127 HOURS: Chapter Ten (MEMBERS)


120 hrs
8:45 am 

It's Thursday, May 1st. 120 hours without sleep. Two days without water. I can't believe I'm still alive. I didn't think I'd survive beyond Wednesday. Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night. But now, with no sign of a rescue, my hopes are disappearing fast.

I am also upset because the raven hasn't appeared. It's never been this late before. I try and forget about the bird and pick up the camcorder. I am certain that this will be my last message to my family. I am calm as I leave necessary instructions for my parents. I tell them to give most of my things to Sonja. Then I tell them what to do with my dead body. 

The video ends with three simple words: 'I love you.' I'm crying as I close the camcorder for the last time. But there are no tears - my body is too dry for tears. Now I can only wait. I can't accept this. I've discovered that nothing I can do will help me escape. But it's better to be doing something than nothing. 

I pick up the black rock and hit it as hard as I can against the boulder. I continue, trying to forget the pain in my left hand. In the end, I can't. I try to drop the rock, but the fingers of my hand won't open. What have you done now? asks the first voice. Stay calm, says the second. Slowly, my fingers loosen and the stone falls out of my hand. I look at my other arm. It's covered with bits of rock.

As I'm removing these with the knife I push too hard and the blade goes through the skin near my wrist. I don't feel anything. That part of my arm must be dead. My right hand died long ago. It's now a dark blue color. I push the knife through the skin of my thumb. There's a sound as some gas escapes, followed by a bad smell.

The arm is poisoned and the poison will kill me. I don't want the arm to be a part of me anymore. I throw myself against the boulder. When I look at my arm, I see that it's in a strange position. That moment is like the sun coming out. I realize what it means. I can break my arm by using my own weight. That means I won't have to cut through bone anymore. 

I throw the whole weight of my body below the boulder. There is a loud noise. I keep going. There is a second loud noise. I've done it! I've broken both bones in my arm. I tie the tourniquet, take the knife and begin cutting. The only thing on my mind is escape, but the pain is terrible. I scream as I push down with the knife. For almost one hour the pain, screams, and cutting continue.

122 hrs 47 mins
11:32 am 

Finally, I feel the knife hit rock on the other side of my arm. I fall back with a single thought screaming through my head. You've done it, Aron! You're FREE! FREE! FREE! There's no time to lose. Blood is coming out of the end of my arm and it's a long walk back to my truck. I tighten the tourniquet. Then I tie my climbing bag on my arm to hold it. 

I tighten it around my neck and put my things inside. Before I leave, I take two pictures of the part of my arm still trapped by the boulder. Now I am ready to go. I can't walk straight. My body crashes from one side of the canyon wall to the other. I stop. 

My heart is going much too fast. I could still die at any moment. I make myself stay calm. What I need most of all is water. There might be some at the Big Drop Rappel, but first I need to get there. It takes me twenty minutes. I stand at the edge and look down. It is just over eighteen meters to the canyon floor.

There are metal rings in the rock for climbers. I tie my rope to them and rappel down. With only one arm, this is not easy. For once, I am careful as I go down the rope. I reach the bottom and turn. On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water. It's full of dead mosquitoes but I don't care. 

I fill my bottle and drink one liter in a few seconds. I drink another and don't want to move. I just want to stay there for the rest of my life. That won't be long if you don't start walking. There are still twelve kilometers to go. The voice is right. I drink one more liter, slowly this time. Then I fill my bottle and the CamelBak and begin walking.   

Blood is coming out faster from my arm now. I wonder if I can get back to the truck in time. Things start to go wrong. I get lost up a side canyon and have to turn around. Then I notice that water is coming out of my CamelBak. There's a hole in it. Quickly, I drink the rest of the water. Now I only have the water in the water bottle. 

This has to last all the way back to the truck and the temperature is rising. I am so weak and tired I can't imagine surviving that long. I take a sip and keep the water in my mouth as I walk. That seems to help. I still wonder if I can get back to my truck. I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

125 hrs 10 mins
1:55 pm 

I've arrived at the Great Gallery. The paintings are amazing but all I can think of is water. There is more here. I stop to fill the water bottle. It has taken me two and a half hours to travel six kilometers. For someone close to death I have done well. But my problems are getting worse every minute. 

Blood is now coming from my arm really fast and I'm in terrible pain from the amputation. I want to stop and rest, but I can't. I must go on. I walk as fast as I can. By two-thirty, I have covered nearly ten kilometers. 

Only three more kilometers to my truck, but I'm feeling weaker every minute. I've come to another huge canyon. The walls must be over thirty meters high. Ahead of me is a steep hill. This is bad news. I'll never be able to climb it - I'm too weak. 

125 hrs 45 mins
2:30 pm 

Something makes me look again. I shake my head, unable to believe what I see. About seventy meters ahead of me are a family of three people - a man, a woman and a young boy. They are walking away from me. 'HELP! HELP! PLEASE! I NEED HELP!' They turn and come running towards me. When they reach me, I begin telling my story: 

'My name is Aron Ralston. I was trapped by a boulder in the canyon for five days. This morning, I had to amputate my arm to escape. I need a doctor. I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground. The man gives me a bottle of water. 'The police at the parking lot told us about you,' he says.

His name is Eric. His wife is Monique and his son is called Andy. They are tourists from the Netherlands. Eric gives me more water while Monique and Andy run back to get the police. After about ten minutes, Eric helps me up and we continue walking slowly. The steep trail is ahead. Even with Eric's help, I know I won't be able to climb it. 'How will I ever get out of here?' I ask myself.



120 hrs
8:45 am
120 horas

It's Thursday, May 1st.
É quinta-feira, 1º de maio. 

120 hours without sleep.
120 horas sem dormir. 

Two days without water.
Dois dias sem água. 

I can't believe I'm still alive.
Não acredito que ainda estou vivo. 

I didn't think I'd survive beyond Wednesday.
Achei que não sobreviveria além de quarta-feira. 

Perhaps the vision of the little boy kept me alive last night.
Talvez a visão do garotinho tenha me mantido viva ontem à noite. 

But now, with no sign of a rescue, my hopes are disappearing fast.
Mas agora, sem nenhum sinal de resgate, minhas esperanças estão desaparecendo rapidamente.

I am also upset because the raven hasn't appeared.
Também estou chateado porque o corvo não apareceu. 

It's never been this late before.
Nunca se atrasou tanto antes. 

I try and forget about the bird and pick up the camcorder.
Eu tento esquecer o pássaro e pego a filmadora. 

I am certain that this will be my last message to my family.
Tenho certeza de que esta será minha última mensagem para minha família. 

I am calm as I leave necessary instructions for my parents.
Estou calmo enquanto deixo as instruções necessárias para meus pais. 

I tell them to give most of my things to Sonja.
Eu digo a eles para dar a maioria das minhas coisas para Sonja. 

Then I tell them what to do with my dead body.
Então digo a eles o que fazer com meu cadáver.

The video ends with three simple words: 'I love you.'
O vídeo termina com três palavras simples: 'Eu te amo'. 

I'm crying as I close the camcorder for the last time.
Estou chorando enquanto fecho a filmadora pela última vez. 

But there are no tears - my body is too dry for tears.
Mas não há lágrimas - meu corpo está muito seco para chorar. 

Now I can only wait.
Agora só posso esperar. 

I can't accept this.
Eu não posso aceitar isso. 

I've discovered that nothing I can do will help me escape.
Descobri que nada que eu possa fazer vai me ajudar a escapar. 

But it's better to be doing something than nothing.
Mas é melhor estar fazendo alguma coisa do que nada.

I pick up the black rock and hit it as hard as I can against the boulder.
Pego a pedra preta e bato com toda a força contra a pedra. 

I continue, trying to forget the pain in my left hand.
Continuo, tentando esquecer a dor na mão esquerda. 

In the end, I can't.
No final, não posso. 

I try to drop the rock, but the fingers of my hand won't open.
Tento largar a pedra, mas os dedos da minha mão não abrem. 

What have you done now? asks the first voice.
O que você fez agora? pergunta a primeira voz. 

Stay calm, says the second.
Fique calmo, diz o segundo. 

Slowly, my fingers loosen and the stone falls out of my hand.
Lentamente, meus dedos se soltam e a pedra cai da minha mão. 

I look at my other arm. It's covered with bits of rock.
Eu olho para o meu outro braço. Está coberto com pedaços de rocha.

As I'm removing these with the knife I push too hard and the blade goes through the skin near my wrist.

Enquanto os removo com a faca, empurro com muita força e a lâmina atravessa a pele perto do meu pulso. 

I don't feel anything.
Eu não sinto nada. 

That part of my arm must be dead.
Essa parte do meu braço deve estar morta. 

My right hand died long ago.
Minha mão direita morreu há muito tempo. 

It's now a dark blue color.
Agora é uma cor azul escuro. 

I push the knife through the skin of my thumb.
Eu empurro a faca através da pele do meu polegar. 

There's a sound as some gas escapes, followed by a bad smell.
Ouve-se um som de fuga de gás, seguido de um cheiro desagradável.

The arm is poisoned and the poison will kill me.
O braço está envenenado e o veneno vai me matar. 

I don't want the arm to be a part of me anymore.
Não quero mais que o braço faça parte de mim. 

I throw myself against the boulder.
Eu me jogo contra a pedra. 

When I look at my arm, I see that it's in a strange position.
Quando olho para o meu braço, vejo que está numa posição estranha. 

That moment is like the sun coming out.
Esse momento é como o sol saindo. 

I realize what it means.
Eu percebo o que isso significa. 

I can break my arm by using my own weight.
Posso quebrar meu braço usando meu próprio peso. 

That means I won't have to cut through bone anymore.
Isso significa que não precisarei mais cortar ossos.

I throw the whole weight of my body below the boulder.
Jogo todo o peso do meu corpo para baixo da pedra. 

There is a loud noise.
Há um barulho alto. 

I keep going.
Eu continuo. 

There is a second loud noise.
Há um segundo barulho alto. 

I've done it!

I've broken both bones in my arm.
Quebrei os dois ossos do braço. 

I tie the tourniquet, take the knife and begin cutting.
Amarro o torniquete, pego a faca e começo a cortar. 

The only thing on my mind is escape, but the pain is terrible.
A única coisa em minha mente é escapar, mas a dor é terrível. 

I scream as I push down with the knife.
Eu grito enquanto empurro para baixo com a faca. 

For almost one hour the pain, screams, and cutting continue.
Por quase uma hora, a dor, os gritos e os cortes continuam.

122 hrs 47 mins
11:32 am
122 horas 47 minutos

Finally, I feel the knife hit rock on the other side of my arm.
Finalmente, sinto a faca atingir a rocha do outro lado do meu braço. 

I fall back with a single thought screaming through my head.
Eu caio para trás com um único pensamento gritando na minha cabeça. 

You've done it, Aron! You're FREE! FREE! FREE!
Você conseguiu, Aron! Você é livre! LIVRE! LIVRE! 

There's no time to lose.
Não há tempo a perder. 

Blood is coming out of the end of my arm and it's a long walk back to my truck.
Sangue está saindo da ponta do meu braço e é uma longa caminhada de volta para minha caminhonete. 

I tighten the tourniquet.
Aperto o torniquete. 

Then I tie my climbing bag on my arm to hold it.
Então amarro minha bolsa de escalada no braço para segurá-la.

I tighten it around my neck and put my things inside.
Eu a aperto em volta do meu pescoço e coloco minhas coisas dentro. 

Before I leave, I take two pictures of the part of my arm still trapped by the boulder.
Antes de sair, tiro duas fotos da parte do meu braço ainda presa pela pedra. 

Now I am ready to go.
Agora estou pronto para ir. 

I can't walk straight.
Eu não posso andar direito. 

My body crashes from one side of the canyon wall to the other. I stop.
Meu corpo cai de um lado da parede do cânion para o outro. Eu paro.

My heart is going much too fast.
Meu coração está indo muito rápido. 

I could still die at any moment.
Eu ainda poderia morrer a qualquer momento. 

I make myself stay calm.
Eu me obrigo a ficar calmo. 

What I need most of all is water.
O que mais preciso é de água. 

There might be some at the Big Drop Rappel, but first I need to get there.
Pode ser que tenha no Rappel da Grande Queda, mas primeiro preciso chegar lá. 

It takes me twenty minutes.
Levo vinte minutos. 

I stand at the edge and look down.
Eu fico na borda e olho para baixo. 

It is just over eighteen meters to the canyon floor.
É pouco mais de dezoito metros até o fundo do cânion.

There are metal rings in the rock for climbers.
Existem anéis de metal na rocha para escaladores. 

I tie my rope to them and rappel down.
Amarro minha corda neles e desço de rapel. 

With only one arm, this is not easy.
Com apenas um braço, isso não é fácil. 

For once, I am careful as I go down the rope.
Pela primeira vez, tomo cuidado ao descer pela corda. 

I reach the bottom and turn.
Chego ao fundo e me viro. 

On the ground in front of me is a pool of brown water.
No chão à minha frente há uma poça de água marrom. 

It's full of dead mosquitoes but I don't care.
Está cheio de mosquitos mortos, mas não me importo.

I fill my bottle and drink one liter in a few seconds.
Encho minha garrafa e bebo um litro em poucos segundos. 

I drink another and don't want to move.
Bebo outro e não quero me mexer. 

I just want to stay there for the rest of my life.
Eu só quero ficar lá pelo resto da minha vida. 

That won't be long if you don't start walking.
Isso não vai demorar se você não começar a andar. 

There are still twelve kilometers to go.
Ainda faltam doze quilômetros. 

The voice is right.
A voz está certa. 

I drink one more liter, slowly this time.
Bebo mais um litro, desta vez devagar. 

Then I fill my bottle and the CamelBak and begin walking.
Então encho minha garrafa e o CamelBak e começo a andar.

Blood is coming out faster from my arm now.
O sangue está saindo mais rápido do meu braço agora. 

I wonder if I can get back to the truck in time.
Eu me pergunto se posso voltar para a caminhonete a tempo. 

Things start to go wrong.
As coisas começam a dar errado. 

I get lost up a side canyon and have to turn around.
Eu me perco em um desfiladeiro lateral e tenho que me virar. 

Then I notice that water is coming out of my CamelBak.
Então percebo que a água está saindo do meu CamelBak. 

There's a hole in it.
Tem um buraco nele. 

Quickly, I drink the rest of the water.
Rapidamente, eu bebo o resto da água. 

Now I only have the water in the water bottle.
Agora eu só tenho a água na garrafa de água.

This has to last all the way back to the truck and the temperature is rising.
Isso tem que durar até o caminhão e a temperatura está subindo. 

I am so weak and tired I can't imagine surviving that long.
Estou tão fraco e cansado que não consigo imaginar sobreviver tanto tempo. 

I take a sip and keep the water in my mouth as I walk.
Tomo um gole e mantenho a água na boca enquanto caminho. 

That seems to help.
Isso parece ajudar. 

I still wonder if I can get back to my truck.
Ainda me pergunto se posso voltar para minha caminhonete. 

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.
Não consigo andar direito, não consigo pensar por mais do que alguns segundos e estou perdendo sangue rapidamente.

125 hrs 10 mins
1:55 pm
125 horas 10 minutos

I've arrived at the Great Gallery.
Cheguei à Grande Galeria. 

The paintings are amazing but all I can think of is water.
As pinturas são incríveis, mas só consigo pensar em água. 

There is more here.
Há mais aqui. 

I stop to fill the water bottle.
Paro para encher a garrafa de água. 

It has taken me two and a half hours to travel six kilometers.
Levei duas horas e meia para percorrer seis quilômetros. 

For someone close to death I have done well.
Para alguém perto da morte, fiz bem. 

But my problems are getting worse every minute.
Mas meus problemas estão piorando a cada minuto.

Blood is now coming from my arm really fast and I'm in terrible pain from the amputation.
O sangue agora está saindo do meu braço muito rápido e estou com uma dor terrível por causa da amputação. 

I want to stop and rest, but I can't.
Quero parar e descansar, mas não posso. 

I must go on.
Eu devo continuar. 

I walk as fast as I can.
Eu ando o mais rápido que posso. 

By two-thirty, I have covered nearly ten kilometers.
Às duas e meia, percorri quase dez quilômetros.

Only three more kilometers to my truck, but I'm feeling weaker every minute.
Só mais três quilômetros até minha caminhonete, mas estou me sentindo mais fraco a cada minuto. 

I've come to another huge canyon.
Cheguei a outro enorme desfiladeiro. 

The walls must be over thirty meters high.
As paredes devem ter mais de trinta metros de altura. 

Ahead of me is a steep hill.
À minha frente há uma colina íngreme. 

This is bad news.
Esta é uma má notícia. 

I'll never be able to climb it - I'm too weak.
Nunca poderei escalá-la - estou muito fraco.

125 hrs 45 mins
2:30 pm
125 horas 45 minutos

Something makes me look again.

Algo me faz olhar de novo. 

I shake my head, unable to believe what I see.
Balanço a cabeça, incapaz de acreditar no que vejo. 

About seventy meters ahead of me are a family of three people - a man, a woman and a young boy.
Cerca de setenta metros à minha frente está uma família de três pessoas - um homem, uma mulher e um menino. 

They are walking away from me. 'HELP! HELP! PLEASE! I NEED HELP!'
Eles estão se afastando de mim. 'AJUDA! AJUDA! POR FAVOR! EU PRECISO DE AJUDA!' 

They turn and come running towards me.
Eles se viram e vêm correndo em minha direção. 

When they reach me, I begin telling my story:
Quando eles chegam até mim, começo a contar minha história:

'My name is Aron Ralston. I was trapped by a boulder in the canyon for five days.
'Meu nome é Aron Ralston. Fiquei preso por uma pedra no cânion por cinco dias. 

This morning, I had to amputate my arm to escape.
Esta manhã, tive que amputar meu braço para escapar. 

I need a doctor.
Eu preciso de um doutor. 

I'm losing blood, fast...' Unable to continue, I fall to the ground.
Estou perdendo sangue, rápido…’ Incapaz de continuar, caio no chão. 

The man gives me a bottle of water.
O homem me dá uma garrafa de água. 

'The police at the parking lot told us about you,' he says.
‘A polícia no estacionamento nos contou sobre você’, diz ele.

His name is Eric. His wife is Monique and his son is called Andy.
O nome dele é Eric. Sua esposa é Monique e seu filho se chama Andy. 

They are tourists from the Netherlands.
Eles são turistas da Holanda. 

Eric gives me more water while Monique and Andy run back to get the police.
Eric me dá mais água enquanto Monique e Andy voltam correndo para chamar a polícia. 

After about ten minutes, Eric helps me up and we continue walking slowly.
Após cerca de dez minutos, Eric me ajuda a levantar e continuamos caminhando lentamente. 

The steep trail is ahead.
A trilha íngreme está à frente. 

Even with Eric's help, I know I won't be able to climb it.
Mesmo com a ajuda de Eric, sei que não conseguirei escalá-la. 

'How will I ever get out of here?' I ask myself.
'Como vou sair daqui?' Eu me pergunto.


127 HOURS: Chapter Eleven (MEMBERS)


127 HOURS: Chapter Nine (MEMBERS)