HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Fifteen

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Chapters 1-15

Chapter Fifteen


Harry, Ron and Hermione know that Hagrid likes to keep very large creatures as pets. During their first year at Hogwarts, Hagrid tried to keep a dragon in his little house! And they also remember the guard of the secret door: Fluffy, the three-headed dog! But they also know that Hagrid would never hurt anyone at Hogwarts.

Harry talks to Tom Riddle in his diary many times. Tom tells the story of Hagrid over and over again. But it is difficult for the children to believe that Hagrid is guilty. The attacks did stop fifty years ago after Hagrid was expelled. The children are confused.

“Maybe we should go talk to Hagrid about what happened fifty years ago,” suggests Harry one day. He is in the Gryffindor common room with Ron and Hermione. “That would be a fun conversation,” says Ron, sarcastically. “Tell us more about how you were expelled, Hagrid!” They decide not to visit Hagrid, unless there is another attack. And Harry does not hear the voice again for many days.

Almost four months pass since Nearly Headless Nick and Justin were attacked. Madam Pomfrey says the mandrakes are almost mature. Soon they will be ready to use to cure the petrified children. All the children at the school begin to feel more relaxed. Things seem more normal at Hogwarts.

It is now time for second year students to decide what kind of magic they want to focus on. None of them know exactly what they want to do. There are many different areas of magic to choose from. There is Divination, Defense of the Dark Arts, Potions, and many more. Hermione decides to focus on all the subjects!

Everything is normal until a few days later. Harry returns from Quidditch practice late one night. Neville Longbottom meets him as he is coming in. “Harry, hurry!” says Neville. “We don’t know who did it, but you have to come and see!” Harry is very confused. Neville opens the door to their room. Harry cannot believe what he sees.

All of the things inside Harry’s trunk have been removed. They are thrown all over the floor. All of the contents of his desk have been removed. His bed sheets are on the floor. The mattress to his bed has been moved too! Someone has been looking for something. Then Harry realizes: Tom Riddle’s diary is gone!

The door closes with a bang. Harry and Ron pull off the invisibility cloak. “We’re in trouble now,” says Harry. “Without Dumbledore at the school, the students will be in terrible danger. There will be one attack every day! They should just close the school tonight!” Hagrid’s dog, Fang, begins to howl.


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Sixteen


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Fourteen