HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


“Ron!” yells Harry, “what are you - how did you -?” Harry looks out of the window and he opens his eyes wide. He cannot believe what he is seeing: Ron is in the back seat of an old blue car - but the car is flying!! 

In the front seat and driver’s seat are Ron’s older twin brothers Fred and George. “Are you okay, Harry?” asks Ron. “Why haven’t you been answering my letters? I wrote to you about a dozen times, but you never answered!”

“I can’t believe you’re here, Ron!” says Harry. “I need your help. Can you explain to them at Hogwarts that I am a prisoner here at the Dursleys? They are keeping me locked in my room. I can’t use magic outside of Hogwarts, so I can’t escape!”

“Don’t worry, Harry,” answers Ron, “we’re here to take you home with us!” “But what about the bars?” asks Harry, shaking the bars with all his strength. “You can’t use magic to free me, either!” 

“Don’t worry, Harry,” says Ron, “we came prepared. Here, take this rope and tie it to the bars.” Ron throws a rope to Harry. 

“If the Durselys wake up, they’ll kill me for sure!” says Harry, as he ties the rope to the bars. “Okay!” “Don’t worry, Harry,” says Ron, “we’ve got you. Now stand back.” Harry moves away from the window.

The car begins to make a loud revving noise. Then suddenly, with a violent crunching sound, the bars on the window are pulled away! The car flies straight up into the air. Ron quickly unties the rope, and the bars fall to the ground. Harry looks through the window in amazement. The car reverses and moves towards the window.

“Get in!” Ron says. “I have to get all of my Hogwarts things first,” yells Harry, “my wand, my books, my broomstick…” “Where is all of it?” asks Ron. “It’s downstairs, in the room under the stairs. But I can’t get out of this room.”

“Don’t worry, Harry. I’ll help you,” says Fred. Fred climbs out of the passenger seat and in through the window. He moves quickly to the door. He takes out something that looks like paper clips and toothpicks.

A picklock! He acts quickly. “It’s still a good thing to know how to do things without magic,” he says. The door makes a loud ‘click’ and opens.

“Hurry up, Harry,” says Fred. Harry runs down the stairs quickly. He opens the room under the stairs and grabs all of his Hogwarts things. He runs back up the stairs and into his room.

Harry and Fred start throwing all of Harry’s things into the car. They are making a lot of noise. Harry throws his broomstick out of the window and into the back seat of the car. “That’s everything!” he yells. He begins to climb through the window and into the car. Then there is a loud screeching noise. It is Hedwig, Harry’s owl. He has forgotten her!

“THAT BLASTED OWL AGAIN, HARRY! THAT’S THE LAST TIME, I SWEAR IT!” Harry quickly runs to the back of his room, he grabs the owl’s cage and throws it into the back seat of the car. I don’t think I have to tell you that Hedwig the owl is not at all happy about this! Harry begins to climb through the window again.

Then suddenly, the door swings open with a loud bang! Uncle Vernon is standing in the doorway. He gives a loud cry, like an angry bull, and runs towards the window. He grabs Harry by the ankle!

Ron, Fred and Geroge hold Harry’s arms and pull as hard as they can! “Petunia!” screams uncle Vernon. “Harry’s escaping! He’s getting away!” The Weasley brothers pull with all their force and Harry’s leg is free!

They pull him into the car and slam the door! “Go, go, go!” yells Ron! The car shoots up into the night sky, straight towards the moon!

Harry is free! He cannot believe it. He rolls down the window and feels the night air on his face. He looks back and laughs - uncle Vernon, aunt Petunia and Dudley are all looking out through the window.

They have confused and angry looks on their faces. “See you next summer!” Harry yells.

Harry opens Hedwig’s cage and lets her out. She flies out of the cage and into the night sky. She is happy and free now! She flies next to the car.


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Four


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Two