127 HOURS: Chapter Eight (MEMBERS)

The Raven

70 hrs 45 mins
7:30 am 

That last video recording was the most pessimistic so far. It's strange, but the feeling of hopelessness doesn't last. As the sky grows brighter, I think of the raven. The bird is a sign of hope. Just thinking about it makes me want to do something. I try lifting the boulder once more. I make the rope even shorter, but when I step on it, nothing happens. 

I do everything I can to make it work. I push, jump and shout as I put all my weight onto the rope. It's still no good. The boulder doesn't move a millimeter. I step down and lay my head on the boulder. I feel like crying but I can't. There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears. But there's still the knife. It's lying open on top of the boulder.

Suddenly, I know what I'm going to do. Quickly, I put the tourniquet around my arm and tighten it. Then I pick up the multi-tool, open the shorter knife and push it hard into my arm. This time, the knife goes all the way in. I pull out the knife and look at the deep hole I've made in my right arm. I can't believe I've done this. 

It didn't even hurt and there's very little blood. I can see the bones in my arm through the hole. I will never be able to cut through them with only a small knife. It's time for a drink. I pick up the bottle and feel the last of the water disappear down my throat. I check the time. It's exactly 8:00 am and all I have to drink now is urine.

71 hrs 45 mins
8:30 am 

The raven appears. It's fifteen minutes late but I'm happy. I was beginning to think it wouldn't come. I feel happy and start thinking of all the wonderful times I've spent with friends and family. I remember a trip to Washington D.C. with my sister, and another to Gettysburg with my dad. I also think of all the adventures I've had with different friends. The time passes quickly. Noon arrives without me realizing.

I urinate into the CamelBak. Then I pour the clearer half of the urine into my water bottle. I throw the rest away. I have no idea how long anyone can survive on urine alone. At least drinking it wasn't as bad as I expected. 

It is now the warmest part of the day. This is the time I am most comfortable. I have found the best way to sit and feel calmer in the warm air. Perhaps help will arrive in time. If so, I will soon be as free as the raven. Three hours later, I have reached the end of my third day trapped in the canyon. 

None of my plans of escape have worked. All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue. I eat the last burrito. It is too dry to get down my throat so I take a mouthful of urine. The urine tastes better at night because it's colder, but it's still going to be a long, hard night. 

On Wednesday morning, Brion After was at work in the shop. At nine-fifteen, he called Leona to check if he had arrived, but he hadn't. Brion had waited long enough. He picked up the phone. Aron's mother answered on the first ring. 'Mrs. Ralston?' 'Yes?' 'This is Brion After - Aron's boss at Ute Mountaineer. I'm afraid I'm rather worried about him. He hasn't returned from a trip he took last week. 

Do you know where he went? No one here has seen him since last Wednesday.' 'Oh dear,' said Aron's mother. 'I have no idea where he is. I called him last week and left a message, but he didn't call back. Did he tell any of his housemates where he was going?' 'No, just that he might hike somewhere in the Canyonlands area of Utah,' explained Brion. 'I think you should call the Aspen police.' 

'Yes, I'll do that right now. I'll let you know what happens.' 'Thank you, Brion.' Mrs. Ralston's hand was shaking as she put down the phone. She suddenly had an idea. Perhaps Aron had sent an email to one of his friends saying where he was going? She went to the computer. Aron had an email address - but what was it? She found his name, but had to answer a secret question to read his emails. 

None of the answers she gave worked but she kept trying. In the end, she guessed the correct answer and sent the information to Brion. After Brion had called the Aspen police, the head officer, Adam Crider, started the rescue operation. He called Mrs. Ralston for the license plate number of her son's truck. Mrs. Ralston had written it down on a piece of paper. 

When she read it to Officer Crider, she didn't realize it was wrong. Aron had given it to her in a hurry and made a mistake. Officer Crider called back and told Mrs. Ralston there was no record of that license plate. This left her with another problem. How could she find the correct license-plate number?

Brion After was having better luck. He had found a list of email addresses for Aron's climbing friends. Perhaps they knew where he was. He wanted to check immediately, but he had to leave for Australia that day. He called Aron's housemate Elliot and asked him to manage the store and rescue operation until he returned. Elliot agreed.

When Elliot reached the store, he received a call from Mrs. Ralston. She wanted to check the license-plate number she had given Brion. It was on his desk. Elliot checked as she read out the number. 'Wait. Did you say 886, Mrs. Ralston?' 'Yes.' 'Brion made a mistake. He wrote down 888. I'll call Officer Crider and give him the correct number.'

By early afternoon, Elliot had received an email from Steve Pratchett, the most important of Aron's climbing friends. Steve had climbed for many years. He often led rescue operations to find climbers lost in the mountains. Another friend, Jason, had sent Steve a list of all the canyons Aron said he wanted to hike in Canyonlands. 

Steve called the Utah police for the area and spoke to one of the main officers, Kyle Ekker. Officer Ekker was very helpful. Steve gave him the latest license plate number for Aron's truck and Officer Ekker sent his men out to look for it. They returned as night fell. There was no sign of the truck. Officer Ekker checked the number with the national license office. There was no vehicle on record. Once again, the number was wrong.

The bad news reached Aron's mother. Then she remembered that Aron was living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he bought the truck. The vehicle license office for the area was in Santa Fe. She called and an officer searched the records and found Aron's name. The records showed his license-plate number as NM 846-MMY.

Finally, they had the correct number. The information was given to Officer Ekker. It was too late to continue searching that night. It would have to wait until the morning. 'Wait for us, Aron,' Mrs. Ralston said as she went to bed. 'We're coming.'

89 hrs 15 mins
2:00 am 

The darkness seems unreal. In fact, I don't know what is real and what isn't anymore. I start to have visions. Friends suddenly appear in the canyon like silent ghosts and wave me towards them. I follow and find myself in some place I know from the past. 

They smile at me in a kind way, but they never speak. Because of their kindness, I am not afraid. I know they are protecting me. I am happy while the visions last. 

To me, they are real. It is only when they disappear and the cold and pain return that I know they are not. Then, shaking hard, I continue chipping at the boulder. After that, I sit again and it's not long before the visions return. During the second half of the night, I have visions of myself as a child. Sometimes I'm playing cards with my grandfather. 

Other times I am running across bright green fields with my friends. Something about the visions tells me that I have not given the people I care about enough attention. I'm always thinking of the things I want to achieve and not noticing other people. Now I realize that my love for friends and family is the main reason I want to escape. 

The thought of seeing them again is keeping me alive. I promise myself that if I can escape from here back to the people I love, I will be kinder towards them. The visions always include some kind of drink. It is usually something cold and sweet like apple juice or iced tea. 

Just as I am about to drink, the vision disappears and I wake up. Then I feel the cold and the pain of the rope against my legs. I stand up and begin my routine all over again. However, the visions tell me something: I am not ready to die. 

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days. I don't know if this is true, but I'm still alive when the sun rises. The raven appears on time. The sound of its wings and the light in the canyon are beautiful. I watch its smooth flight, following the line of the canyon. I take out my camera and film as it disappears from view.


The raven
O corvo

70 hrs 45 mins
7:30 am
70h 45min
7:30 da manhã 

That last video recording was the most pessimistic so far.
Essa última gravação de vídeo foi a mais pessimista até agora. 

It's strange, but the feeling of hopelessness doesn't last.
É estranho, mas a sensação de desesperança não dura. 

As the sky grows brighter, I think of the raven.
À medida que o céu fica mais claro, penso no corvo. 

The bird is a sign of hope.
O pássaro é um sinal de esperança. 

Just thinking about it makes me want to do something.
Só de pensar nisso me dá vontade de fazer alguma coisa. 

I try lifting the boulder once more.
Eu tento levantar a pedra mais uma vez. 

I make the rope even shorter, but when I step on it, nothing happens.
Eu faço a corda ainda mais curta, mas quando eu piso nela, nada acontece.

I do everything I can to make it work.
Eu faço de tudo para que dê certo. 

I push, jump and shout as I put all my weight onto the rope.
Eu empurro, pulo e grito enquanto coloco todo o meu peso na corda. 

It's still no good.
Ainda não é bom. 

The boulder doesn't move a millimeter.
A pedra não se move um milímetro. 

I step down and lay my head on the boulder.
Eu desço e coloco minha cabeça na pedra. 

I feel like crying but I can't.
Tenho vontade de chorar, mas não consigo. 

There's not enough water in my body to produce any tears.
Não há água suficiente em meu corpo para produzir lágrimas. 

But there's still the knife.
Mas ainda há a faca. 

It's lying open on top of the boulder.
Está aberto no topo da pedra.

Suddenly, I know what I'm going to do.
De repente, sei o que vou fazer. 

Quickly, I put the tourniquet around my arm and tighten it.
Rapidamente, coloco o torniquete no braço e o aperto. 

Then I pick up the multi-tool, open the shorter knife and push it hard into my arm.
Então pego a multiferramenta, abro a faca mais curta e a empurro com força em meu braço. 

This time, the knife goes all the way in.
Desta vez, a faca vai até o fundo. 

I pull out the knife and look at the deep hole I've made in my right arm.
Eu puxo a faca e olho para o buraco profundo que fiz no meu braço direito. 

I can't believe I've done this.
Não acredito que fiz isso.

It didn't even hurt and there's very little blood.
Nem doeu e tem muito pouco sangue. 

I can see the bones in my arm through the hole.
Posso ver os ossos do meu braço pelo buraco. 

I will never be able to cut through them with only a small knife.
Nunca poderei cortá-los apenas com uma faca pequena. 

It's time for a drink.
É hora de uma bebida.

I pick up the bottle and feel the last of the water disappear down my throat.
Pego a garrafa e sinto o resto da água desaparecer em minha garganta. 

I check the time.
Eu verifico o tempo. 

It's exactly 8:00 am and all I have to drink now is urine.
São exatamente 8 horas da manhã e tudo o que tenho para beber agora é urina.

71 hrs 45 mins
8:30 am
71h 45min
8:30 da manhã

The raven appears.
O corvo aparece. 

It's fifteen minutes late but I'm happy.
Está quinze minutos atrasada, mas estou feliz. 

I was beginning to think it wouldn't come.
Eu estava começando a achar que não viria. 

I feel happy and start thinking of all the wonderful times I've spent with friends and family.
Sinto-me feliz e começo a pensar em todos os momentos maravilhosos que passei com amigos e familiares. 

I remember a trip to Washington D.C. with my sister, and another to Gettysburg with my dad.
Lembro-me de uma viagem a Washington D.C. com minha irmã e outra a Gettysburg com meu pai. 

I also think of all the adventures I've had with different friends.
Também penso em todas as aventuras que tive com diferentes amigos. 

The time passes quickly.
O tempo passa rapidamente. 

Noon arrives without me realizing.
Meio-dia chega sem que eu perceba.

I urinate into the CamelBak.
Eu urino no CamelBak. 

Then I pour the clearer half of the urine into my water bottle.
Então despejo a metade mais clara da urina em minha garrafa de água. 

I throw the rest away.
Eu jogo o resto fora. 

I have no idea how long anyone can survive on urine alone.
Não tenho ideia de quanto tempo alguém pode sobreviver apenas com urina. 

At least drinking it wasn't as bad as I expected.
Pelo menos beber não foi tão ruim quanto eu esperava.

It is now the warmest part of the day.
Agora é a parte mais quente do dia. 

This is the time I am most comfortable.
Este é o momento em que me sinto mais confortável. 

I have found the best way to sit and feel calmer in the warm air.
Eu encontrei a melhor maneira de sentar e me sentir mais calmo no ar quente. 

Perhaps help will arrive in time.
Talvez a ajuda chegue a tempo. 

If so, I will soon be as free as the raven.
Se assim for, em breve estarei tão livre quanto o corvo. 

Three hours later, I have reached the end of my third day trapped in the canyon.
Três horas depois, cheguei ao fim do meu terceiro dia preso no cânion.

None of my plans of escape have worked.
Nenhum dos meus planos de fuga funcionou. 

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.
Tudo o que posso fazer é ficar forte por mais uma noite e esperar pelo resgate. 

I eat the last burrito.
Eu como o último burrito. 

It is too dry to get down my throat so I take a mouthful of urine.
Está muito seco para descer pela minha garganta, então eu tomo um gole de urina. 

The urine tastes better at night because it's colder, but it's still going to be a long, hard night. 
A urina tem um gosto melhor à noite porque está mais fria, mas ainda vai ser uma noite longa e difícil.

On Wednesday morning, Brion After was at work in the shop.
Na manhã de quarta-feira, Brion After estava trabalhando na loja. 

At nine-fifteen, he called Leona to check if he had arrived, but he hadn't.
Às nove e quinze ele ligou para Leona para saber se ele havia chegado, mas não. 

Brion had waited long enough.
Brion já havia esperado o suficiente. 

He picked up the phone.
Ele pegou o telefone. 

Aron's mother answered on the first ring.
A mãe de Aron atendeu no primeiro toque. 

'Mrs. Ralston?'
'Sra. Ralston? 


'This is Brion After - Aron's boss at Ute Mountaineer.
'Aqui é Brion After - o chefe de Aron na Ute Mountaineer. 

I'm afraid I'm rather worried about him.
Receio estar bastante preocupado com ele. 

He hasn't returned from a trip he took last week.
Ele não voltou de uma viagem que fez na semana passada.

Do you know where he went?
Você sabe para onde ele foi? 

No one here has seen him since last Wednesday.'
Ninguém aqui o vê desde quarta-feira passada.’ 

'Oh dear,' said Aron's mother. 'I have no idea where he is.
'Oh, meu Deus,’, disse a mãe de Aron. 'Não tenho ideia de onde ele está.

I called him last week and left a message, but he didn't call back.
Liguei para ele na semana passada e deixei uma mensagem, mas ele não ligou de volta. 

Did he tell any of his housemates where he was going?'
Ele disse a algum de seus colegas de casa para onde estava indo?’ 

'No, just that he might hike somewhere in the Canyonlands area of Utah,' explained Brion.
‘Não, apenas para que ele pudesse caminhar em algum lugar na área de Canyonlands, em Utah", explicou Brion.

'I think you should call the Aspen police.' 
‘Acho que você deveria chamar a polícia de Aspen.’

'Yes, I'll do that right now.
‘Sim, farei isso agora mesmo. 

I'll let you know what happens.'
Vou deixar você saber o que acontece.'

'Thank you, Brion.'
‘Obrigado, Brion.’ 

Mrs. Ralston's hand was shaking as she put down the phone.
A mão da Sra. Ralston tremia quando ela desligou o telefone. 

She suddenly had an idea.
De repente ela teve uma ideia.

Perhaps Aron had sent an email to one of his friends saying where he was going?
Talvez Aron tenha enviado um e-mail para um de seus amigos dizendo para onde estava indo? 

She went to the computer.
Ela foi para o computador. 

Aron had an email address - but what was it?
Aron tinha um endereço de e-mail - mas o que era? 

She found his name, but had to answer a secret question to read his emails.
Ela descobriu o nome dele, mas teve que responder a uma pergunta secreta para ler seus e-mails.

None of the answers she gave worked but she kept trying.
Nenhuma das respostas que ela deu funcionou, mas ela continuou tentando. 

In the end, she guessed the correct answer and sent the information to Brion.
No final, ela adivinhou a resposta correta e enviou a informação para Brion. 

After Brion had called the Aspen police, the head officer, Adam Crider, started the rescue operation.
Depois que Brion chamou a polícia de Aspen, o chefe, Adam Crider, iniciou a operação de resgate. 

He called Mrs. Ralston for the license plate number of her son's truck.
Ele ligou para a Sra. Ralston para obter o número da placa do caminhão de seu filho. 

Mrs. Ralston had written it down on a piece of paper.
A Sra. Ralston havia anotado em um pedaço de papel.

When she read it to Officer Crider, she didn't realize it was wrong.
Quando ela leu para o oficial Crider, ela não percebeu que estava errado. 

Aron had given it to her in a hurry and made a mistake.
Aron deu a ela com pressa e cometeu um erro. 

Officer Crider called back and told Mrs. Ralston there was no record of that license plate.
O oficial Crider ligou de volta e disse à Sra. Ralston que não havia registro daquela placa. 

This left her with another problem.
Isso a deixou com outro problema. 

How could she find the correct license-plate number?
Como ela poderia encontrar o número correto da placa?

Brion After was having better luck.
Brion After estava tendo mais sorte. 

He had found a list of email addresses for Aron's climbing friends.
Ele havia encontrado uma lista de endereços de e-mail dos amigos escaladores de Aron. 

Perhaps they knew where he was.
Talvez eles soubessem onde ele estava. 

He wanted to check immediately, but he had to leave for Australia that day.
Ele queria verificar imediatamente, mas teve que partir para a Austrália naquele dia. 

He called Aron's housemate Elliot and asked him to manage the store and rescue operation until he returned.
Ele ligou para o colega de casa de Aron, Elliot, e pediu-lhe para administrar a loja e a operação de resgate até que ele voltasse. 

Elliot agreed.
Elliot concordou.

When Elliot reached the store, he received a call from Mrs. Ralston.
Quando Elliot chegou à loja, recebeu um telefonema da Sra. Ralston. 

She wanted to check the license-plate number she had given Brion.
Ela queria verificar o número da placa que dera a Brion. 

It was on his desk.
Estava em sua mesa. 

Elliot checked as she read out the number.
Elliot verificou enquanto lia o número. 

'Wait. Did you say 886, Mrs. Ralston?'
'Espere. Você disse 886, Sra. Ralston?’ 


'Brion made a mistake. He wrote down 888.
'Brion cometeu um erro. Ele anotou 888. 

I'll call Officer Crider and give him the correct number.'
Vou ligar para o policial Crider e dar o número correto.

By early afternoon, Elliot had received an email from Steve Pratchett, the most important of Aron's climbing friends.
No início da tarde, Elliot recebeu um e-mail de Steve Pratchett, o mais importante dos amigos escaladores de Aron. 

Steve had climbed for many years.
Steve havia escalado por muitos anos. 

He often led rescue operations to find climbers lost in the mountains.
Ele costumava liderar operações de resgate para encontrar alpinistas perdidos nas montanhas. 

Another friend, Jason, had sent Steve a list of all the canyons Aron said he wanted to hike in Canyonlands.
Outro amigo, Jason, havia enviado a Steve uma lista de todos os canyons que Aron disse que queria caminhar em Canyonlands.

Steve called the Utah police for the area and spoke to one of the main officers, Kyle Ekker.
Steve chamou a polícia de Utah para a área e falou com um dos oficiais principais, Kyle Ekker. 

Officer Ekker was very helpful.
O policial Ekker foi muito prestativo. 

Steve gave him the latest license plate number for Aron's truck and Officer Ekker sent his men out to look for it.
Steve deu a ele o último número da placa do caminhão de Aron e o policial Ekker enviou seus homens para procurá-lo. 

They returned as night fell.
Eles voltaram quando a noite caiu. 

There was no sign of the truck.
Não havia sinal do caminhão. 

Officer Ekker checked the number with the national license office.
O oficial Ekker verificou o número com o escritório nacional de licenças. 

There was no vehicle on record.
Não havia nenhum veículo registrado. 

Once again, the number was wrong.
Mais uma vez, o número estava errado.

The bad news reached Aron's mother.
A má notícia chegou à mãe de Aron. 

Then she remembered that Aron was living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he bought the truck.
Então ela se lembrou de que Aron morava em Albuquerque, Novo México, quando comprou o caminhão. 

The vehicle license office for the area was in Santa Fe.
O escritório de licenciamento de veículos da área ficava em Santa Fé. 

She called and an officer searched the records and found Aron's name.
Ela ligou e um policial revistou os registros e encontrou o nome de Aron. 

The records showed his license-plate number as NM 846-MMY.
Os registros mostravam o número da placa como NM 846-MMY.

Finally, they had the correct number.
Finalmente, eles tinham o número correto. 

The information was given to Officer Ekker.
A informação foi passada ao policial Ekker. 

It was too late to continue searching that night.
Era tarde demais para continuar procurando naquela noite. 

It would have to wait until the morning.
Teria que esperar até de manhã. 

'Wait for us, Aron,' Mrs. Ralston said as she went to bed.
‘Espere por nós, Aron,’ disse a Sra. Ralston ao se deitar. 

'We're coming.'
‘Estamos vindo.'

89 hrs 15 mins
2:00 am
89h 15min
2:00 da manhã

The darkness seems unreal.
A escuridão parece irreal. 

In fact, I don't know what is real and what isn't anymore.
Na verdade, não sei mais o que é real e o que não é. 

I start to have visions.
Eu começo a ter visões. 

Friends suddenly appear in the canyon like silent ghosts and wave me towards them.
Amigos aparecem de repente no desfiladeiro como fantasmas silenciosos e acenam para mim na direção deles. 

I follow and find myself in some place I know from the past.
Eu sigo e me encontro em algum lugar que conheço do passado.

They smile at me in a kind way, but they never speak.
Eles sorriem para mim de um jeito gentil, mas nunca falam. 

Because of their kindness, I am not afraid.
Por causa de sua bondade, não tenho medo. 

I know they are protecting me.
Eu sei que eles estão me protegendo. 

I am happy while the visions last.
Estou feliz enquanto duram as visões.

To me, they are real.
Para mim, eles são reais. 

It is only when they disappear and the cold and pain return that I know they are not.
Só quando eles desaparecem e o frio e a dor voltam é que sei que não existem. 

Then, shaking hard, I continue chipping at the boulder.
Então, tremendo muito, continuo lascando a pedra. 

After that, I sit again and it's not long before the visions return.
Depois disso, sento-me novamente e não demora muito para que as visões voltem. 

During the second half of the night, I have visions of myself as a child.
Durante a segunda metade da noite, tenho visões de mim mesmo quando criança. 

Sometimes I'm playing cards with my grandfather.
Às vezes estou jogando cartas com meu avô.

Other times I am running across bright green fields with my friends.
Outras vezes, estou correndo por campos verdes brilhantes com meus amigos. 

Something about the visions tells me that I have not given the people I care about enough attention.
Algo sobre as visões me diz que não dei atenção suficiente às pessoas de quem gosto. 

I'm always thinking of the things I want to achieve and not noticing other people.
Estou sempre pensando nas coisas que quero alcançar e não reparo nas outras pessoas. 

Now I realize that my love for friends and family is the main reason I want to escape.
Agora percebo que meu amor por amigos e familiares é a principal razão pela qual quero fugir.

The thought of seeing them again is keeping me alive.
O pensamento de vê-los novamente está me mantendo vivo. 

I promise myself that if I can escape from here back to the people I love, I will be kinder towards them.
Prometo a mim mesmo que, se conseguir escapar daqui de volta para as pessoas que amo, serei mais gentil com elas. 

The visions always include some kind of drink.
As visões sempre incluem algum tipo de bebida. 

It is usually something cold and sweet like apple juice or iced tea.
Geralmente é algo frio e doce como suco de maçã ou chá gelado.

Just as I am about to drink, the vision disappears and I wake up.
Quando estou prestes a beber, a visão desaparece e eu acordo. 

Then I feel the cold and the pain of the rope against my legs.
Então sinto o frio e a dor da corda contra minhas pernas. 

I stand up and begin my routine all over again.
Eu me levanto e começo minha rotina novamente. 

However, the visions tell me something: I am not ready to die.
No entanto, as visões me dizem algo: não estou pronto para morrer.

As morning comes on the fifth day, I feel sure I can still last a few more days.
Quando chega a manhã do quinto dia, tenho certeza de que ainda posso durar mais alguns dias. 

I don't know if this is true, but I'm still alive when the sun rises.
Não sei se isso é verdade, mas ainda estou vivo quando o sol nasce.

The raven appears on time.
O corvo aparece na hora. 

The sound of its wings and the light in the canyon are beautiful.
O som de suas asas e a luz no cânion são lindos. 

I watch its smooth flight, following the line of the canyon.
Observo seu voo tranquilo, seguindo a linha do cânion. 

I take out my camera and film as it disappears from view.
Pego minha câmera e filme enquanto ele desaparece de vista.


127 HOURS: Chapter Nine (MEMBERS)


127 HOURS: Chapter Seven (MEMBERS)