HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Five

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Chapters 1-5

Chapter Five


Harry has escaped the shop, but he is still lost. All the shops on this dark street seem to be only for the Dark Arts. There are some shops with shrunken heads in the front window, and big black spiders. There are shops selling poisons and potions. And there are strange wizards and witches walking the street. Harry begins to feel scared and desperate.

Suddenly, from behind him, Harry hears, “HARRY! What are you doing down here?” Harry is surprised and very happy! It is Hagrid! The gamekeeper of Hogwarts walks towards Harry. His eyes are bright and his beard is massive and bushy.

“Hagrid!” Harry yells. “I was lost… the Floo powder…”

“You can tell me your story later. Let’s get out of here first!” Hagrid picks Harry up and carries him along the dark street until they come out into the bright sunlight. Harry sees a familiar building in the distance: Gringotts bank. It is very white in the sunlight. Hagrid has brought him to Diagon Alley.

“Now why don’t you explain yourself, Harry,” says Hagrid. “What were you doing in that bad part of town?” “Like I said, Hagrid, I was lost!” answers Harry. “I was with the Weasleys, but we got separated. I need to find them. Can you help me?”

“Of course! Let’s go!” says Hagrid.


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Six


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Four