them. At any moment he could fly down and find them. The Dwarves pulled on the ropes with all their strength. Up came Bofur, and they were still safe. Up came Bombur, and still they were safe. They pulled up their tools and food, and then the danger was there.

There was a loud noise, like a wind storm. There was a red light reflecting on the rocks. They entered the tunnel at the last moment. The dragon came. He came with fire and death! His hot breath burned the grass in the open area. Flames entered the tunnel and the Dwarves could feel the heat.

Then darkness came again as the dragon flew past the secret door. The ponies and horses far below screamed and broke their ropes, and they ran away in terror. The dragon flew down to follow them. He was gone. “Our ponies and horses will certainly die!” said Thorin. “Nothing can escape Smaug once he sees them. We are trapped here. Unless someone wants to go back to Laketown with Smaug on the watch!”

They were in the tunnel for a long time. Every now and then they could hear the roar and scream of the flying dragon outside the tunnel entrance. Smaug guessed that Lakemen had come to the mountain with their ponies and horses. He thought the men had climbed the mountain, but Smaug did not see the secret entrance.  

Smaug hunted around the Mountain for a long time. But dawn came and he went back to sleep on his golden bed. To rest and to regain his strength. He would not forget the thief, not for a thousand years. But he could wait. He crawled slowly and silently back into the Mountain. He went back to his chamber and half closed his eyes.

They debated for a long time what they were going to do. Were they going to try to escape and return to Laketown? Or were they going to go back down the tunnel and face Smaug with weapons. There was a good chance the first option would end badly. Smaug could catch them in the open. The second option was certain death.

Finally, Bilbo spoke, “I was not hired to kill the dragon. That is your responsibility. But I can put my ring on and sneak back down the tunnel to see what Smaug is doing. ‘Every worm has a weak spot,’ my father always says. But I am sure he was not speaking from personal experience.”

Obviously the Dwarves accepted Bilbo’s offer. They had already begun to respect little Bilbo. Now he was the real leader in their adventure. He came up with ideas and made important decisions that helped everyone in the group. When it was midday, he prepared for another journey down into the Mountain.

Bilbo did not like the idea of going back down, but he knew more or less what was in front of him. But if he had known more about dragons and how dangerous they really were, he might have been more frightened. After all, he thought he might be able to catch the dragon while he was taking a nap. Bilbo always was a hopeful and positive little Hobbit.

Bilbo moved silently as he went down the tunnel. And he felt a little proud of himself as he approached the door to Smaug’s chamber. This time, there was only a very soft red glow. “Old Smaug is tired and asleep,” thought Bilbo. “He can’t see me and he won’t hear me.”

Bilbo had forgotten, or he had never heard about a dragon’s sense of smell. He also did not know that dragons can sleep with half an eye open, if they are suspicious. But Smaug certainly looked fast asleep. He looked dead, in fact, and dark. He was making almost no sound. His snore was almost imperceptible.

Bilbo was just about to walk into the chamber when he saw a thin ray of red light coming from under Smaug’s left eye. He was only pretending to sleep! He was watching the tunnel entrance! Quickly, Bilbo went back into the tunnel. Thank goodness for his ring. Then Smaug spoke.

“Well, thief! I smell you and I feel your air. I hear your breath. Go on then! You may take whatever you want, there is plenty, and to spare!” But Bilbo was not that naive. And if Smaug expected Bilbo to come closer so easily, he was going to be disappointed. “No thank you, O Smaug the Tremendous!” he replied. “I did not come for presents. I only wanted to look at you and see if you were truly as great as the stories say you are. I did not believe them.”

“Do you believe the stories now?” asked the dragon. It is always a good idea to compliment dragons, even if they do not believe your flattery. “The songs and stories do not come close to the reality, O Smaug the Greatest of Calamities,” replied Bilbo. “You are very polite for a thief, and a liar,” said the dragon.

“You seem to know who I am, but I do not know your smell. Who are you and where do you come from, may I ask?” “Of course you may ask! I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills I have traveled. And through the air. I am the traveler who walks unseen.”

“That I can believe,” said Smaug, “but it is not your real name.” “I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. They chose me for the lucky number.” “Lovely titles!” answered the dragon. “But lucky numbers are not always lucky.”“I am he who drowns his friends and takes them alive again from the water. I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me.” “These do not sound so believable,” laughed Smaug.

“I am the guest of eagles. I am Ring-finder and Luck-wearer; and I am Barrel-rider,” continued Bilbo. He was beginning to be pleased with his riddles. “Ha! That’s better!” said Smaug. “But do not let your imagination run away with you!” This of course is the way to talk to dragons, if you don’t want to reveal your proper name (which is a good thing not to do), and you don’t want to make them angry at you (which is also a good thing not to do).

Dragons love talking in riddles and trying to understand them. Smaug did not understand all of the riddles Bilbo was telling him (but I am sure you know all about Bilbo’s adventures which he was talking about), but Smaug thought he understood enough. “I thought so last night,” he smiled to himself. “Lake-men, some nasty scheme of those miserable Lake-men, or I’m a lizard.”

“Very well, O Barrel-rider!” he said loudly. “You may walk unseen, but you did not walk all the way. Let me tell you I ate six ponies last night and I will catch and eat all the others soon. In exchange for the excellent meal I will give you one piece of advice for your good: don’t associate with Dwarves more than is good for you!”

“Dwarves!” said Bilbo, pretending to be surprised. “Do not lie to me!” said Smaug. “I know the smell (and taste) of Dwarf - no one knows it better than I do. You’ll come to a bad end, if you go with such friends, Thief Barrel-rider. Go back and tell them that from me.” But he did not tell Bilbo that there was one smell he could not identify at all, the smell of Hobbit; it was outside of his experience and he was very confused by it.

“Did the Dwarves give you a good price for the cup you stole last night?” he continued. “Well, did they? They paid you nothing, didn’t they? Well, that’s just like the Dwarves. And I imagine they are hiding outside, and your job is to do all the dangerous work and take what you can when I’m not looking. Will they give you a fair portion for your trouble? Don’t you believe it! If you get out of here alive, you will be lucky.”

Bilbo now began to feel very uncomfortable. While they were talking, Smaug’s eye continued to look for him. Bilbo was invisible, but each time the light from Smaug’s eye flashed across him, he was terrified! And he felt a powerful desire to run towards Smaug and take off the ring - and reveal himself and tell all the truth to the dragon. In fact, Bilbo was in real danger of coming under Smaug’s dragon-spell.

But Bilbo found his courage and he spoke again. “You do not know everything, O Smaug the Strong,” he said “We did not come here to the Mountain only for the gold.” Smaug began to laugh, “Ha! Ha! So, you admit that you are not here alone! Why don’t you just say ‘us fourteen’ and tell me the truth, Mr. Lucky Number?”

Bilbo continued, “I say that gold was not the main reason we came. We came over hill and under hill, by wave and by wind for… REVENGE! O Smaug the unbelievably wealthy, you must understand that you have made some very jealous enemies because of your success.” Then Smaug really did laugh - a terrifying sound that caused Bilbo to fall to the floor. The Dwarves also heard the sound, and they thought for sure that Bilbo had come to a very bad end.

“Revenge!” he cried, and the light from his eyes filled the cavern from floor to ceiling like red lightning. “Revenge! The King Under the Mountain is dead, and where are his people to get their revenge? The Lord of Dale is dead. I ate his people and destroyed their town. Where are his sons and grandsons to take revenge on me? I kill who I want, and no one can stop me.”

“I killed the great warriors of old, and there is no one like them who lives in the world today. I was young and inexperienced when I did that. Now I am old and strong, strong, strong, Thief in the Shadows! My armor is like shields, my teeth are swords, my claws are spears, the shock of my tail is like a thunderbolt, my wings are a hurricane, and my breath is death!” A great fireball came from Smaug’s jaws and illuminated the chamber in a red light.

“I have been told,” said a very frightened Bilbo, “that dragons have a weak spot, especially in the region of the - er - chest. But I am sure that a dragon as strong as you are does not worry about such things.” Smaug became silent. “Your information is old,” he yelled. “I am armored above and below with scales that are as strong as iron and diamonds. There is no sword that can cut me.”

“Of course there isn’t,” said Bilbo. “You have no equal in the world today, O Lord Smaug the Impenetrable. It must be magnificent to wear a coat of fine diamonds!” “Yes, it is rare and wonderful,” said Smaug, who was absurdly happy with Bilbo’s compliments. He did not know that the Hobbit had already seen his belly and chest during his last visit, and wanted to have a closer look.

The dragon rolled over onto his side. “Look!” he cried. “What do you think about that?” “Marvelous! Perfect! Impeccable! Amazing!” cried Bilbo out loud, but what he thought inside was, “Old fool! One of your scales is missing! There is a hole in the side of your left breast as big as a dinner plate!” After he had seen that, the only thing Mr. Baggins wanted to do was to get away.

“Well, I really should not take any more of your time, Your Magnificence,” said Bilbo. “I should let you rest. It is difficult, I believe, to catch ponies. It is difficult to catch burglars, too,” he added with some sarcasm. As he said the last words, he ran back up the tunnel as fast as he could. It was not very intelligent to say that to Smaug, because he shot terrific flames after Bilbo in anger.

Bilbo was not far enough up the tunnel to escape without any damage. Luckily, Smaug’s head was too large to fit completely inside the tunnel entrance. But fire and vapor came from his nose and followed Bilbo up the passage. He was nearly cooked like a roast turkey! “Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!” he said to himself, and it became a favorite saying of his later. “This adventure is not over yet,” he added, and that was true as well.

It was almost nighttime when Bilbo came out of the tunnel. The Dwarves were there to help him and doctor his burns as well as possible. But it was a long time before the hair on the back of his head and feet grew back properly again. The Dwarves were very excited to hear about his encounter with the dragon, especially why he had made so much noise, and how Bilbo had escaped.

But the Hobbit was worried and uncomfortable, and he did not tell them very much about his adventure with Smaug. He felt bad about some of the things he said to the dragon, and he did not want to repeat them. The old thrush was sitting on the rock near the group. He was listening very carefully to everything that Bilbo was saying. 

Bilbo was in a very bad mood, and threw a rock at the bird. “Go away bird!” said Bilbo angrily. The bird jumped up, flapped its wings, and landed again on the rock, listening carefully again. “I do not like the look of that bird, and I think he is listening to us!” “Leave him alone!” said Thorin. “They are a magical race of birds. They understand our language. For hundreds of years they were the friends of the Men of Dale and my father and grandfather’s people.”

“Well, he will have news to take to Laketown tonight, if that is what he wants,” said Bilbo. “But I can’t imagine there is anyone in Laketown who can understand his thrush-language.” “Why what has happened?” cried the dwarves. “Please, tell us what happened!”

So Bilbo told them everything he could remember, and he confessed that he had a terrible sensation that the dragon learned too much from his riddles. “I am sure he knows we came from Laketown and had help from there,” said Bilbo in a worried voice.

“And I have a horrible feeling that Smaug will try to hurt the people of Laketown. I wish I had never said that I was a barrel-rider. Even the dumbest creature would think of the men of Laketown.” “Well, it is difficult not to become hypnotized by a dragon,” said Balin, trying to make Bilbo feel better. “I think you did very well, if you ask me. You discovered a very useful piece of information, about the hole in his scales.”

Then they began to talk about how to kill dragons, all the historical and mythical stories they had heard about the different ways to defeat dragons. The general opinion was that it is very difficult to kill a dragon, even when you catch them sleeping. The whole time they talked, the thrush was listening to them. And without them seeing, the bird opened its wings and flew silently into the night.

While they talked, Bilbo became more and more worried and unhappy. He was scared. At last he interrupted them. “I am sure we are very unsafe here,” he said, “and I don’t think we should stay here. I think the dragon will attack this place soon. He will break all this side of the Mountain to kill us all.” Finally, Bilbo convinced the Dwarves to move inside the tunnel and to close the door, using a stone to keep it open.

Soon they began to talk of all the gold and treasure that was down in the dragon’s hall. But the most beautiful of all the treasure was the great white gem that the Dwarves found at the very bottom of the Mountain. They called it the “Heart of the Mountain”, the Arkenstone of Thrain. “The Arkenstone! The Arkenstone!” cried Thorin in the dark.

“It was like a globe with a thousand faces. It shines like silver in the night, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain on the Moon!” But as they talked, Bilbo became more and more worried. He kept listening for sounds of the dragon. “Close the door! Please!” he begged them, “I believe the dragon will find us. It is too silent outside, and down in the hall. Shut the door before it is too late!”

Something in Bilbo’s voice convinced Thorin to listen to the Hobbit. He got up and kicked the small stone away that was holding the secret door open. The door closed with a snap! There was no sign of a keyhole. They were trapped in the Mountain!

And not a moment too soon. They had moved only a short distance down the tunnel when there was a tremendous noise on the side of the Mountain. It sounded like an explosion of thunder and rock. The walls around them began to crack, and stones fell on their heads from the roof of the tunnel. I cannot imagine what would have happened if the door had still been open!

Because Bilbo convinced them to act, they survived the attack by Smaug. He broke large rocks into small small pieces. With his powerful tail he destroyed the rock wall around the secret door. With his horrible flames, he burned the grass in the open area next to the door. All of it disappeared in flames and rock.

After Bilbo had run away up the tunnel, Smaug left the mountain very quietly. He flew silently into the air and floated in the dark sky. He was trying to see where the tunnel might have an exit on the side of the mountain - the same tunnel that the “thief” had used. He guessed the location of the exit, but he was furious that he could not find anyone there. He was so angry that he decided to destroy the mountain around the opening to kill the invaders.

Smaug felt much better after releasing some of his anger. And he believed now that there would not be any trouble from that tunnel anymore. But his night was only beginning. There was revenge in the air. “Barrel-rider!” he said. “I do not recognize your smell, but if you are not one of the Lakemen, they helped you in some way. They will see me now and they will remember who the real King Under the Mountain is!” He rose into the air in a cloud of fire and smoke, and flew away towards Laketown.

Chapter 11
Capítulo 11

The Secret Door
A Porta Secreta

The Dwarves stood in front of the dark door for a long time.
Os anões ficaram em frente à porta escura por um longo tempo.

Finally, Thorin said, “Now it is time for our dear Mr. Baggins, the most courageous Hobbit in all of Hobbiton,
Finalmente, Thorin disse: “Agora é hora de nosso querido Sr. Bolseiro, o Hobbit mais corajoso de toda Hobbiton,

the luckiest burglar of all burglars, to perform the service he agreed to perform.
o ladrão mais sortudo de todos os ladrões, realizar o serviço que ele concordou em realizar.

Now it is time for him to earn his reward.”
Agora é hora de ele merecer sua recompensa.”

“If you think I am going to enter this secret passage first, Thorin Okenshield, do not forget that I already helped you in two difficult situations.” said Bilbo angrily,
“Se você acha que vou entrar primeiro nesta passagem secreta, Thorin Okenshield, não se esqueça que já o ajudei em duas situações difíceis.” disse Bilbo com raiva,

“And they were not included in our contract! I think I already deserve some reward!”
“E elas não foram incluídas em nosso contrato! Acho que já mereço alguma recompensa!”

“But, like my father used to say, the third time's the charm,” Bilbo continued. 

"Mas, como meu pai costumava dizer, a terceira vez é o charme", continuou Bilbo.

“I trust my luck more now than in the old days (by ‘the old days’ Bilbo meant last spring, before he left his house to go on this adventure!). Now, who is coming with me?”
“Confio mais na minha sorte agora do que nos velhos tempos (com ‘velhos tempos’ Bilbo quis dizer na primavera passada, antes de sair de casa para esta aventura!). Agora, quem vem comigo?”

He did not expect everyone to volunteer to help him,
Ele não esperava que todos se oferecessem para ajudá-lo,

so he was not disappointed when the only Dwarf to offer help was old Balin.
então não ficou desapontado quando o único anão a oferecer ajuda foi o velho Balin.

He said he would follow Bilbo some way into the passage. But not all the way.
Ele disse que seguiria Bilbo até certo ponto da passagem. Mas não todo o caminho.

He would be prepared to call for help if Bilbo needed it.
Ele estaria preparado para pedir ajuda se Bilbo precisasse.

The stars were shining bright in the night sky when Bilbo and Balin passed the enchanted door and entered the Mountain.
As estrelas brilhavam no céu noturno quando Bilbo e Balin passaram pela porta encantada e entraram na Montanha.

The passage was made by the Dwarves - its walls and floor were smooth and straight.
A passagem foi feita pelos anões - suas paredes e piso eram lisos e retos.

It went down very gradually to some distant end below.
Ele desceu muito gradualmente para algum fim distante abaixo.

The darkness was complete.
A escuridão era completa.

Balin soon stopped.
Balin logo parou.

He wished Bilbo luck, and told him to call out if he needed help.
Ele desejou sorte a Bilbo e disse-lhe para chamar se precisasse de ajuda.

Then Bilbo put on his ring, and began to continue down, down, down into the dark.
Então Bilbo colocou seu anel e começou a descer, descer, descer no escuro.

He did not make a sound.
Ele não fez um barulho.

He was terrified.
Ele estava apavorado.

He was a very different Hobbit now than the Hobbit who left Bag End without a handkerchief.
Ele era um Hobbit muito diferente agora do Hobbit que deixou Bag End sem um lenço.

“What a fool you were, Bilbo Baggins!” he said to himself.
“Que tolo você foi, Bilbo Baggins!” ele falou pra si mesmo.

“Why did I ever accept to come on this journey?
“Por que eu aceitei vir nesta jornada?

I do not need treasure guarded by a dragon.
Não preciso de um tesouro guardado por um dragão.

Oh, how I wish this tunnel was the tunnel in my beautiful, safe Hobbit hole back in the Shire!”
Oh, como eu gostaria que este túnel fosse o túnel em minha linda e segura toca Hobbit lá no Shire!”

Bilbo was completely alone.
Bilbo estava completamente sozinho.

Soon, he thought the air began to feel warm.
Logo, ele pensou que o ar começou a ficar quente.

Then he thought he saw a soft glow far ahead of him down the tunnel.
Então ele pensou ter visto um brilho suave à sua frente no túnel.

It was a glow.
Era um brilho.

As he went forward, the glow began to grow and grow, until he could clearly see a red light far ahead.
À medida que ele avançava, o brilho começou a crescer cada vez mais, até que ele pôde ver claramente uma luz vermelha à frente.

And now, it was getting hot in the tunnel! He began to sweat.
E agora estava ficando quente no túnel! Ele começou a suar.

And now he could hear a sound.
E agora ele podia ouvir um som.

It was like a bubbling noise, mixed with a rumbling sound, like a gigantic cat purring.
Era como um borbulhar misturado com um som estrondoso, como o ronronar de um gato gigante.

The sound grew louder and louder, until it was clear what the sound was.
O som foi ficando cada vez mais alto, até que ficou claro qual era o som.

It was the gurgling noise of some vast animal snoring!
Era o barulho gorgolejante de algum grande animal roncando!

The snoring sound was coming from the red light in front of him at the end of the tunnel.
O som do ronco vinha da luz vermelha à sua frente no fim do túnel.

At this point, Bilbo stopped.
Nesse ponto, Bilbo parou.

Going forward was the bravest thing he ever did.
Seguir em frente foi a coisa mais corajosa que ele já fez.

He fought the most difficult battle in that tunnel, alone.
Ele travou a batalha mais difícil naquele túnel, sozinho.

His fear was almost like a living thing.
Seu medo era quase como uma coisa viva.

But he continued forward, even though he did not understand the tremendous danger that was waiting for him at the end of the tunnel, in that red, hot light.
Mas ele continuou em frente, mesmo sem entender o tremendo perigo que o esperava no fim do túnel, naquela luz vermelha e quente.

Bilbo finally came to the end of the tunnel.
Bilbo finalmente chegou ao fim do túnel.

He put his Hobbit head out into the vast room and looked around.
Ele esticou sua cabeça de Hobbit na vasta sala e olhou em volta.

It was a massive chamber at the bottom of the Mountain.
Era uma enorme câmara no sopé da Montanha.

It was almost completely dark, so he could not see how big it really was.
Estava quase completamente escuro, então ele não podia ver o quão grande realmente era.

But there in front of him, on a huge pile of gold and jewels and treasure, was a red glow. The glow of Smaug!
Mas ali na frente dele, em uma enorme pilha de ouro, jóias e tesouros, havia um brilho vermelho. O brilho de Smaug!

There he was.
Lá estava ele.

A giant red-golden dragon, sleeping.
Um gigante dragão vermelho-dourado, dormindo.

The rumbling noise coming from his mouth and nose was very loud.
O barulho vindo de sua boca e nariz era muito alto.

And smoke came from his nose, too.
E fumaça saiu de seu nariz também.

His giant wings were folded on his back.
Suas asas gigantes estavam dobradas nas costas.

And under him was a very long and very strong tail, curved under his body.
E embaixo dele havia uma cauda muito longa e muito forte, curvada sob seu corpo.

All around him, on all sides and covering the enormous floor of the chamber, were piles and piles of gold and precious things.
Ao seu redor, por todos os lados e cobrindo o enorme chão da câmara, havia pilhas e mais pilhas de ouro e coisas preciosas.

Bilbo did not have words to describe his feelings.
Bilbo não tinha palavras para descrever seus sentimentos.

The gold! The jewels!
O ouro! As jóias!

Bilbo had heard stories and songs about dragon treasure.
Bilbo tinha ouvido histórias e canções sobre o tesouro de dragões.

But he could not comprehend what he saw.
Mas ele não conseguia compreender o que via.

His heart was filled with the desire of Dwarves, the greed of Dwarves, the lust of Dwarves for gold and treasure.
Seu coração estava cheio do desejo dos anões, da ganância dos anões, da cobiça dos anões por ouro e tesouros.

He almost forgot about the guardian of the gold that was asleep in front of him.
Ele quase se esqueceu do guardião do ouro que estava dormindo na frente dele.

Bilbo stared at the gold for a long time.
Bilbo olhou para o ouro por um longo tempo.

Then, almost without realizing it, he ran from the safety of the tunnel entrance.
Então, quase sem perceber, saiu correndo da segurança da entrada do túnel.

He ran across the floor to the closest pile of treasure.
Ele correu pelo chão até a pilha de tesouro mais próxima.

Above him the dragon was sleeping.
Acima dele, o dragão estava dormindo.

Even sleeping, Smaug was a danger.
Mesmo dormindo, Smaug era um perigo.

Bilbo picked up a large golden cup.
Bilbo pegou uma grande taça dourada.

It was almost too heavy to carry.
Era quase pesada demais para carregar.

He looked up quickly at the dragon.
Ele olhou rapidamente para o dragão.

Smaug moved his wing and opened a clawed hand.
Smaug moveu sua asa e abriu uma mão com garras.

The sound of his snoring changed.
O som de seu ronco mudou.

Then Bilbo ran back into the tunnel as fast as he could.
Então Bilbo correu de volta para o túnel o mais rápido que pôde.

But the dragon did not wake up.
Mas o dragão não acordou.

Not yet.
Ainda não.

Bilbo ran until he felt like his legs were going to break and his heart was going to explode.
Bilbo correu até sentir que suas pernas iam quebrar e seu coração ia explodir.

But he did not let go of the cup.
Mas ele não largou o copo.

He thought, “I have done it! I have done it!
Ele pensou, “Consegui! Eu fiz isso!

This will show the Dwarves!
Isso vai mostrar os anões!

And they said I was more like a grocer than a burglar.
E eles disseram que eu era mais um dono de mercearia do que um ladrão.

Ha! This will change their minds for sure!”
Ha! Isso vai mudar suas mentes com certeza!”

And it did change their minds.
E isso realmente mudou suas mentes.

Balin was very happy to see Bilbo again.
Balin ficou muito feliz em ver Bilbo novamente.

To be honest, Balin was also very surprised.
Para ser honesto, Balin também ficou muito surpreso.

He did not think that he would ever see Bilbo again!
Ele achava que nunca mais veria Bilbo!

But he carried the Hobbit up the tunnel and into the open air.
Mas ele carregou o Hobbit pelo túnel até o ar livre.

It was midnight and the Dwarves could not control their excitement.
Era meia-noite e os anões não conseguiam controlar sua animação.

The Dwarves were looking at the golden cup.
Os anões estavam olhando para a taça dourada.

They were very excited to have recovered their treasure.
Eles estavam muito entusiasmados por terem recuperado o seu tesouro.

Suddenly there was a vast and terrible rumble from underneath the mountain, like a volcano about to erupt!
De repente, houve um grande e terrível estrondo debaixo da montanha, como um vulcão prestes a entrar em erupção!

The secret door was almost closed - they had put a stone to block it from closing -
A porta secreta estava quase fechada - eles colocaram uma pedra para impedi-la de fechar -

but they could hear the terrible sounds of roaring and crashing coming up the tunnel.
mas eles podiam ouvir os sons terríveis de rugidos e estrondos vindo do túnel.

In their excitement and happiness, the Dwarves had forgotten all about Smaug!
Em sua animação e felicidade, os anões haviam esquecido tudo sobre Smaug!

It is not a prudent thing to exclude a dragon from your calculations.
Não é prudente excluir um dragão de seus cálculos.

Dragons do not really need gold and treasure.
Os dragões realmente não precisam de ouro e tesouros.

But as a rule, dragons know exactly what they are guarding, especially after guarding it for such a long time.
Mas, como regra, os dragões sabem exatamente o que estão guardando, especialmente depois de guardá-lo por tanto tempo.

And Smaug was no exception to the rule.
E Smaug não foi exceção à regra.

When Bilbo ran up the tunnel, Smaug began to wake up.
Quando Bilbo correu pelo túnel, Smaug começou a acordar.

He went from a delicious dream of violence and death, to a doze, to being wide awake!
Ele passou de um delicioso sonho de violência e morte, para um cochilo, para estar bem acordado!

He could feel a change in the air in his cave.
Ele podia sentir uma mudança no ar em sua caverna.

Was it coming from that little hole?
Estava vindo daquele buraquinho?

Smaug had never liked the little hole.
Smaug nunca gostou do buraquinho.

He wondered why he never blocked it.
Ele se perguntou por que nunca o bloqueou.

He even thought he had heard banging and knocking sounds coming from the little hole recently.
Ele até pensou ter ouvido sons de batidas saindo do pequeno buraco recentemente.

Smaug lifted his head and sniffed the air.
Smaug levantou a cabeça e cheirou o ar.

Then he saw that the cup was gone!
Então ele viu que o copo havia sumido!




Something like this had not happened since the first days when he came to the Mountain!
Algo assim não tinha acontecido desde os primeiros dias em que ele veio para a Montanha!

It is impossible to describe his anger.
É impossível descrever sua raiva.

He screamed fire into the dark chamber and the mountain shook like an earthquake.
Ele gritou fogo na câmara escura e a montanha tremeu como um terremoto.

He crawled quickly out of the dark chamber and up to the front gates.
Ele rastejou rapidamente para fora da câmara escura e até os portões da frente.

The only thing he wanted was to hunt all around the Mountain until he found and caught the thief.
A única coisa que ele queria era caçar por toda a Montanha até encontrar e prender o ladrão.

He came out of the Gate.
Ele saiu do Portão.

The water from the River Running boiled with his heat.
A água do Rio Running fervia com seu calor.

He flew high into the air and landed on the mountain top, breathing fire and smoke!
Ele voou alto e pousou no topo da montanha, cuspindo fogo e fumaça!

The Dwarves heard the terrible sound of Smaug flying over the mountain. 

Os anões ouviram o som terrível de Smaug voando sobre a montanha.

They stayed very quiet in the open space.
Eles ficaram muito quietos no espaço aberto.

They hoped that the dragon would not find them there.
Eles esperavam que o dragão não os encontrasse lá.

They would have been killed, but Bilbo saved them once again.
Eles teriam sido mortos, mas Bilbo os salvou mais uma vez.

“Quick! Quick!” he yelled. “The door! The tunnel! We cannot stay out here in the open.”
"Rápido! Rápido!" ele gritou. "A porta! O túnel! Não podemos ficar aqui ao relento.

They were just about to enter the secret passage when Bifur gave a shout,
Eles estavam prestes a entrar na passagem secreta quando Bifur gritou:

“My cousins! Bombur and Bofur - they are down with the ponies.
“Meus primos! Bombur e Bofur - eles estão com os pôneis.

They will be killed!
Eles serão mortos!

There is nothing we can do!”
Não há nada que possamos fazer!"

“Do not be silly!” said Thorin.
"Não seja bobo!" disse Torin.

“Quickly, get the rope.
“Rápido, pegue a corda.

We will pull them up. Hurry!”
Nós vamos puxá-los para cima. Pressa!"

Those were the most dangerous moments they had been through so far.
Aqueles foram os momentos mais perigosos pelos quais eles tinham passado até agora.

They could hear the horrible sounds of Smaug’s anger on the mountain above them.
Eles podiam ouvir os sons horríveis da raiva de Smaug na montanha acima deles.

At any moment he could fly down and find them.
A qualquer momento ele poderia voar e encontrá-los.

The Dwarves pulled on the ropes with all their strength.
Os anões puxaram as cordas com toda a força.

Up came Bofur, and they were still safe.
Subiu Bofur, e eles ainda estavam seguros.

Up came Bombur, and still they were safe.
Subiu Bombur, e eles ainda estavam seguros.

They pulled up their tools and food, and then the danger was there.
Eles puxaram suas ferramentas e comida, e então o perigo estava lá.

There was a loud noise, like a wind storm.
Houve um barulho alto, como uma tempestade de vento.

There was a red light reflecting on the rocks.
Havia uma luz vermelha refletindo nas rochas.

They entered the tunnel at the last moment.
Eles entraram no túnel no último momento.

The dragon came.
O dragão veio.

He came with fire and death!
Ele veio com fogo e morte!

His hot breath burned the grass in the open area.
Seu hálito quente queimava a grama na área aberta.

Flames entered the tunnel and the Dwarves could feel the heat.
As chamas entraram no túnel e os anões puderam sentir o calor.

Then darkness came again as the dragon flew past the secret door.
Então a escuridão voltou quando o dragão passou voando pela porta secreta.

The ponies and horses far below screamed and broke their ropes, and they ran away in terror.
Os pôneis e cavalos lá embaixo gritaram e quebraram suas cordas, e eles fugiram aterrorizados.

The dragon flew down to follow them.
O dragão voou para segui-los.

He was gone.
Ele se foi.

“Our ponies and horses will certainly die!” said Thorin.
“Nossos pôneis e cavalos certamente morrerão!” disse Torin.

“Nothing can escape Smaug once he sees them.
“Nada pode escapar de Smaug depois que ele os vê.

We are trapped here.
Estamos presos aqui.

Unless someone wants to go back to Laketown with Smaug on the watch!”
A menos que alguém queira voltar para Laketown com Smaug vigiando!

They were in the tunnel for a long time.
Eles ficaram no túnel por um longo tempo.

Every now and then they could hear the roar and scream of the flying dragon outside the tunnel entrance.
De vez em quando eles podiam ouvir o rugido e o grito do dragão voador do lado de fora da entrada do túnel.

Smaug guessed that Lakemen had come to the mountain with their ponies and horses.
Smaug adivinhou que Lakemen tinha vindo para a montanha com seus pôneis e cavalos.

He thought the men had climbed the mountain, but Smaug did not see the secret entrance. 
Ele pensou que os homens haviam escalado a montanha, mas Smaug não viu a entrada secreta.

Smaug hunted around the Mountain for a long time.
Smaug caçou ao redor da Montanha por um longo tempo.

But dawn came and he went back to sleep on his golden bed.
Mas amanheceu e ele voltou a dormir em sua cama dourada.

To rest and to regain his strength.
Descansar e recuperar as forças.

He would not forget the thief, not for a thousand years.
Ele não esqueceria o ladrão, nem por mil anos.

But he could wait.
Mas ele podia esperar.

He crawled slowly and silently back into the Mountain.
Ele rastejou lenta e silenciosamente de volta para a Montanha.

He went back to his chamber and half closed his eyes.
Ele voltou para seu quarto e semicerrou os olhos.

They debated for a long time what they were going to do.
Eles debateram por um longo tempo o que iriam fazer.

Were they going to try to escape and return to Laketown?
Eles iriam tentar escapar e voltar para Laketown?

Or were they going to go back down the tunnel and face Smaug with weapons.
Ou eles iriam voltar pelo túnel e enfrentar Smaug com armas.

There was a good chance the first option would end badly.
Havia uma boa chance de a primeira opção terminar mal.

Smaug could catch them in the open.
Smaug poderia pegá-los em campo aberto.

The second option was certain death.
A segunda opção era a morte certa.

Finally, Bilbo spoke, “I was not hired to kill the dragon.
Por fim, Bilbo falou: “Não fui contratado para matar o dragão.

That is your responsibility.
Essa é sua responsabilidade.

But I can put my ring on and sneak back down the tunnel to see what Smaug is doing.
Mas posso colocar meu anel e me esgueirar pelo túnel para ver o que Smaug está fazendo.

‘Every worm has a weak spot,’ my father always says.
‘Todo verme tem um ponto fraco’, meu pai sempre diz.

But I am sure he was not speaking from personal experience.”
Mas tenho certeza de que ele não estava falando por experiência própria.”

Obviously the Dwarves accepted Bilbo’s offer.
Obviamente os anões aceitaram a oferta de Bilbo.

They had already begun to respect little Bilbo.
Eles já haviam começado a respeitar o pequeno Bilbo.

Now he was the real leader in their adventure.
Agora ele era o verdadeiro líder em sua aventura.

He came up with ideas and made important decisions that helped everyone in the group.
Ele teve ideias e tomou decisões importantes que ajudaram a todos no grupo.

When it was midday, he prepared for another journey down into the Mountain.
Quando chegou o meio-dia, ele se preparou para outra jornada montanha abaixo.

Bilbo did not like the idea of going back down, but he knew more or less what was in front of him.
Bilbo não gostou da ideia de descer, mas sabia mais ou menos o que estava à sua frente.

But if he had known more about dragons and how dangerous they really were, he might have been more frightened.
Mas se ele soubesse mais sobre dragões e quão perigosos eles realmente eram, ele poderia ter ficado mais assustado.

After all, he thought he might be able to catch the dragon while he was taking a nap.
Afinal, ele pensou que poderia pegar o dragão enquanto tirava uma soneca.

Bilbo always was a hopeful and positive little Hobbit.
Bilbo sempre foi um pequeno Hobbit esperançoso e positivo.

Bilbo moved silently as he went down the tunnel.
Bilbo moveu-se silenciosamente enquanto descia o túnel.

And he felt a little proud of himself as he approached the door to Smaug’s chamber.
E ele se sentiu um pouco orgulhoso de si mesmo ao se aproximar da porta da caverna de Smaug.

This time, there was only a very soft red glow.
Desta vez, havia apenas um brilho vermelho muito suave.

“Old Smaug is tired and asleep,” thought Bilbo.
“O velho Smaug está cansado e dormindo”, pensou Bilbo.

“He can’t see me and he won’t hear me.”
“Ele não pode me ver e não vai me ouvir.”

Bilbo had forgotten, or he had never heard about a dragon’s sense of smell.
Bilbo havia esquecido, ou nunca tinha ouvido falar sobre o olfato de um dragão.

He also did not know that dragons can sleep with half an eye open, if they are suspicious.
Ele também não sabia que dragões podem dormir com meio olho aberto, se estiverem desconfiados.

But Smaug certainly looked fast asleep.
Mas Smaug certamente parecia profundamente adormecido.

He looked dead, in fact, and dark.
Ele parecia morto, de fato, e apagado.

He was making almost no sound.
Ele estava fazendo quase nenhum som.

His snore was almost imperceptible.
Seu ronco era quase imperceptível.

Bilbo was just about to walk into the chamber when he saw a thin ray of red light coming from under Smaug’s left eye.
Bilbo estava prestes a entrar na câmara quando viu um fino raio de luz vermelha vindo de baixo do olho esquerdo de Smaug.

He was only pretending to sleep!
Ele estava apenas fingindo dormir!

He was watching the tunnel entrance!
Ele estava vigiando a entrada do túnel!

Quickly, Bilbo went back into the tunnel.
Rapidamente, Bilbo voltou para o túnel.

Thank goodness for his ring.
Graças a Deus por seu anel.

Then Smaug spoke.
Então Smaug falou.

“Well, thief! I smell you and I feel your air.
“Bem, ladrão! Sinto seu cheiro e sinto seu ar.

I hear your breath.
Eu ouço sua respiração.

Go on then!
Vá em frente então!

You may take whatever you want, there is plenty, and to spare!”
Você pode pegar o que quiser, há bastante e de sobra!

But Bilbo was not that naive.
Mas Bilbo não era tão ingênuo.

And if Smaug expected Bilbo to come closer so easily, he was going to be disappointed.
E se Smaug esperava que Bilbo se aproximasse tão facilmente, ele ficaria desapontado.

“No thank you, O Smaug the Tremendous!” he replied.
“Não, obrigado, ó Smaug, o Tremendo!” ele respondeu.

“I did not come for presents.
“Eu não vim para presentes.

I only wanted to look at you and see if you were truly as great as the stories say you are.
Eu só queria olhar para você e ver se você era realmente tão grandioso quanto as histórias dizem que você é.

I did not believe them.”
Eu não acreditei nelas.”

“Do you believe the stories now?” asked the dragon.
“Você acredita nas histórias agora?” perguntou o dragão.

It is always a good idea to compliment dragons, even if they do not believe your flattery.
É sempre uma boa ideia elogiar os dragões, mesmo que eles não acreditem em sua bajulação.

“The songs and stories do not come close to the reality, O Smaug the Greatest of Calamities,” replied Bilbo.
“As canções e histórias não chegam nem perto da realidade, ó Smaug, a Maior das Calamidades”, respondeu Bilbo.

“You are very polite for a thief, and a liar,” said the dragon.
“Você é muito educado para um ladrão e mentiroso,” disse o dragão.

“You seem to know who I am, but I do not know your smell.
“Você parece saber quem eu sou, mas não conheço seu cheiro.

Who are you and where do you come from, may I ask?”
Quem é você e de onde você vem, posso perguntar?”

“Of course you may ask!
“Claro que você pode perguntar!

I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills I have traveled.
Venho de debaixo da colina, e sob as colinas e sobre as colinas viajei.

And through the air.
E pelo ar.

I am the traveler who walks unseen.”
Eu sou o viajante que anda sem ser visto.”

“That I can believe,” said Smaug, “but it is not your real name.”
“Isso eu posso acreditar,” disse Smaug, “mas não é seu nome verdadeiro.”

“I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly.
“Eu sou o localizador de pistas, o cortador de teias, a mosca que pica.

They chose me for the lucky number.”
Eles me escolheram para o número da sorte.”

“Lovely titles!” answered the dragon.
“Títulos adoráveis!” respondeu o dragão.

“But lucky numbers are not always lucky.”
“Mas os números da sorte nem sempre dão sorte.”

“I am he who drowns his friends and takes them alive again from the water.
“Sou aquele que afoga seus amigos e os tira vivos da água.

I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me.”
Eu vim do fundo de um saco, mas nenhum saco passou por cima de mim.”

“These do not sound so believable,” laughed Smaug.
“Isso não parece tão crível”, riu Smaug.

“I am the guest of eagles.
“Eu sou o convidado das águias.

I am Ring-finder and Luck-wearer;
Eu sou o localizador de anéis e portador da sorte;

and I am Barrel-rider,” continued Bilbo.
e eu sou montador de barris,” continuou Bilbo.

He was beginning to be pleased with his riddles.
Ele estava começando a ficar satisfeito com seus enigmas.

“Ha! That’s better!” said Smaug.
“Ah! Isso é melhor!" disse Smaug.

“But do not let your imagination run away with you!”
“Mas não deixe sua imaginação voar com você!”

This of course is the way to talk to dragons, if you don’t want to reveal your proper name (which is a good thing not to do),
É claro que essa é a maneira de falar com dragões, se você não quiser revelar seu nome verdadeiro (o que é uma boa coisa a não fazer),

and you don’t want to make them angry at you (which is also a good thing not to do).
e não quiser deixá-los com raiva de você (o que também é uma boa ideia não fazer).

Dragons love talking in riddles and trying to understand them.
Os dragões adoram falar em enigmas e tentar entendê-los.

Smaug did not understand all of the riddles Bilbo was telling him (but I am sure you know all about Bilbo’s adventures which he was talking about),
Smaug não entendeu todos os enigmas que Bilbo estava contando a ele (mas tenho certeza que você sabe tudo sobre as aventuras de Bilbo das quais ele estava falando),

but Smaug thought he understood enough.
mas Smaug achou que entendia o suficiente.

“I thought so last night,” he smiled to himself.
“Foi o que pensei ontem à noite”, ele sorriu para si mesmo.

“Lake-men, some nasty scheme of those miserable Lake-men, or I’m a lizard.”
“Homens do lago, algum esquema desagradável daqueles miseráveis homens do lago, ou eu sou um lagarto.”

“Very well, O Barrel-rider!” he said loudly.
“Muito bem, ó cavaleiro do barril!” ele disse alto.

“You may walk unseen, but you did not walk all the way.
“Você pode andar sem ser visto, mas não andou todo o caminho.

Let me tell you I ate six ponies last night and I will catch and eat all the others soon.
Deixe-me dizer que comi seis pôneis ontem à noite e vou pegar e comer todos os outros em breve.

In exchange for the excellent meal I will give you one piece of advice for your good:
Em troca da excelente refeição, vou lhe dar um conselho para o seu bem:

don’t associate with Dwarves more than is good for you!”
não se associe com os anões mais do que é bom para você!”

“Dwarves!” said Bilbo, pretending to be surprised.
“Anões!” disse Bilbo, fingindo estar surpreso.

“Do not lie to me!” said Smaug.
"Não minta para mim!" disse Smaug.

“I know the smell (and taste) of Dwarf - no one knows it better than I do.
“Conheço o cheiro (e o gosto) do anão - ninguém o conhece melhor do que eu.

You’ll come to a bad end, if you go with such friends, Thief Barrel-rider.
Você terá um fim ruim, se for com esses amigos, Ladrão cavaleiro do barril.

Go back and tell them that from me.”
Volte e diga isso a eles por mim.”

But he did not tell Bilbo that there was one smell he could not identify at all, the smell of Hobbit;
Mas ele não disse a Bilbo que tinha um cheiro que ele não conseguia identificar, o cheiro de Hobbit;

it was outside of his experience and he was very confused by it.
estava fora de sua experiência e ele estava muito confuso com isso.

“Did the Dwarves give you a good price for the cup you stole last night?” he continued.
“Os anões lhe deram um bom preço pela taça que você roubou ontem à noite?” Ele continuou.

“Well, did they?
“Bem, eles fizeram?

They paid you nothing, didn’t they?
Eles não te pagaram nada, não é?

Well, that’s just like the Dwarves.
Bem, é isso que se espera dos anões.

And I imagine they are hiding outside, and your job is to do all the dangerous work and take what you can when I’m not looking.
E imagino que estejam escondidos lá fora, e seu trabalho é fazer todo o trabalho perigoso e pegar o que puder quando eu não estiver olhando.

Will they give you a fair portion for your trouble?
Eles darão a você uma parte justa pelo seu problema?

Don’t you believe it!
Não acredite!

If you get out of here alive, you will be lucky.”
Se você sair daqui vivo, terá sorte.

Bilbo now began to feel very uncomfortable.
Bilbo agora começou a se sentir muito desconfortável.

While they were talking, Smaug’s eye continued to look for him.
Enquanto conversavam, o olho de Smaug continuou a procurá-lo.

Bilbo was invisible, but each time the light from Smaug’s eye flashed across him, he was terrified!
Bilbo era invisível, mas cada vez que a luz do olho de Smaug passava por ele, ele ficava apavorado!

And he felt a powerful desire to run towards Smaug and take off the ring -
E ele sentiu um desejo poderoso de correr até Smaug e tirar o anel -

and reveal himself and tell all the truth to the dragon.
e se revelar e contar toda a verdade ao dragão.

In fact, Bilbo was in real danger of coming under Smaug’s dragon-spell.
Na verdade, Bilbo estava em perigo real de cair sob o feitiço do dragão de Smaug.

But Bilbo found his courage and he spoke again.
Mas Bilbo encontrou sua coragem e falou novamente.

“You do not know everything, O Smaug the Strong,” he said.
“Você não sabe tudo, ó Smaug, o Forte,” ele disse.

“We did not come here to the Mountain only for the gold.”
“Nós não viemos aqui para a Montanha apenas pelo ouro.”

Smaug began to laugh, “Ha! Ha! So, you admit that you are not here alone!
Smaug começou a rir, “Ha! Ha! Então, você admite que não está aqui sozinho!

Why don’t you just say ‘us fourteen’ and tell me the truth, Mr. Lucky Number?”
Por que você simplesmente não diz 'nós catorze' e me conta a verdade, Sr. Número da Sorte?

Bilbo continued, “I say that gold was not the main reason we came.
Bilbo continuou: “Eu digo que o ouro não foi a principal razão pela qual viemos.

We came over hill and under hill, by wave and by wind for… REVENGE!
Viemos por cima de colinas e por baixo de colinas, por ondas e ventos por... VINGANÇA!

O Smaug the unbelievably wealthy, you must understand that you have made some very jealous enemies because of your success.”
Ó Smaug, o incrivelmente rico, você deve entender que você fez alguns inimigos muito ciumentos por causa de seu sucesso.”

Then Smaug really did laugh - a terrifying sound that caused Bilbo to fall to the floor.
Então Smaug realmente riu - um som aterrorizante que fez Bilbo cair no chão.

The Dwarves also heard the sound, and they thought for sure that Bilbo had come to a very bad end.
Os anões também ouviram o som e tiveram certeza de que Bilbo teve um fim muito ruim.

“Revenge!” he cried, and the light from his eyes filled the cavern from floor to ceiling like red lightning.
"Vingança!" ele gritou, e a luz de seus olhos encheu a caverna do chão ao teto como um raio vermelho.

“Revenge! The King Under the Mountain is dead, and where are his people to get their revenge?
"Vingança! O Rei Sob a Montanha está morto, e onde está seu povo para se vingar?

The Lord of Dale is dead.
O Lorde de Dale está morto.

I ate his people and destroyed their town.
Eu comi seu povo e destruí sua cidade.

Where are his sons and grandsons to take revenge on me?
Onde estão seus filhos e netos para se vingar de mim?

I kill who I want, and no one can stop me.”
Eu mato quem eu quero e ninguém pode me impedir.”

“I killed the great warriors of old, and there is no one like them who lives in the world today.
“Eu matei os grandes guerreiros do passado, e não há ninguém como eles que vive no mundo de hoje.

I was young and inexperienced when I did that.
Eu era jovem e inexperiente quando fiz isso.

Now I am old and strong, strong, strong, Thief in the Shadows!
Agora estou velho e forte, forte, forte, Ladrão nas Sombras!

My armor is like shields,
Minha armadura é como escudos,

my teeth are swords,
meus dentes são espadas,

my claws are spears,
minhas garras são lanças,

the shock of my tail is like a thunderbolt,
o choque da minha cauda é como um raio,

my wings are a hurricane, and my breath is death!”
minhas asas são um furacão e minha respiração é a morte!”

A great fireball came from Smaug’s jaws and illuminated the chamber in a red light.
Uma grande bola de fogo saiu das mandíbulas de Smaug e iluminou a câmara com uma luz vermelha.

“I have been told,” said a very frightened Bilbo, “that dragons have a weak spot, especially in the region of the - er - chest.
“Disseram-me”, disse um Bilbo muito assustado, “que os dragões têm um ponto fraco, especialmente na região do... er... peito.

But I am sure that a dragon as strong as you are does not worry about such things.”
Mas tenho certeza de que um dragão tão forte quanto você não se preocupa com essas coisas.”

Smaug became silent.
Smaug ficou em silêncio.

“Your information is old,” he yelled.
“Sua informação é antiga,” ele gritou.

“I am armored above and below with scales that are as strong as iron and diamonds.
“Estou blindado acima e abaixo com escamas fortes como ferro e diamantes.

There is no sword that can cut me.”
Não há espada que possa me cortar.”

“Of course there isn’t,” said Bilbo.
“Claro que não há”, disse Bilbo.

“You have no equal in the world today, O Lord Smaug the Impenetrable.
“Você não tem igual no mundo hoje, ó Lorde Smaug, o Impenetrável.

It must be magnificent to wear a coat of fine diamonds!”
Deve ser magnífico usar um casaco de diamantes finos!”

“Yes, it is rare and wonderful,” said Smaug, who was absurdly happy with Bilbo’s compliments.
“Sim, é raro e maravilhoso”, disse Smaug, que ficou absurdamente feliz com os elogios de Bilbo.

He did not know that the Hobbit had already seen his belly and chest during his last visit, and wanted to have a closer look.
Ele não sabia que o Hobbit já havia visto sua barriga e peito durante sua última visita e queria dar uma olhada mais de perto.

The dragon rolled over onto his side.
O dragão rolou para o lado.

“Look!” he cried.
"Veja!" ele gritou.

“What do you think about that?”
"O que você acha disso?"

“Marvelous! Perfect! Impeccable! Amazing!” cried Bilbo out loud, but what he thought inside was,
"Maravilhoso! Perfeito! Impecável! Incrível!" gritou Bilbo em voz alta, mas o que ele pensou por dentro foi:

“Old fool! One of your scales is missing!
“Velho tolo! Uma das suas escamas está faltando!

There is a hole in the side of your left breast as big as a dinner plate!”
Tem um buraco na lateral do seu peito esquerdo do tamanho de um prato!”

After he had seen that, the only thing Mr. Baggins wanted to do was to get away.
Depois de ver isso, a única coisa que o Sr. Baggins queria fazer era fugir.

“Well, I really should not take any more of your time, Your Magnificence,” said Bilbo.
“Bem, eu realmente não deveria tomar mais do seu tempo, Vossa Magnificência,” disse Bilbo.

“I should let you rest.
“Eu deveria deixar você descansar.

It is difficult, I believe, to catch ponies.
É difícil, creio eu, pegar pôneis.

It is difficult to catch burglars, too,” he added with some sarcasm.
Também é difícil pegar assaltantes”, acrescentou com algum sarcasmo.

As he said the last words, he ran back up the tunnel as fast as he could.
Ao dizer as últimas palavras, ele correu de volta pelo túnel o mais rápido que pôde.

It was not very intelligent to say that to Smaug, because he shot terrific flames after Bilbo in anger.
Não foi muito inteligente dizer isso a Smaug, porque ele disparou chamas terríveis contra Bilbo com raiva.

Bilbo was not far enough up the tunnel to escape without any damage.
Bilbo não estava longe o suficiente no túnel para escapar sem nenhum dano.

Luckily, Smaug’s head was too large to fit completely inside the tunnel entrance.
Felizmente, a cabeça de Smaug era muito grande para caber completamente dentro da entrada do túnel.

But fire and vapor came from his nose and followed Bilbo up the passage.
Mas fogo e vapor saíram de seu nariz e seguiram Bilbo pela passagem.

He was nearly cooked like a roast turkey!
Ele estava quase cozido como um peru assado!

“Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!” he said to himself, and it became a favorite saying of his later.
“Nunca ria de dragões vivos, Bilbo, seu tolo!” ele disse para si mesmo, e tornou-se mais tarde um de seus ditados favoritos.

“This adventure is not over yet,” he added, and that was true as well.
“Esta aventura ainda não acabou”, acrescentou, e isso também era verdade.

It was almost nighttime when Bilbo came out of the tunnel.
Era quase noite quando Bilbo saiu do túnel.

The Dwarves were there to help him and doctor his burns as well as possible.
Os anões estavam lá para ajudá-lo e curar suas queimaduras da melhor maneira possível.

But it was a long time before the hair on the back of his head and feet grew back properly again.
Mas demorou muito até que o cabelo na parte de trás da cabeça e nos pés voltasse a crescer normalmente.

The Dwarves were very excited to hear about his encounter with the dragon,
Os anões ficaram muito animados ao saber de seu encontro com o dragão,

especially why he had made so much noise, and how Bilbo had escaped.
especialmente por que ele havia feito tanto barulho e como Bilbo havia escapado.

But the Hobbit was worried and uncomfortable, and he did not tell them very much about his adventure with Smaug.
Mas o Hobbit estava preocupado e desconfortável, e não contou muito a eles sobre sua aventura com Smaug.

He felt bad about some of the things he said to the dragon, and he did not want to repeat them.
Ele se sentiu mal com algumas das coisas que disse ao dragão e não queria repeti-las.

The old thrush was sitting on the rock near the group.
O velho tordo estava sentado na pedra perto do grupo.

He was listening very carefully to everything that Bilbo was saying.
Ele estava ouvindo com muita atenção tudo o que Bilbo estava dizendo.

Bilbo was in a very bad mood, and threw a rock at the bird.
Bilbo estava de muito mau humor e jogou uma pedra no pássaro.

“Go away bird!” said Bilbo angrily.
“Vai passarinho!” disse Bilbo com raiva.

The bird jumped up, flapped its wings, and landed again on the rock, listening carefully again.
O pássaro saltou, bateu as asas e pousou novamente na rocha, ouvindo com atenção novamente.

“I do not like the look of that bird, and I think he is listening to us!”
“Não gosto da aparência daquele pássaro e acho que ele está nos ouvindo!”

“Leave him alone!” said Thorin.
"Deixe-o em paz!" disse Torin.

“They are a magical race of birds.
“Eles são uma raça mágica de pássaros.

They understand our language.
Eles entendem a nossa língua.

For hundreds of years they were the friends of the Men of Dale and my father and grandfather’s people.”
Por centenas de anos eles foram amigos dos Homens de Dale e do povo de meu pai e avô.”

“Well, he will have news to take to Laketown tonight, if that is what he wants,” said Bilbo.
“Bem, ele terá novidades para levar a Laketown esta noite, se é isso que ele quer,” disse Bilbo.

“But I can’t imagine there is anyone in Laketown who can understand his thrush-language.”
“Mas não consigo imaginar que haja alguém em Laketown que possa entender sua linguagem-tordo.”

“Why, what has happened?” cried the dwarves.
“Por que, o que aconteceu?” gritaram os anões.

“Please, tell us what happened!”
“Por favor, conte-nos o que aconteceu!”

So Bilbo told them everything he could remember, and he confessed that he had a terrible sensation that the dragon learned too much from his riddles.
Então Bilbo contou a eles tudo o que conseguia se lembrar e confessou que teve a terrível sensação de que o dragão havia aprendido demais com seus enigmas.

“I am sure he knows we came from Laketown and had help from there,” said Bilbo in a worried voice.
“Tenho certeza de que ele sabe que viemos de Laketown e recebemos ajuda de lá”, disse Bilbo com voz preocupada.

“And I have a horrible feeling that Smaug will try to hurt the people of Laketown.
“E tenho uma sensação horrível de que Smaug tentará ferir o povo de Laketown.

I wish I had never said that I was a barrel-rider.
Eu gostaria de nunca ter dito que eu era um cavaleiro de barril.

Even the dumbest creature would think of the men of Laketown.”
Até a criatura mais burra pensaria nos homens de Laketown.

“Well, it is difficult not to become hypnotized by a dragon,” said Balin, trying to make Bilbo feel better.
"Bem, é difícil não ficar hipnotizado por um dragão", disse Balin, tentando fazer Bilbo se sentir melhor.

“I think you did very well, if you ask me.
“Eu acho que você se saiu muito bem, se você me perguntar.

You discovered a very useful piece of information, about the hole in his scales.”
Você descobriu uma informação muito útil sobre o buraco em suas escamas.

Then they began to talk about how to kill dragons, all the historical and mythical stories they had heard about the different ways to defeat dragons.
Então eles começaram a falar sobre como matar dragões, todas as histórias históricas e míticas que ouviram sobre as diferentes maneiras de derrotar dragões.

The general opinion was that it is very difficult to kill a dragon, even when you catch them sleeping.
A opinião geral era de que é muito difícil matar um dragão, mesmo quando você o pega dormindo.

The whole time they talked, the thrush was listening to them.
Enquanto eles conversavam, o tordo os ouvia.

And without them seeing, the bird opened its wings and flew silently into the night.
E sem que eles vissem, o pássaro abriu as asas e voou silenciosamente noite adentro.

While they talked, Bilbo became more and more worried and unhappy.
Enquanto conversavam, Bilbo ficava cada vez mais preocupado e infeliz.

He was scared.
Ele estava assustado.

At last he interrupted them.
Por fim, ele os interrompeu.

“I am sure we are very unsafe here,” he said, “and I don’t think we should stay here. 

“Tenho certeza de que estamos muito inseguros aqui”, disse ele, “e não acho que devamos ficar aqui.

I think the dragon will attack this place soon.
Acho que o dragão vai atacar este lugar em breve.

He will break all this side of the Mountain to kill us all.”
Ele quebrará todo este lado da Montanha para matar todos nós.”

Finally, Bilbo convinced the Dwarves to move inside the tunnel and to close the door, using a stone to keep it open.
Finalmente, Bilbo convenceu os anões a entrar no túnel e fechar a porta, usando uma pedra para mantê-la aberta.

Soon they began to talk of all the gold and treasure that was down in the dragon’s hall.
Logo eles começaram a falar de todo o ouro e tesouro que havia no salão do dragão.

But the most beautiful of all the treasure was the great white gem that the Dwarves found at the very bottom of the Mountain.
Mas o mais belo de todos os tesouros era a grande jóia branca que os anões encontraram bem no sopé da Montanha.

They called it the “Heart of the Mountain”, the Arkenstone of Thrain.
Eles a chamavam de “Coração da Montanha”, a Pedra Arken de Thrain.

“The Arkenstone! The Arkenstone!” cried Thorin in the dark.
“A Pedra Arken! A Pedra Arken! gritou Thorin no escuro.

“It was like a globe with a thousand faces.
“Era como um globo com mil faces.

It shines like silver in the night, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain on the Moon!”
Brilha como prata na noite, como água ao sol, como neve sob as estrelas, como chuva na lua!”

But as they talked, Bilbo became more and more worried.
Mas enquanto conversavam, Bilbo ficava cada vez mais preocupado.

He kept listening for sounds of the dragon.
Ele continuou ouvindo os sons do dragão.

“Close the door! Please!” he begged them, “I believe the dragon will find us.
"Feche a porta! Por favor!" ele implorou a eles, “Acredito que o dragão nos encontrará.

It is too silent outside, and down in the hall. Shut the door before it is too late!”
Está muito silencioso lá fora e no corredor. Feche a porta antes que seja tarde demais!”

Something in Bilbo’s voice convinced Thorin to listen to the Hobbit.
Algo na voz de Bilbo convenceu Thorin a ouvir o Hobbit.

He got up and kicked the small stone away that was holding the secret door open.
Ele se levantou e chutou a pequena pedra que segurava a porta secreta aberta.

The door closed with a snap!
A porta se fechou com um estalo!

There was no sign of a keyhole.
Não havia sinal de fechadura.

They were trapped in the Mountain!
Eles estavam presos na Montanha!

And not a moment too soon.
E bem na hora certa.

They had moved only a short distance down the tunnel when there was a tremendous noise on the side of the Mountain.
Eles haviam se movido apenas uma curta distância para dentro do túnel quando houve um barulho tremendo na encosta da montanha.

It sounded like an explosion of thunder and rock.
Soou como uma explosão de trovão e rocha.

The walls around them began to crack, and stones fell on their heads from the roof of the tunnel.
As paredes ao redor deles começaram a rachar e pedras caíram sobre suas cabeças do teto do túnel.

I cannot imagine what would have happened if the door had still been open!
Não consigo imaginar o que teria acontecido se a porta ainda estivesse aberta!

Because Bilbo convinced them to act, they survived the attack by Smaug.
Como Bilbo os convenceu a agir, eles sobreviveram ao ataque de Smaug.

He broke large rocks into small small pieces.
Ele quebrou pedras grandes em pedaços pequenos.

With his powerful tail he destroyed the rock wall around the secret door.
Com sua cauda poderosa, ele destruiu a parede de pedra ao redor da porta secreta.

With his horrible flames, he burned the grass in the open area next to the door.
Com suas chamas horríveis, ele queimou a grama na área aberta ao lado da porta.

All of it disappeared in flames and rock.
Tudo isso desapareceu em chamas e rocha.

After Bilbo had run away up the tunnel, Smaug left the mountain very quietly.
Depois que Bilbo fugiu pelo túnel, Smaug deixou a montanha muito silenciosamente.

He flew silently into the air and floated in the dark sky.
Ele voou silenciosamente no ar e flutuou no céu escuro.

He was trying to see where the tunnel might have an exit on the side of the mountain - the same tunnel that the “thief” had used.
Ele estava tentando ver onde o túnel poderia ter uma saída na encosta da montanha - o mesmo túnel que o “ladrão” havia usado.

He guessed the location of the exit, but he was furious that he could not find anyone there.
Ele adivinhou a localização da saída, mas ficou furioso por não ter encontrado ninguém ali.

He was so angry that he decided to destroy the mountain around the opening to kill the invaders.
Ele ficou com tanta raiva que decidiu destruir a montanha ao redor da abertura para matar os invasores.

Smaug felt much better after releasing some of his anger.
Smaug se sentiu muito melhor depois de liberar um pouco de sua raiva.

And he believed now that there would not be any trouble from that tunnel anymore.
E ele acreditava agora que não haveria mais problemas naquele túnel.

But his night was only beginning.
Mas sua noite estava apenas começando.

There was revenge in the air.
Havia vingança no ar.

“Barrel-rider!” he said.
“Cavaleiro de Barril!” ele disse.

“I do not recognize your smell, but if you are not one of the Lakemen, they helped you in some way.
“Não reconheço seu cheiro, mas se você não é um dos homens do lago, eles o ajudaram de alguma forma.

They will see me now and they will remember who the real King Under the Mountain is!”
Eles vão me ver agora e vão se lembrar quem é o verdadeiro Rei Sob a Montanha!”

He rose into the air in a cloud of fire and smoke, and flew away towards Laketown.
Ele subiu no ar em uma nuvem de fogo e fumaça e voou em direção a Laketown.


THE HOBBIT Chapter 12 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (Members)


THE HOBBIT Chapter 10 - For Beginners, Learning English Through Reading (MEMBERS)