127 HOURS: Chapter Nine (MEMBERS)

'It's his truck'

97 hrs 45 mins
10.30 am 

I don't want to look at my watch. When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly. I have a new idea. It came to me, as I was looking at all the rocks around me. Why not find a hard rock and use it to break the boulder? There's one in a hole in the canyon wall above me. It is round and black. I reach up and pull it out. It's perfect - just the right size and weight.

I hit the rock hard against the boulder. Little bits of stone fly into the air. It's working. I continue, but soon have to stop because of the pain in my left hand. I decide to rest for a while. Early afternoon is usually the warmest time of day. But today it's only thirteen degrees, the coldest day so far. It also means that tonight will be the coldest night. Realizing this makes me want to do something while it's still light.

The problem with using the black rock was that it hurt my left hand. But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it? I do this and it works. By 6:00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days. But it's still not enough. 

And even with the sock there is too much pain in my left hand to continue. I put down the rock. I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon. I finally accept this. There is nothing else I can do to save myself.

110 hrs 15 mins
11.00 pm 

The canyon feels as cold as ice. I have been awake for over a hundred hours. Another night of the sitting - standing routine will kill me. I haven't had any clean water since eight o'clock yesterday morning, only urine. How much longer can I survive? 

Death could come at any moment. I am so certain of this that I take the knife and write the dates of my life on the canyon wall. When I have finished I read them by the light of my headlamp: ARON OCT 75 - APR 03.

Around midnight, I have another vision. I am walking alone through the canyon wall. On the other side is a living room. I step inside and look around. A little boy in a red shirt comes into the room. I guess he must be about three. Suddenly, I know who he is. He is my future son and the room is in my future home. The little boy runs across the wooden floor, laughing. 

I pick him up with my left arm. My right arm has no hand. Then I put him onto my shoulder and he laughs even more. He holds my arms in his little hands and together we dance around the room. The sun is shining and I feel free, happy, and alive. 

The vision disappears. I am back in the canyon again, but now I don't feel the same as before. Seeing the boy has changed everything. Now, even with the cold, pain, tiredness and thirst, I am sure I will survive.

On Thursday, May the 1st, Kyle Ekker was looking at a map of the Canyonlands area on his office wall. The clock above read 9:07 am. Already that morning, his men had searched the top and center of the area and found nothing. What about the Robbers Roost canyons in the south? The only roads down there were made of rocks and sand. It might take longer to search. 

He called Glen Sherrill, the head officer for the area. When Glen answered the phone, Kyle described Aron's truck. 'It's a red Toyota. License number NM 846-MMY.' 'I think I've seen a truck like that,' Glen replied. 'I'll radio one of my men and ask them to check.' 

Kyle thanked him and put down the phone. Twenty minutes later, Glen called back. 'Officer Kyle?' 'Speaking.' 'Glen Sherrill here. We've found the truck you're looking for. It's in the Horseshoe Canyon parking lot.'

By 10.00 am, the good news had reached Elliot, Steve, and Mrs. Ralston. Steve immediately arranged for a rescue team to join the police and help in the search. Half an hour later, they were on their way. Things were now moving fast.


'It's his truck'
‘É o caminhão dele’

97 hrs 45 mins
10.30 am
97h 45min

I don't want to look at my watch.
Não quero olhar para o meu relógio. 

When I did this last night, the time seemed to pass more slowly.
Quando fiz isso ontem à noite, o tempo pareceu passar mais devagar. 

I have a new idea.
Eu tenho uma nova ideia. 

It came to me, as I was looking at all the rocks around me.
Veio a mim, enquanto eu olhava para todas as rochas ao meu redor.

Why not find a hard rock and use it to break the boulder?
Por que não encontrar uma pedra dura e usá-la para quebrar a pedra? 

There's one in a hole in the canyon wall above me.
Há um em um buraco na parede do desfiladeiro acima de mim. 

It is round and black.
É redondo e preto. 

I reach up and pull it out.
Eu o alcanço e o puxo para fora. 

It's perfect - just the right size and weight.
É perfeito - apenas o tamanho e peso certos.

I hit the rock hard against the boulder.
Bati com força na pedra contra a pedra. 

Little bits of stone fly into the air.
Pequenos pedaços de pedra voam no ar.  

It's working.
Está funcionando. 

I continue, but soon have to stop because of the pain in my left hand.
Continuo, mas logo tenho que parar por causa da dor na mão esquerda. 

I decide to rest for a while.
Resolvo descansar um pouco. 

Early afternoon is usually the warmest time of day.
O início da tarde costuma ser a hora mais quente do dia. 

But today it's only thirteen degrees, the coldest day so far.
Mas hoje são apenas treze graus, o dia mais frio até agora. 

It also means that tonight will be the coldest night.
Isso também significa que esta noite será a noite mais fria. 

Realizing this makes me want to do something while it's still light.
Perceber isso me faz querer fazer algo enquanto ainda está claro.

The problem with using the black rock was that it hurt my left hand.
O problema de usar a pedra negra era que machucava minha mão esquerda. 

But what if I tie a sock around my hand to protect it?
Mas e se eu amarrar uma meia na mão para protegê-la? 

I do this and it works.
Eu faço isso e funciona. 

By 6:00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days.
Por volta das 18 horas, tirei mais da pedra em três horas do que em quatro dias. 

But it's still not enough.
Mas ainda não é o suficiente.

And even with the sock there is too much pain in my left hand to continue.
E mesmo com a meia sinto muita dor na mão esquerda para continuar. 

I put down the rock.
Eu abaixo a pedra. 

I feel sure I won't survive another night in the canyon.
Tenho certeza de que não sobreviverei a mais uma noite no cânion. 

I finally accept this.
Eu finalmente aceito isso. 

There is nothing else I can do to save myself.
Não há mais nada que eu possa fazer para me salvar.

110 hrs 15 mins
11.00 pm
110 horas 15 minutos

The canyon feels as cold as ice.
O cânion parece frio como gelo. 

I have been awake for over a hundred hours.
Estou acordado há mais de cem horas. 

Another night of the sitting - standing routine will kill me.
Outra noite de rotina sentado - em pé vai me matar. 

I haven't had any clean water since eight o'clock yesterday morning, only urine.
Não tomo água limpa desde as oito da manhã de ontem, só urina. 

How much longer can I survive?
Quanto tempo mais eu posso sobreviver?

Death could come at any moment.
A morte pode chegar a qualquer momento. 

I am so certain of this that I take the knife and write the dates of my life on the canyon wall.
Estou tão certo disso que pego a faca e escrevo as datas da minha vida na parede do desfiladeiro. 

When I have finished I read them by the light of my headlamp: ARON OCT 75 - APR 03.
Quando termino, leio-as à luz da minha lanterna: ARON OUT 75 - APR 03.

Around midnight, I have another vision.
Por volta da meia-noite, tenho outra visão. 

I am walking alone through the canyon wall.
Estou andando sozinho pela parede do cânion. 

On the other side is a living room.
Do outro lado está uma sala de estar. 

I step inside and look around.
Entro e olho em volta. 

A little boy in a red shirt comes into the room.
Um garotinho de camisa vermelha entra na sala. 

I guess he must be about three.
Acho que ele deve ter uns três anos. 

Suddenly, I know who he is.
De repente, eu sei quem ele é. 

He is my future son and the room is in my future home.
Ele é meu futuro filho e o quarto é na minha futura casa. 

The little boy runs across the wooden floor, laughing.
O menino corre pelo chão de madeira, rindo.

I pick him up with my left arm.
Eu o pego com o braço esquerdo. 

My right arm has no hand.
Meu braço direito não tem mão. 

Then I put him onto my shoulder and he laughs even more.
Então eu o coloco no meu ombro e ele ri ainda mais. 

He holds my arms in his little hands and together we dance around the room.
Ele segura meus braços em suas mãozinhas e dançamos juntos pela sala. 

The sun is shining and I feel free, happy, and alive.
O sol está brilhando e me sinto livre, feliz e vivo.

The vision disappears.
A visão desaparece. 

I am back in the canyon again, but now I don't feel the same as before.
Estou de volta ao canyon novamente, mas agora não me sinto o mesmo de antes. 

Seeing the boy has changed everything.
Ver o menino mudou tudo. 

Now, even with the cold, pain, tiredness and thirst, I am sure I will survive.
Agora, mesmo com frio, dor, cansaço e sede, tenho certeza que vou sobreviver.

On Thursday, May the 1st, Kyle Ekker was looking at a map of the Canyonlands area on his office wall.
Na quinta-feira, 1º de maio, Kyle Ekker estava olhando para um mapa da área de Canyonlands na parede de seu escritório. 

The clock above read 9:07 am.
O relógio acima marcava 9h07. 

Already that morning, his men had searched the top and center of the area and found nothing.
Já naquela manhã, seus homens haviam revistado o topo e o centro da área e não encontraram nada. 

What about the Robbers Roost canyons in the south?
E os cânions Robbers Roost no sul? 

The only roads down there were made of rocks and sand.
As únicas estradas lá embaixo eram feitas de pedras e areia. 

It might take longer to search.
Pode levar mais tempo para pesquisar.

He called Glen Sherrill, the head officer for the area.
Ele ligou para Glen Sherrill, o chefe da área. 

When Glen answered the phone, Kyle described Aron's truck.
Quando Glen atendeu o telefone, Kyle descreveu a caminhonete de Aron. 

'It's a red Toyota. License number NM 846-MMY.'
'É um Toyota vermelho. Placa número NM 846-MMY.' 

'I think I've seen a truck like that,' Glen replied.
‘Acho que já vi um caminhão assim’, respondeu Glen.

'I'll radio one of my men and ask them to check.'
Vou ligar para um dos meus homens e pedir para verificar.

Kyle thanked him and put down the phone.
Kyle agradeceu e desligou o telefone. 

Twenty minutes later, Glen called back.
Vinte minutos depois, Glen ligou de volta. 

'Officer Kyle?'
‘Oficial Kyle?’ 


'Glen Sherrill here. We've found the truck you're looking for.
‘Aqui é Glen Sherrill. Encontramos o caminhão que você procura. 

It's in the Horseshoe Canyon parking lot.'
Fica no estacionamento do Horseshoe Canyon.’

By 10:00 am, the good news had reached Elliot, Steve, and Mrs. Ralston.
Por volta das 10 horas, a boa notícia chegou a Elliot, Steve e a Sra. Ralston. 

Steve immediately arranged for a rescue team to join the police and help in the search.
Steve imediatamente providenciou uma equipe de resgate para se juntar à polícia e ajudar na busca. 

Half an hour later, they were on their way.
Meia hora depois, eles estavam a caminho. 

Things were now moving fast.
As coisas agora estavam se movendo rapidamente.


127 HOURS: Chapter Ten (MEMBERS)


127 HOURS: Chapter Eight (MEMBERS)