127 HOURS: Chapter Five (MEMBERS)

A sad Message

23 hrs 30 mins
8:15 am 

I am feeling optimistic. The sun is shining into the canyon and a raven has just flown across the blue sky above my head. The sight and sound of the bird fills me with hope. I hold my leg in the sunlight. It feels warm against my skin. But I need to do something. It's time for plan two. I will use my ropes, webbing and carabiners to try and lift the boulder and free my hand. I look up. 

There's a sharp piece of rock above my head. If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position. After many tries, I finally succeed. I tie the other end of the rope around the boulder. But when I pull, nothing happens. Everything holds, but the boulder doesn't move. I put more weight on the rope, but it still doesn't work. The rope is not tight enough.

28 hrs 15 mins
1:00 pm

I've spent four hours trying to lift the boulder, but nothing has worked. Suddenly, I hear voices. 'Help! Help!' I shout. I stop and listen. At first, there's nothing. But then I hear a sound from above and realize my mistake. It's just a small animal moving in the rock. I'd imagined it was people.

The sound of my voice shouting for help frightened me. It made me feel lost and alone. I make a promise that I won't do it again. The optimistic feelings of earlier in the day have disappeared. No one is going to save me. That leaves only the third, and worst, plan: I will have to amputate my right arm. 

What will I need for the job? The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood. The plastic pipe from the CamelBak seems best for that. I take it off and use a carabiner to make it tight. It works well and I feel a bit better.

As soon as I put the knife against the skin of my arm, I feel ill. I can't do it. It would be like killing myself. I drop the knife and lay my head on the boulder. None of my plans have worked. I can't free my hand. I can't lift the boulder. I can't amputate my arm. My only hope is rescue, but I'll die before help arrives.

I feel angry with the boulder, but it's not the boulder's fault - it's mine. Everything about this stupid adventure was a mistake. I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I didn't go with Kristi and Megan to the west canyon, and I didn't get off the boulder when it moved.

30 hrs
2:45 pm 

It's exactly twenty-four hours since the accident. I decide it's time to film a message for my family and friends. I place my camcorder on the boulder, turn it on and start speaking. “It’s 3:05 on Sunday, April 27, 2003. This marks 24 hours of being stuck in Blue John Canyon. Right where it slots up before the Big Drop. My name’s Aron Ralston. My parents are Donna and Larry Ralstonof Englewood, Colorado. Whoever finds this can keep the recorder. Just please try and get in touch with my parents and give them this tape. I’d appreciate it.

I describe all that has happened in the last two days. As I reach the end of my story, I feel very sad. I know this could be a final goodbye to my parents and sister, Sonja. After telling them how much I love them, there is only one more thing to say. 'Mom, Dad, Sonja - I'm sorry.' I turn off the machine. All I can do now is wait for someone to find me.


A Sad Message
Uma mensagem triste

23 hrs 30 mins
8:15 am
23h 30min

I am feeling optimistic.
Estou me sentindo otimista. 

The sun is shining into the canyon and a raven has just flown across the blue sky above my head.
O sol está brilhando no desfiladeiro e um corvo acaba de voar pelo céu azul acima da minha cabeça. 

The sight and sound of the bird fills me with hope.
A visão e o som do pássaro me enchem de esperança. 

I hold my leg in the sunlight.
Eu seguro minha perna na luz do sol. 

It feels warm against my skin.
É quente contra a minha pele. 

But I need to do something.
Mas eu preciso fazer algo. 

It's time for plan two.
É hora do plano dois. 

I will use my ropes, webbing and carabiners to try and lift the boulder and free my hand.
Vou usar minhas cordas, correias e mosquetões para tentar levantar a pedra e liberar minha mão.

I look up.
Eu olho para cima.

There's a sharp piece of rock above my head.
Há um pedaço afiado de rocha acima da minha cabeça. 

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.
Se eu puder jogar a corda em volta disso, pode manter tudo na posição certa. 

After many tries, I finally succeed.
Depois de muitas tentativas, finalmente consegui. 

I tie the other end of the rope around the boulder.
Amarro a outra ponta da corda em volta da pedra. 

But when I pull, nothing happens.
Mas quando eu puxo, nada acontece. 

Everything holds, but the boulder doesn't move.
Tudo segura, mas a pedra não se move. 

I put more weight on the rope, but it still doesn't work.
Eu coloco mais peso na corda, mas ainda não funciona. 

The rope is not tight enough.
A corda não está apertada o suficiente.

28 hrs 15 mins
1:00 pm
28h15 min

I've spent four hours trying to lift the boulder, but nothing has worked.
Passei quatro horas tentando levantar a pedra, mas nada funcionou. 

Suddenly, I hear voices.
De repente, ouço vozes. 

'Help! Help!' I shout. I stop and listen.
'Ajuda! Ajuda!' eu grito. Eu paro e escuto. 

At first, there's nothing.
A princípio, não há nada. 

But then I hear a sound from above and realize my mistake.
Mas então ouço um som vindo de cima e percebo meu erro. 

It's just a small animal moving in the rock.
É apenas um pequeno animal se movendo na rocha. 

I'd imagined it was people.
Eu imaginei que fossem pessoas.

The sound of my voice shouting for help frightened me.
O som da minha voz gritando por socorro me assustou. 

It made me feel lost and alone.
Isso me fez sentir perdido e sozinho. 

I make a promise that I won't do it again.
Eu prometo que não vou fazer isso de novo. 

The optimistic feelings of earlier in the day have disappeared.
Os sentimentos otimistas do início do dia desapareceram. 

No one is going to save me.
Ninguém vai me salvar. 

That leaves only the third, and worst, plan: I will have to amputate my right arm.
Isso deixa apenas o terceiro e pior plano: terei que amputar meu braço direito.

What will I need for the job?
O que vou precisar para o trabalho? 

The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood.
A faca, com certeza, mas também um torniquete para estancar o sangue. 

The plastic pipe from the CamelBak seems best for that.
O tubo de plástico do CamelBak parece melhor para isso. 

I take it off and use a carabiner to make it tight.
Eu o tiro e uso um mosquetão para apertar. 

It works well and I feel a bit better.
Funciona bem e me sinto um pouco melhor.

As soon as I put the knife against the skin of my arm, I feel ill.
Assim que coloco a faca na pele do meu braço, sinto-me mal. 

I can't do it.
Eu não posso fazer isso. 

It would be like killing myself.
Seria como me matar. 

I drop the knife and lay my head on the boulder.
Eu largo a faca e coloco minha cabeça na pedra. 

None of my plans have worked.
Nenhum dos meus planos funcionou. 

I can't free my hand. I can't lift the boulder.
Não consigo liberar minha mão. 

I can't amputate my arm.
Não consigo levantar a pedra. 

My only hope is rescue, but I'll die before help arrives.
Minha única esperança é o resgate, mas morrerei antes que a ajuda chegue.

I feel angry with the boulder, but it's not the boulder's fault - it's mine.
Sinto raiva do pedregulho, mas não é culpa do pedregulho - é minha. 

Everything about this stupid adventure was a mistake.
Tudo sobre esta estúpida aventura foi um erro. 

I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I didn't go with Kristi and Megan to the west canyon, and I didn't get off the boulder when it moved.
Não contei a ninguém para onde estava indo, não fui com Kristi e Megan para o desfiladeiro oeste e não desci da pedra quando ela se moveu.

30 hrs
2:45 pm
30 horas

It's exactly twenty-four hours since the accident.
Passaram-se exatamente vinte e quatro horas desde o acidente. 

I decide it's time to film a message for my family and friends.
Decido que é hora de filmar uma mensagem para minha família e amigos. 

I place my camcorder on the boulder, turn it on and start speaking.
Coloco minha filmadora na pedra, ligo e começo a falar. 

‘It’s 3:05 on Sunday, April 27, 2003.
‘São 3h05 de domingo, 27 de abril de 2003. 

This marks 24 hours of being stuck in Blue John Canyon.
Isso marca 24 horas de permanência no Blue John Canyon. 

Right where it slots up before the Big Drop.
Bem onde ele se encaixa antes do Big Drop. 

My name’s Aron Ralston. My parents are Donna and Larry Ralston of Englewood, Colorado.
Meu nome é Aron Ralston. Meus pais são Donna e Larry Ralston, de Englewood, Colorado. 

Whoever finds this can keep the recorder.
Quem encontrar isso pode ficar com o gravador. 

Just please try and get in touch with my parents and give them this tape.
Por favor, tente entrar em contato com meus pais e dê a eles esta fita. 

I’d appreciate it.’
Eu apreciaria.’

I describe all that has happened in the last two days.
Descrevo tudo o que aconteceu nos últimos dois dias. 

As I reach the end of my story, I feel very sad.
Ao chegar ao fim da minha história, sinto-me muito triste. 

I know this could be a final goodbye to my parents and sister, Sonja.
Sei que este pode ser um último adeus aos meus pais e à minha irmã, Sonja. 

After telling them how much I love them, there is only one more thing to say.
Depois de dizer a eles o quanto os amo, só há mais uma coisa a dizer. 

'Mom, Dad, Sonja - I'm sorry.'
'Mãe, pai, Sonja - me desculpem.' 

I turn off the machine.
Desligo a máquina. 

All I can do now is wait for someone to find me.
Tudo o que posso fazer agora é esperar que alguém me encontre.


127 HOURS: Chapter Six (MEMBERS)


127 HOURS: Chapter Four (MEMBERS)