HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Ten

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Chapters 1-10

Chapter Ten


Poor Mrs. Norris is hanging from the torch. All the children are talking loudly. Suddenly, there is a loud voice, “What’s going on here? What’s going on?” It is Argus Filch. He pushes his way through the crowd of children. Then he sees Mrs. Norris hanging from the wall. “My cat! My cat!” he yells with desperation.

Then he sees Harry. “You!” he screeches. “You! You murdered my cat! You killed her! I’ll kill you! I’ll…” “Argus!” It is Dumbledore. With him are Professors McGonagall, Snape and Lockhart. He moves quickly past Harry and takes Mrs. Norris from the torch.

“Come with me, Argus,” says Dumbledore. “You too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger.” They all walk to Lockhart’s office, which is very close. Dumbledore places Mrs. Norris on the table. He begins to examine her closely. Mr. Filch sits in a chair and cries. Harry does not like Filch, but he feels sorry for him right now.

Finally, Dumbledore says softly, “She is not dead, Argus.” Filch looks up. “Not dead? But why is she rigid and frozen like that?” “She has been petrified,” says Dumbledore. “But I do not know the spell used.” Filch looks angrily at Harry, “Why don’t you ask him?” he yells, and points at Harry.

“The spell is too powerful for a second year student, Argus. This is Dark Magic, very powerful Dark Magic,” says Dumbledore. “He did it, he did it!” yells Filch. “He knows I’m a Squib. That’s why he killed her! He saw my Kwikspell letter.” “I never touched Mrs. Norris, I swear!” says Harry loudly.

“I believe Harry was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time,” says Snape suspiciously. “But I think we should know something: what were they doing in the corridor at that time, hmm? Why were they not at the Halloween party?” Harry’s heart begins to beat very fast.


HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets Chapter Nine