HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Six

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Chapters 1-6

Chapter Six


Summer is almost over. Harry wants summer to last forever. He is having the happiest time of his life living with Ron and his family. But it is time to begin his next year at Hogwarts. On the last night, Harry and the whole Weasley family have a wonderful dinner together. They talk, they drink hot chocolate, and Fred and George light fireworks to celebrate.

The next morning is an adventure! Everyone wakes up very early. It is difficult for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to organize all the children. Finally, all eight people, six large trunks, two owls and an old fat rat fit into the tiny blue car. Mr. Weasley starts the car and drives down the street.

Suddenly, George yells, “Oh, no! I’ve forgotten my fireworks!” Mr. Weasley drives the car back to the house, George gets his box of fireworks, and they drive down the road again towards London. Five minutes later, “Wait!” cries Fred, “I forgot my broomstick!” Mr. Weasley turns around and drives back to the house. 

Fred collects his broomstick, and the family drives back down the road towards London. Thirty minutes later, Ginny screams, “My diary, my diary! I can’t go to Hogwarts without my diary!” Mr. Weasley drives back to the house one more time.

They finally arrive at the train station, but they are very late! The train is about to leave the station! The children put all their bags on carts. They push them towards the secret entrance between platforms nine and ten. The difficult part is getting to platform 9 ¾ without being seen by the muggles…


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Seven


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Five