Aula Iniciante #3: Como falar os números ordinais 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. (How to say ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)

Nesta aula de inglês para iniciantes, trabalha a pronúncia de como falar os números ordinais em inglês - primeiro, segundo, terceiro, etc. Aprenda os números ordinais de first a one hundredth, e um pouco de história e cultura americana. Aqueça a língua porque pronunciar os números ordinais em inglês é uma malhação e tanto!!

1st (first)

2nd (second)

3rd (third)

4th (fourth)

5th (fifth) (pode falar sem o "f" no meio!!!)

6th (sixth)

7th (seventh)

8th (eighth)

9th (ninth)

10th (tenth)

10th (tenth)

11th (eleventh)

12th (twelfth) (pode falar sem o "f" no meio!!!)

13th (thirteenth)

14th (fourteenth)

15th (fifteenth)

16th (sixteenth)

17th (seventeenth)

18th (eighteenth)

19th (nineteenth)

20th (twentieth)

20th (twentieth)

21st (twenty-first)

22nd (twenty-second)

23rd (twenty-third)

24th (twenty-fourth)

25th (twenty-fifth) (pode falar sem o "f" no meio!!!)

26th (twenty-sixth)

27th (twenty-seventh)

28th (twenty-eighth)

29th (twenty-ninth)

30th (thirtieth)

30th (thirtieth)

40th (fortieth)

50th (fiftieth)

60th (sixtieth)

70th (seventieth)

80th (eightieth)

90th (ninetieth)

100th (one hundredth)

101st (one hundred and first)

1,000th (one thousandth)

10,000th (ten thousandth)

100,000th (one hundred thousandth)

1,000,000th (one millionth)

1,000,000,000th (one billionth)

1,000,000,000,000th (one trillionth)



Legendando Life #000: The Empire Strikes Back (O Império Contra-ataca)


BrasilERROS #3: diferença entre "to lose" vs "to miss"