HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban CHAPTER 1 TEASER
Chapter 1
Harry Potter is not like most boys. He is a wizard and a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He loves Hogwarts. It is the only place where he feels happy. And it is the only place where he feels he belongs.
But now it is summer, and Harry is not at school. He is at his aunt and uncle’s house. He hates summer because he misses his school. He misses his favorite game, Quidditch. And most of all, he misses his friends.
Harry lives with his uncle Vernon, aunt Petunia, and their son, Dudley. They are his only family, but they are not kind to him. They are cruel. They do not like anything strange or magical. Harry’s parents were a witch and a wizard, but the Dursleys never talk about them.
Because they hate magic, they have taken away Harry’s magic books. They have locked his books, potions, and broomstick in a small room under the stairs. Harry cannot study magic during the summer, but he must do homework for his potions class. Professor Snape teaches Potions class. Harry does not like Snape.
One day, Harry opens the door to the small room. He does not have the key, so he picks the lock. He takes some of his books and hides them in his room. If he is careful, his aunt and uncle will not find out. They will not know he is studying magic at night.
Summer is hard for Harry. The Dursleys do not let him get letters from his friends. Harry spends many weeks alone. He has no one to talk to. He studies magic in secret, only at night. This summer, he is very unhappy.
But there is one good thing: Harry has an owl named Hedwig. He can let his ow out of her cage at night. Harry is happy she is free. One night, very late, Harry is studying magic. He looks at the clock. It is one o’clock in the morning. Harry realizes he has been thirteen years old for one hour.
Harry does not like his birthdays. Before Hogwarts, he never got a birthday card. The Dursleys hate him, so they never celebrate his birthday. Harry thinks they will ignore his thirteenth birthday too. He puts down his magic book and walks to the window.
The night is cool and fresh. Hedwig is not in her cage. Harry looks out the window. He feels lonely. Harry is small and thin for his age, but he has grown a little in the last year. He has black, messy hair, green eyes, and round glasses. There is a thin scar on his forehead.
He looks at the night sky. He sees something strange. He sees a large creature with many wings flying in the sky. It is coming closer to his window. Harry is about to close the window, but the creature flies near a street light. Harry moves out of the way.
Three owls fly through the window…