HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Four

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Chapters 1-3

Chapter Four


Life for Harry at Ron’s house is very different from his life with the Dursleys. The Dursleys like everything organized and neat; the Weasleys’ house is filled with strange and unexpected things!

There is one thing that Harry thinks is unusual about life with Ron’s family: it is the fact that everyone there seems to like Harry.

Mrs. Weasley makes Harry eat as much food as possible - four servings at each meal! Mr. Weasley wants Harry to sit next to him during dinner. He likes to ask Harry questions about life with the muggles. Mr. Weasley thinks the most amazing thing is how muggles use telephones!

One day, about a week after Harry arrives at Ron’s house, Harry and the whole Weasley family are having breakfast in the kitchen. “Here you go, children!” says Mrs. Weasley happily. “Your Hogwarts letters have arrived.”

The children open the letters. They give instructions on how to get to Hogwarts. They must take the train - Platform 9 ¾ of course. Also in the letter is this year’s book list. “Wow!” says Ron, “Look at all the books by Gilderoy Lockhart that we have to read! How many are there…one, two…five Gilderoy Lockhart books!”

Mrs. Weasley makes a small cry when she hears Gilderoy Lockheart’s name. Then she tries to pretend that her cheeks are not turning bright red. “Lockhart’s books are pretty expensive,” says Fred. “Well, don’t you worry! We’ll find a way to buy all the books for you,” says Mrs. Weasley, but she looks worried.

The Weasleys are not a rich family. “Oh, and Ron,” says Mrs. Weasley, “Your owl, Errol, also delivered this letter.” Ron takes the letter. It is from Hermione! Ron reads Hermione’s letter out loud.


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Five


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Three